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[This Space for Rent]
42 people: 5 members and 37 guests.

I'm the only mod, (since I know that'll piss Becca off) but more importantly.. I think the ability to view the site without signing in.. may be hurting our members list.

I mean, those 37 individuals don't have to "sign up" to view everything, so unless they have the urge to post.. whats the point of becoming a member at all?
Yo Will! Bored?

More like tired, actually. I'm just too "mentally ill" to wanna go to sleep right now. I'm highly thinking about signing off and sitting in front of the fan for a bit though.

I dispise spring and summer.. they should do away with them entirely and just make fall a year long season.
Yeh i think it does hurt the members list and your right what is the point of signing up if you can view everything. I remember before i signed up, i didnt have the urge to become a member cause all i really did was view stuff that was until i wanted to post stuff on here. So yeh there are a lot of people not interested in posting they just wanna view and thats backed up by the fact there are usually more guests than members on..
Meh, crave only cares about site hits. If more lurkers are around, and reading things, it's more hits which equals more revenue.
I'm on too. I'm like an unofficial, wannabe, ice cubes chance in hell of Jake making me one because I'm too dysfunctional MOD. Yeah baby! Give me a pound.

*extends fist*

Anyone? Anyone at all? lol
Is it weird that is says most users online ever was like more than 3000. When did this happen, I find it hard to believe so many people got on.
Wolf! Dude, where you been?

The Wolfster had his cat die. It sucked pretty bad. I went to housesit my lead worker Frank's horses while he was on vacation and when I came back my cat was pissin' over the rug. I thought he was mad at me. He kept doing it for three weeks. Turns out he was getting a urinary tract infection. Friday it turned into a blockage. By the time I figured it out and took him to the vet, he died during the operation. I buried him out at Frank's ranch on Saturday.

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