Create A Team!


ok... with the tag team division looking bad in WWE as we all know I thought I might make a thread for this idea.

So basically create one team using two or more (stable) superstars in the WWE. HAS TO BE TO SUPERSTARS IN THE WWE RIGHT NOW.

Mine would be the team of heel Alex Riley and heel Ted Dibiase.
They both are that young, cocky, rich heels. They arent doing much and I want to see it. Maybe debut them as faces just because the tag champs are heels, but later on turn.

So... if you had to make a new tag team using only the talent in WWE right now, what would it be?
Tag team division doesn't need new tag teams, as much as they need more time to build feuds. I would love to see the usos and primo and epico have a real feud over the title.

But to play along, I will say Cody Rhodes and Chris Jericho.

They both are to great heels and have similar builds. I think they both are main event level, but I wouldn't mind seeing them both going on a role with the tag titles
I'd like WWE to bring back Chavo and Harry Smith and team them up to show how it should be done. If we're talking current stars then Ziggler/Swagger is an obvious choice. I'm liking the idea teased on Superstars of Tyson Kidd/Trent Barreta though - that will be an awesome team!
After watching the tag match tonight i think thar kofi an r truth would make a good a team.enless the are gonna have them go after a mid card title this would be somthing good for them to do
John Cena & Sheamus, seriously these are like THE ONLY GUYS to have never lead or been apart of a successful tag team.

On a serious note, Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins, bring the Edgeheads back but call them the Broskis. Capitalize on the Broski Trademark.
I like the A-Ri Ted team you suggested and I think it would really work with them as heels. A face tag team I'd like to see would be Justin Gabriel and Johnny Curtis as both are young, charismatic guys who I believe have a lot of potential and I think theyr styles would complement each other quite well.
There is one team I would make at the moment.... Funkasaurus Reks.... The name alone makes it worth doing.... Young talent, making a team... nah just the name...
R-Truth and Kofi hands down. These guys have a wonderful chemistry together and could really be in the top greatest tag teams of all time if the WWE would actually up the ante and put the Tag Titles back in the picture as serious titles to once again go after.
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I liked Legacy, with Dibease and Rhodes. I think they had alot of potential and should have stayed together longer. I think they should have stayed a heel team after their match with orton at Mania 26. I think they could have ruled the division for at least a couple of years. Breaking them up basically ruined Dibease's career, and Rhodes was a little touch and go there for a while. I think a longer run as a tag team would have helped them both out. They seem to push everybody too fast into single wrestlers, even if they are better as a team. I wouldn't mind the return of legacy with Cody as INC. and Dibease as USC. and have them saying they are going after all the gold in the WWE. I wouldn't mind seeing that. a real tag team that is a threat to every champion, besides the Divas champion, of course.(lol)
For me I would like to see Punk and Ziggler team up as a heel tag team.Their matches against each other were fantastic i that they would have a great chemistry with each other
Christian and bryan, in their current charcters they could be the sneakiest, cheapest heel team goin around stealing wins like no ones business.
Ive always wanted to see a Celtic/British team with either Sheamus/Barret/McIntyre. Also although we havent seen the repackeged Rybak yet I think a partnership between him and Mason Ryan would be awesome.
The team needs to be two guys who aren't more valuable as singles (as in, you're not putting too many eggs in one basket), and two guys who compliment each other. I guess after Bourne being an idiot you also need 2 dependable guys where one isn't going to screw it up for the other.

I'd use Show or some other big guy to elevate a talented smaller guy. Or maybe two newer guys to establish themself. I really like the idea of pairing Mason ryan and Alex Riley. Riley can talk and Mason is big.
I know Cody Rhodes has been having huge singles success, but I would personally love to see him and Ted DiBiase team up again. I was a huge fan of theirs, especially when they were the tag team champions.

Just to quickly list off a few:

- Kofi/R-Truth
- Funkasaurus Reks(as a user above me stated, the name is too good to pass up!)
- Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins(it seemed like they were being re-united a few times back on ECW but nothing ever did come of that)

As for a stable, why not go and do what THQ did with WWE 12 and make The United Kingdom a reality? Though, I would do William Regal/Wade Barrett/Mason Ryan, and maybe even throw in Drew McIntyre down the line. Regal, Ryan, and McIntyre all need something to do right now, so I think it would also make a lot of sense. They could portray a bully-type group, kind of like Evolution.
Hmmm.. Ill go with..

Yoshi Tatsu & Trent Barretta

Because to my knowledge they aint doing anything (I dont watch NXT)
And can bw high flying, fan friendly face team
Well lets see. Big Zeke is useless in singles action. . .
JTG is useless in singles action. . .
They both are okay in the ring.
Put them together and boom, a new tag team.

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