Cryme Time


Dark Match Winner
Hello there this is my first thread so hope you enjoy :) Well I was watching Shads heel turn recently so I started thinking about Cryme time and thought what was the point ? The team consisted of Shad and JTG they were around for about 4 years and had a few decent feuds but my main point I want to bring across is they didn't even win the tag titles once they had few team matches with the face of the company (John Cena) but couldn't even hold the belts for at least a month. Now I think that it is an extreme wast of 4 years yeah they brought some comedy but they didn't even get the straps once.
Secondly when the team broke they had one match I believe at extreme rules I think and that was it they gave Shad a new look and then he was released it was just such a waste. JTG is currently on NXT and no one really cares about him. Its just totally pointless they didnt even get a decent break up feud.
So my questions are :-
Do you think these guys deserved a title run ?
What would you have done with Shad and JTG after the break up ?
Also ease excuse any sloppy typing because I'm using my phone :)
1.) I really enjoyed Cryme Time, and I definitely think they deserved a title run.

2.) First off, I would not have broken them up. For sake of argument, I would have had the rivalry go longer and result in a looser leaves Smackdown match, in which JTG wins. Shad would go to Raw and get an upper mid card heel run. JTG would get an IC Title run using a Eddie Guerrero like gimmick. Eventually they'd each be feuding with one half of the tag champs on their respective shows, and get back together and beat a heel team for the straps.

3.) I will absolutely not excuse your "sloppy" typing. lol jk.
I was for one pissed about the spit of cryme time. they were hilarious and reminded me of two of my friends who are just like them. and its just the theme of WWE they get tagteams and split theme and for the most part they flop. they did the same with the hart dynasty? tyson all he does is loss on superstar #youseriousbro. atleast ryder is finally getting a push but hawkins is chillin with rekks in the delli line to finally get a match. with JTG now a heel this would be a good time to maybe put him in the IC spot for a bit or give him a run at winning on superstars and have him challenge the tag champs in a win and get a title shot. and his partner is shad. they need tag teams. all they got right now is Air boom and miz/truth. they really arnt tag teams. tag teams are cryme time, Cade and murdach, Hardy boys, 3D, Edge/christian, Beer money and MCMG. Shit why dont they go out and bring in Shannon moore and whats his face. Get INK INC over in WWE. they are awesome and play love them... well wwe's kids might not. not cartoon enough ha!
I hoped the whole time they were together that they would win the titles. I remember that they won title shots in a tag team termoil but do not remember them getting their match. Also, I would have tried out their singles careers and seeing that they both failed to really get over I would have put them back together.
I would love for them to be multiple tyme (pun) champions by now. Hart Dynasty and Cryme Tyme would have been an interesting fued.
It would be cool if they rehire Shad. Cryme Tyme was pretty entertaining, but they came around the tail end of a relevant tag division. I think when they debuted, you had MNM, London and Kendrick, Deuce and Domino, etc. They were a tag team, really, when there was no serious tag division. That's why the Usos and Smith and Kidd couldn't be successful. Now, with more concentration of a real tag division, they would be serious contenders.
I'm one of the few people who will say this, but I never liked Cryme Tyme. They were just a rip-off of the Homeboy Shopping Network sketches from In Living Color.
i enjoyed some of cryme tyme's comic skits,buut they should have turned heel and just been mean and beat the shit out of other teams or whoever they could have found. i enjoyed them in the ring very much b/c they reminded me of a Harlem Heat, having one extemely good athlete/showman matched with a big yes i think they should have had a run with the titles, a long run.

i would have avoided a break up unless i was going to push them both to the midcard (which jtg should have the U.S or I.C title by now,it is horrible that he hasn't been on t.v in a very long time). but really, they havn't put in enough time together for a big feud between them to be good enough, so keeping them together would have been the way to is a shame to see how they turned out after getting really popular when they started.
I was surprised that Shad burned out so fast. I was hoping that with his look and size, that the machine would push him to the moon and make him a legitimate contender (at the time, no one black was being pushed and I was hoping that he could break that mold).
Honestly they deserved a title run. They were one problably the last remaining tag team before their split up. The Hart Dynasty was just coming in, but the tag division was about over, but they were a real tag team. They came in together, and similar ring attire and everything that represented them as a tag team.

