Crocker do you watch the NFL? **Steakhouse Wrestling**

Keep fighting the good fight, brother. They've put you down here to suppress your message and bully you because they're threatened by what you're saying. They know that WrestleZone lacks relevance compared to other sites, and they don't want you out in the open preaching gospel. The more people you convert, the less fake internet power these neckbeards have.

Happy New Year, Crocker.
You were saying this place is crap. How can that be when there is people in this thread alone that have been here long enough (8 years is pretty long, about half your lifetime) to judge and are still here.

Yes and I am saying this amount is nothing. It's an ant to Reddits universe. Also these people share the same opinions regarding wwe creative team, constantly defending them no matter what. As a way to sound more intelligent and hipster than the rest of the wwe, they justify things using financial motives (Cena is the biggest draw so him burying rusev makes sense, he's the top star and merchandise draw, etc)
Yes and I am saying this amount is nothing. It's an ant to Reddits universe.

Are you comparing it to WWE reddit or the whole of reddit? Because it would be pretty unfair to compare something that is mainly wrestling based (Like why else would you come here) to an infinite amount of subjects and topics.

Also these people share the same opinions regarding wwe creative team, constantly defending them no matter what. As a way to sound more intelligent and hipster than the rest of the wwe, they justify things using financial motives (Cena is the biggest draw so him burying rusev makes sense, he's the top star and merchandise draw, etc)

:disappointed:. I have been stuck on this reply for about 5 minutes now because I just don't know how to answer this because it is that stupid. So I am not going to waste anymore of my time.
Dark lady stop lying, you don't have a husband. You're just a neckbeard pretending to be a girl.

Sorry hun to throw a wrench into your plan. I've been married for 26 years now, with a marriage license and husband to prove it. Plus a 24 year old son, with a birth certificate to prove that as well.

I don't lie to people I know, much less people I don't know online. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone else does. Some of us are just who we say we are. Besides once you start lying you have to keep going to keep the first lie up. Somewhere along the line you'll get tripped up.
Are you comparing it to WWE reddit or the whole of reddit? Because it would be pretty unfair to compare something that is mainly wrestling based (Like why else would you come here) to an infinite amount of subjects and topics.

Okay lets say we only compare it to WWE Reddit. Even then, there is still a lot more content and members. Lets talk numbers here. At this very moment, there are 32 members and 389 guests browsing WrestleZone forums.

On Reddit Squared Circle, there are 1511 MEMBERS and 9000 GUESTS browsing it at this very moment.

:disappointed:. I have been stuck on this reply for about 5 minutes now because I just don't know how to answer this because it is that stupid. So I am not going to waste anymore of my time.

Sounds stupid huh? It should. Thats exactly what this forum consists of; WWE apologists.
Sorry hun to throw a wrench into your plan. I've been married for 26 years now, with a marriage license and husband to prove it. Plus a 24 year old son, with a birth certificate to prove that as well.

I don't lie to people I know, much less people I don't know online. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone else does. Some of us are just who we say we are. Besides once you start lying you have to keep going to keep the first lie up. Somewhere along the line you'll get tripped up.

Pics to prove it?
Pics to prove it?

I don't have to prove anything to you. I'm not the one who takes other people's instagrams and passes them off as my own. You are the liar here Crocker no one else is that I can see. Now go back to Wreddit and post to your hearts content. We ere talking about steak and steakhouses before you rudely interrupted us.
I don't have to prove anything to you. I'm not the one who takes other people's instagrams and passes them off as my own. You are the liar here Crocker no one else is that I can see. Now go back to Wreddit and post to your hearts content. We ere talking about steak and steakhouses before you rudely interrupted us.

Classic. Fucking classic WrestleZone. Accuse me of lying for not posting pics, and then Dark Lady does the exact same thing, and nobody calls her out on it.
Sorry hun to throw a wrench into your plan. I've been married for 26 years now, with a marriage license and husband to prove it. Plus a 24 year old son, with a birth certificate to prove that as well.

I don't lie to people I know, much less people I don't know online. Just because you do doesn't mean everyone else does. Some of us are just who we say we are. Besides once you start lying you have to keep going to keep the first lie up. Somewhere along the line you'll get tripped up.

Leave Crocker! You have a son elder than me? :p
Classic. Fucking classic WrestleZone. Accuse me of lying for not posting pics, and then Dark Lady does the exact same thing, and nobody calls her out on it.

Listen shit for brains. If I was a man posing as a women, I'd probably be doing it to pick up guys. I would be telling them I'm some young 20 year old something with a hot body. Not a woman who's been married for 26 years with a 24 year old son.

That's the best way to turn any guy off isn't it. Don't be stupid next time, and stop trying to spar with me, you aren't in my league and never will be.
You're imaginary girl now knows you're a fucking loser. So lift your head up high and blow your brains out.
Mr Bits. Do you mind if I call you Bacon?

Bacon, is this really necessary?

I'm going to pull back the curtain and be serious for a moment. I'm as game for a laugh as anyone. But you're a 38 year old man shit-talking an inexperienced kid and telling him to blow his brains out. And you're doing this nearly devoid of the criticism that sort of talk should bring because Crocker just happens to be the latest in a long line of WZ community punching bag. But I'm not going to let you off the hook that easy.

Is Crocker misguided? Certainly. Like anyone his age, he thinks discovering Reddit makes him wise to all the world has to offer. He foolishly thinks that all websites and online communities should adhere to the same scope and goals as his current flavour of the week. And he probably thinks getting a little attention from a girl means he's Don Juan.

Which is all to say that he's a typical teenager. He's a moron.

