Crocker do you watch the NFL? **Steakhouse Wrestling**

What's wrong with you man? First I thought you were one of the reasonable people. Now I understand that you're a sell out. You just want to fit in with the rest of this forum, which is why you made that John Cena kiss-ass thread. Seriously is your self estem that low that you feel the need to fit in with a bunch of cliquey neckbeards on this forum?

You call everyone stuff and then can't handle it when people give it back. Go back to banging for 20 girlfriends.
Sadly I know people on Facebook that won't shut up about how great Tumblr is. These people are strange and missing the point on what it means to have differing tastes. They'd rather walk around with a superiority complex.
Crocker I'm gonna tell you flat out that I don't care about Reddit. I will never sign up, I will never even search for it on Google. I like it here, since I've been back after a year away I've I've had more fun than the previous 7 years I was a regular

I just don't care. I'm not saying this to upset you I'm saying this so you stop wasting yours and my time.

Respond or not I won't respond as your on my ignore list
Everyone ignore the idiot. Back to steakhouses!

Kapu, what's your favorite steakhouse?
Sadly I know people on Facebook that won't shut up about how great Tumblr is. These people are strange and missing the point on what it means to have differing tastes. They'd rather walk around with a superiority complex.

Tumblr and Facebook are different enough to have their own pros and cons. However we are talking about discussion forums here. Reddit and WrestleZone forums. This isn't even a competition; Reddit is light years ahead of WZ forums
Crocker I'm gonna tell you flat out that I don't care about Reddit. I will never sign up, I will never even search for it on Google. I like it here, since I've been back after a year away I've I've had more fun than the previous 7 years I was a regular

I just don't care. I'm not saying this to upset you I'm saying this so you stop wasting yours and my time.

Respond or not I won't respond as your on my ignore list

You won't even TRY it. That shows how fucking ignorant you are.
Tumblr and Facebook are different enough to have their own pros and cons. However we are talking about discussion forums here. Reddit and WrestleZone forums. This isn't even a competition; Reddit is light years ahead of WZ forums

If Reddit is better, why come back every other day to an inferior site? That doesn't make any sense.
If Reddit is better, why come back every other day to an inferior site? That doesn't make any sense.

Because I like to laugh in the face of ignorant people. Its like visiting the subreddit CRINGE, which is basically watching funny videos of stupid people
Because I like to laugh in the face of ignorant people.

What is it with idiots and this word? Why is it that the stupidest people in the world all seem to love calling people "ignorant"? Anyone else notice that?

I thought you were too "busy" to log back on here? And why did you lie to us about never coming back? Don't you have Instagram accounts to impersonate, or schools "nightclubs" to go to?
Remember when Crocker was trying to get people from Reddit to come here and fight his battles for him, and they laughed in his face? Crocker, have you successfully reimagined that as a personal victory yet?
Just browsing here is pissing me off man. This is like those videos on the subreddit Cringe, where I watch stupid people do stupid things, and they turn out to be funny, except this isn't even funny it's just sad

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