Create your own WWE pay per view theme

The Viper

Occasional Pre-Show
Lately we are seeing alot of new WWE ppvs with new themes. From breaking point to hell in a cell to T L C. These are all great ideas in my opinion, then we have the bragging rights ppv thats Raw vs Smackdown which i like even more then the first 3. So with all these new themes coming into play it got me thinking of other pay per views i would like to see. i would like to see a ppv called "End Game" The theme of this ppv is every feud thats going on in the wwe at that point will be featured on the ppv, from every show, no matter how much the feud didnt matter! And the point of this would be to end those feuds to start new ones, which would help build new stars. And the way i would do this is the major feuds (the ones for titles) would all be featured in matches like Hell in a Cell, or Ladder matches, or Ironman matches. Whatever match that would be good to end a feud. and the feuds that dont matter as much (like Benjamin and Sheamus) i would just let them duke it out in the best match they could put together and would make sure the match ended cleanly by pinfall to leave no confusion about whose the better man. Of course i know this ppv would be very long but so what! im payin 40 bucks so i would watch a 4 hr ppv and not complain. Any ideas? and what do you think of mine?
Ok The Viper, that's a pretty creative idea. However, WWE wouldn't give it 4 hours; That spot belongs the Wrestlemania, unless they make all PPV 4 hours. It would just be shorter matches. Trying to fit somewhere around 15+ matches in 3 hours would give no meaning and no closer to any of the feuds. Also, having all the gimick matches for the "important" feuds would be taking away from the other PPV. I mean we are already gettting 3 Hell in a Cell matches at Hell in a Cell.

I don't really have a PPV idea, but I was thinking that it would be cool to see a throwback PPV. I kinda half like this idea but something where you bring back old stips like the blue cage, old title belts. I'm not really sure, but something to showcase the lightheavy weights, hardcore matches, midcard. It's a really loose idea right now, but change it up as you please.
What about having an all Lumberjack (or Lumberjill) PPV, you'd start out with the lumberjacks being guys who won't have matches, and as the matches go on the wrestlers who have matches would be added to the lumberjacks. The first match or two would have to be the two divas matches to get the divas out of the way for the lumberjack matches.
I would like to see a PPV that had the 5 most title ready challengers like for ECW Regal, Ryder, Benjamin, Dreamer and Burchill. Those 5 superstars would compete in a 5 man over the top rope battle royal (to keep it short) with the winner getting a title shot later that night. Now I know this would be long but i think that WWE cold pull it off. if the PPV was tomorrow my card would be:

WHC: Batista vs Kane vs Rey Mysterio vs Matt Hardy vs Undertaker
(the trick to this match is to not have taker win and change it up with someone like Hardy)

WWE: Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne vs Kofi Kingston vs Chris Masters
(i think you could have an Epic feud with Masters vs Cena or Swagger vs Cena so one of them would get the win)

ECW: Regal vs Ryder vs Dreamer vs Burchill vs Benjamin
(Regal would have to win this one)

Unified tag: MVP/WSM vs Legacy vs DX vs Cryme Tyme vs the Hart Dynasty
(i would give the win to one of the SD teams)

IC: Dolph Ziggler vs Drew Mcintyre vs Mike Knox vs R truth vs Finlay
(winner Drew Mcintyre)

IDK it might be fun and its a PPV i would like to watch as long as they change it up with using it to to start new feuds not make taker orton and dx win and you might have a fun PPV.
I would love to see an Iron Man PPV. Every match is given a time limit and whoever wins the most falls at the end is the winner. I think they could go with a small card only having more developed fueds. I think they could use 15, 30, and hour time limits. They could have non-title and lesser championship matches with fifteen minute time limits. Have World Championships with 30 minutes or hour limits. While its highly unlikey they would ever do it I think its a cool concept. I would like to see another iron man match.

If this were to go into place the matches I would put on the card (as of today).

WWE Championship (30 Minute Time Limit)
Randy Orton vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship (30 Minute Time Limit)
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

DX vs. Legacy (30 Minute Time Limit)

United States Championship (15 Minutes)
The Miz vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Intercontinental Championship (15 Minutes)
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison

Tag Team Championship (15 Minutes)
The Hart Dynasty vs. Chris Jericho & The Big Show

Scramble Match for a World Championship Match (like money in the bank) (15)
Batista vs. Rey Mysterio vs. MVP vs. Kane vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian
I would love to see an Iron Man PPV. Every match is given a time limit and whoever wins the most falls at the end is the winner. I think they could go with a small card only having more developed fueds. I think they could use 15, 30, and hour time limits. They could have non-title and lesser championship matches with fifteen minute time limits. Have World Championships with 30 minutes or hour limits. While its highly unlikey they would ever do it I think its a cool concept. I would like to see another iron man match.

