Cruiserweight Divison Gone Again???



whats up with that i mean i thought that they were back and ready to restart the division then next thing you know the crusierweight champ and the former champ are teaming fighting against the tag team champs...i mean they have guys like jimmy wang yang..jamie noble..shannon moore..daivari and scotty but instead they're just keeping them away from the title..might as well take the title away....
what do you guys think about this nonsense..?
I think it was only an occasional tag team that they are trying them out for, its best to do that, but the Cruiserweight division was on the downward slide anyway, It should pick up again as soon as the Bookers get rid of Russo-syndrome, and start booking these guys to be taken seriously and not just Jobbers to the big guys.
I totally agree. I mean, I thought that when Chavo won the title, it would start a renaissance in the CW division, but like you said, Chavo is teaming with Helms, and the rest of the divisioon is basically being fed to Kane, MVP, etc. As much as I would love to see the Cruiserweight Division be showcased more, I don't think that will happen, and they should, unfortuantely, axe the division now, while the competitors still have some credibility.
Im trying to understand this position that people seem to be falling into of if it isn't working axe it. If they get Bookers that know how cruiserweights wrestle then you can have matches that will tear down the roof in terms of the pops that will be gotten, If they can Hire the WCW guy that did the booking for the Cruiserweights in WCW when they were getting over without Russo. Im scared that it all comes back to Russo that all of the problems in Wrestling either go back to Russo or Vinnie Mac
They could've saved the division six years ago, but alas...they didn't. They've had a solid portion of the top talent in North America (including a couple of the TNA stalwarts like Daniels, Lynn and Low-Ki) come through their ranks. If it hasn't been obvious to anyone yet...they can't book worth a $hit when it comes to the juniors. They neuter the movesets, feed them to the big guys, and basically have a belt that is worth as much credibility-wise as a roll of asswipe. With the payroll WWE has, it's stupid, just stupid to waste your potentially profitable juniors by using them as cannon fodder for the big guys. Hire local jobbers like the old days and feed them to the bigger stars/teams. Hell, I still remember the damage they did to Spanky a few years ago by booking him to get eaten alive by Lesnar. Now if anyone with their head removed from their ass can tell me how that'll give the cruiserweights credibility, then I'm all ears. Or how about when they fed Helms to the World Champion a while back...WHILE HELMS WAS STILL THE CW CHAMP!?!? Whoever is in charge of these moves needs their ass kicked royally. It's like they try to fail at this stuff. Booking juniors isn't hard. Two guys, insert great and inventive wrestling, allow the roster to focus separately from the heavies, and BANG! Even WCW knew how to do this. Now if they could do it, what the hell is the matter with Vince and his whack pack of idiots who've managed to take a title that once was a cornerstone of the Monday Night Rennaissance and piss it into the ground? You barely even have to establish a storyline for these things. Just let them wrestle. Got it, Vince? There's the big "secret" to cruiserweights. Amazing, isn't it?
Im trying to understand this position that people seem to be falling into of if it isn't working axe it. If they get Bookers that know how cruiserweights wrestle then you can have matches that will tear down the roof in terms of the pops that will be gotten, If they can Hire the WCW guy that did the booking for the Cruiserweights in WCW when they were getting over without Russo. Im scared that it all comes back to Russo that all of the problems in Wrestling either go back to Russo or Vinnie Mac
Word. WCW did it best. They'd typically put the cruiserweight undercard at the beginning of the night, with the CW title encounters in the midcard. It definitely helped to give them to a fresh audience and really set the trend for the evening without having to burnout the response from the top stars. Russo and McMahon are responsible for more harm than good in the business. As many times as either one helped to further a boom (Russo once, McMahon twice) they also found a way to kill it deader than doo-doo.
Everything I was going to say was just said by Kasey, bravo man another great post I'd rep you but I guess I've already repped you too much as it is lol.

