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Crowd Reactions For Christian


Pre-Show Stalwart
Im suprised that christian gets hardly any cheers from adults as i thought the Iwc would love him hes a amazing wrestler and is great on the mic hes the best thing going on smackdown and is the only real reason i can watch it hes the only thing different on the show and is a 100 times better than orton but yet everybody loves orton, but apart from that hes very underrated hes always putting on good matches with jackson orton anyone on smackdown that usually have bad matches christian will turn it into a great match yet why does he not get the any cheers from any of the crowds give me your thoughts on why he does get the credit he deserves
Christian isn't getting any cheers on Smackdown because he isn't supposed to. Christian is a heel, and thus is to garner boos from the crowd. For the record, Christian does get a reaction from the crowd every time he appears. Christian is easily one of the most over people on the roster right now and has been terrific in his new role. Some people may have tired of his feud with Orton, but a lot of people don't have the patience for the story they have been telling. It's been a great feud, likely to end at the "Super" Smackdown show Tuesday night.

Additionally, look through some of the archives in these very forums. Their was outrage at the shortness of both of his reigns, with people ripping WWE and Orton for "screwing" him. Watch any of his matches since his heel turn and you will see crowd after crowd reacting to his matches and interviews. The IWC does love Christian, and the paying crowds love to boo his arrogant heel character. And in those crowds you still see signs of people calling themselves "peeps", along with a small amount of people cheering him on despite his heel status.

I'm simply baffled by your conclusions.
i wouldnt says his boo's are deafening and hes has like 2people cheering for him in the crowd it seems as the reactions from the crowd are poor and the crowds only seem to react when orton ,punk or cena come out anyone else its silence
Why should the IWC cheer Christian? He is a chickenshit heel who talks up a big game but cannot back it up inside the ring. In fact he portrays this character very well. Anyone who cheers him is bound to look idiotic because he is pretty much a weakling in kayfabe. The IWC likes its heels to be badass and strong, like Punk or an Orton circa 2009. No one likes a weakling, no matter how good he is in the ring or on the mic.
Im suprised that christian gets hardly any cheers from adults as i thought the Iwc would love him hes a amazing wrestler and is great on the mic hes the best thing going on smackdown and is the only real reason i can watch it hes the only thing different on the show and is a 100 times better than orton but yet everybody loves orton, but apart from that hes very underrated hes always putting on good matches with jackson orton anyone on smackdown that usually have bad matches christian will turn it into a great match yet why does he not get the any cheers from any of the crowds give me your thoughts on why he does get the credit he deserves
Because you don't actually understand what makes a good pro wrestler.

There are a TON of things people on here never pick up. Instead they count moves and wurkratez and think that sarcastic guys on the mic are good. Here are some things I bet you never thought of.

1) if you're a babyface selling, try to be on the side of the ring closest to where most of the crowd is (typically WWE fills up the side opposite the hard cam first). If you watch a match live, you'll notice the crowd side closest to the babyface makes more noise than the side opposite. So you want to get the most noise, so sell closest to the most people.

2) everything you do should "look like" your character. This is essentially crowd psychology. It's why not matter how many stupid fucking suggestions of Mark Henry moving faster or doing more complex moves, he won't do it. He's smart, it doesn't fit his character. It's why not matter how many stupid fucking suggestions that Cena add a bunch of moves to his moveset, he doesn't really do it. He's a street fighting guy from Boston, he doesn't do a lot of moves. Wouldn't make sense and it would be out of character. Secondly on this, MANNERISMS (this is why Orton is great). Mannerisms that fit and round out a character make the character more believable. Orton does EVERYTHING deliberately and like he's in control. He walks to the ring slowly because he doesn't have to speed up for anyone, he talks slowly for the same reason. He hits moves in the ring deliberately and with purpose because he's in control. All the little things add up to a character being well rounded and something people buy into.

3) Every way you do your move should tell a story. Ever watch Khali hit someone? Or any taller wrestler for that matter? It's typically a "high to low" motion. This puts over height difference more. Ever notice how Sheamus does his shoulder tackle off the top instead of springing in from the apron to Mark Henry? This is to get over the idea that Henry is harder to knock down. Ever notice how babyfaces will hit a monster heel 5 times and just stagger him, but then the monster hits him once and he sells it like death? This is to get over the strength difference. Again, people don't sit there and conciously think about this, but when you put enough little things together, it adds up and people believe in what's happening.

