Crazy, Weird, or Awesome Moments Forgotten in Wrestling


King Of The Ring
So the introduction of live television has brought us some crazy moments in wrestling history. Whether it be an uncomfortable promo, a slipped-up word on the mic, an awesome moment in the ring or just a plain funny incident, we have witnessed some crazy stuff throughout the years.

So the question is, what strange moments have you remembered that have long been forgotten by the WWE? The key word being forgotten... I don't want people putting The Shockmaster moment on here because that will be remembered forever.

One that I can remember is Sting basically calling William Regal a homo during a pre-match promo, and saying "We don't breed men like you in America" (I cringed). Mean Gene tried to save the promo at the end by saying Sting may have been a little harsh calling Regal a "sissy"... Classic stuff.

Another would be The Giant coming to the ring smoking cigarettes throughout 1998. I know the Sandman did this all the time but it was pretty crazy to see it in WCW. Especially given the fact that he was actually putting those darts down.

There are a few more that I can remember but I'll let you guys get on with it.
Hogan going against Vince on the mic, and calling himself the right gay at the right place at the right time. that whole promo was slippery.

ANd one that was shocking for me..was Sid breaking his leg vs Stiener in WCW. Still crazy to this day.

Also, Wade Barrett breaking his arm and no one saying anything about it.
With Barrett is was cos they knew Zig had screwed up... they couldn't really call attention to it expecially once they saw the replay where he twisted mid flight. He wanted to make it look like his head it the barrier, had Barrett not taken the hit it would have and killed Zig... the fact he was yelling "FUCK" also probably meant they couldn't draw attention to it.

While everyone is eulogising the Warrior and rightfully so, some of what he did was Wrestlecraptastic... like the below doesn't get any more bizarre, or embarrasing for the title than this...
Booker T accidentally calling hulk hogan da n word on ppv during an interview. U can actually c how embarrassed he was plus sherri trying not 2 laugh as mean gene and stevie ray try 2 save da promo
katie vick, come on, wtf was that?
mae young gives birth to the hand, probably my least favorite moment ever
godfather calls regal a ***/lawler calls goldust the same name- those moments didnt really add anything to the feud, just came across as tasteless
heidenreich reads the poem to michael cole - just a weird moment that made me think "what am i watching"
A wierd one was when wwe where promoting a hell in the cell match years ago i forget which one but anyways they interviewed a ref who had been in them before and he apparantly was mentally ill due to it and at the end of the segment it was implied that he shot himself.apparantly there where more of these suicide skits but thats the only one i can remember but strange stuff lol.
And one that was shocking for me..was Sid breaking his leg vs Stiener in WCW. Still crazy to this day.

What was most shocking for me when that happened, they didn't even get help for Sid. They wanted to have the finish of the match be Road Warrior Animal, whose identity was hidden, slowly stomp to the ring and attack Sid. So Sid is laying there with lower leg flailing around obviously needing immediate medical attention and they delay any aid he received a good two minutes so they could play out the scenario they intended. I don't know if Sid told them to keep the show going, but it was still pretty fucked up.

I think I was never more shocked than when this happened:


Note that when Nick Mondo took the bump, he pretty much missed having any of his fall broken by the tables that were set up for him. This kind of stuff is what Jim Cornette talks about when he says that it's never a good thing when the marks are in the ring. Nick Mondo had to retire at the age of 23 in 2003 because of bumps like that.

There was also the time I saw Cloudy vs Chimaera. Chimaera or Chimera, however it's supposed to be spelled on his behalf, is the lesser known persona of Ricardo Rodriguez. The match itself was neat, but take note of what happens at 2:44.


You want to talk about bravery? He had to plant his own head into the mat to properly sell that move.
The New Blood Rising incident. When people discuss Russo's WCW moments, they forget about this one cause this is overshadowed by Arquette winning the belt or Russo himself, winning the belt, or the Bash At The Beach incident. Everybody labels Arquette winning the WCW Title as the dumbest booking decision of all time, but for me the New Blood Rising incident wins that title. What was Russo trying to prove by admitting in front of the whole world that wrestling was scripted? The whole thing was pointless and just made the wrestling business look stupid. After the match, they had Tony Schiavone thank Scott Steiner for taking the Jacknife Powerbomb from Kevin Nash instead.

Check out this Fall Brawl advert for "Goldberg for refusing to follow the script".


So all the matches at Fall Brawl were fake except for Goldberg vs. Steiner.

Another Russo booked moment that comes to mind is Hacksaw Jim Duggan turning heel and joining up with Team Canada. It didn't work out though and he ended turning back to a babyface after a short while. This could've been a big moment, had it happened in his WWE run - not Hogan Bash At The Beach 1996 big, but WWE would've made it work.

Goldberg, who was the reason for Duggan's heel turn, his heel run is forgettable too. As is Sting's.

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