Cowboy James Storm: The Mighty Has Fallen


Last night in Impact Wrestling, Cowboy James Storm was featured in a mixed tag team match. He teamed with Velvet Sky to take on Tara & Jesse. During this match, the only thing that kept running through my head was that this was lousy use of a talent like James Storm.

Not very long ago, James Storm was probably the hottest babyface on the TNA roster. His blue collar, redneck character is one that's been over with TNA fans for years. He cuts great, passionate promos and is strong inside the ring as well. He & Bobby Roode were generally the center of a once prominent tag team division in TNA with multiple strong runs as TNA World Tag Team Champions. Through much of last year, Storm feuded with Bobby Roode in a singles feud for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and seemed poised to be the first strong, babyface champion the company has had in a long while.

But here we are now and Storm seems to have be in the same position as much of the TNA roster. Since he doesn't seem to be connected with the primary storyline, namely Aces & Eights, he's just kind of floating around the mid-card scene finding himself in random feuds that last a few weeks before he moves onto someone else. He's gone from tag team god to top babyface to #1 contender to being a bit player in the Velvet Sky vs. Tara feud.

I don't understand why TNA hasn't pulled the trigger with Storm. He seemed primed to be that strong "homegrown" babyface that a lot of fans were ready to rally behind. I understand that Jeff Hardy is the top guy in TNA now. I don't personally agree with it but I do understand it.

I'm hoping that Storm is just going through a lull period in his career. If TNA had a viable mid-card title scene, it wouldn't be so bad. At least Storm would have some sort of purpose.
Last night in Impact Wrestling, Cowboy James Storm was featured in a mixed tag team match. He teamed with Velvet Sky to take on Tara & Jesse. During this match, the only thing that kept running through my head was that this was lousy use of a talent like James Storm.

Not very long ago, James Storm was probably the hottest babyface on the TNA roster. His blue collar, redneck character is one that's been over with TNA fans for years. He cuts great, passionate promos and is strong inside the ring as well. He & Bobby Roode were generally the center of a once prominent tag team division in TNA with multiple strong runs as TNA World Tag Team Champions. Through much of last year, Storm feuded with Bobby Roode in a singles feud for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and seemed poised to be the first strong, babyface champion the company has had in a long while.

But here we are now and Storm seems to have be in the same position as much of the TNA roster. Since he doesn't seem to be connected with the primary storyline, namely Aces & Eights, he's just kind of floating around the mid-card scene finding himself in random feuds that last a few weeks before he moves onto someone else. He's gone from tag team god to top babyface to #1 contender to being a bit player in the Velvet Sky vs. Tara feud.

I don't understand why TNA hasn't pulled the trigger with Storm. He seemed primed to be that strong "homegrown" babyface that a lot of fans were ready to rally behind. I understand that Jeff Hardy is the top guy in TNA now. I don't personally agree with it but I do understand it.

I'm hoping that Storm is just going through a lull period in his career. If TNA had a viable mid-card title scene, it wouldn't be so bad. At least Storm would have some sort of purpose.

well the answer to the question is simple.... Main Event in TNA is filled. You can see TNA has an ample amount of guys in the Top. They have Hardy, Bully, Roode, Aries, and now the latest introduction of Daniels. it is too crowded for the likes of James Storm to be up there. Moreover I Think TNA dropped the ball with Storm right after LockDown. I mean well it was quiet pathetic that Storm lost the match, but then again TNA ruined his return by not having the Title match between him and Roode. Even if they want to put the title match on Hardy vs. Aries, they should have headlined the BFG by Storm vs. Roode feud. Come-on man, you are ending the year long feud, and you present that match on third on your BFG card. Thats stupid. Plus the most important thing, TNA has too many main event stories going on. I mean you have no-connection with the world title and the invasion storyline of aces and eights. TNA seems to be messed up. Frankly the new creative did a good job by pushing youngsters but they have failed to mix the storylines; and James Storm is just a victim of that.
His words are striking him back-
"Sorry, about your damn Luck, Storm."


Hell Yeah...
Someone hasn't grasped the term "rotation" yet. It's alright, you're more of a WWE fan, there's little of that there. Punk, Rock, Cena. Cena, Punk, Rock, Rock, Punk, Cena. I MEAN COME ON!

True, Storm is no longer where he used to be. He's lower, Hardy's higher. He's lower, Aries is higher. He's lower, Bully is higher.

But, when Storm was higher, Aries, Hardy and Bully were lower. The only guy that has actually been a Main Eventer and an important part of the show, a mainstay, without any rotation is Bobby Roode.

See where I'm going with this? TNA is rotating their Main Eventers. A year ago it was Storm and Roode. Then Hardy came along, Aries came along, Bully is coming along, Roode has always been there.

