Crowd Reactions At WrestleMania 29

Pay Per Ghost

What they f*ck happened in the thread section here
Ye really nit-picking here but come on...It's Wrestle-friggin'-Mania!

Now let's look at the venue, New Jersey, smarky crowd? Yes.

Go through the main matches and let's see.

Ziggler & Big E vs Team Hell No:

Big pop of Daniel Bryan, similar for Ziggler I presume.

The Shield vs Big Show, Sheamus, Randy Orton

Shield's entrance is gonna be a long walk huh? Orton will get his usual pop and I expect a good one for Shield as well. RKO chants will ring when The Shield triumphs. They'll want him to kill his tag team partners.

Jack Swagger vs Alberto Del Rio (World Heavyweight Championship)

Huge and I mean HUGE USA chants. Boos for ADR when he wins. And people will be frothing to see a cash in.

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar

Meh, I think this will be the regular pop for both but I feel the fans leaning towards Brock. HBK will get a monster pop.

CM Punk vs Undertaker

This one will be interesting. I expect a loud pop for Taker but a LOUDER one for Punk as Living Colour plays him out. I think the crowd will be Punk 60-40. I shudder at the boos when Taker wins.

John Cena vs The Rock (WWE Championship)

Cena will be booed, and I'm kinda certain so will The Rock. I don't think Rock gets much love from the NY state area (SS 2002, Raw 10th anniversary), this one might be outta bizarroland.

I look forward to the smart ass chants in Jersey.
If Stone Cold were to Stun both guys after the match like at WM 20, the metaphorical roof would come off of MetLife Stadium.
Probably could do with HBK superkicking both of them after the match since he will be there anyway.
Or Lesnar destroys the winner. Then the show finishes with him having destroyed HHH, HBK (or he should've destroyed them) and The Rock/Cena. Hopefully it then sets up the Mania 30 main event a year before it'll happen.
Honestly, in regards to the ADR/Swagger match, I think the crowd will just chant for Ziggler sporadically from beginning to end.
Soooooooo none's gonna predict match by match like I did...

I give and I give and this the thanks I get!
First off don't get your hope up for loud pops... the sound is most likely going to travel straight out of the arena and the show will come across as fairly quiet on TV.

And then it will look super awkward when HHH and Taker are laying around crawling towards each other for half of their match with no crowd noise coming across the screen.

Yeah. At least it will be better than WM 27. I thought the HIAC last year sucked but Jericho and Punk put on a performance to satisfy that Wrestlemania.
If Hell No loses and Bryan turns on Kane after the match, he'll still get a big pop from the crowd.

I expect some cheers for Big Show. Actually I think everybody in the 6 Man Tag will get more cheers than Sheamus.

Half the crowd will root for Ryback, the other half for Henry. Same for Barrett & Miz.

The majority of the crowd will cheer for The Scholars & The Bellas and boo for Tons Of Funk.

Biggest pop of the night will go to The Brain, Theo and NJexus when they come out to their seats.

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