Create Your Own TNA Booking Dream Team


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We all know how wrestling works to a certain extent and who really appreciates real talent in and out of the ring as far as backstage is concerned. So what I want to see is who would you put on the team to take this company to the next level

There's only 2 rules:
1. The team can only have 5-8 members
2. No one who is a full time active wrestler

Here's my team

1. Paul Heyman- This guy is pretty much a wrestling genius so he would be my head booker only answering to the top brass. Id keep him away from the money tho :lmao:

2. Taz- this guy was the reason ECW stayed afloat as long as it did during its heyday. He has great psychology and I think he would be great a spotting talent

3. Mike Tenay- Again great wrestling knowledge and a person who seems like he really cares about the business

4. Raven- Arguably one of the top 5 heels of the 90s who's under appreciated.

5. Scott D'Amore- This man was there during the early parts of the company and could be the bridge between old and new Ideas

6. Ric Flair- The guy has pretty much done it all in wrestling. Flair survived all the booming periods of wrestling and has seen it all. His knowledge and understanding of the product is probably second to none.

WHat does your team look like?


Please understand that though this is a list-format thread, you are still required to provide a reason for your post, which means you need an explanation to your choices as the OP provided.


1. Vince McMahon (create the vision)
2. Paul Heyman (talent relations, right hand man to VKM)
3. Jim Ross (talent relations, left hand man to VKM...guess u can't have 2 right hands)
4. Pat Patterson (matches and in-ring character development)
5. Arn Anderson (promos and persona development)

Even that is a lot of people. If you remember wrestling was at its best when it was just McMahon, Russo, and Patterson booking the shows. When they brought in committees thats when too many bosses were around.
Taz shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the game, snitch.

1. Cornette. Greatest booker in the game.
2. Dirty Dutch Mantell. Greatest talent scout in the game.
3. Umm, why would you need any more? ROH is run by two people, many many more promotions in the past have been run by two people.
4. I guess to train an understudy to take over. Adam Pierce, I guess.
5. Hiring Lagana was a good move.

But honestly, anyone but Russo and Tenay and the guys currently there have ruined two companies in a row. Heyman would be fine. Maybe someone totally new. Maybe someone from Puerto Rico or Mexico or Japan. Hell, ask my nan to do it.

TNA has the best roster of young believable talent and the WWE puts off so many that they were possibly more enticing to talent to sign for at times. So a dream booking team is p much anyone because given the tv time, the likes of joe, aj, beer money, abyss, kendrick and the x division and a *few* legends like angle and sting should equal quality. Anyone who would actually give them time as opposed to Hogan and Hardy and other blow-hards, and no stupid stipulation matches involving turkeys or whatever the holy they put on this week.
I think that a 2 man booking team would be the max amount of people I would have, and then a filter of some sort. a 5 man crew is too many and no clear vision could be created... too many cooks so to speak.

I would go with Scott D'More and Raven... these two guys are forward thinking, keep things simple and yet build talent up. We are talking dream teams that would be mine for TNA... unfortunately Jarrett hates Raven, so it wouldn't happen.
1). Paul Heyman- Hell, he built and ran his own company for years
2). Ric Flair-no one knows the business more
3). Jim Ross-took WWE by storm
4). Jim Cornette (him and Hayman together could be interesting)
5). Arn Anderson- his talent relations, Flair and he work well, and he's soon becoming the next Pat Patterson as far as laying out a match
6). Roddy Piper -controversy is his specialty, Flair is his buddy, and teamed with Cornette and Heyman!!
7). Barry Windham-for a talent scout, trainer, talent relations
1. Jerry Jarrett - New President of TNA .
Pseudo booker, he knows how to run a promotion, VERY smart.
(link between the office and bookers)

2. Jim Ross - Part Talent Relation/Part Booker
Knows talent, great at office relations, has an old school mindset
(link between office, bookers and talent)

3. Gabe Sapolsky - Booking
Best new booker of this generation, made something out of nothing with ROH.
(link between writers and bookers)

4. Steve Corino - Booking
Understand old school and new school very well, has a great passion for the biz. And he could be an asset to help the talent to get over, how to work and do promos
(link between talent and bookers)

4. Dutch Mantel - Booking
For his knowledge of TNA. He knows the inside and outs of TNA and that can be pretty useful. If it's all outsiders then there's gonna be a lot of starting from scratch. When you know some of the guys you can at least knows their strength and weaknesses and knows where to go from there.
(link between TNA's past and present)
1. Cary Silkin
The Money Man, the person who runs the business side of the company while letting the bookers do their job with little to no interference.

2. Gabe Sapolsky [LEAD BOOKER]
Maybe the greatest booker of his generation. The 90's had Heyman and ECW, and the 00's had Sapolsky and ROH. Most importantly, he has shown that he actually knows how to MAKE STARS OF THE FUTURE (CM Punk).

3. Jim Cornette
Knows Wresting history as good, if not better than anyone, and isn't afraid to call people on their Bullshit. he was also responsible for booking OVW while they were grooming the biggest stars of the last ten years (Lesnar, Orton, Cena)

4. Scott Levy (Raven)
Maybe one of the best talkers in the business, and a great mind, not just for the business, but a great mind period. Would also be great on commentary.

Thats all you really need, Three people with ideas to bounce off of each other, One person to provide a clear direction, and the man to run the business side of things... the only other person who I could think to add would be Bobby Heenan, but with his health I don't think the stress would be good for him.
If I understand the question correctly, this is my TNA "dream" booking team right? As in, if I had a dream...about TNA booking...who would I want to be in it. First I'd question why the hell I was dreaming about TNA's booking, and then I'd probably say hello to Maryse, Emma Watson, and Hayden Penetierre. Sounds like the perfect "dream team" to me. I'd book matches with them all night long... I'm sure Maryse could handle "creative" all on her own.

Jim Cornette. David Lagana. Jim Ross.

The three of them have fantastic minds for the business, but know well-enough to let the talents have creative say in their own characters. I believe they want to make money, but at the core have a love for the industry and product, and that's what you need to run a successful program in my opinion. I'd love to see JR step away from commentary and getting humiliated by McMahon, and make the industry a better place. Cornette definitely still has it too...

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