I never even knew that they had a guy like Christopher Daniels go through there AND THEY DIDN'T HOLD ONTO HIM FOR DEAR LIFE?! That right there has just proved once again that nobody in the WWE has any idea what they're doing these days. Like...I just don't get it. I really don't. How hard would it be to entertain the fans? Spend some extra money on tables and other disposable weapons and make all ECW matches hardcore, there, that will instantly raise ECW's ratings and make it a hugely popular brand. On Smackdown if they just brought in some international cruiserweights and had some actual cruiserweight matches where the guys do high flying moves instead of matwork, they'd be golden. If they had someone who could book a good match and realize that fans WANT to see a ten minute lucha battle between two incredibly talented guys and that their attention span can last that long. And RAW, hell if they just gave HBK the belt I'm sure the ratings would go up a bit. Overall though, RAW seems to be the only brand right now consistently putting on an entertaining show. Maybe it's just it's classic history.
Christopher Daniels wasn't really that big in terms of his time there I think all it was, was a few Trial matches. They tried to sign AJ Styles a few months after WCW was sold to WWE but he decided to turn them down for personal reasons, They had Frankie Kazarian for a bit. They also had Alex Shelley in for a few dark matches, they were reportedly impressed. They could have sign Mistico late last/early this year. But they need to improve the quality of booking before they go out and start hiring all the guys that could make the division as good as it possibly could be.
yea i too like the rest of you deeply miss the old dyas of the cruiserweights on wcw nitro...those matches with rey mysterio against dean malenko, billy kidman, phsicosis, juvy guerrera, eddie, all them boys, used to absolutely serious those used to steal the show each and every night...i have always been a devout wwe fan, but i would always tune into the first hour of nitro, which came on an hour before raw, just to see the cruiserweights..just watch the rey mysterio 619 dvd, the old wcw matches on there, and tell me they arent some of the most beautiful matches you have seen pulled off in a ring....I think a lot of the criuserweights not being able to get over has to do with the limiting of the movesets..just let the guys do what they want..actually HAVE COMPETITION for the belt, would um prolly make it worth more..the cruiserweigth belt in wcw had PRESTIGE, that the wwe version cant even touch...honestly, i think they have the talent to push bith this and the tag titles, if they tried...and i also agree with you guys they need to get some international guys in there, epecially the japan and lucha libre matter how nameless they are, if they go out and go as hard as c weights can, the crowd will appreciate it...i mean damn throw em a bone and let them have the opener or somthing....
I think I know what WWE is planning with the Cruiserweight Division. The division champ and the former division champ are a tag team, right? Well, I think Helms will turn on Guerrero or vise-versa and then that will be our top Cruiserweight division fued.
maybe they should let helms and guerrero form a tag team to get them out of the CW division...but before that..guerrero should drop the title to someone like JIMMY WANG YANG..then they could restart the CW division..with JAMIE NOBLE..DAIVARI..SCOTTY 2 HOTTY..FUNAKI..SHANNON MOORE..ETC
you do know wwe stupid, \\i thought helm haveing the title was going to bring the division back. i mean think of this

helms hold the title for a yr or so and become not only a top heal but the longest cw champ.l around wrestlemania a fresh cw likejimmy wang or anyone for that matter knocks helms off title. helms and them fued and bam! the cw divsion can start up again.

see i dont want this to come out wrong or stupidly but i going to try. imo the writers and vince have been so focus on cena and lashly that they are neglection all the other divisons, i mean the cw divsion suck, both tag titles are a joke, the onlly reason pual and brian have hed the titles so long is that there no one to fight, the us title rarely given to mid card wrestlers and WAIT! we have a ic title?>!?!??!?! wow i didnt know that.

on a whol i wish they pick up whats left of the cw division and do something with it
I dunno whats going to happen in the cruiserweight division honestly hopefully they don't fully bury it. It was starting to look good when they starting briefly using Scotty 2 Hotty and brought Shannon Moore from ECW. It'd be nice to see a feud between Gregory Helms and Chavo Guerrero. Thats one of the reasons if not the only reason why i watched WCW was because they really knew how to use their cruiserweights, those matches were sick!
Christopher Daniels wasn't really that big in terms of his time there I think all it was, was a few Trial matches. They tried to sign AJ Styles a few months after WCW was sold to WWE but he decided to turn them down for personal reasons, They had Frankie Kazarian for a bit. They also had Alex Shelley in for a few dark matches, they were reportedly impressed. They could have sign Mistico late last/early this year. But they need to improve the quality of booking before they go out and start hiring all the guys that could make the division as good as it possibly could be.
There is one of his matches against Taka where he did the job and I believe one is still on youtube. What's irritating is that they let the guys go through the ranks like this, but don't bother spending all the time and effort they do pushing talentless dicks like Cena and Batista up everyone's ass and back down their throat. Now I'm not a rocket scientist (and wouldn't claim to be), but typically getting a guy who can work his ass off in the ring and hold his own on the mic is more than half the battle. Just find a niche for him. With all of the talent that has strolled through their doors in the last decade they could've made it impossible for TNA to ever have an X-division. Instead, they wasted opportunity after opportunity because we all know that Scotty 2 Hotty, Chavo, and Funkai are the future of groundbreaking cruiserweight wrestling. Right at this second they have two guys sharing tag titles in a worthless, dead division that could be re-igniting the cruiserweight division to its WCW days when the title was more than a hollow prop.
it does need some work when was the last time they had a good crusier weight match on they have some great talent in that division but it seems that it doesnt exist anymore they need to have more matches like 2004 ,05 where like every smackdown taping had at least 1 maybe 2 good cruiserweight matches
whats up with that i mean i thought that they were back and ready to restart the division then next thing you know the crusierweight champ and the former champ are teaming fighting against the tag team champs...i mean they have guys like jimmy wang yang..jamie noble..shannon moore..daivari and scotty but instead they're just keeping them away from the title..might as well take the title away....
what do you guys think about this nonsense..?

