D&D making an upgrade???

Mighty NorCal

credit WZ.com (Ryan Clark)

WWE is doing an angle on their web site which will see Deuce & Domino dump valet Cherry, and will be hooked up with Maryse.

Im seeing this as two things...

1. a way for us to see Cherry closer to naked than usual
2. A new direction for D&D

Im not real sure how they are gonna outfit these dudes with Maryse, but maybe this signifies the movement towards no more 50s greaser gimmick?? And possibly could lead to the split of the team if both guys start getting grabby with Maryse, and end up fighting over her. I can see nothing but good coming from this, as Ive long said I think Domino has all the tools to be a singles star.

What are your guys thoughts???
Isn't Cherry suppose to be Domino's sister?, the bastard is gonna dump his sister?:lmao:

I find it funny how this was considered "A Major storyline" by WZ, when tha fact of the matter is I all but forgot about D&D, and could really care less, who gives a fuck who their valet is, I mean really what fucking difference does it make, they are fucking jobbers now, if they were tag champs then maybe this would be worth wild, but right now not really, what they should really be doing with D&D is giving them some new shit to do in the ring, like a solid double team finisher, to the best of my knowledge they don't have one, and them being a proper team and all, it only makes sense for them to have one
Isn't Cherry suppose to be Domino's sister?, the bastard is gonna dump his sister?:lmao:

Cherry is the sister to one, and the girlfriend to the other. :lmao: I was thinking the same thing on how they're gonna just dump her.

I could see Deuce saying hes dumping Cherry for Maryse, and Domino siding with his Partner in saying she forgot her place. The only sad thing regarding this storyline is.. Cherry isn't solid enough to make it on her own..

I can see her pairing up with Jesse & Festus, with Festus suddenly becoming a "ladies man" but I honestly hope not.

Overall, I think this storyline is to just revamp Deuce & Domino to bring them back into the Tag Team division picture. W.W.E. is trying hard to re-showcase their Tag Team division, so I at least give them credit for that.
Just thought of a direction for this....

What if Deuce dumps Cherry, and Domino gets pissed about it and jumps him?? It could happen, or at least is a seed for the future, a slow burn for if they fight over Maryse later... Dom is mad at deuce for mistreating his sister....could happen, I hope it happens. Deuce continues on as a ladies man with Maryse his Valet, and Domino strikes out on his own..with er...somthin IDK lol
I would hope that Deuce and Domino are going to be revamped and help raise the tag team division to the heights it used to be. It would be good to see Cherry join up with Jesse & Festus/Moore & Wang Yang/Miz & Morrison and that could be used to start a feud between the two teams. I definately hope so.

It would make the tag team division much more enjoyable, we could even see the title change hands more like it used to. There are so many people who have never won a championship and it would be great to see them win the Tag titles at least once.
I would hope that Deuce and Domino are going to be revamped and help raise the tag team division to the heights it used to be. It would be good to see Cherry join up with Jesse & Festus/Moore & Wang Yang/Miz & Morrison and that could be used to start a feud between the two teams. I definately hope so.

It would make the tag team division much more enjoyable, we could even see the title change hands more like it used to. There are so many people who have never won a championship and it would be great to see them win the Tag titles at least once.

I'm not exactly sure how Cherry jumping from one team to another is gonna suddenly make the same exactly 4 teams (Deuce/Domino, Yang/Moore, Jesse/Festus & Miz/Morrison) suddenly be seen as something more.

I do, however suddenly see Cherry getting a make-over and joining up with Moore & Yang since they have no direction and bringing her in with them would suddenly give them a reason to be seen again. Miz & Morrison are already top draws as "known" names. Jesse & Festus are a legit team that wasn't slapped together. Moore & Yang are more or less cruisers without a division, so they joined as a team to stop from being cut all together.

The sad thing is.. I DON'T wanna see Deuce, Domino & Maryse v. Yang, Moore & Cherry in 6 Man Tag Team matches for the next 3 monthes.
I'm not saying that Cherry joining one of them would make them all better, I'm saying that if she joined one of the other teams it would help them as they could feud with Deuce n Domino. And then the other two teams could become intertwined in some way.

I don't want to see Yang/Moore v Deuce/Domino for the next three months either, what I want to see is the WWE pushing the tag titles so that there can be more great tag teams, and more great tag team matches.

In my honest opinion at the moment the WWE has four great tag teams on Smackdown - Moore/Wang yang/Morrison/Jesse (and The Miz to a point) are all extremely athletic and they can keep up excitement levels in matches such as ladder/dumpster/table etc. as well as the strength of Deuce/Domino/Festus they could easily make a good showing in Cage/hardcore/TLC matches. All I'm asking is that the WWE put one or two of these sorts of matches on PPV's and let more tag teams form and join in.
Cherry - Expendable. The girl never talks, never wrestles, so what good is she? Cute girl, but we don't need her. If she wants to learn how to wrestle, she's welcome, or if she can be the mouthpiece to someone, keep her on the payroll, but otherwise, who cares?

Maryse - Chick's hot, I'll give her that, but she doesn't fit in the greaser gimmick. And what is she going to do that Cherry couldn't?

Deuce & Domino - Personally, I can't stand them. Deuce wouldn't be too bad if he was like, 20, but he's too old to improve enough in time to make anything of himself. Domino is ok...he reminds me of Lance Cade (ala "stuck in a poor tag team because he probably doesn't have the skills for a singles push, but he's clearly the better of the two").

Since I don't like D&D, I'm not a fan of this angle. I want to see them LESS, not more lol.