Would I split them up? No. For the simple fact one needs to other to function. Goodness, JTG is trying to find his way on NXT and Superstars as we speak. But they were meant for tag team wrestling. But if I had to split them up, I woulda used the draft lottery to do it, so that way if they needed to revive the tag division, they won't have to use a storyline to put these guys back together.

Since Cryme Tyme is a popular team, and everybody love them and their skits, they can do something similar to the angle from Backlash of 03 when Faarooq made a surprised entrance at the Backlash Pay Per View to be in Bradshaw's corner as X-Pac was in Scott Hall's Corner. Or like the way how at Survivor Series in 2004 when D-Von came to the aid of his brother Bubba Ray Dudley during that survivor series elimination tag match against 3 minute warning and Rico. But in Cryme Tyme's situation, put one in a similar situation on one show then had the other make a surprise rescue at a Pay Per View and bring the team back together. But I missed Cryme Time. And now I'm on the money hunt all by myself. Money Money Yeah Yeah.
Typically I would say just because a team never held the titles doesn’t mean they weren’t a success. However, considering the tag team talent was extremely thin and there were two sets of titles during the majority of Cryme Tyme’s run, it’s actually pretty shocking that they never got at least one reign. They were actually over pretty strong with the crowd in 2007. There “money money yeah yeah” catchphrase was pretty hot and I always thought that would have been a good t shirt. The fans loved to chant along with it. The problem was Cryme Tyme was suddenly released at the end of the summer in 2007 right when they were at their peak in popularity. The release came out of nowhere and although they returned about seven months later they could not recapture that momentum they had before the release.

As for the break up I assume they wanted to give Shad a little push but it didn’t work out. I don’t see it as being a pointless waste. I see it as Shad being given a chance but not being able to get over as a singles wrestler. I assume the creative team had a certain vision that looked decent on paper but didn’t translate to the arena. It happens all the time. I didn’t see anything special in either of these guys individually so I would have just kept them together. Oftentimes in a tag team the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Sorry if it came across as me saying Cryme Tyme were not a good team because they were. I just feel they deserved a little reward for the 4 years run they weren't even given a short run with the titles. I didn't mean that the only way you could be a good team is if you win the champioships. Anyway thank you I think I got a decent response for my first thread :)
I would have liked them to have had a run as Champions. I never liked them as far as a team I would cheer is concerned but liked them a lot as a tag team and it would have been nice to see them stick around longer and win some gold. I am all for a tag team made up of guys who look good together and look like a team rather than two wrestlers randomly put together..Cryme Time had a great look and gimmick.
Good topic. Cryme Time did deserve a run with the titles and I'm surprised they never got one. There was one time that they were in a tag team title feud, I believe it was against Legacy, and they stole the belts but never actually won them in the match. They were a good team and should have gotten at least one title run before the split. Anything is better than AWFUL teams like The Usos and all of the guys randomly thrown together in today's so called "tag team" division.

The split came too soon. Shad's release stopped their subsequent feud from being any good, it could have been so much better. I would have waited for them to feud until they had won at least 1 tag team title run. Then and only then, is when the split would have happened. Shad would still have been the one to turn heel. After attacking JTG and defeating him on PPV, it would give Shad some momentum as a heel with his "It's MY time" gimmick. JTG would then receive a decent push as a face to get revenge. He goes on to win the feud, and they'd get onto separate brands following the draft. Both could then be used in the midcards of their respective brands. Unfortunately WWE did not go that route due to having them split up too soon, they were not over enough yet. Shad's future endeavoured, while JTG has fallen so far that threads like this one are among the few reminders that he even works for WWE anymore. It's a shame. They were one of the better tag teams and had potential as midcarder singles too.
While I wasn't exactly a fan of Cryme Tyme they were pretty over for a tag team and I believe they should have had a run at the tag titles, especially since at the time there were two sets and like Brain said the talent level was pretty thin. They tried to make them a legit tag team contender back when JeriShow was carrying the straps and I think if JeriShow had been holding the titles a bit longer it would have been likely that Cryme Tyme would have got the win and a decent run with the newly unified titles. Neither guy was spectacular, but they meshed well as a team and worked well with each other.

