Cutting the Fat in TNA

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Wrestling Historian
Now that TNA's new direction has started and clearly after this past Monday's show there's been an influx of additions to the already large TNA roster (and by the sounds of reports there could be more coming in still) TNA is going to need to re-organize their roster. When you take into account some of the names on the roster, before and certainly newly added, those names are going to be demanding some larger money. TNA is going to have to trim some of its fat and shorten their roster, clearly you can't use all of that talent consistently and regularly on one show every week (which was proven by the fact so many talents were left off the show this past Monday).

So, my question is.. who would you get rid of from the roster? Who do you keep? .
What's your list of talents that should be cut?
Judging from his promo (well his wife's promo) Lashley looks to be on his way out. So he is one guy TNA can lose. Plus I believe I read on the main site that Lashley was looking at quitting pro wrestling and focusing on MMA. Another guy who is pretty useless is Kiyoshi. He really doesn't serve a purpose in WE and now that Bashir is gone he has no one to hang around with. Who knows if Raven is signed full time, so he is another guy who could potentially leave. Same can be said about Dr. Stevie. Though I'd expect Stevie to stay in a backstage role. But with Dreamer possibly coming in, who knows. Scott Steiner could potentially retire as well and finally Rob Terry can leave, as he is useless. But he has a X division title shot, so he ain't going anywhere. So a quick recap...

Kiyoshi and Lashley are the top 2
Stevie, Raven, and Steiner are possible options
Rob Terry is doubtful, but should go.
I think what they really need is another show. Even if it is only an hour they need something else. With 6 titles and the roster they are building an extra show on spike would help.

But on topic, Rob Terry yes. Also Steiner and Lashley. Is Shark Boy still there? If so he can go. But really other than these 4 I can't think of anyone else. I like Kiyoshi so I want him to stat around.
I think what they really need is another show. Even if it is only an hour they need something else. With 6 titles and the roster they are building an extra show on spike would help.

But on topic, Rob Terry yes. Also Steiner and Lashley. Is Shark Boy still there? If so he can go. But really other than these 4 I can't think of anyone else. I like Kiyoshi so I want him to stat around.

Shark Boy has since been inactive due to showing flu-like symptoms at a recent television taping. So yeah he is still there.

On who should leave I am going with Rob Terry (well after his x-division shot), Steiner should retire and Lashley is on his way out :p
Steiner, Lashley, and Shark Boy are the only ones off the top of my head that I can see leaving, as many of the "new guys" are old enough that they have no real lasting value. The Nasty Boys, Hall, Waltman...these guys aren't going to be in the company in 3 years, let alone 10. Lashley wants to pursue MMA, Steiner apparently can't really move well, and Shark Boy..well...he's Shark Boy. Richards and Raven could go but probably not for a little while, as they'll more than likely sign Tommy Dreamer and involve the three of them together, but I would mark them as potentials.
uhh well how about half of the new guys that just debuted
Nasty Boys-Who?
Sean Waltman/Scott Hall-I mean a short NWO angle could bring in fans but I would hope that it would end with like a loser leaves TNA match at the end(LIKE ACTUALLY LEAVE)
it could be Nash, Hall, Waltman, and Steiner vs AJ, Joe, Daniels, and uh idk mayb Angle cause he's basically a TNA original now and then NWO version 7.8 finally loses and LEAVES FOREVER hopefully helping TNA seem more like a wrestling program and not a retirement hom

Rob Terry-I see potential, i mean he's not THAT bad, there are those who are way worse and he has a good look but X division WTF

Basically i want all the old guys who dont do anything out SOON after they make their initial boost of ratings
Thing is. Unlike WWE who has talent who never see the light of day, Tna does a good job getting most talent in matches with the exception of deaner, bashir, and kiyoshi. SHame too.. Their gimmicks had unlimited potential
Oh boy, oh boy....where to start?

--------> here:
Kiyoshi - Guy's a good talent that's not getting any time in the ring or on TV. TNA should do him and themselves a favour and turn him loose.

