Crocker do you watch the NFL? **Steakhouse Wrestling**

Yup SOS is moving on with his life. He doesn't give a shit about a forum revolved around a clique of neckbeards. I don't either, so imma spend the rest of my New Years Day doing something productive. Out again; HF with the steak talk.

Can't believe you guys are not spending time with loved ones on this holiday and you are talking to strangers about steak instead. Oh wait you don't have any loved ones
It always baffles me how people think if they continue on with their obviously false charade that people will actually believe them and not just think it's sadder and sadder.

Edit: oh. I mean STEAK!
I could care less if you think I'm lying or not. At the end of the day I don't give a shit about what a bunch of neckbeards think about me; I'm the one eating pussy day in and day out

You're surely one to talk. You're spending this holiday discussing steak with a bunch of strangers instead of spending time with family and whatnot. Get a life, do something productive like hit the gym you fat fucks.
We know Crocker's a liar, because there isn't a 16 year old boy alive in America who enjoys eating pussy.
Crocker describing what sex is like is enough for me to grab my own rope and stool.

I've already got mine, right behind you.

Of course with what we know about Crocker, he could be pulling a Cosby on this possibly imaginary female. WE JUST DON'T KNOW!

The only thing Crocker is pulling is himself. All this talk about women. Jesus H. Christ. Like a dog trying to chase a car, even if he caught it he wouldn't know what to do with it.

Does this girl look "imaginary" to you? Btw just finished making her cum, stimulating the G spot and the clitoris at the same time was challenging yet rewarding. Yup we had juicy and explosive sex in her car :)

Something Spidey will never experience

Why wasn't it in your car. And sex in is car is not explosive it's downright cramped and uncomfortable. Worst place ever.
Where else would I have sex? Not going to do it inside the house with people inside both my house and bae's house.

Also the crowded environment of a car makes sex so much better and funner. Sometimes messy sex is better
At the park, in a tent, at y'alls place when the folks ain't home, hell a fucking pool is more comfortable than a car or a theater seat. Gotta get creative, Crocker. But I have faith in your sexual prowess. You can do it.
We should move our steakhouse wrestling discussion to a section Crocker can't infect with his bullshit and lies
At the park, in a tent, at y'alls place when the folks ain't home, hell a fucking pool is more comfortable than a car or a theater seat. Gotta get creative, Crocker. But I have faith in your sexual prowess. You can do it.

Is it weird that when I read your first two suggestions I was immediately reminded of a Dr. Seuss book? Takes Green Eggs and Ham to a whole new level.

And sex in a car really isn't that bad. Crocker is pretending to be 16. His options would be limited.
This forum has absolutely no balls. It pisses me off when I see a pussy-ass forum like WrestleZone where they get jealous of someone for having a sex life.

On Reddit there is an entire subreddit dedicated to sex life, sex stories, relationships, etc. You have it all in that one subreddit and people discuss it openly and maturely. Reddit is so lenient and expansive in the content it's amazing. This forum clearly cannot handle that. The so called "bar room" is just a homeless version of Reddit's AskReddit. Hell everything on Reddit is 500x better. The gaming section here is absolute fucking shit, nobody posts there in weeks, while in Reddit there is an ongoing fanbase on the Star Wars subreddit, and every single media-related thing. It's constantly thriving while WrestleZone forums is going downhill. You guys have no NEW active members and unless the administrators do something to change that, it's gonna stay the same because you guys are lazy, ignorant, stupid fucks.
Can someone explain to me why Crocker hasn't been banned yet?

Why do you want him banned so badly? I ask because this isn't the first time you've asked that question. You do realize that he can ban himself, by just not posting on the forum anymore. Any of of us can do that. Log off and that's it. Would you continue to post in a place where you know people don't really like you? That's quite an achievement in itself considering none of us know him personally.

He's desperate for attention. We stopped talking about him and started talking about steaks and steakhouses. On comes Crocker and starts talking about an imaginary sex life and girlfriend, because he's not getting the attention he wants. When he does get the attention, he calls everyone a douche bag and tells us he's not posting here anymore. But when the conversation veers from him, he shows up again just to lie through his teeth. It's actually very sad when you really think about it.
This forum has absolutely no balls. It pisses me off when I see a pussy-ass forum like WrestleZone where they get jealous of someone for having a sex life.

On Reddit there is an entire subreddit dedicated to sex life, sex stories, relationships, etc. You have it all in that one subreddit and people discuss it openly and maturely. Reddit is so lenient and expansive in the content it's amazing. This forum clearly cannot handle that. The so called "bar room" is just a homeless version of Reddit's AskReddit. Hell everything on Reddit is 500x better. The gaming section here is absolute fucking shit, nobody posts there in weeks, while in Reddit there is an ongoing fanbase on the Star Wars subreddit, and every single media-related thing. It's constantly thriving while WrestleZone forums is going downhill. You guys have no NEW active members and unless the administrators do something to change that, it's gonna stay the same because you guys are lazy, ignorant, stupid fucks.

Good then off you go and regale them with your sexual fantasies. My sides are sore laughing at all the bullshit you've been posting today. And believe me I'm being about as nice as I can when I type this. If my son posted shit like this on the internet I'd friggin kill him. How embarrassing.

Oh and Crocker I have a newsflash for you. No one here, and I mean no one is jealous of you. Believe me when I say that. We all kind of feel sorry for you that you have to make stuff like this up.

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