i agree man if you do some research smackdown has the longest champions of all time like batista, gregory helms and paul london and brian kendrick because theres no competition on smackdown right now ever since eddie guerrero died smackdown has been shattered
It hasn't just been the death of Eddie that shattered Smackdown, it has been the injury bug as well, with the loss of big names, that were out for long stretches of time. As to Batista, this reign was shorter than his previous one that beat Triple H's longest run which still is nowhere near the top, Diesel had a longer title reign. Gregory Helms had competition, but it was the bookers fault that they didn't push the title to the degree that is needed to actually justify to the typical WWE fan, that the cruiser division means something. As to the Tag title situation it is better than handing it off to the newest tag team to pop up, it does add some credibility to the belt but when you don't defend it on PPV that much than it is useless in that capacity.
there may been another hope, with london and kendrick losing their titles this may the kick start needed to bring back some for of cw division
Unless there is a Tag team to take the titles off of L&K that makes sense, D&D is still too new for people to take them seriously as Tag title holders. As for what you say if those are spoilers, you are stupid some people don't like hearing them.
As for the cruisers the WWE bookers need to get their heads from out there asses and look at the talent that these guys have and book them in the right way. but then again the entire situation with the booking needs to be looked at and Vince told that 1/4 hourly ratings don't mean utter crap if the Product as a whole isn't good. WWE and TNA are both suffering in a way from guys that love the big guys, Heavyweights have their place and so do cruisers. But both Vinnie Mac and Russo both have a thing for the heavyweights. There isn't much more to say on this. Personally I would love to see the WWE rejig the entire show concept and have a show based solely on the cruiserweights or those that suit that style. Like changing the name of ECW and doing that instead. But we all know that isn't going to happen.
^The most intelligent answer given so far. NOT
Dude give reasons, Its Spamming otherwise. The cruiserweight division is not stupid, it caters to those that don't want to see all of the Big Heavyweights. They can do stuff most Heavyweights can only dream of doing so I don't see how it is stupid.
^The most intelligent answer given so far. NOT
Dude give reasons, Its Spamming otherwise. The cruiserweight division is not stupid, it caters to those that don't want to see all of the Big Heavyweights. They can do stuff most Heavyweights can only dream of doing so I don't see how it is stupid.

I think he may have been on about the guy who posted the spoiler in the thread because you said people didn't like it and I'm under the impression he was agreeing with him...

But yeah I agree for the time being that it has gone down a bit with Helms and Chavo teaming up when really we should see Chavo defending his title. But then again the cruiserweight/lightheavyweight belts were rarely defended anyways. Can you remember th year it was resigned to heat and Dean malenko/Crash Holly exchanged the belt between themselves and there was probably only 4 title defenses in the year. That's just hat I remember, not sure if it's true!
Well, after watching more TNA wrestling this week and determining that it is possible to establish character within the cruiserweight scope of the wrestling populace, I've come to the realization that WWE is missing one of the biggest boats they've ever missed in their existence. I'm genuinely bummed that some of the top CW talent stateside at present is being woefully wasted each week. London, Kendrick, and Super Crazy are the top three examples. Man, the things I'd do if given the reigns in that place.
The Cruiserweigt Division was great. I loved it. Then the US Title came into the picture and the CW division fell out of our eyes. Rey is and always will be the best CW Champion for SD.

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