If this were to go into place the matches I would put on the card (as of today).

WWE Championship (30 Minute Time Limit)
Randy Orton vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship (30 Minute Time Limit)
The Undertaker vs. CM Punk

DX vs. Legacy (30 Minute Time Limit)

United States Championship (15 Minutes)
The Miz vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Intercontinental Championship (15 Minutes)
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison

Tag Team Championship (15 Minutes)
The Hart Dynasty vs. Chris Jericho & The Big Show

Scramble Match for a World Championship Match (like money in the bank) (15)
Batista vs. Rey Mysterio vs. MVP vs. Kane vs. Matt Hardy vs. Christian

I like this idea, I wouldn't make every match an Iron man match, but the most heated feuds. Maybe even throw in an Iron man submission match too.

I'd like to see the King Of The Ring Return.

Also wouldn't mind seeing a classic feuds event. Where in they take a major feud from the past and have a match.......they can show the history over the years and have a nice build. Show the tale of the tape......records against one another, etc etc.

Plus they could book some old time wrestlers to come back and perform for one night only. More of an exhibition show than anything, you could even have tribute matches and show respect to any wrestlers who have died in the past year (like how the Oscars shows a video tribute).
What about having an all Lumberjack (or Lumberjill) PPV, you'd start out with the lumberjacks being guys who won't have matches, and as the matches go on the wrestlers who have matches would be added to the lumberjacks. The first match or two would have to be the two divas matches to get the divas out of the way for the lumberjack matches.

I LOVE this idea. Lumberjack matches would be a great way to get everybody on the PPV. And lumberjack matches are more flexible than ones like TLC matches or Submission - you can have some LJ matches with weapons and some without weapons, for example, to prevent the audience getting bored with the match type as the night goes on.

I was thinking that they should do a "Loser Leaves the Brand" type PPV. They could do it right before the draft. Instead of having only the main event matches use the PPV gimmick theme, they could have only midcard / lowercard guys use this stipulation. It'd be fun to watch and the only downside is that it'd maybe shorten the supplemental draft. Which isn't a big deal.
I'd like to see a "Doomsday" ppv where every title is on the line. The trick with this ppv is that every superstar that loses their match cannot go after the title or level of title they were going for. Example: Triple H loses his match against, let's just say, Orton, for the WWE title. He can no longer go after the WWE or Heavyweight title for the next 6 months. Another example: Jericho loss his match against Morrison for the U.S. title. Now Jericho can't go after the U.S. title or Intercontinental title for the next 6 months. Same with tag titles and Divas titles and so on.

This would create new storylines, new superstars, and mix up the title scenes for a while as Triple H would be out of the big title picture, but insert himself into the midcard title picture or tag title picture or he could create a faction where the big title holder would be in his camp so he could be close to the title. I'm just using Triple H as an example. It could be anyone.

This would assure that new people would be in different title scenes and keep everything kind of fresh.
Ok, I’m going to have some fun here.

In Your House PPV:
Where the main matches take place inside of a house. Falls count anywhere inside the house. But you can go outside, imagine Jeff Hardy Swanton off the chimney into the pool. Classic Backyard Wrestling. Who needs chairs when you have couches?

Crush Hour PPV:
Like the WWE GameCube game, every wrestler drives a Monster Truck like Vehicle for their match.

Get the Medic PPV:
The first main match is a stretcher match, the second main match is an ambulance match, and the final main match is either a casket match or a buried alive match.

No Way In PPV:
Almost like No Way Out; except picture this, I’m imagining the contestants start in the ring of the Elimination Chamber, and try to lock themselves into the chambers. Once all four chambers are filled, the match can begin. Almost like TNA.

Rage in the Cage PPV:
All matches reside in a cage match. Not that creative.

I like the Iron Man PPV idea, awesome!!!
In reality I would like to see the KOTR brought back.

King of the Ring PPV:
You start out with 8 superstars; there could be a huge tournament before if you want. Tournament goes through the quarter finals, semi finals, and the KOTR match that night. Between the rounds, you can break it out, by having the WWE and World title matches then if you would like. So a total of either 7 or 9 matches. I think that would be good to push some upper mid carders, into main event status.

I thought these were fun, I had some more but can’t remember then right now. What do you guys think?
I'd love to bring back KOTR the way it was in 93' & 94'. You know when it was actually competitive and not predictable. Winner should get a shot at summerslam, nuff said.

