D-Man for Administrator


Excellence of Execution
When this process was first started, D-Man, you were the only regular moderator invited to the party. I believe that's something you should be proud of, at least as proud as you can be with anything related to a wrestling message board. Even though you hadn't been here as long as some others, I felt you had done enough to warrant the opportunity. Additionally, I thought you would most likely work as a complement to me better than either of the other two. I never really thought you'd be too interested in the things I like to do, but you would be good for the things I don't. I figured you would be the best complement as Administrator.

However, just like KB and Lee, I do have some concerns.

1) In the eyes of many people here, you haven't "earned" it. By that, I mean you haven't been here, or been Moderator, for some arbitrary amount of time so many people think should be necessary before ascending the hierarchy. Personally, I've never really given a damn about that stuff, but there's no reason for you to have to deal with that kind of jealous rambling. I've dealt with that kind of stuff nearly my whole life (in my real life), and I know how frustrating it can be. Throw in the fact you're IC25's good friend, and people are bound to make stupid comments.

2) You're still learning your way around being on Staff. As (I think it was Dave?) pointed out, you know enough to help the new people, but you still have questions of your own on the right and wrong ways to handle things. What I wouldn't want is for a mistake to happen that would require a lot of work on somebody's part to fix (mine or atomiconline or Buffaloed). The powers that be have been quite good to us for a while now, and I like to try and give that pleasure back to them without any major hassles, making their life easier. I worry you, more than any other, might do something which could screw stuff up. Like, for example, when the original Bar Room got deleted.

3) You're not always around. While, personally, this doesn't bother me a bit, I certainly understand the desire to have an Admin who can be around quite a bit, not just during Monday through Friday during work hours. Perhaps that's a little unfair, and runs contradictory to what I always say about this place coming second to real life, but at the same time, in the best interest of the forum, I should look for someone who can dedicate their time to the forum.

4) I worry about the handling of delicate situations. It's no secret I've long considered myself to be one of the more intelligent people on the board, but one thing I pride myself on, and don't think people recognize, is how I handle certain situations to prevent future problems. I'm trying, in vain, to come up with a good example right now, but there are many times where making decisions requires stepping lightly around landmines. With you, I worry that you would charge right through them, and let whatever happens, happen. And while that's not necessarily the wrong approach, I don't think it's the best approach.

I guess the best example I can come up with would be similar to IC25's real job as an HR rep. The goal of an HR person is to make everyone happy, while sacrificing no harm to that of greater importance. It's almost like a game, and I'm not sure how well you'd play that game.

I know that's a little confusing, but if I come across a specific example, I'll point it out.

Those are the major concerns I have, or at least the ones I can think of right now. If I think of any others, I'll post them here as well. You may respond to this if you wish, and say whatever it is you wish to say. This is like an interview, so treat it as such.

Also, Klunderbunker and Lee, feel free to add anything you think I may have forgotten, or anything you think is important to note, whether it is in support of D-Man or against.
When this process was first started, D-Man, you were the only regular moderator invited to the party. I believe that's something you should be proud of, at least as proud as you can be with anything related to a wrestling message board.

It's funny you say that because I was just speaking with a friend of mine the other day and mentioned that I was promoted to Global Moderator on this forum and his response was, "So, you're proud of being the moderator of a wrestling forum, working for free to satisfy all of those virgins?" Naturally, I laughed my ass off at first. But then I explained to him what the forum is about and how much time I dedicated towards it. Needless to say, by the end of the conversation, he looked pretty convinced that I had good reason to be proud. Hell... anything that you dedicate THIS much time to is bound to make you proud if you're rewarded for it.

Even though you hadn't been here as long as some others, I felt you had done enough to warrant the opportunity. Additionally, I thought you would most likely work as a complement to me better than either of the other two. I never really thought you'd be too interested in the things I like to do, but you would be good for the things I don't. I figured you would be the best complement as Administrator.

I appreciate that.

