CWL Slam! Week 1

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(Editors note: Warning, The match wiriting will be very vague as of now. Please try to imagin them for now.)

*Slam! theme music hits, pyro going of everywhere. Chairman People'sChamp comes out*

Chairman People'sChamp: Welcome everyone to CWL Slam!!!!!Tonight's show is packed, but first let me explain a few things. First, the CWL Universial title will be gained by on of 4 wrestlers at our first PPV, Smashing! The match will be an 4 man elimination match. All the wreslers in that match will be decided tonight in qualifying matches as posted on But just in case you miss it, here is the lineup. The Rock will take on RVD in the second match of the night. Followed by Kane vs. Chris Jericho, Undertaker vs. Eddie, and Mankind vs Batista. Our Main event tonight will be A triple threat match fo the sky title between the World LArgest Athlete, the Big Show vs. Shelton Benjamin vs "The Masterpeice" Chirs Masters. But first, the sky title number one contenders match. Hulk Hogan vs Booker T, and that match is now!

*The Chairman starts to leave the ring, but then comes back*
Chairman: Oh Yea, two other things. First, some huge announcments concerning Thursday's Power coming up later. The other thing is choosing the annoncers and GMs for the two shows is giveing me some difficulty. so As of now, no GMs will be hired until after Power's First PPV. but the announcers will be decided at Smashing. It will be Jim Ross vs. Joey Styles vs. Micheal Cole in a two pinfall match. The first person to get a pin will decide which show to host, the second pinfall i will choose the other show.

*Hulk Hogan's music hits*

Hulk Hogan: Enough talk, brother. Lets get a match underway.

*The chairman nods, then leaves the ring, heading towards the annouce table. Hogan makes his way to the ring, and poses for the crowd*

*Booker T's Music hit as he makes his way to the ring, and we are ready to get started*

Match #1: Booker T vs Hulk Hogan.

The Ref Rings the bell and right away Booker hits multiple punches on Hogan. Hogan gets to the outside to try and recover, but booker comes right back after him.after battling to the outside for a little , hogan makes it back into the ring. After going back and forth, Booker "Accidently" knocks the ref out. Booker goes to hit a steel chair on hogan, but hogan counters it into a leg drop. After the leg drop, the ref is still knocked out. Randy Orton and Carlito are running out to the ring! RKO on Hogan!!!!!!!!!! Carlito pick him up. Backcracker!!!!!!!! Booker is now up, and he sets hogan up for the Bookend, and he hits it. The cover. 1.....2......3!


Hogan is left in the middle of the ring as booker celebrates going up the ramp.


Back from commercial, Chairman people'schamp is on the titantron.
Chairman: From what you just saw, Orton and Carlit omust have something against hogan.So next week, Hogan will go up against Carilto, and OrTon will tell us why he attacked Hogan.

Match 2: The Rock Vs. RVD
The Rock totally dominates RVD from the the begining of the match. RVD picked up some steam at the end, but The Rock wins after hitting a Rock Bottom for the 1....2.....3!

Winner: The Rock

The Rock trys to celebrate his victory, but Kanes music hits right after the pinfall. The Rock gets out of of the ring as fast as he can. Kane does his in ring thing. Then Chris Jericho comes out the ring and hits kane with some punches right away.

Match 3: Kane vs Chris Jericho.
Jeicho keeps kane down for most of the begginning, and even locks him in the Walls of Jericho twice. Kane's power, however is to much for jericho as Kane hits a cokeslam for the 1....2.....3!

Winner: Kane
Kane does his in ring thing as jericho lies motionless in the middle of the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, We see Randy Orton backstage.

Orton: I got much respect for you chairman, but why wait til next week to tell the world why we attacked hogan. I will tell you right now. Why did an old man like him get a chance at a title shot. We are the future, he is the past. We need to start living in the future .Carlito and I would like to challenge Hogan to a match at Smashing, where his legand will be KILLED!

Undertaker and Eddie both make there way to the ring

MAtch 4: Undertaker vs Eddie

Undertaker and Eddie both take control of the match a different points. Eddie try his chair thing when the ref gets knocked out, but is caught. Undertaker hits a tombstone on eddie for the 1....2.....3!
Winner: The Undertaker.

We cut to backstage as we see shelton getting ready for his match. Masters taps him on the sholder.

Masters: Woah,woah i dont want any trouble now. Look, we both know that the Big Show is the World's Largest athlete, but the two of us can take him down together. Once the Big show is out for good, then its anyone's title.

Masters extends his hand out and Shelton shakes it as we go to commercial.

back from commercial Batista is already in the ring as mankind is making his entrance.

Match 5: Batista vs Mankind

Batista take control early, but mankind starts to come back. Batista counters a Mandible Claw into a Batista Bomb fot the 1.....2......MANKIND KICKS OUT! Batista is furious, and goes for another batista bomb, but mankind reverses it into a double arm DDT! He locks in the mandable claw, and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Mankind

Mankind runs out for the ring as Batista is fuming at the ref for calling for the bell. Batista Bomb To the Ref! Batista starts to walk out, but comes buck, and hit ANOTHER batista bomb onto the ref! he finally leaves as we cut to the chairman.

Chairman: We now have the four wresler for our four way eliminination match, but next week, the rock will take on mankind and Kane will take on the Undertaker. As i mentioned earlier, Hogan and Carlito will go one on one. Now, for my announcment about Power. The Heavyweight title will be handed out in the main event in a Suicidial six way between Kurt Angle, JBL,HHH, John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Chirs Benoit! also we will start a
tournament for the Sea title that will feature Rey Mysterio, Christian, Edge, and HBK! also, JR, Joey, And Micheal are all invited to the ring. now for tonights main event.

Big show makes his entrance first, followed by Shelton, Then MAsters.

MAin Event: Big Show vs. Chris MAsters vs Shelton Benjamon!

Masters and shelton double team big show for all of the match. at the end, with the bigshow showing little life, masters is getting ready for the finishing blow, but shelton turns on him and taunts the crowd. He hit a T-Bone Suplex, but before he can get ecen a one count the Big show lifts him off Masters and hits a chokeslam for the 1.....2.....3!

Winner and NEW Sky Title holder: The Big Show!

Big show celebrates his new title victory as masters recovers and realizes what happened Masters leaves the ring and grabs a chair. Shelton starts to recover, but masters hits him with a chair shot! Shelton is out cold. Masters apllies the master lock as the show goes off the air!

(yea i know it sucked, but im new to this. give me some time....)
Yeah it did suck but that not a bad thing its a good thing (DDP). I will tune in for your next show I sure it will get better.

Show rating:65/100
to tell you the truth, that is higher then what i exepected.

Ithink once I fill out my champions, i should get better. I really want the suicidial six way to be something special, but i am just an amature compard to the fantastic storylines you guys put up. you guys amaze me.
well thanx but you have some good storylines that could be just as good some of the other guys.
The main event Big Show vs. Shelton vs. Masters. That was my favorite but one I most wanted to see was The Rock vs. RVD.
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