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CWI Thursday Night Riot 8/17/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
The show opens with an aerial shot of downtown Detroit leading to a closeup of Cobo Hall; we then cut to a combined pyro/laser show inside the arena and a wide-angle shot of the crowd before fading to Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at ringside. After a short commentary about the card for Frontal Assault and the circumstances that led to Curt Hennig being booked to face Triple H here in the Motor City eight days before the PPV, Styles tells the viewers that this week's TNR will open with the Honky Tonk Man squaring off against Bill Goldberg.

The Honky Tonk Man vs. Bill Goldberg

Honky barely has time to get his jumpsuit off before the Georgia Bulldog barrels into him like a runaway train; not only does Goldberg beat the (bleep) out of Honky, but he gets in a few wicked shots at Jimmy Hart too when Hart tries to blindside him with the megaphone. A jackhammer later, Goldberg comes away with his second straight CWI victory.

Your winner: Bill Goldberg by pinfall at 4 minutes and 21 seconds.

Styles notes that the Goldberg-Honky Tonk bout is the shortest televised CWI match yet, then sends the telecast over to Jonathan Coachman for a live interview with reigning CWI European champion "Bomber" Pat Roach.

The champ tells Coach he's ready for anything Pallo might throw at him; he also says that he's looking for a rematch with former champion William Regal so he can prove his first victory over Regal wasn't a fluke. On that note, the camera heads back to the ring as Howard Finkel introduces the next bout.

The British Bulldogs vs. the Destruction Crew

The former AWA tag team champions take the early advantage with Mike Enos pounding away on Dynamite Kid's back and Wayne Bloom using short clotheslines to soften up Davey Boy Smith. About fifteen minutes into the match, however, Enos misses with a legdrop on Smith and the Bulldogs seize control; Dynamite and Davey Boy attack Enos with a combination of headbutts and suplexes before Davey Boy finally seals the victory for the Bulldogs with a running powerslam. After the match Dynamite and Davey Boy get in a short but nasty 2-on-1 brawl with Bloom.

Your winners: The British Bulldogs by pinfall at 17 minutes and 41 seconds.

Fade to a 20-second promo for the special Monday edition of Riot, then cut to Randy Orton's dressing room as the Legend-Killer tells Tony Schiavone that he's going to beat the hell out of Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake when they square off in their Conflagration rematch later tonight.

Fade to commercial.
We return from commercial break to see Triple H getting in some last-minute pre-match calisthentics as he awaits his CWI United States title bout against Curt Hennig. Fade to the broadcast booth, where Styles and Ventura offer their respective predictions about the main event between Sabu and Bruiser Brody before seguing to the next match.

Otto Wanz vs. Earthquake

The Austrian behemoth wastes little time going after Jimmy Hart's monster; the ring shakes like a plate of Jello as Otto and 'Quake hit each other with fists, clotheslines, powerslams and God knows what else. At the eighteen-minute mark, Jimmy Hart gets his clock cleaned for the second time in the evening as Otto atomic-drops the Mouth of the South after catching him trying to sneak the megaphone to 'Quake. After nailing the Canadian leviathan with an elbow smash, Otto delivers his patented Big Otto Splash on 'Quake for the 3-count and the victory.

Your winner: Otto Wanz by pinfall at 23 minutes and 11 seconds.

Styles says that he thinks Otto could become CWI European champion by the end of the year; Ventura disagrees and promptly segues to a backstage interview between Michael Cole and "Mr. TV" Jackie Pallo. Pallo tells Cole that tonight he'll end Roach's stint as CWI European champion, and once he's got the title he'll keep it for the next 20 years.

Fade back to the ring as Gary Michael Cappetta introduces the next match.

Nunzio vs. "Bullet" Bob Armstrong

Looking and feeling somewhat naked without the rest of the Full-Blooded Italians to back him up, Nunzio tries to beg off from this match, claiming he's strained a calf muscle. "Bullet" Bob isn't having any of it, however, and hauls him into the ring by his hair, causing Nunzio to let fly with some rather unflattering comments regarding Armstrong's family heritage. After knocking the wind out of him with a series of suplexes and DDT's, Armstrong puts the ECW alumni's lights out with his patented Georgia Jawbreaker for the 1-2-3 and the win.

Your winner: "Bullet" Bob Armstrong by pinfall at 14 minutes and 53 seconds.

Cut to Josh Matthews with Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake; the Barber, proudly displaying the same solid gold barber's scissors he brought to the ring at Conflagration, tells Matthews he plans on giving Randy Orton another special haircut after their rematch is over.

Fade to commercial.
Coming back from commercial break we see Scott Hudson interviewing Bruiser Brody backstage; Bruiser glares at the camera and says in no uncertain terms that he'll be leaving Cobo Hall as the new CWI Extreme champion. On that note, we fade to the ring as Anthony Chimel introduces the first of our three scheduled title bouts.

CWI European title match: "Bomber" Pat Roach(champion) vs. "Mr. TV" Jackie Pallo(challenger)

Pallo starts the match off with a head scissors on Roach; Roach retaliates with an Irish whip followed by a flying tackle. For the next ten minutes, the advantage in this match switches back and forth between the champ and the challenger as Roach and Pallo try every technical move in their respective arsenals to try and gain the victory; at the fourteen-minute mark, Roach finally gains control of the bout for good when he superplexes Pallo off the second rope. A splash off the ropes, and Roach comes away with the three-count and the victory.

Your winner and still CWI European champion: "Bomber" Pat Roach by pinfall at 15 minutes and 12 seconds.

We segue to Craig DeGeorge at CWI Corporate Headquarters with a rundown of the complete card for Frontal Assault. From there it's back to Cobo Hall as we await the start of Bruti's Conflagration rematch against Randy Orton.

