Cyber Sunday: Triple H vs. Umaga (Street Fight, First Blood, or Steel Cage)

What Match Will The Fans Choose?

  • Street Fight

  • First Blood

  • Steel Cage

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Triple H vs. Umaga

Match could be either Street Fight, First Blood, or Steel Cage
I'm sick of Steel Cage they are not entertaining to me.
First blood is no choice because,
If there is a street fight there will be blood fosho
So i will vote for street fight. Plus i think it will be fun to see Triple H
Use the good old Sledge Hammer. I hope he looses though.
I'm sick of seeing him win.
Yeah i g2g with a street fight. It may be entertaining to see Umaga & HHH attack each other with everything. Cage match is to boring and trips was already in one not to long ago. I hope for the street fight to see if Trips "burries" Umaga with his shovel? A possibility?
Damn, A not so predictable poll, It really could go any way with all 3, I'm sick of Steel Cage, It's beginning to bore me to tears. Triple H can't work worth a shit in a cage as it would require more wrestling ability than spots, Cages are the basic same ol same ol, with heads hitting cages etc...

First Blood, It's been awhile since we have had one of these, When I think of first blood, It's Taker/Austin. This would never live up to that but like someone said, A Street Fight is basically the same thing so I'll vote for it. These two can work a good Street Fight, and the spots would be better than the plain boring Cage Match, Trips will get the win and continue burying people, but UmaNga is what will make the match watchable.
Steel Cage - They've had enough of those lately with HHH. Won't happen.
First Blood - They won't let this happen, either, because of the unknown factor. If they're scheduling Umaga to win, for instance, it could all go to hell with one chair shot at the very beginning of the match. Its too risky for the outcome.
Street Fight - This is what we'll get. No DQ, doesn't have the blood stipulation to screw it up, and everyone gets to see the sledgehammer and everything.
For one I'm voting for First Blood. HHH is going to win. So I'd prefer it to be a First Blood. Anybody can get busted open, so that way the victory for HHH wont look so decisive. Hopefully WWE play it that way. But they'll probably have HHH completley dominate Umage.

Not that this match will happen. There's no way the fan's will vote for anything other than a steel cage match. The match will be good. But Steel Cage matches happen every other week so the stipulation is becoming redundant.
It will end up being the cage, but I'm all about first blood matches. Rarely do First Blood matches not deliver. The STeel Cage seems to be the staple match of Taboo Sunday or Cyber Tuesday, whatever the hell this pay per view is.

Orton vs. Flair at the first one was pretty terrific, and Flair v. Triple H was also a pretty good match, considering the age of one man in those matches.

Umaga should do well in any of these matches. The Cage isn't bad, and it could be interesting to see how Umanga would handle himself in one of those matches.

Anyways, this should be an entertaining match regardless of the stipulation. I'm going for first blood, but the cage is easily going to win.
I pray that we get a street fight, as those can get VERY entertaining, but I think we'll end up with a 1st Blood match, which isn't bad in it's own right. Steel Cages aren't entertaining as much to me anymore...maybe a HIAC would be a better choice than the Steel Cage.
I pray we don't get a streetfight, as I've already seen it. It was the dark match at Raw this week. Fantastic match, must have been 20 minutes long, with plenty of ass kicking. Saw the ending coming though. (Trips set up in the corner against a set of steps, Youmanaga goes for the fat ass running thing he does, misses, Pedigree onto chair, 1-2-3)

First Blood, as has been stated, rarely fails to deliver (Cena/Angle on Raw a while back being a notable excemtion) and I think it could be a kick ass match, although, lets face it, the marks around the world will all vote Cage, so that's what we'll get.
I pray we don't get a streetfight, as I've already seen it. It was the dark match at Raw this week. Fantastic match, must have been 20 minutes long, with plenty of ass kicking.

Gosh, how selfish! :)

If the match was so awesome, then the millions of people aside from the 7,000 who saw it as a dark match want to as well! I say go streetfight! I'd rather see some hardcore asskicking.
A first blood match would end quicker and thats all that I want to see. I am sick of seeing Umaga being squashed, but its going to happen and I would rather not watch it take 30 minutes to do so. End it early and let him fued somewhere else.
I hope that Umaga wins. Triple H has to understand that he's the past and he has to stop burying the future. Ever since he's been back he's lost one match. WWE is so predictable HHH gets destroyed on RAW and buries the crap out of Umaga at the PPV.

As for the stipulation, anything but cage. Please God not another cage match. Those matches are boringer than divas matches, cage matches are just a routine (i.e head hits cage...). We already saw a streat fight, and WWE usually has dissapointing ones. I want first blood. The last one was good ('Taker/Kennedy). So this might be interesting.
Gosh, how selfish! :)

If the match was so awesome, then the millions of people aside from the 7,000 who saw it as a dark match want to as well! I say go streetfight! I'd rather see some hardcore asskicking.

Heres the match that he's talking about.

It's a Two part, and i hope we get to see this at Cyber Sunday. cause if it was this good in a dark match imagine how good it will be at the PPV.

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