As for the breakup I don't see it as premature as some claim. The time was right as it seem they ran their course as a team and Shad (on paper) had everything to be a star, but couldn't get over to save his life. They went the right way about it. Having the two feud and then trying to separate them as much as possible and making them singles stars. Shad was obviously the one they had big plans for and it failed and he was sent packing. JTG serves a purpose now as an enhancement talent, which is likely all he would have been anyways.
I personally enjoyed watching the team back when they were together and I have to say that I was a bit surprised that they never got at least one run with the belt especially because the division was so thin... I thought they'd be multiple time tag team champs by the time they split. I liked the team and thought they had great chemistry with each other and a genuine connection with the fans as they were really over and had that "money money yeah yeah" catchphrase that the crowd chanted along with them. If you watch their feud with JeriShow, you'd see that they were able to hold their own and look very strong against them. I did think that Shad's sudden heel turn really was what ruined it. At first I was confused but otherwise content with it since I thought Shad would get a push and be able to cut it as a singles competitor. That didn't happen and he ended up getting released which rendered the split meaningless.

While I had no problem with Shad's heel turn, I just feel like it happened too soon. I would've personally preferred having Shad turn heel after they had dropped the tag team belts had they been champions. It's too bad because I thought that even if they did split up, they'd both be competent singles competitors.
Do you think these guys deserved a title run ?
Definitely, I always expected them to hold the titles atleast once and now that they're split and Shad is gone looking back I am very surprised they never did. They were a solid team, nothing special but they could put on good matches and they worked very well together. Their gimmick was a little goofy(I could never take JTG seriously) but it was fun, fresh and the fans could get into it, they really should have held them after all that time atleast for a little while.

What would you have done with Shad and JTG after the break up ?
I personally would not have broken them up, I don't think either of them could have had any real success as a singles compeditor. I mean look at where they are now, Shad is gone and JTG is being forgotten on NXT and unless he forms some sort of alliance or Tag Team then he will be gone someday soon as well. If I had to do something with each of them as singles then I would say that they would "Break Up" and Shad would go to SD and JTG to Raw, they would win their respective midcard belts and then team up again and win the Tag Titles while also wearing the US and Intercontinental titles. But I would only do this if there was some change to their gimmicks because I would not give a team that doesn't have a huge fan following that much gold, there's a reason there have only been a few teams to hold more than just the tag gold at once.
I was for one pissed about the spit of cryme time. they were hilarious and reminded me of two of my friends who are just like them. and its just the theme of WWE they get tagteams and split theme and for the most part they flop. they did the same with the hart dynasty? tyson all he does is loss on superstar #youseriousbro. atleast ryder is finally getting a push but hawkins is chillin with rekks in the delli line to finally get a match. with JTG now a heel this would be a good time to maybe put him in the IC spot for a bit or give him a run at winning on superstars and have him challenge the tag champs in a win and get a title shot. and his partner is shad. they need tag teams. all they got right now is Air boom and miz/truth. they really arnt tag teams. tag teams are cryme time, Cade and murdach, Hardy boys, 3D, Edge/christian, Beer money and MCMG. Shit why dont they go out and bring in Shannon moore and whats his face. Get INK INC over in WWE. they are awesome and play love them... well wwe's kids might not. not cartoon enough ha!
I wish they hadn't broke up cryme tyme they were a good team and they could have at least pushed shad and jtg isn't doing anything but tagging with darren young on nxt
Cryme Tyme was under used period...they were reduced to doing promos to put over other wrestlers. WWE dropped the ball on Cryme Tyme and the tag division in general now they're struggling to make it worth watching again. Nothing against Borne and Kingston but you can tell they haven't worked together long and they need a good tag team to put them over until they can clean up their matches. Cryme Tyme would've fit that bill. All the other tag teams have been broken up for reasons beyond me. No body cares about tag matches because they are only used as a way to get people to watch main events by the company. It really sucks that to see great tag matches I have to watch TNA what I consider to be a lesser product, but they've got great tag teams and it's exciting!
Do you think these guys deserved a title run ?

Absolutely. They gave the belts to DX, Jericho and Big SHow (JeriSHow), then Miz and Show (SHow Miz) only to have them decimate the tag team division but Cryme Time, their only true tag team can't get even one run. That's not to say the team didn't have problems. Shad needed a lot of work on his in ring performances. It was really just a waste.

What would you have done with Shad and JTG after the break up ?

They shouldn't have been broken up until they held the belts for 2 or 3 runs. If I broke them up I would have had them engage in a feud for a little while, maybe 3 to 6 months until Shad's in ring work improves. I'd make Shad a midcard champion on SD and JTG work with another tag partner or have him become part of the mid card on Raw.

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