Why are we so intolerant of that? I doubt we're going to bully the dumb fuck out of him. And I doubt you think that either. So why do we feel the need to grind him into dust for our amusement? Instead of kicking a young man when he's down, we should be trying to encourage a civil dialogue which might expose him to a thought or two which hadn't occurred to him before. He's not going to buy all of what we have to say. But I have no interest in teaching someone what to think. Just how to think.

You're better than this, Bacon.

We're better than this, WZ.

As we all ring in the New Year across the globe, I implore this community to consider that maybe, just maybe, we can come together at the prospect of taking a young boy and making him a man. We can show this young man things he's never seen before. Doesn't that sound exciting? Does it not arouse your interest?

Admit it: You're a little curious. You've thought about this just as much as I have.

As we open 2016, doesn't it sound exciting to try something new?

Who's with me?

Why should Crocker blow his brains out when we can blow his mind?
Keep fighting the good fight, brother. They've put you down here to suppress your message and bully you because they're threatened by what you're saying. They know that WrestleZone lacks relevance compared to other sites, and they don't want you out in the open preaching gospel. The more people you convert, the less fake internet power these neckbeards have.

Happy New Year, Crocker.

Just another reminder to show how completely irrelevant WrestleZone is when it comes to the bigger picture.

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Mr Bits. Do you mind if I call you Bacon?

Bacon, is this really necessary?

I'm going to pull back the curtain and be serious for a moment. I'm as game for a laugh as anyone. But you're a 38 year old man shit-talking an inexperienced kid and telling him to blow his brains out. And you're doing this nearly devoid of the criticism that sort of talk should bring because Crocker just happens to be the latest in a long line of WZ community punching bag. But I'm not going to let you off the hook that easy.

Is Crocker misguided? Certainly. Like anyone his age, he thinks discovering Reddit makes him wise to all the world has to offer. He foolishly thinks that all websites and online communities should adhere to the same scope and goals as his current flavour of the week. And he probably thinks getting a little attention from a girl means he's Don Juan.

Which is all to say that he's a typical teenager. He's a moron.

Why are we so intolerant of that? I doubt we're going to bully the dumb fuck out of him. And I doubt you think that either. So why do we feel the need to grind him into dust for our amusement? Instead of kicking a young man when he's down, we should be trying to encourage a civil dialogue which might expose him to a thought or two which hadn't occurred to him before. He's not going to buy all of what we have to say. But I have no interest in teaching someone what to think. Just how to think.

You're better than this, Bacon.

We're better than this, WZ.

As we all ring in the New Year across the globe, I implore this community to consider that maybe, just maybe, we can come together at the prospect of taking a young boy and making him a man. We can show this young man things he's never seen before. Doesn't that sound exciting? Does it not arouse your interest?

Admit it: You're a little curious. You've thought about this just as much as I have.

As we open 2016, doesn't it sound exciting to try something new?

Who's with me?

Why should Crocker blow his brains out when we can blow his mind?

I am with you! I tried it in 2015 and will try in 2016 too!
Okay lets say we only compare it to WWE Reddit. Even then, there is still a lot more content and members. Lets talk numbers here. At this very moment, there are 32 members and 389 guests browsing WrestleZone forums.

On Reddit Squared Circle, there are 1511 MEMBERS and 9000 GUESTS browsing it at this very moment.

Wow that is actually more than I expected. Wonder how many of them are banned from here. I just had a quick look to see you weren't lying and some of the threads there are titled ; it's been 34 minutes in 2016 and dolph hasn't been pushed yet, A closeted John Cena engages in haberdashery, dudekissing, and describes Big Show's musk (probably you made this) and R Truth has only had one title shot and if you go into that thread all it has is the Elimination Chamber 2010 match card.

I know where I would rather be.
I am with you! I tried it in 2015 and will try in 2016 too!

If you find a boy who would benefit from being treated well by the community, be sure to post about them in the Bar. Fewer rules there. Less visibility from the outside world.

Wow that is actually more than I expected. Wonder how many of them are banned from here. I just had a quick look to see you weren't lying and some of the threads there are titled ; it's been 34 minutes in 2016 and dolph hasn't been pushed yet, A closeted John Cena engages in haberdashery, dudekissing, and describes Big Show's musk (probably you made this) and R Truth has only had one title shot and if you go into that thread all it has is the Elimination Chamber 2010 match card.

I know where I would rather be.

Those threads that you are describing are on the "newest submissions" category. If you want the best content go on the "hot" or "rising" categories. Besides lets break this down shall we?

1. Dolph Ziggler thread - I admit that one is pretty stupid. Checked it out and 100% sure its a troll thread. Everyone is shitting on him. You get threads like this on the newest submissions category, just like you see all kinds of stupid posts when you click on "new posts" on WrestleZone forums.

2. The John Cena thing is a link to a YouTube video, not even a post. If you spent the time to check it out you would understand (which you probably didn't).

3. That R-Truth one is a fun fact, and it's completely false too.

What you're doing is finding the worst threads and naming them, when the proportion of bad threads to good threads is very very low. Just like on WrestleZone forums, you don't choose the threads on the "trash" section if you want to have good reading material.
What you're doing is finding the worst threads and naming them, when the proportion of bad threads to good threads is very very low.
I agree completely. Being part of a community as large as Reddit proportionally reduces your likelihood of coming in contact with sub-par content.

It's a lot like attending a Trump rally. You know it's good because it's bigger. Like the ladies say, size matters.

You know all about the ladies, Crocker. Tell these virgin neckbeards how right I am.

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