Also the roulette theme (originally WCW's spin the wheel make the deal concept). A PPV where every match would be contested by the spinning of a wheel to determine that matches stipulation. This is a great concept and would be better than Raw roulette becasue in a PPV there are no commercials or interview segments. More time for more matches.
bring baack the Kotr ppv would be great it would give new stars shine but for my ppv i think i would have all WRESTLING matches just to change it up we have to many themed ppvs now just have this ppv be some good old fashion wrestling

another idea i have is a number one contenders ppv have matches to determine who faces the champions at night of champions i think it could work it would give alot of creditbilty to the number one contender spot
My pay per view would be all be called the Lion's Den. The main events of the evening would take place in the " Lion's Den " cage like Ken Shamrock used back in the day. MMA rules would be applied though. MMA moves and such would be legal. While it would still the outcome would still be predictable the matches would have no script except the winner though. Obviously the only good wrestlers who could ever really feature in this are guys like Taker or people with martial arts/ real wrestling backgrounds.

The card would be like this though if it were current storylines.

World Heavyweight Championship Lion's Den Match - Undertaker vs Cm Punk
WWE Championship Lion's Den Match - John Cena vs Randy Orton
Lion's Den Match - Triple H vs Ted DiBiase Jr
Lion's Den Match - Shawn Michaels vs Cody Rhodes

The only match I believe would really work with this though is Taker vs Punk as Taker has a slight MMA background and MMA moves in his moveset while Punk has a martial arts background I believe.
if i could make a PPV it would be called... Locked Behind Steel. The Reason is the 3 main events would be a Hell In a Cell, Steel Cage, and Elmantion Chamber, all featuring steel structures. it would my pick to bring the blood back... anyway it would contain an average 7 match card... few titles matches, and whatnot, but here is a card ill watch

US Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz vs. Chris Masters vs. Jack Swagger
( Miz or masters win for a little ''push'' )

Last Man Standing: Sheamus vs. Shelton vs. Goldust
( we dont see many ECW stars on a ppv thats not for ECW titles, Winner: Goldust, cause he's awesome )

Vladimar Kozlov and Ezekel Jackson vs. Jerishow vs. Legacy vs. Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty vs. DX for UTTC
( winner, Cryme Tyme, they havnt held the titles, they deserve them, and this is a good match to start some feuds, like DX and Vlady/Zeke and whatnot)

ECW Title: Christian vs. Regal vs. Dreamer vs. Ryder
( Christian retains )

Main Events

Steel Cage: Edge vs. CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy
(winner: i dont care, it will be entertaining in my opinion)

Hell In a Cell: John Cena vs. John Morrison
( winner: Morrison, it will continue on with his push he's getting )

Elmantion Chamber: Undertaker vs. Kane vs. Khali vs. Finlay vs. Mike Knox vs. Dolph Ziggler.
( last 3 get a push for one reason, and winner........: Undertaker or Finlay... people probly think this is dumb for finlay to win, but on ECW he had to hang with hornswoggle like all the time, and his feud with Knox would lead him to a IC match at next ppv )

If i doubled anything please tell me
I dunno what I'd call it but it would be a gimmick ppv in as much as you don't know what the stipulations will be until the start of the match. I mean if you think about it we have gimmicks ppvs arguably over exposing some gimmicks this could give old gimmicks and even give new gimmicks a chance. Say something next summer that could go like this.

(unified) WWE Women's Championship:
Triple Threat Submission Lumberjill Match:
Natalya v Melina v Mickie James (Using the match to at least put Natalya over if not to give her the win).

Unified Tag Team Championship:
Ladder Match:
Hart Dynasty vs Edge and Christian

Intercontinental Championship:
Fatal Four Way Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match (look it up on Wikipedia):
Matt Hardy v Evan Bourne v Chris Jericho v Primo

United States Championship:
Falls Count Anywhere TLC Match:
The Miz v MVP

ECW Championship:
ECW No Holds Barred Whatever the Hell Else You Want It To Be Match:
Just something completely off the wall and crazy that really would befit ECW.
William Regal v Finlay

World Heavyweight Championship:
Triple Threat Hell in The Cell Casket Match:
All four sides of the wring have caskets beside them.
Undertaker v CM Punk v Mark Henry

WWE Championship:
Bare with me on this while I try to explain it:
3 on 3 number one contender's match which would make it a fatal four way four the title with Randy Orton as the title holder.

Three on Three Steel Cage Match (Pinfalls, Submissions, Escape the door) and, it's an elimination match. Before it starts each member of each team is paired with the member of another team. So while it is a "tag team match" each person could be eliminated regardless of the outcome but the team could work together and form alliances among themselves which you couldn't do if you didn't know which opponent you'd be paired with.

