Creepy Majora's Mask story

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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So, this is something I found yesterday, and it's actually really, really awesome. It's a long read, but it's worth it. It's a story about someone finding a dodgy Majora's Mask cartridge, and...well, I'll let you read it if you want to know the rest.

Here are the videos referenced, so you don't have to scroll all the way down to access them as you read:

So yeah, I love hacks, and Majora's Mask, so I thought this was awesome, and that I'd share it with all of you.
And fuckin' awesome!

The fourth video creeped me out the most, because my name is Matt, and there was nothing about that in the text. Hah. So, is there going to be a new video released in a few days, do you think? I mean, "the counter has been reset"...
It was OK.

I wasn't creeped out at all though. It is just a story that some dude has made up.
I wasn't creeped out until the MATT thing, and that was only a small moment. Mostly, I was interested. I love reading about hacks, both real and fake, and I'm impressed by the lengths the guy went to to get his story over. It's a good read.
That's about where I felt with it. This wasn't just some kid who decided to made and post a weird video: he clearly put a lot of effort in to crafting his tale. I like the use of a blog and videos to tell the tale.
I didn't actually read the thing obviously. I just love the term creepypasta.

This is so awesome, it's like a mystery story. So something is happening on the 19th?

Yeah, this has become way more than just a story. It's a full blown ARG, and it's awesome.

This thread talks about several things that have been discovered so far, as well as theories and some lulz here and there.

Also, the hidden countdown on the Moon Children site ends at 8:00PM EST tonight.

Get involved, peoples. This is...interesting.
you should get like Ghost Hunters, or that guy on SyFy that investigates legends and myths. Did u see when he visited that Island of the dolls off the coast of Mexico/Puerto Rico or wherever it was? Pretty effed up island with all these creepy looking raggedy dolls.
Night of The Third Day
-1 Hour and 21 minutes Remaining

OK, so there's another secret page on the website, one containing Ifrit's email address. Apparently if we ask the right question we'll find the truth. Anyone who's been paying attention to this have any ideas? We don't have much time...

New thread detailing the twists and turns in this ARG:

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