And I agree...what constitutes this as a "major angle" lol.
This could work. I heard a while back that Maryse was gonna do what Krystal Marshall didn't want to do, that whole sexual angle thing with the GM. Well, get Maryse to do that with Teddy to get D&D a Tag Team Title shot. Lots of arguments over this. Few good storylines. Done IMO.

As for Cherry, she can learn how to wrestle. Interesting character.
Maryse is smoking. The only way this "works" is if they redo the D&D gimmick and bring them into the modern day. If they breakup, I'm sure they'll both be failures. I like Cherry but I have no idea what she'd do so she obviously would have to move to a new team.

The most likely scenario is everyone dropping the 50s gimmick and D&D w/ Maryse feuding with Team TBD w/Cherry.

Personally, I think this is a waste of Maryse.
As for Cherry, she can learn how to wrestle. Interesting character.

First of all Cherry can wrestle, she wrestled as Kara slice in the indys, look on youtube. WWE just doesn't let her wrestle which they should cos she's actually a quite good wrestler. She can do a moonsault like Lita too.

As for the angle i think its just to revamp the image of Deuce n Domino & put them back onto the scene.
I don't see how having Maryse with them is going to change how much they suck. Although i do love how WWE are starting to take notice of the tag division since it as been neglected for a long time now.

Hopefully now they'll let Cherry wrestle & get more involved with the other divas like she as been doing lately.
Maryse has been on and off smackdown for over a year now , D +D r quite a good tag team pairing ( also 1 of them is HOF jimmy snauka adoptive son which means he is a good fight i mean 3rd gen not a superheavyweight like some 3rd gens. i now know as deuce should be being pushed in the tag team divsion , he is 36 years old for christ sake he needs the push with maryse , i hope that yang and moore pick up cherry and win wwe tag team titles on smackdown/ECW , as they deserve it after all the jobbeing shannon moore did on Ecw during it's first months , moore also has his old freiandship with the hardy's and helms ( 1 of the most underated guys in wwe ) , which will keep him safe .

Crazy al
Plus Cherry is a hot diva , us in devon would not mind giving her one whilst she was whereing her skates
I can see her pairing up with Jesse & Festus, with Festus suddenly becoming a "ladies man" but I honestly hope not.

PLEASE!!! Do this angle. I am begging you WWE.

I kinda like D&D, they just need to be fixed a little. They do need a finisher, and a new gimmick. Just make them ladies men. Make it kinda creepy like their double teaming Maryse. Have Maryse get jealous of every other chick she perceives is looking at them wrong. Finally have her hit Cherry, wake Festus up from his "condition", and then feud over the tag belts that one of them will have by then.
I kinda like D&D, they just need to be fixed a little. They do need a finisher, and a new gimmick. Just make them ladies men. Make it kinda creepy like their double teaming Maryse.

They should do this just so that D+D could have a double team finisher called "the spit roast" it would be hilarious.

But seriously i think that D+D need to be repackaged or just move away from the 50's gimmick because it is very stale IMO And i think Maryse could do this for them. Also i think Maryse is better suited to be a heel than Cherry because she appears more arrogant and cocky.
I seems to be that D D and Cherry have just split up for no reason. Cherry has gone to the diva faces and D D have gone to be....... well jobbers I guess. It looks like nothing more than a spilt will come from this. The Divas will have another diva and Cherry will actually wrestle now.

D D will probably just work with the tag teams div. and job out some more. Honestly not much comes from this.
WWE is doing an angle on their web site which will see Deuce & Domino dump valet Cherry, and will be hooked up with Maryse.

I’m seeing this as two things...

1. A way for us to see Cherry closer to naked than usual
2. A new direction for D&D

Did you mean to say a way for us to see more of Maryse? Cherry seems like a nun in comparison. I’m not sure how MUCH more:icon_rolleyes: Maryse than can show us without the FCC shutting the show down.

When exactly is the angle with Maryse supposed to start? Maybe at/right after Backlash? I agree with Danmen001. Deuce and Domino went from jobbing to MIA status. I can’t recall the last time all three were on-screen together. Cherry’s getting the most out of this "separation" at the moment, but I don’t see D&D going the singles route.

Deuce doesn’t have to dump Cherry and totally break her heart right away. They should draw it out a bit with he and Domino spending more time with Maryse and have another guy, maybe Noble:headscratch:, become interested in Cherry so it’s more like they just grew apart and are going in different directions now.

I think Maryse would make a good manager for D&D using her feminine wiles to get them back on top of the tag division and another run as champs. I see her giving them a makeover (new ring music, clothes, hair, attitudes, perhaps even new names like when The Major Brothers became Hawkins and Ryder). Maybe then I’d be able to remember which is which.:icon_wink: Overall, this would be a good move for both D&D and Smackdown.
Well according to Dub Zee news site, the dump went down last night on a WWE.com vid after SD! went of the air. fucking sweetness. I can really see this resulting in pushes for both Cherry, AND D&D, as cherry gets her own identity, and D&D get paired with Maryse, who they seem pretty up on showing alot of on TV. Looks like a good idea all around, hopefully we see it play out on SD!
This may make me seem really thick, but which was is Deuce and which one is Domino?

These guys don't have a good enough image to merit a push in the tag team division, I mean seriously these guys beat London and Kendrick (I think)?

They need a gimmick change, not a valet change, although that helps (Cherry as a name what the hell). Have these guys get some personality and some genuine heat. I'd have them making run ins from the crowd and inflicting some serious beat downs, stairs, barricade breaking double whips along those lines. Look at them, they're bigger than any other team in the tag division, use that strength and size. Possibly add a third member and have them have a series of these run ins, culminating in a tag title shot, which they should win clean, marks hate clean heel wins more than people who are more in the know. And can these guys get a double team move other than that Crack em in the mouth or whatever it's called.

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