Rhino - This'll probably not happen but in an age where TNA need to step up their game and fulfill a cause they've set themselves out to do and take on WWE, they need talent that will deliver the goods on every occassion, not just show up whenever, do a job and go off the radar until next time he needs a pay day.

The Nasty Boys - Ok, they're Hogan's friends. Ok, a nostalgia match between them and Team 3D would be entertaining and hopefully gets booked for a Monster's Ball match at Genesis. Aside from that, what can a ne'er-do-well tag team like these guys, who are WAY past their "prime" bring to a fledgling organisation on the brink of so-called greatness?

Val Venis - If his angle with the Beautiful People doesn't progress and elevates the stable to it's former glories, what's the point of him sticking around?

Raven - I'm hesitant to say cut him; he's obviously still got some gas in the tank and his teaming with Stevie and Daffney can potentially bring some midcard heat with some good booking. But there aren't too many angles I can see right now that'd make his contribution justifiable.

Jeff Hardy - Surprising as his arrival this week was, how the hell are TNA going to use a former WWE champ with a serious amount of heat riding on him when they're more interested in nostalgia acts in the main event? Hardy could easily become money in the bank for TNA but the track record reads "waste of time", especially since he's only signed a short term deal. This'd be beneficial to Hardy and his status, particularly if/when he goes back to WWE but it's not something I see TNA using effectively.

Lashley - Bobby's heart is obviously in MMA. TNA paying him to stick around for a half-arsed stint just isn't cost effective.

There are a few more that could stand a cut too, namely Hall, Waltman, Nash and Steiner. Though these guys, if used correctly and, in Steiner's case, focused singularly on one angle for extended periods, can still draw nostalgia points. Problem is, they'll no doubt want to clutter up the main event and cut off the runs of younger, more promising talents.
After just counting the TNA roster page, including the new arrivals last night and the two new coming, there are 50 full time or temporary active male wrestlers on the roster.

I would remove:
Jay Lethal
Jesse Neal
Shark Boy
Orlando Jordan
Rob Terry (if not the entire british invasion)

I'd consider keeping British Invasion and Jay Lethal, as some of the roster are only temporary.

Keep in mind that Hall, Waltman, the nasty boys, lashley will probably be going soon, and Raven isn't always around either.

TNA have two new guys coming in soon, who are supposedly big stars, who I can only imagine are Kennedy and RVD, which will be pretty huge.

TNA could really do with trying to steal some WWE names. Matt Hardy is the obvious one, maybe Shelton, Carlito, Christian, Evan Bourne and, if he doesn't get pushed for a while, CM Punk.

TNA also need to get Heyman on the booking team. Heyman, Bischoff and possibly Russo together would be amazing.

Essentially, what TNA needs to be is like the original 'One Night Stand' events were, but with even bigger names. Those shows would sell. They were compelling and exciting.
everybody is saying sharkboy should be seen gone, whoever says sharkboy should go, is basically saying daniels, aj, joe and jarret should go as well. Whoever says sharkboy should go is a complete idiot, sharkboy has great in ring talent and him as sharkboy isnt half bad. On a different note there are various people i would like to see leave tna, they are: jesse neal, kiyoshi, lacey von erich (coz shes an absolute clusterfuck with no in ring experience), raven, stevie, rob terry after the whole x division title mess (why would tna give a jobber a title shot anyway???) and traci brooks
I hate that hogan is bringing back all his old, old, OLD friends that have all had their day and are now gunna swamp a very good collection of young wrestlers and take up air-time with slow flabby wrestling. It doesnt look like TNA is going to compete with wwe, just be the same as.
If Panda Energy has the money to keep all of these people on the payroll, I wouldn't lose a single one of them. Every person on that roster could contribute if a clearer picture of booking is presented. Even Rob Terry, if repackaged slightly to simply not be a bumbling musclehead, could be used. He's the kind of guy that never needs to be in a match to be over as a strong heel, based on his look alone.