4) Selling. Selling is probably the most important thing anyone can do. The way you sell, much like everything else, adds up and makes a match that people believe in. Too many guys sell passively. Watch Randy Savage sell a leg injury. He's hopping around like crazy, swinging wildly at anyone who comes his way, he looks like a wounded animal. Watch Crimson sell the leg. He winces and holds it. Big difference. You should also sell when you're on offence. Cena has done one legged AAs, Ziggler sold the impact of his own finish last night, RVD sells the impact of the 5 star froggie. Selling hurt bodyparts while you're on offense lets the crowd know you're still hurt and adds a sense of despiration, like even though the face is in control, one slip up could cost him. Selling the impact of your own finish puts it over even more in the minds of the fans as something with a lot of pain.

I'm not an expert on the intricacies of pro wrestling crowd psychology. These things I mention are BASIC, yet most people on here don't ever pay attention to them.

These are all why Orton is more over than Christian. These things are harder to master than learning how to do moves and cutting heel promos (things that get you over with the IWC).

I AM very happy that you actually asked "why" though and didn't bitch. Too many people on here bitch about stuff they don't understand instead of studying the product and trying to figure out why.

One thing I find funny. The IWC likes to cheer heels because they "like them more as a wrestler". However, wouldn't cheering Christian, since cheers don't get picked up as loudly as boos, kind of make it seem like he isn't as over? Like counter-productive. If you guys are such smart fans, wouldn't you boo him to let him know he's doing a good job? You aren't homies with the guy.
Christian has become a better heel since his turn with time. Originally he wasn't over as a heel, because he was still getting face pops from almost half the crowd. Now he is getting a bit more heat, but honestly if you look around the crowd after Christian wins a match, you'll see alot of people standing and cheering. Christian gets a pretty awesome heel pop, and you can't just listen to the Smackdown broadcast, because the 'added heat' they put in is unbelievable. It's quite easy to distinguish. If you youtube the match between Sin Cara and Christian where Christian wins with the spear, you'll see the entire front row fans popping for the win, and a fairly huge pop in the arena the second or two after the bell rings, and then all of a sudden, you get a chorus of edited heat.

So in my opinion, Christian is over as a heel on the mic, because while I don't think people actually dislike Christian, once he starts talking he gets people to boo him. However, in the ring, in matches, Christian still has his fair share of peeps.
Christian has become a better heel since his turn with time. Originally he wasn't over as a heel, because he was still getting face pops from almost half the crowd. Now he is getting a bit more heat, but honestly if you look around the crowd after Christian wins a match, you'll see alot of people standing and cheering. Christian gets a pretty awesome heel pop, and you can't just listen to the Smackdown broadcast, because the 'added heat' they put in is unbelievable. It's quite easy to distinguish. If you youtube the match between Sin Cara and Christian where Christian wins with the spear, you'll see the entire front row fans popping for the win, and a fairly huge pop in the arena the second or two after the bell rings, and then all of a sudden, you get a chorus of edited heat.

So in my opinion, Christian is over as a heel on the mic, because while I don't think people actually dislike Christian, once he starts talking he gets people to boo him. However, in the ring, in matches, Christian still has his fair share of peeps.
Also probably has a lot to do with getting the main event rub and being in a lengthy feud with Orton. It was a really good feud and both guys did their job very well.
Well I guess you could say Christian doesn't get "cheers" because he is a heel and therefore should instead receive boos. But to be honest I don't hear to much reaction either way from the crowd. At least I don't hear much on my HD Plasma Screen really good conditioned TV lol
I don't even know if the initial claim in this thread is accurate. At MitB, the most IWC-friendly PPV in recent memory, Christian was getting cheered the whole match. Most the crowd was pretty firmly against Orton until he started RKOing Christian on the announce tables. So, yeah, I think Christian does get cheered by certain segments of the 'WWE Universe.' Or at least in Chicago.

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