Crocker do you watch the NFL? **Steakhouse Wrestling**

That is not someone else's Instagram picture. It is mine....

Then when translated from Crocker to English we get....

"This is some other guy's Instagram. I begged and pleaded for him to let me use the picture. And he said yes! I read both girls' profiles and PM'ed them telling them they should join Reddit because the Instagram Sub-Reddit is so much better than Instagram. Then they blocked me and I made an alt where I called them Instagram Apologists."
Proof would be a picture of you, holding up today's date and a message to all your fans here. You don't have to publish it on Instagram, you can just post it here and we can compare for ourselves.

Right now, all you've done is posted someone's Instagram account, and there is no way to connect that account to you. Since posting other people's information as your own is entry level internet shitbaggery, the verification method I've proposed is very common.
What? How pathetic do you expect me to be? I'm not wasting my time to post a picture. Besides my followers will think it is strange behavior.

If you really want the proof that its me, then DM me on Instagram. I'm not putting in extra work just so I can satisfy your needs. That's on you to put in the work to message me on Instagram, not me.
I never said you had to post it on instagram, it can be posted here.

And going with past history I'm expecting you to be very pathetic.

I'll even do the same so you're not alone if that makes you feel better.
Also, Crocker? You can't view the Bar Room unless you've logged into the boards and have entered the password.
I'm trying to figure out why of all Instagram pics to link, he chose one with two chicks huddled around a swordfish.
I'm trying to figure out why of all Instagram pics to link, he chose one with two chicks huddled around a swordfish.

I'd rather look like a swordfish than the epitome of a IWC nerd. Besides I am actually fit and healthy unlike you

Also :lol: at you making fun of other people's appearances.
It sure doesn't look like a picture of you demonstrating you aren't lying about posting someone's Instagram account.
Like I said, message me on Instagram and I'll reply confirming that its my account. I'm not going to post the pic here.

If you guys want satisfaction its on YOU to put in the extra work, not me.
Crocker I gave you a legitimate option there I no trolling on my part here

Post a picture of yourself with a sign saying this is Crocker in this thread and I'll post a picture holding a sign saying This is Frank N Stein.

Are you gonna do it or not?
Also :lol: at you making fun of other people's appearances.

Says the guy who posted this earlier, and I quote....

I would much rather be young and handsome than a middle aged, ugly, unfit, fatass neckbeard.

man looking at your face in real life just made me understand why you are so ignorant

Oh that's even worse. You're 26 but you look like a middle aged person. YIKES!

Lets just say God didn't really bless you with good looks.
Says the guy who posted this earlier, and I quote....

Maybe I didn't explain myself, so let me explain so you can understand :). A person that is as ugly as Spidey shouldn't be making fun of other people's appearances, because he is ugly himself.

How would you feel if the ugliest person in a classroom is making fun of everyone elses appearances?

This forum truly has a combined IQ of a squirrel :lol:
I'd rather look like a swordfish than the epitome of a IWC nerd. Besides I am actually fit and healthy unlike you

Also :lol: at you making fun of other people's appearances

Like literally none of my pics show me from the chest down. How can you tell if I'm healthy or not?

And the image you gave was not of a fit guy.

You sure did show us you were leaving by coming back every other day. Definitely a sign of a Cassanova with better things to do.
So it's so obvious you're lying about that Instagram account that even a squirrel could figure it out?
How would you feel if the ugliest person in a classroom is making fun of everyone elses appearances?

I'd probably feel a lot like I felt that one time when the biggest idiot in the history of this forum posted someone else's Instagram picture pretending it was his, then refused to provide proof that it was his when none of us believed him.

If you were a steakhouse, Gordon Ramsay would flat out refuse to do an episode of Kitchen Nightmares with you because you're beyond saving.
I love how I'm giving him a legit way to prove he's not lying and I get ignored.

Continue lying to everyone Crocker. The only 'girl' you're fingering is the cantaloupe you named Betty.

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