What I would do is make that TNA Epics show an online thing, creating more content to go with that Roundtable talk show that they do. I'd use the extra time that Spike gave them for that show and make another original programming show that featured brief recaps of the major storylines, and a Velocity-style show otherwise...or maybe more like the current incarnation of ECW. I'd use it to give all of those people not involved in major storylines some TV time and opportunity to see if there's in-ring chemistry between people who simply aren't going to get to go for 10 minutes or more on Impact.

I'd have that show primarily feature the X-Division and the Knockouts, giving them time to flesh out storylines and build stars who could then do cross-over promotion with the Impact show. If Hogan's onboard for the foreseeable future, the show he's on is naturally going to be about the stars. TNA has tons of them now, old and new, so I'd love to see Kiyoshi get to develop his character in a fast-paced 10-minute match with, say, a non-Suicide Kazarian?

Basically, I just think that there's a lot to be said for having that much experience around a locker room. Yeah, I'm sure the egos in there have to be ridiculous, but if you can load up a show on Monday nights to the degree that an issue like Angle-Jarrett, Hardy-Homicide or Lashley's walkout on TNA isn't even the main event/draw, it's a good thing to do in competing with WWE.
TNA is looking like crap at the min.

Hogan saying everybody will change is basically sayin TNA is bringing in old has beens like Hall, Waltman, and Flair is a great name but nothing going for him now.

And with these guys in if they wrestle then what will happen to the guys like Matt Morgan and Hernandez who were just getting a push ?

The Dudleys are not a big attraction so they would go, Scrap world elite because hogan and his guys are a better group storyline. Rob Terry should go as he is a jobber with a title shot briefcase ???

Sharkboy, Consequences, Jay Lethal, Jesse Neal, Kiyoshi and Raven are useless in TNA
After just counting the TNA roster page, including the new arrivals last night and the two new coming, there are 50 full time or temporary active male wrestlers on the roster.

I would remove:
Jay Lethal
Jesse Neal
Shark Boy
Orlando Jordan
Rob Terry (if not the entire british invasion)

I'd consider keeping British Invasion and Jay Lethal, as some of the roster are only temporary.

Keep in mind that Hall, Waltman, the nasty boys, lashley will probably be going soon, and Raven isn't always around either.

TNA have two new guys coming in soon, who are supposedly big stars, who I can only imagine are Kennedy and RVD, which will be pretty huge.

TNA could really do with trying to steal some WWE names. Matt Hardy is the obvious one, maybe Shelton, Carlito, Christian, Evan Bourne and, if he doesn't get pushed for a while, CM Punk.

TNA also need to get Heyman on the booking team. Heyman, Bischoff and possibly Russo together would be amazing.

Essentially, what TNA needs to be is like the original 'One Night Stand' events were, but with even bigger names. Those shows would sell. They were compelling and exciting.

:wtf: Ok although I value your opinion I must say that you need to put more thought into your list. Jay lethal is an awesome talent being wasted, this is the same guy who had a 5 star match with kurt angle and defeated him to win the x division championship. kiyoshi is another guy with talent being wasted. creed and Neal are young and have a lot of upside.
Step one: fire any competitor trained by Team 3-D (Jesse Neal, those security guys)...would ANYONE be able to take wrestling lessons seriously from Bubba Dudley?

Step two: eliminate old holdover jobbers, such as Shark Boy, Kip James (is he fired or isn't he?), hell Rob Terry doesn't do much...might as well.

Step three: purge the older old talent for the newer old talent, such as Steiner, Raven, Stevie, and Rhino. Goodbye.

Step four: get Kaz out of that stupid fucking mask.

Step five: utilize the roster you have left and build characters people care about instead of rehashing established characters (Black Machismo's Macho Man, hell even Consequences Creed is a pseudo-rip off of Human Tornado) and using t & a to get your women over (how many times has a company attempted to get a hot blonde with no wrestling ability over by having her strip in some way, shape, or form...see: Kelly, Kelly).