I don't claim to be an expert on anything that is done here. I know that I'm still a new face to the mod staff, but I think everyone can agree that I've done my best to absorb as much knowledge and information as I can without overstepping my boundaries. And I can honestly say that I've agreed with about 98% of the decisions that you've made on the forum since I've been on staff.

You're right... most of that technical mumbo-jumbo doesn't appeal to me much. I really like to get in the mix with the other posters and I LOVE helping others. So I can see how we'd be fit to compliment each other; you'd do all of the behind-the-scenes work and I'd put myself out there as an accessible admin.

However, just like KB and Lee, I do have some concerns.

Ok, fire away.

1) In the eyes of many people here, you haven't "earned" it. By that, I mean you haven't been here, or been Moderator, for some arbitrary amount of time so many people think should be necessary before ascending the hierarchy. Personally, I've never really given a damn about that stuff, but there's no reason for you to have to deal with that kind of jealous rambling. I've dealt with that kind of stuff nearly my whole life (in my real life), and I know how frustrating it can be. Throw in the fact you're IC25's good friend, and people are bound to make stupid comments.

There's nothing I can really do to change others' opinions of me. Trust me when I say that I know exactly where they're coming from. If I were in their position, I'd feel the same way. But I think that if I were chosen, the reaction would be a direct reflection of how much respect everyone has for you. After all, no one is making this decision except for you, and your choice is as subjective as it can be. Whether everyone else feels I deserve it or not is a concern of mine, as well.

In the end, if you decide to put me on staff, I believe I've earned enough respect from the others where they'd finally see that I've gone from a poster in IC's shadow to a responsible individual in the eyes of the forum members and staff.

2) You're still learning your way around being on Staff. As (I think it was Dave?) pointed out, you know enough to help the new people, but you still have questions of your own on the right and wrong ways to handle things. What I wouldn't want is for a mistake to happen that would require a lot of work on somebody's part to fix (mine or atomiconline or Buffaloed). The powers that be have been quite good to us for a while now, and I like to try and give that pleasure back to them without any major hassles, making their life easier. I worry you, more than any other, might do something which could screw stuff up. Like, for example, when the original Bar Room got deleted.

When I first came onto staff as mod of the GWS, I remember the first real argument that I had with "he who shall no longer be named on WZ Forums". He PM'ed me with a message that berated me for asking too many questions and "looking before I leap" too much for his liking. I saw nothing wrong with this. I'm not the type of person to mess around with things such as the AdminCP and click on things just to see if they work. I'd rather take the time and use the patience to ask questions about it, first.

Plus, I think many of the staff admitted that I rarely make mistakes in my duties. If I recall correctly, the worst mistake I've made since coming onto staff was banning someone that wasn't an alt. Besides that, execution of my duties has been relatively smooth since I don't mind humbling myself by asking the proper questions before an execution of my duties needs to be made.

3) You're not always around. While, personally, this doesn't bother me a bit, I certainly understand the desire to have an Admin who can be around quite a bit, not just during Monday through Friday during work hours. Perhaps that's a little unfair, and runs contradictory to what I always say about this place coming second to real life, but at the same time, in the best interest of the forum, I should look for someone who can dedicate their time to the forum.

Obviously, if I'm put in the admin position I'd need to rethink my accessibility on these forums, considered the new responsibilities bestowed upon me. It's going to be a position that would require more attention to the forums and I'm prepared to offer it.

I've never really spoken about it before, but I only sign on during the week because I choose to. I'm not physically unable to sign on... I just find it more convenient to sign on while I'm at work in between my duties. The forum helps get me through my workday. But that doesn't mean that I'm unable to sign on during the evenings and weekends. If I'm promoted, I'll definitely put the extra time in.

4) I worry about the handling of delicate situations. It's no secret I've long considered myself to be one of the more intelligent people on the board, but one thing I pride myself on, and don't think people recognize, is how I handle certain situations to prevent future problems. I'm trying, in vain, to come up with a good example right now, but there are many times where making decisions requires stepping lightly around landmines. With you, I worry that you would charge right through them, and let whatever happens, happen. And while that's not necessarily the wrong approach, I don't think it's the best approach.

