Creed's "Full Circle" Album - Underrated?

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
I was talking to Naitch about Creed yesterday and then I came up with the idea for this thread.

There's no doubt about it that Creed were one of the more popular bands during their initial run. They dealt with a lot of criticism but had a large loyal fanbase until they split up into two separate groups. Stapp went solo while the rest of the band found a new singer and renamed themselves Alter Bridge. Fans of the original band were divided as to whether they liked Alter Bridge or not, and then in 2009 it happened....


Creed reunited and they released the Full Circle album for their reunion tour. This was a HUGE release for me because while Alter Bridge's first album was considered the 4th Creed album for some, this was the REAL 4th album by Creed. One of my favorite bands has gotten back together. I was surprised by the fact that this album did not do better than it did. They were a popular band who were finally getting back together and releasing their first album in 8 years. Granted it's not as good as their old stuff, but all three of those albums were a tough act to follow. I still find the new cd very enjoyable and listen to it frequently. I think it's underrated by fans because a release that huge should have done better, especially one that's as good as this cd.

For those who have not checked this cd out yet I recommend tracks such as "Overcome", "Rain", "Suddenly", or "Full Circle" for a good place to start. Give it a chance, if you like Creed or the rock genre in general you will likely enjoy the album.

1. Do you like the Full Circle album? How do you feel about it compared to the older releases?

2. Is this an under-rated album or not? Why?

Discuss. :)
Ahhh, I am the 1st guy to reply! haha

I like "Full Circle", its a good album. How did it do sales wise over in the US? I had it on pre-order for weeks and got it on release day. With alot of albums they take a while to grow on me, but "Full Circle" didn't, I liked it immediately.

"Weathered" by Creed is the album that got me into the band, I still class that album as one of my all time favourites, and while to me there is nothing on "Full Circle" that matches the greatness of "My Sacrifice", "Signs" or "One Last Breath" from "Weathered", there is still alot to enjoy on the album.

"Overcome" is an awesome way to start the album, I believe that was the lead single from the record unless I am mistaken? Great, heavy song with Stapp's vocals as good as ever. That man can sing. There is nothing revolutionary about "Full Circle". If you were a fan of Creed you will enjoy it, if you weren't there is nothing that will make you change your mind.

I am a big fan of "Suddenly", "On My Sleeve", "Rain"- which is a bit softer than most Creed songs and quite good to sing along to, while "Fear" is a gem hidden away mid-record. They would sit well on Creed's other releases and not look out of place.

I definitely recommend that people give this album a listen, it's far better than most other music out there at the moment. Scott Stapp still has a great voice, Mark Tremonti is a fucking awesome guitarist and there are quite a number of really good songs on "Full Circle". Just avoid "Bread Of Shame" though, that song is pretty crap.

Overall a 7.5-8/10 for me, compared to the 9.25 I would give to "Weathered".
Honestly, I think this album is decent. They have many good songs such as A Thousand Faces, Overcome, Rain and Away in Silence. Sure, the style is a bit different to the Creed we are more familiar with. But they have adapted a bit of a more harder style as opposed to their older albums. Under rated? Hmmm... Maybe a bit. What I can say is, Tremonti plays like gold in this, ever since he joined Alter Bridge his style got a lot better, and during the time Creed was split up, Tremonti was learning from one of the greats Michaelangelo Batio.

I agree with Naitch, Bread of Shame is just god awful.
But what I don't agree with Naitch is, his voice is not's quite generic in my opinion. But hey, just my opinion.
How did it do sales wise over in the US? I had it on pre-order for weeks and got it on release day. With alot of albums they take a while to grow on me, but "Full Circle" didn't, I liked it immediately.

Not that well unfortunately. It is certified Gold in Australia, but nothing in any other country that I know of. All of Creed's older albums are multi time Platinum in the US. My Own Prison and Weathered are both 6 time Platinum while Human Clay is an impressive Diamond certified album. I am very disappointed that it did not at the very least go Platinum once. I expected it to do worse than the older stuff, but not this much worse.

"Weathered" by Creed is the album that got me into the band, I still class that album as one of my all time favourites, and while to me there is nothing on "Full Circle" that matches the greatness of "My Sacrifice", "Signs" or "One Last Breath" from "Weathered", there is still alot to enjoy on the album.

"Overcome" is an awesome way to start the album, I believe that was the lead single from the record unless I am mistaken? Great, heavy song with Stapp's vocals as good as ever. That man can sing. There is nothing revolutionary about "Full Circle". If you were a fan of Creed you will enjoy it, if you weren't there is nothing that will make you change your mind.

I came in when "Higher" was released as a single and I listened to all 3 albums a ton during my middle school and high school years. Weathered is an incredibly difficult album to follow up. I consider it to be Creed's best. "Overcome" from Full Circle is a powerful song and the best that the new album offers, but I do not see a single track that even touches Weathered. The point you make about Full Circle not being revolutionary is a good one. The fact that Creed made an album for their reunion tour with new material should have been enough to drive massive sales. I guess that wasn't the case. Here's how I rank Creed's discography:

1. Weathered
2. My Own Prison
3. Human Clay
4. Full Circle

Yes, I do rank Full Circle at the bottom of Creed's albums, but there are only four and ALL of them are good. I like it far more than Stapp's solo album or anything that the band released as Alter Bridge. It's a gem and I think more people should give it a listen. Anyone who is looking for some new rock music to listen to really should look up "Overcome" and a couple of the other tracks. "Rain" is another excellent track.

I give the album a 7.5 out of 10, which is a lot higher than I'd rate most of the newer songs out there these days. I'm more of a classic rock guy.
Naitch and Dagger, my fellow Creed fans how I love you both :D

Do you like the Full Circle album? How do you feel about it compared to the older releases? You know, when I heard from my friend that this album was coming I was beyond excited. All I could think about for weeks was another great album that would be as good as their past albums, and we'd finally have some much needed Creed after way too long.

When they came out with the single "Rain", I really enjoyed it but I got a feeling from that one song that Full Circle was not going to be like old Creed, it had a lighter feeling to it that I didn't like as much as stuff off of My Own Prison or Weathered. Then when the album came out and I got it on the first day it released I gave it a listen and couldn't really get into it. I really liked "Song You Sing" but again it was the feeling that it wasn't the same Creed, the rest of the tracks aren't bad but I didn't find anything special about them.

I became a Creed fan a loooong time ago, I got into them because of my dad actually when I found his new My Own Prison CD in his truck and became a fan instantly. To this day songs like My Own Prison,Torn, What's This Life For and my favorite back then "One", are my favorites and why I fell in love with the band, I really liked Human Clay and I absolutely loved Weathered but My Own Prison will always be what represent the band to me. Here's my ranking for the albums:
1)My Own Prison
3)Human Clay
4)Full Circle

Is this an under-rated album or not? Why?
I don't believe so, I mean because I love the band I do wish it had seen more success but it wasn't a spectacular album and after the time up the anticipation hyped it up, the end result being a decent album that wasn't worth getting excited over. I still love Creed, still listen to them and support them but maybe they would have been better off leaving it with an amazing album like Weathered and go out on top.

This is the Creed that I love and will remember


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