Step six: If they DO need to hire more workers, stop going international (how many visa problems have TNA had over the last few years, especially around World X Cup time) and nab some of the great talent out of PWG or CHIKARA (I don't think TNA realizes there ARE other indy promotions other than ROH).

And finally...

Give EVERY SINGLE ONE of Hogan's buddies he's bringing in ONE STRIKE...just one shot, or you're done. Hall and Waltman are already on a pay-by-the-appearance deal, so make sure the rest of them (Nasty Boys, Team OMEGA, Orlando, Val, etc) stay in check or it's back home.
Wow some of you are right on point and then there are some of you who are completely lost! TNA does need a second show in order to showcase all of this talent plain and simple! Now if they don't do that then the only way i can see everyone staying is they come up with a new stable and use the old guys to put over TNA'S younger stars. now if they don't do these things then here is a list of talent who should be let go now or in the short term future.

1 hall, waltman obviously
2 nasty boys
3 lacy ( i don't care if she's a friend of Hogan she serves no purpose) UNLESS, SHE IS STRICTLY USED AS A VALET!!!!! Hopefully she want screw that up.
4 Lashly (already on the way out to focus on MMA)
5 Rob Terry ( Or keep him out of the ring until he is properly trained and ready to contribute)
Now i know a lot of people have Scott Steiner on their list but he is a question mark for me because like him or not he is one of the best at giving promos and if he can still go I would keep him to put talent over, but if his back is getting worse then I would keep him as an agent or something. I was going to add stevie and raven but i would keep them along with orlando jordan to job to upcoming talent.
everybody is saying sharkboy should be seen gone, whoever says sharkboy should go, is basically saying daniels, aj, joe and jarret should go as well. Whoever says sharkboy should go is a complete idiot, sharkboy has great in ring talent and him as sharkboy isnt half bad.

Nice to hear from Sharkboy's mom. Seriously, a great in ring talent? So tired of people mistaking the occassional high spot with great in-ring ability. How can you put him in the same class as Daniels, AJ, and Joe? I don't even see the logic in that one....

scott hall, xpoc,bischoff.dudleys,abyss,nasty boys,nash,hogan,foley,jarrett,steiner,wolf,for now.bear of the north.

Wolfe is the last name I expected to see here. I think the guy has a ton of upside, was introduced well, and is a legit up-and-coming main eventer. I'd love to hear what it is that you see that makes you think TNA would be better off without him. I'm not even trying to be a smart-ass, I'm really curious on that one.
I'm really only up for two guys being cut loose. TNA is in need of true jobbers, and cutting guys like Shark Boy and Rob Terry would force guys like Homicide and Amazing Red to look weak in 3/4 of their matches.

Kiyoshi is one I'd quickly let go. He's got no character, The fans don't love or hate him, and his in-ring stuff is very bland. He could have received a push by joining World Elite, and it still didn't happen for him.

Jesse Neal is easily my second choice. He can't do anything in the ring, and even for a brawler, I'm not convinced. He took a sick chair shot, got stretchered off, and that could/should be the last of him.
I figured all these old guys were coming the minute it was released Hogan was involved. I don't see it going anywhere.When the NWO was fresh is was good but not it is boring . I expected a better effort from TNA considering they are going after the 800 pound gorilla. and the " Who needs Bret " chant???? yea that showed class.. {NOT}.. That will turn anybody that isn't employed or a mark for TNA off pretty quick... JMO
The roster isn't the problem. TNA should keep every person currently on their website's roster (all additions from Monday have yet to be added). They have a nice roster when you sit down and look over it. They just need to figure out something to highlight their assets that they waste blatantly. Then, they should go out and test the "free agent" waters. There are a lot of good guys available (Dreamer, Kennedy, RVD) and after the WWE purges some other low level talent, depending on who it is, they should pounce on them as well to flesh out the roster. You can't only keep Main Eventers and choice young guys with huge upsides, because you end up in a booking pickle (LOOK AT THE WWE). Keep Jeff Hardy and push him as the mega star that he is. Take guys like Wolfe, The Pope, and Matt Morgan, and PUSH THEM TO THE MOON. Get the mask off Suicide, and focus on your in-ring product a bit more.