3 on 3:
Dolph Ziggler Carlito
Ted Dibiase Cody Rhodes
HBK John Morrison

In essence, three singles matches but in the cage with potential partners on your team.

Fatal Four Way Tables Match:
Randy Orton V Dolph Ziggler v Ted Dibiase v HBK

Long brutal match won by either Randy Orton or HBK

Mr. Money in the Bank comes out and cashes in.

Mr. Money in the Bank is John Morrison.

I know this sort of went from my ideal PPV (which the idea is) into just a super PPV. It would obviously have to occur after Wrestlemania and the Draft but I think it would be good. Also some matches would have to be cut but hopefully in essence you get the idea.

The draw is that you don't know what you're going to be seeing and when you get into the arena all you know for sure is that a cell's going to be involved. Keeps the suspense going. Hell you could even not name some of the matches before that night. Instead of going with a super storyline based one this could be based off of good wrestling (which sometimes I think is really lacking in PPVs.

Thanks for reading this long ass post.
How bout a PPV, where the concept is originality where every match you see has a stipulation that has never before been used in the WWE. For Example have one match a scaffold match, have another match a barbwire match, C4 match, ect.. Even do regular stipulations that are normally used in WWE but have a twist, like a ladder match that works like king of the mountain where the objective is to hang the belt instead of taking it down, or a HIAC where the objective is to put your opponent through the top of the cell in order to win. But the catch is no matches can be the same, lets be honest who wants to see 3 hell in a cell matches on the same night, not too many! give the audience something new, something they haven't seen before in a WWE ring!

I think this has been said but a combination of the Raw Roulette and KOTR tournament where every match in the tournament is decided by the roulette wheel is another decent idea in my opinion.
I would make a ppv called "The Contenders".. this is where you would have your 2 world title matches, but all the rest of the matches on the card would be No1 contenders matches for all the rest of the major titles. Thus setting up brand new feuds and brand new storylines.
I would like to see in either wwe or tna an all ladder match ppv. If it were a wwe ppv i would call it "Steps to the Throne" or something like that and have be a king of the ring type deal but with ladder matches. So this is what i would make it look like
KOtr tournament with -miz, morrison or ziggler, shelton, bourne, christian, r truth, mcityre and carlito

IC Champ-Champ vs. rey vs. jericho, vs. hardy
Us Champ-Kofi vs Swagger vs Rhodes vs MVP

WWE-Cena, Michaels, Orton
WOrld-Cm punk, taker, edge

And then for Tna i would call it Victory Ladder and the card look like this
knockout-ODB, Tara, Kong, Hamada, alissa Flash, and Wilde
x division in an ultimate x ladder match where they cannot use the ropes to climb to the x-joe, suicide, pope, shelly,daniels,lethal
tag where the titles are hung over the entrance ramp near the top-mem,we,beer money, 3d
legends- monster ball ladder match-nash, foley,abyss, stevie
number 1 contender match but it would a king of the mountain match with a breifcase- morgan, angle, hernandez, kip, ey, rhyno
tna-aj, sting, lashley, and the winner of the number 1
I would like to see something along the lines of King of the Ring, except the champions from the two shows will have a non-title match, and whoever wins gets to pick the stipulation for next months PPV against the tournament winner, while the tournament winner for the other show gets the pick the stipulation for his match; however, I think the 4 weeks beforehand would have to decide the participants, almost like the tournament itself decides who goes onward. I think this would be a great way to promote up and coming talent. This would be my line-up for this:

Raw Tournament Semi-finals:
Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne
Evan Bourne advances

Smackdown Tournament Semi-finals:
R-Truth vs Kane
R-Truth advances by count-out when Khali returns and comes after Kane

Raw Tournament Semi-finals:
The Miz vs Randy Orton
The Miz advances by DQ from Kofi Kingston, who Miz beat to qualify

Smackdown Semi-finals:
Matt Hardy vs Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho advances by submission

Raw Finals:
Evan Bourne vs The Miz
The Miz advances after Swagger attacks Evan Bourne while the ref has his back turned

Smackdown Finals:
R-Truth vs Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho advances

Champion vs Champion match:
John Cena vs CM Punk
CM Punk wins by dq from Orton

CM Punk announces a TLC match, because he's had such success with them, and in the next PPV Edge returns and attacks Jericho.