This is one of the few times where I disagree with your thinking. As a matter of fact, I've often tiptoed through tense situations on the forums. The only exception would be "he who shall not be named", but that got awful personal. At the time, I was nothing more than a generic poster on the site and I felt that I had to constantly defend my personal position to someone that was not only a mod (who I felt that I needed to respect, no matter what) but someone who constantly berated me on a personal level and I couldn't do anything about it. Being an admin will obviously make it much easier for me to avoid those situations, as well as make the posters think twice before taking that position against me.

Besides that unique situation, in all aspects of my life and leadership positions that I take on, decisions that I make are always to benefit all of those around me. I carefully tread through those situations, step by step, in order to find a common goal and the proper remedy. But, if a situation occurs that requires me to "charge right through," I obviously would not have a problem doing so.

I guess the best example I can come up with would be similar to IC25's real job as an HR rep. The goal of an HR person is to make everyone happy, while sacrificing no harm to that of greater importance. It's almost like a game, and I'm not sure how well you'd play that game.

I know that's a little confusing, but if I come across a specific example, I'll point it out.

This is exactly what I meant in my previous statement. I do everything that I can to set a good example as a team player. That requires making the best decisions for a particular situation. Sometimes, situations can be resolved in a way that makes everyone happy. Many other times, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. These are decisions that I make everyday as a sales manager at my day job, so they are not unfamiliar to me.


No matter what decision is made, if anything positive can come of this, I just want people to think that I deserve to be here. Regardless of whether I'm chosen or not, I love these forums and I won't change how frequently I sign on or how much I post. I just hope that people would know that I was considered because of my OWN merit and not because I'm IC's friend. Hell, I've been on the forum for over a year and a half now and IC isn't even an admin anymore. If this consideration doesn't get me out of his shadow then nothing will.
Downsides of D-man:

1) He doesn't know the "posting in wrong forum" rule

2) He doesn't check the alt's allowed thread.

Aside from that everything else is spot on.
Downsides of D-man:

1) He doesn't know the "posting in wrong forum" rule

Please explain.

2) He doesn't check the alt's allowed thread.

Aside from that everything else is spot on.

My mistake on this today. But, that's my inexperience showing. However, this is a simple thing that I forgot about and probably won't happen again.

Now, if there are more pressing issues you'd like to point out then feel free. But this nitpicking is a little bit immature, don't you think?
The wrong forum thing you do all the time. Someone posts in WWE and you infract because it's not in Raw. That's not what the rule is there for, it's for the likes of wrestling in the non wrestling spam zones, roh in TNA things that are obvious, every time you've done it wrong I've mentioned it in said threads but nothing has been done about it.
Maybe it's possible that nothing is done about it because it isn't wrong?

Most other mods agreed with these infractions. Unless Sly advises me otherwise, I'd consider what I did as being right.
Despite him clearly saying:

6. Infraction for Posting Threads in Wrong Forum will be added. - This is mostly for the Wrestling moderators, although we could name it the Derf Rule. Anyways, if a thread is in the wrong section of the forum and it has to be moved, you can now give Discipline for that. HOWEVER, PLEASE USE THIS SPARINGLY, AND ONLY WHEN A THREAD IS ENTIRELY IN THE WRONG FORUM! ALWAYS GIVE THE POSTER THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT!

Hopefully, the shouting is understood. Basically, don't go looking for threads in the wrong forum, but if you see a thread about Harley Race in the NXT forum, then hit them up with some discipline. PLEASE GIVE AT LEAST ONE WARNING FIRST!
And I would just like to point out that IC25 barely knew how to work the AdminCP and yet no one complained about him not being fit for the Admin position.

It just goes to show that nitpicking on these little issues shouldn't matter in the decision making.
There's a difference between admincp and basic rules. I know as much, it took me long enough to grasp them.
I know as much, it took me long enough to grasp them.
It did. No one should be ashamed of making a mistake in the rules, fuck knows we have more than enough of them, and at the end of the day, they're applied the way I want them applied. Just as long as everyone is willing to always admit a mistake and go on, there's no big deal.

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