Creed/Alter Bridge

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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
Surely there's got to be fans of music that doesn't resort to preaching about drugs and alcohol but rather, having meaningful lyrics that are thoughtful and actually different with each song. This fits the bill in my view for Creed and Alter Bridge.

I'll start with Creed: I have never been a fan of Stapp. Ever. His voice has that grinding element to it like people like Chad Kroeger has today that is just irritating after you listen to it for a while, but in saying that, Creed just are a different type of music altogether. They were never like any of the bands you saw in the late 90's and if you hate the fact that they are so 'spiritual' I think you should learn to respect music and not the messages in them. Creed had good music that a lot of people loved to listen to, despite Stapp's controversies. You had Mark Tremonti's talent with the guitar really leading the way for them and the competent drumming of Scott Philips adding a lot to the music as well. So they believed in God? I couldn't care less because rock isn't all about drugs and sex and these guys proved it.

Onto my favourite, Alter Bridge. I don't like to think that their only major publicity they get is from Edge's theme song because they have a style that a lot of people would love and for me, they are way ahead of Nickelback in talent. Get rid of Stapp and add Myles Kennedy and you have a band producing outstanding music, albeit just one album so far. With the addition of Kennedy, who also plays guitar, it allows for Tremonti to escape the shackles of just basically rythym guitar. And also, getting rid of Wind-Up was a good move and hopefully they will get a decent record company this time, or so I've heard. Untapped potential I think is a way to describe AB and hopefully with the release of their new album coming mid-year, this band that shouldn't be thought of as just Creed without Stapp will make a name for themselves. What makes these guys great is the fact that they don't really have a lot of Christian themes in their songs, and either way, I couldn't care less but that will hopefully shake off the shallow critics of that style.

That's a messed up post but my point is, I love the not-so-hardcore style of music these bands produce. I'm not a big knowledgeable fan of music though so I couldn't really go into detail with a lot of aspects but other than that, I hope there are a lot of other AB/Creed fans (or bashers, but hopefully not) because it should all go in this thread.
...Are you sure you're not using drugs?

CREED? .......CREED?!?!?! Easily the worst band ever aside from Nickelback.

I'd rather listen to cats getting raped. Newsflash Scott Stapp: Grunge was dead a good twelve years ago.

Never heard Alter Bridge.

Scott Stapp is enough to ruin a band period. Sure they can jam, but his voice, much like Nickelback, is enough to send me to the radio, pick it up, and throw it threw a window. I listened to their albums, and it didn't strike a chord with me, I've always thought they are over rated and over exposed. They had the look of what the record companies wanted to push.

Alterbridge sounds a ton better though. Xfear, if you like Edge's themesong, you like Alterbridge. I've heard a couple of their songs, and honestly, without Stapp they are damn good. It sucks that I let one guy ruin the music of the rest of the band, but his voice is absolutly horrible.
I don't mind Creed. Well I like two song's. One Last Breath and Sacrifice. But it's a bit like pop/rock. I couldn't listen to it all the time.

I've heard of Alter Bridge but I don't know any of there songs.
Well, I'm sure you have heard of Metalingus...Edge's current theme.

Find the Real was used for a PPV, forget which one.

In Loving Memory is another one.

Also, Open Your Eyes is a damn good track. It really show's off Kennedy's vocal range. He gave a voice to Alter Bridge that Stapp could NEVER give to Creed.
Creed for me was the worst parts of grunge music combined into one gigantic package with all the crap highlighted and magnified. Tremonti is a decent guitarist, and Scott Phillips is a decent drummer and I guess I've just expected for them to evolve into something non-corny. Wish in one hand, $hit in the other and all that, though. My main issue with that band, aside from the corny ass redundant songwriting and "let's put my foot up on something and sing to the heavens" lyrics is probably going to be Scott Stapp. I mean, the guy copied the worst parts of Eddie Vedder and Layne Staley's styles and then just barfed it onto bland songsmithing. I don't hate the band as much as I do some others, but a competent producer would've re-tooled these guys from the ground up. That, and some of the drum and guitar work was the most repetitve work I've ever seen, where they ripped off their own work numerous times instead of breaking new ground (Phillips knows about three beats if you examine the Creed catalog). As for Alter Bridge? The only decent piece of their work I felt like taking a chance with I didn't feel like taking a chance. Edge's theme music is enough to hold me over, thank you.
Perfectly said Kasey, perfectly said.

I don't mean to offend you mate but what the hell are you doing? Coke? Heroin? Crystal meth? I'd have to be higher then Jake Roberts to find anything Creed does even halfway decent. Sure they don't sing about drugs (theres about twenty million other bands that don't by the way) but how does that make their music respectable? It's always Stapp sounding like a cat getting it's testicles stepped on shrieking about how awesome God is. That's cool Scott, but do us a favor, and never release another album again, ever. Christian Rock usually is some of the worst music on the planet and for good reason--rock and roll was founded on rebellion and attitude, something Christianity has nothing to do with. Might as well have a member of the KKK all dressed up in the hood getup singing a rap song. Makes no sense.

I downloaded a couple Alter Bridge songs, and their okay. I do like Edge's theme, atleast for the first thirty seconds of it. Nothing special to me though. Sounds too much like the rest of the generic crap that's being spewed on kids these days like Fall Out Boy, Korn and Avenged Sevenfold.

What the fuck happened to rock music?
Creed's okay, I got there greatest hits album, but once I got my first ipod, only a few songs made it on there.

I have Alter Bridge's first album as well (in the same day infact), and the entire album is on my ipod. Find The Real, Metalingus, Broken Wings, In Loving Memory, One Day Remains, and Open Your Eyes are awesome tunes, and thats about half the cd!

Btw, Find The Real was used for Royal Rumble '05, Open Your Eyes was used for the first Diva Search (I think, maybe second), and of course Metalingus is Edges theme.

Oh yea, this is off topic, but does anyone kno the name of the Audioslave song from the second Diva Search?
Creed... Worst band ever. Scott Stapp is a fuck tard, if I ever saw him on the street I would grab his long hair and punch him in the face repeatedly. He pisses me off not just because his music sucks but becasue his stuff was marketed to a chrisitan audience then he goes out there and makes a fuckin sex tape. I mean what the hell? Fuck that guy and his music.
i agree Creed is crap all of theyre songs sucked.Alter Bridge wasnt all that bad i didnt like most of theyre songs accept Metalingus (Edge's theme)and One Day Remains
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