Cryptozoology - Legitimate or Not


I am The Last Baron
Is Cryptozoology a legitimate form of science? or is it not?

For those that don't know what Cryptozoology is, a cryptid is any animal or creature that has been reported to have existed, but has not been proven to; i cryptozoology literally means 'the study of hidden animals'. Their presumed existance is often derived from anecdotal evidence and/or other evidence insufficient to prove their existence with scientific certainty.

This means somthing like Big Foot or Nessie is a Cryptid. However it also includes animals such as the Tasmanian Tiger, a real animal but Cryptozoology tries to prove that it still exists despite the last reported one dying in captivity. it also includes some interesting creatures like the Chupacabra and the Jersey Devil. Some creatures it is hard to prove that they don't exist because they are Sea creatures such as the Megalodon.

So pretty much is Cryptozoology a legitimate field of Science or just a steaming pile of crap.
Their are elements of Cryptozoology that fasicate me, But do I think that the field is a legitimate part of Science? I would think so, as many of the animals that cyptozoologist's try to track did exist at one point and all have evidence of still being in existence. There are things in this world that you just can't explain, people claim to see things - Animals - That no one else can come up with an explanation for.

Take the Megalodon as a example, their have been a few "mock" sightings of these gargantuan predatory fish dating back for the last century. We have evidence that these huge sharks did exist at one point, and through the sightings and new findings of their teeth, Cryptozoogist's have been at work to try and see whether or not it would be feasible for the shark to still exist.
Is it a legit form of science? I'd certainly say so. I mean there is so much in the world that people still do not know truly about. As Echelon said, the Megladon is a perfect example. I mean the oceans are so huge, there is no way that we will ever know all of what is going on down there. The Megladon could for all we know be around today. I mean there is no records of the animal being seen and photographed. That really doesn't mean anything. Same thing can be said for something like the Jersey Devil. I mean there is proof that the thing exists, yet at the same time it seems so hard to believe. Living in New Jersey I hear a lot about the Jersey Devil. I mean it's hard to say if these things still exist today. There again is so much we don't know, so in my opinion Cryptozoology is certainly legit. I mean people think that so many animals are extinct, but where is the proof in that... Cryptozoologists I feel are out to search out certain animals and prove if or if they are not existing today.
It is certainly a very interesting form of science. There is much we don't know about this world, so it would be foolish to think we know every little creature that lives in it.

The world is so big that really, anything could be hiding in it. I'm the sort of person that needs clear proof before I'll believe something, however these scientists are working to get that proof, whilst not trying to say they know for definate something exists.

I believe there is much we don't know, and I also would like to believe 'Nessie' does exist, as it just makes things seem a lot moer interesting. People dedicating their lives to trying to find out more about this world can only be a good thing.

There is much we could say is "a steaming pile of crap" nowadays, many things I don't believe in that a majority do. However as long as these people are working for good, and trying to find any evidence to back up their theories I see no problem.
Yeah I think Cryptozoology is a legitimate form of science. There are so many types of animals out there that it boggles my mind to say we have found them all. Like Becca also said this world is so large we havent even scratched the surface probably. Then you got to put it into perspective like this. There are some animals that may not want to get found and therefore they wont be. Myself I am very interested in Cryptozoology. I like to believe there are things out there like the Jersey Devil, or the Chupacabra, or Nessie.
The best bit of cryptozoology is the study about dragons.

The europeans, the Aztecs and the Chinese all mention dragons at a time it just wasnt possible for all 3 cultures to commincate with one another.

This is the kind of stuff that fascinates me!
Well you go through the Greek list of Cryptids and then look at certain creatures that we know exist and you see how certain concepts could be created. The best example I have seen mentioned is Dinosaur and Early Mammel bones accounting for certain things. The Mammoth accounting for the Cyclops. I mean look at a Mammoth Skull straight on and you can see where the Cyclops stuff comes from, and the Protoceratops being used as a description for Griffens. That would be through the Scythians though rather than it being a Greek concept. Well that is what Adrienne Mayor seems to say about them anyway. I am definately going to be picking up a couple of her books now that I think of it.
Cryptozology is fucking sweet, is what I know. I love that stuff honestly. Monsterquest, Is it real, are two of my favorite shows. Id say is totally legit, and im not sure how anyone may claim it isnt. Every animal on earth was unknown at one point or another, and needed to be discovered. We have actually explored more of outer space than we have or own ocean. 99% of the planets great bodies of water remain unexplored. That makes it simple probability that there are a littany of things foreighn to us in these waters.

In Lake Champlain in vermont, studies were done and indicated that an animal eco located in the body of water. No animal in lake champlain eco locates. And the eco location that was recorded was of no known animal on the planet. And was made by something roughly the size of a killer whale. In a fresh water lake. which defies science. I would say that bears study
Even though many people would say that Cryptozology is not only a waste of time and money but also pointless, I don´t quite think the same because there are people doing expensive research on physical happenings that aren´t real or two galaxies away so why shouldn´t somebody try to find out if there is a bigfoot out there or not.

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