Rematch from Conflagration/Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake vs. "The Legend-Killer" Randy Orton

Don't bother looking for any displays of scientific prowess or martial arts agility; this is a straight-up Pier 6 slugfest. Bruti and Randy hit each other with everything that isn't nailed down(and several things that are), and three times this bout comes perilously close to ending in a double disqualification. Beefcake seems to have the match won at the sixteen-minute mark when he puts a sleeperhold on Orton; by an incredible act of will, however, Orton manages to break the hold by shoving Brutus into one of the ringposts. He then climaxes the match by nailing the Barber with the RKO for the 1-2-3. As Beefcake lies dazed in the middle of the ring, a smirking Randy Orton picks up a mic and tells him he can expect more of the same at Frontal Assault.

Your winner: Randy Orton by pinfall at 16 minutes 22 seconds.

Cut to Mike Tenay backstage with Triple H and his DX buds. The Game tells the Professor that while D-Generation X may come to Detroit with one CWI championship, they'll be leaving it with two. From there, we head to CWI Extreme champion Sabu's dressing room, where Sabu's manager Bill Alfonso is telling Gorilla Monsoon that his man will wipe the floor with Bruiser Brody.

We then get a plug for CWI.com, followed by a quick plug for the "Road to Throwdown" tour; the camera then returns to the backstage area. Special guest correspondent Joel Gertner asks Gary Hart whether he has anything to add to Brusier Brody's comments from earlier in the show, to which an annoyed Hart will say only that Brody's actions in the ring will speak for themselves.

Fade to commercial.
We return from commercial break with a promo for the official CWI T-shirt and a preview of the special August 21st Monday edition of Riot; camera then fades to Styles and Ventura back at ringside for a brief discussion of tonight's main event before we head back to the ring for the United States title match.

Zoom in on Anthony Chimel explaining that both D-Generation X and the Heenan Family have both been barred from ringside by orders of Commissioner Thesz, and that if either contestant violates this ruling they will be suspended from CWI for the next six months. With that out of the way, it's now time to introduce the contestants for our second title match of the night...

CWI United States title match/"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig(champion) vs. Triple H(challenger)

At first it looks like this bout is going to be a walk in the park for Hennig as he keeps the Game off balance with a mix of flashy technical manuvers and down-and-dirty brawling; at the fifteen-minute mark, in fact, Triple H narrowly misses getting pinned by a sunset flip. However, as soon as he kicks out from that cover attempt, the Game goes on a tear, peppering the champion with clotheslines and elbow drops; when Hennig tries to set the Cerebral Assassin up for a Perfect-plex, the challenger reverses it into a DDT and follows that up with a running neckbreaker. At the 21-minute mark, the crowd goes berserk as the Game drills Perfect with the Pedigree; one three-count later, CWI has a new United States champion. As a dazed and dejected Hennig sits in the middle of the ring after the match is over, the Game vaults into the crowd to show off his newly won belt to a group of DX fans at ringsdie.

Your winner and new CWI United States champion: Triple H by pinfall at 21 minutes 27 seconds.

Jesse Ventura warns that the Game had better enjoy the belt while he can, because Mr. Perfect will take it back at Frontal Assault. Joey Styles responds by saying that he thinks history will repeat itself and Triple H will boost his CWI record to 5-0. Styles and Ventura then throw it over to Gorilla Monsoon, who's doing a special live remote from the RCA Dome in Indianapolis to help plug the "Road to Throwdown" tour.

Gorilla talks to fans waiting in line to get tickets for the RCA Dome card, then announces he'll be doing additional remotes in the coming weeks as the tour winds its way towards Miami, where Throwdown will be taking place on September 23rd. Camera then cuts back to Cobo Hall in Detroit as Styles and Ventura preview the special Monday night edition of Riot being aired live next week from Pittsburgh's Petersen Events Center.

Roll 15-second spot for Frontal Assault, then fade to commercial.
Coming back from commercial, we see a 20-second plug for CWI.com, then fade to Dave Penzer introducing the main event.

CWI Extreme title match:Sabu(champion) vs. Bruiser Brody(challenger)

This being an extreme rules match, you can bet your last dollar the weapons are going to be brought out early and often-- and sure enough, barely 30 seconds after the opening bell the champ nails Brody with a trash can shot to the back. Brody retaliates with a chair to Sabu's face, then power bombs him through a table. Outside the ring Bill Alfonso and Gary Hart are involved in what looks like a pretty intense shouting match...

By the five-minute mark both champion and challenger are starting to bleed, but neither one of them seems to notice or care; they just want to beat the !@#$*& out of each other. The action spills out into the crowd, the backstage area, the concession stands...at one point Sabu and Brody are even going at it in the Conseco Field House parking lot!

At the fifteen-minute mark Sabu hits Brody with a German suplex and climbs to the top turnbuckle preparing to execute a 450 splash on the challenger. But just as he's starting to make the leap, Bill Alfonso suddenly shoves him off the ropes and the champion crashes onto the canvas; as the crowd stares in disbelief, Brody delivers a punishing kneedrop on Sabu and hooks the leg to get the 3-count and the win. A flood of boos begins to fill Conseco Fieldhouse as Alfonso and Gary Hart strap the title belt around Bruiser Brody's waist.

Your winner and new CWI Extreme champion: Bruiser Brody by pinfall at 17 minutes 41 seconds.

Joey Styles expresses shock and dismay that Sabu's longtime manager could betray him like this; Jesse Ventura speculates that their relationship might have deteriorated and Alfonso wanted to get rid of the former champion's contract before it became a burden. Styles predicts that Sabu won't rest until he's gotten revenge on Alfonso for this treachery.

Cut to Alfonso, Hart, and Brody posing together triumphantly in the ring as TNR goes off the air.
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