If given the chance, I could repair TNA's problems within ONE YEAR.
First, Kip James is gone, thankfully. And Consequences is an Apollo Creed rip off. Anyways.... I told friends that if I saw Nasty Boys, I'd just groan and wince at what they do. I groaned. I winced. Let them go. Some of this new talent should be a one or two time appearance. After Saggs and Knobbs go back to crashing on hogan's couch, Id let Pope get a win over Orlando Jordan and let Jordan go back to NWE. Hall and Waltman... You said it all already. I'm Glad Deaner left, or he'd be on my list. Lacey SHOULD be a valet and nothing more due to her lack of ability and, dammit, there just aren't any valets like there used to. It may be its own thread, but on the subject of valets, lets see some of this older 'new talent' become managers (Flair?). Enough of my Vicodin induced ramblings. I'd cut: Hall, Waltman, Nasty Boys, Jordan, Von Erich, Lashley, Kiyoshi, Stevie (keep Daffney and Raven), Rhino, Steiner, and Bubba the Attention Sponge.
At this point, there is no need to start dropping wrestlers from the roster until you have a better idea of what is and what is not working. Hall and Waltman are on a pay-per-appearance. Hardy only signed a short term deal and he still has a major drug charges pending. The Nasty Boys, Val Venis, and Orlando Jordan are not long term solutions. So, I'd hold off on cutting guys loose, especially when most of them are young and have potential.

Also remember, most of the older guys will not be doing house shows, only TV. So you'll still need wrestlers to go out on the road.

Hopefully, with the good showing by the live Impact last Monday, Spike will give TNA another hour or two for another show, not TNA Epics, but a new episodes to showcase all the wrestlers on the roster.
So I've been a TNA fan since about halfway year one and I think a lot of the guys they bring in will not fit anywhere unless they actually make the title eric young has mean something. If there is no midcard outside of the X division then people who they are bringing in like the orlando jordans and val venis who arent going to be in the main events have nothing to go after. So people who I think do not fit in TNA and need to be shown the door are

Jessee Neal
Lethal Consequences (I know I'm going to get disagreements here but first off the young bucks have taken their spot and i think at some point youre going to see london/kendrick there so no purpose there)
The British Invasion (Unless they get a real leader like Desmond Wolfe they are worthless. A stable without a singles star doesn't work. You add Wolfe in there and he plays a Lance Storm in team Canada kind of role and you have a legit stable)
I think Steiner fits in with the whole band getting back together but if the combination of Hall/Nash/Waltman/Steiner get more then one match on a pay per view i say get rid of them all. I'm sorry buy Hall looks like he hasnt worked out in years and if my mind isnt mistaken he bailed on a main event spot for tna like a year and a half ago.
Hall and The Nasty Boys- I just don't see any way they can contribute.
Rob Terry- Lifting alot of weights doesnt make you worth it as a wrestler.
Bobby Lashley- If you don't want to be here we don't want you hear.
As far as everyone else I think if used properly they all can be useful. Including Lacey and Waltman.
I'd like to hijack the thread with a different idea. Back in the territory days, guys were pushed, but when there was nothing left for them to do, instead of getting buried, they would move on to the next territory where they'd have a new set of guys to work with. Instead of keeping guys around and waiting to bring guys like Kennedy and RVD to work with, send them somewhere else to work.

Like it or not, WWE is trying to develop new guys, not TNA. TNA might be what you like more, because it's more TV-14 than TV-PG, but that doesn't exactly translate into better. I'd much rather see (insert wasted TNA talent) wrestle the Miz, Evan Bourne, John Morrison, etc. than RVD, Kennedy, Hall, XPac, Nasty Boys, etc., etc., etc.

The two guys that top my list are Abyss and Chris Sabin. Robert Roode as well. Wasted in TNA.
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