The Miz comes out and says he wants an "I Quit" match, so he can do the one thing no one has done to Cena

I would have Survivor Series but the final match of the night would be featured as the return of War Games.
My main event of the night would be the return of War Games. With Legacy and Jerishow both hating Cena you have the perfect setup right now. I would have the mnatch as follows: John Cena, HHH, HBK, MVP, and Mark Henry vs Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Chris Jericho, and Big Show. This would put MVP in a main event setting and kind of test him for this status. I would actually have Orton's team win and forge and alliance with Jerishow becoming part of Legacy and start using Cody and ted in singles matches. I love the team of Jerishow because I dont see them using Jericho for a world title run anytime soon so this keeps him on top plus i get to see the most entertaining man currently in the WWE on all 3 shows.

Another thing I would like to see are the return of the Crockett Cup tag team tournament. Although I imagine now it would be renamed the Vince McMahon Sr. Memorial Cup Tournament. I realize that WWE doesnt have alot of great tag teams right now so I would steal from the old Battle Bowl PPVs for this one. What ever team won the tournament that night would face each other 1 on 1 in the main event for the right to a world title match. We could have all kinds of crazy alliances come out of this since everyone would be wanting to win, and at the same time you could have alot of screwjobs because even though you would want to win you would want your partner to take all the beating through the night so you could be fresh at the end.

Last but not least I dont no if you guys rember the old Bunkhouse Stampede Battle Royals but I would like to see that come back. These were battle royals held in a cage were the object was to keep your opponents in and find your way out.
my wrestling company i will have when older ewww specials
jan-Champions w/ titles scramble
feb- Hardcore Revolution w/ hardcore
mar- Metal Mayhem w/ 2 of 3 1st chair on a pole 2nd tables 3rd ladder
apr- Retribution w/ last man standing 6 man
may- Ace of the World w/ tournament 8
jun- Total Submission w/ submission main events
jul- Rage in a Cage w/ cage main events
aug- Blackout w/ 666 vs Alliance war
sep- Choosing Fate w/ fan choice
oct- Over the Rope w/ over the rope 30
nov- Heavy Metal w/ cage from out to 2 in FCA 6 man
dec- Wrestlebowl w/ anything
I would have a ppv directed to the tag team where we can see new fresh faces and rely good tag matches that can also bring back prestige to the titles. But this will not be just a tag team ppv it will be gimmicky where it will be some what of a gauntlet match . Do not worry you can have filler matches in it .

Here is how its going to be the tag champs y2j and show will face the #1 contenders in the opining match who are batista and rey .Lets say the tag champs win they will get ready cuz they are going to face new contenders after a while . we now have a whc match , then we will have a #1 contenders match crime time vs legacy lets say crime time wins , we will have a ic champion chip match . Now we begin the 2nd round with y2show vs crime time , lets say y2show wins again they will get ready for the final round . Next is the last #1 contenders match for the night DX vs hart dynasty , DX wins cuz big nose says so lol any way then we go to a wwe champion chip match then we get ready for the final match for the tag titles winners y2j show just to bug HHH lol .

Now this is my concept so lets say back there at the beginning batista and rey won against y2show then batista and rey will continue the gauntlet and so on untill the end of the night . Now this may be unfair for the tag champs but if they win they will get to show how good of a tag team they rely are .

Also if u would like you can make the tag matches gimmicky as in ladder match or just singles or cage . I prefer the end of the ppv as in the last tag team match to be a ladder match but I think thats to much .

The only gripe about this idea is that the fans may not like this cuz the tag division is not hot but imagine if this was the attitude era you would have the hardys and Edge and christian and the out laws and APA and 3D and a mix of tag teams like the rock and sock or HHH and steve austin or kurt and rikishi .

I love the idea and I call the PPV army of two . Hope u like it .
If i had to create a ppv i would call it "FINAL HOUR" where every match is an iron man match. I think it would be cool to see how some new guys like morrison,ziggler,know,legacy and many more deal with this kind of match. Now that bret is coming back id like to see a rematch between HBK and THE HIT MAN.
(The Night of Legends)
Legends (not the best legends, and some great legends)vs. Superstars Battle Royal
John Cena vs. Hulk Hogan
Pat Patterson vs. John Morrison first I.C Champ vs. The I.C Champ
Ric Flair vs. The Undertaker first WCW Heavyweight Champ vs. The World Heavyweight Champion
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels Classic Steel Cage Match
The main event: 3 Cage Match like in WCW the 3 Cells. and the top cell you need a ladder because there will be a title..
you cant just grab the title, you must pin your opponent... there will be a time limit till that opponent grabs the title. if he doesnt grab the title within the time limit..its as if he never pinned his opponent and has to do it all over.
I cant explain..but its a crazy concept
or lets say theres 6 or 8 opponents fighting for the title instead of grabbing the title there could be like an ironman concept whoever has the most pins and submissions is the winner at the end of the time limit if noone grabbed the title yet.

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