"D-Men" - D-Man's Mentor/Mentee Thread


Gone but never forgotten.
The forum has been boring me, as of late. I just feel like I've seen it all and things are beginning to get quite stale. I haven't found any stimulating conversation-pieces in the non-spam sections and it hasn't been motivating me to create new non-spam threads or any unique ideas. I feel like I need... a purpose. It's a new year and I want to try something I've never done before...

I want to mentor someone.

Maybe this could spice things up a bit. I wanna pass on the knowledge that IC25 bestowed upon to me. Plus, I've seen mentor/mentee relationships turn into future mod spots.

Hopefully, someone's interested in the position. If so, then apply here.
I'd mentor anyone that's not a complete and total waste of time. Old or new doesn't matter.
As WrestleZone's next mod, I reckon I could use some guidance. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
Ok, this i an application thread. So all of you have to convince me why I should choose you.
Well then I would like the position. I am at least semi respected and have been here for over 4 years now dso you know I'm, not going anywhere. I am semi respected and have a good grasp on the rules. All I really need help with is not doing the stupid shit I always seem to do. Someone to give me a respectful kick in the ass when I need it.
Mentor me, because i've always wanted to see what a mentor on a forum does to help somebody.

Oh, and because I feel I have the potential to be a mod, just need a push to get me going. I'm very un-motivated unless somebody stays on my ass. Help me, D-Man....
Ok, this i an application thread. So all of you have to convince me why I should choose you.

Im actually new for one. I like having intelligent conversations about various topics but can sometimes have a hard time getting my point across in a pleasant manner. I was pretty much born a critic,the moment something happens I automatically have a analysed opinion of it. I pretty much just usually like to have fun on sites like these. This is pretty much all I got, if it's not enough that's fine. I quite honestly don't you know that well but from your postings in the Bar Room you seem like an enjoyable person.
You want something new and different? Choose me. I have a long way to go to become a solid poster, or even a likable one, so I'd be a challenge for you and you’d be the help I need. What's the point in mentoring someone who is probably gonna do well without your guidance?

At the same time I'm not a waste of time. Proof? I've been on these forums for quite a while now, despite the fact I’ve never received any recognition (not saying that I deserve it). I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, and I’ve just shown how desperate I am to improve by posting in here.

Plus, I’d be willing to suck you off if necessary.
Plus, I’d be willing to suck you off if necessary.

You'd need to be around him to do that. You know who is around him? Me, in Jersey. I could totally make that a reality. Take that into account, D-Man. Do you really want to mentor somebody from out of state? We're genetically superior to them.
I think I'm a poster of the highest pedigree, but there's one thing I've been missing since day one: A heart. If D-Man could help me find regard for my fellow man, it might be the x-factor I need to take my posting game to another level.
Well then I would like the position. I am at least semi respected and have been here for over 4 years now dso you know I'm, not going anywhere. I am semi respected and have a good grasp on the rules. All I really need help with is not doing the stupid shit I always seem to do. Someone to give me a respectful kick in the ass when I need it.

I already molded you into mentee of the year, it is time to see if you can shine on your own.
I already molded you into manatee of the year, it is time to see if you can shine on your own.


I'm just tickled with curiosity (none of them bi) as to what a mentor/mentee relationship that I hear so much of, actually is. So much so, that they have thier own awards!

I'm intrigued. If I could see a movie of this happening I would be satisfied, yet I must apply and wait like a Gulag Guard.
I thought you were going to resign when I saw this thread. Instead it's just the mentor thing again. So I guess you're opening this can of worms then this year?
This is not an application.

This is an endorsement.

D-Man is known as a lot of things to a lot of people, but "big softy" and "gentle-handed teacher" isn't always at the top of that list. So to that, I'd like to put out there that by applying to have D-Man help whip you into shape, you are asking for an excellent tutor that has a better understanding of what it takes to become a reputable and respected poster around here than most. No, I am not joking (but I might be taking a shot in the mouth here for a homie).

I've received a total of 4 warnings in my membership on these forums. 2 have been from D-Man (one was from Tasty and was a sig infraction so it practically doesn't count, and the first was a spam warning from xfear). Both times D-Man was civil, to the point about what the problem was, and willing to discuss things with me to avoid future repetitions of the offence. One time I had even gone back to correct the issue in question before I had realized I had been warned, and after talking it over with him he was generous enough to reverse the warning.

My point from all of that? Judging by some of the posts made and stories shared about D-Man, it's easy to merely pigeonhole him as tough and humorless and totally unsympathetic towards the plight of the newer poster (or even rusty older poster) trying to find their way in and around here. My personal experiences with D-Man have always been professional at worst and enlightening at best. Not many around here are worthy of actually taking on a mentee, even many of the "old guard". D-Man's tree of learning, however, is a good place to park your ass and learn a thing or two. Also, as JGlass/IC25 showed, it doesn't hurt your future e-career options either.

Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3632860 said:
D-Man scares me. I'll mentor him on how to have a sense of humour and an approachable and warm fun-loving side.


It's like saying I'll blow him to show off how big my mouth is.

Coco has some work left to do with you. Your humor comes flying like Sin-Cara.
I thought you were going to resign when I saw this thread. Instead it's just the mentor thing again. So I guess you're opening this can of worms then this year?

Yeah. I copied a few ideas last year so I figured I'd be the first to start this up this year. Plus, everything I said was true. I'm bored to tears with everything and I need some sort of purpose.
I truly believe that I need a mentor, one of your stature D-man. As you can see I failed to be a "Mentor" to Ryan and Santo, and left them both in mental rubble. I think that I am a solid enough poster, and as others suggest I need I could use some posting improvement. Someone with your knowledge of wrestling and more importantly argument/debate skills could help me take my posts to the next level of prosperity.
I could probably do with being told when to shut up when I write an OP.

EDIT: Oh, I need to convince you? OK then. As you've told me yourself D-Man I'm a pretty good poster. I know how the rules work and what my strengths are when it comes to posting. That said, I know I'm not great. I know that there's room to improve and I know I can get better. So it comes down to this, do you want to teach someone who'd need a lot of help to improve, or someone like me who'd need less help but could easily go from "pretty good poster" to "Very good poster"? The choice, my good man is yours.
Christian "Minimum Wage" Cage;3633016 said:
Wow, man, who peed in your curry this morning?

Aha! It's funny coz you know my ethinicity and make relevant racist jokes!

Haha! Oh that's good!

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