I'm sure the next stream of Main Eventers will be guys like Bully Ray and a returning AJ Styles. Expect Storm to make another run for it as well.

Round and round it goes. Doesn't mean TNA's dropping the ball on him. They're just taking him off the Main Event scene while the current fresh crop of Main Eventers lose some of their sizzle and Storm can go back up, while Aries/Roode/Hardy come down a bit.

Why are they doing this? Well mainly because none of them boys is a draw big enough to HAVE to be in the Main Event. It's TNA, it's not big enough to even HAVE draws. So they rotate them all the time, changing the pace, changing the faces, making their stars. Think of the Attitude Era. People came and went but it's pretty much sure that you'll always see Rocky in the Main Event. And even there Austin, Trips and 'Taker would have some side-feuds and distractions while the other guys are Main Eventing. Two Men Power Trip, Brothers of Destruction, Biker Taker in general, feuds with DDP, feuds with some other monkey asses while they were throwing random people at Rocky like Jericho until Taker, Trips or Stone Cold were "recharged" enough to feud with Rocky or eachother.

Common practice.
I may be in the minority in these forums, but I've always thought James Storm was hugely overrated.

He's done great things in tag teams, but I've always seen him as the lesser of the 2 in the team who just knows how to work as a team and runs with it. I've never bought him as a serious singles competitor.

I couldn't for the life of me understand his initial main event push.

So, needless to say, I am not displeased or surprised with him moving out of the spot light. I would suggest they find an up and comer to team him with to make a new tag team and build the new guy up. That is where James Storm can best be utilized.
I'm not really a James Storm fan. A sin 'round these parts I know, but I was never big on the whole, I'm a cowboy from Tennessee sorry about your damn luck, gimmick. That isn't to say he isn't a good worker, I just don't care for him.

I think the situation Storm is in right now really reflects on the huge gap between the main event and midcard scenes in TNA. Look at a guy in the WWE who I think is comparable to his situation, The Miz. Both are former world champions and have been main event draws in the recent past, but at the moment they don't have much for them. With Miz you can drop him down to work a feud around a midcard title, like he did when he had a brief feud with Kofi over the IC title, and is doing now with Cesaro and the US title. TNA doesn't have that luxury. They have really bastardized the TV title, and the X Division title scene is currently in rotation between an RVD who is only showing up for a paycheck, and guys like Kenny King, Christian York, and Zema Ion, who don't really project as the type of guys who should be feuding with a guy with the status of Storm.

Part of it I do think falls on the shoulders of the bookers. The face chasing the title against a cheating heel is a time tested method to bring in viewers, and they were doing it well when Storm was chasing Roode, but part of that story is the face has to prevail in the end, and when Storm finally defeated Roode, he was no longer champion.
i don't think that they dropped the ball on James Storm, just, took the spotlight off him for now....I expect that whenever Hardy loses his title and then loses his feud with whoever takes it off him, then sometime after that, Storm will get into the main event me personally, I hope that in at least 6 months, James Storm is TNA Champion...Hardy's got the in ring skills, but his promos aren't that good...I like Bully (except his name), but I fear that he will turn an obvious heel soon. Daniels holding the gold wouldn't bother me at all except he needs better music and I really want to see Aries as champion personal hope is that Aries takes it off Hardy (doubtful) and then Storm takes it off him.
Someone hasn't grasped the term "rotation" yet. It's alright, you're more of a WWE fan, there's little of that there. Punk, Rock, Cena. Cena, Punk, Rock, Rock, Punk, Cena. I MEAN COME ON!

True, Storm is no longer where he used to be. He's lower, Hardy's higher. He's lower, Aries is higher. He's lower, Bully is higher.

But, when Storm was higher, Aries, Hardy and Bully were lower. The only guy that has actually been a Main Eventer and an important part of the show, a mainstay, without any rotation is Bobby Roode.

See where I'm going with this? TNA is rotating their Main Eventers. A year ago it was Storm and Roode. Then Hardy came along, Aries came along, Bully is coming along, Roode has always been there.

I'm sure the next stream of Main Eventers will be guys like Bully Ray and a returning AJ Styles. Expect Storm to make another run for it as well.

Round and round it goes. Doesn't mean TNA's dropping the ball on him. They're just taking him off the Main Event scene while the current fresh crop of Main Eventers lose some of their sizzle and Storm can go back up, while Aries/Roode/Hardy come down a bit.

Why are they doing this? Well mainly because none of them boys is a draw big enough to HAVE to be in the Main Event. It's TNA, it's not big enough to even HAVE draws. So they rotate them all the time, changing the pace, changing the faces, making their stars. Think of the Attitude Era. People came and went but it's pretty much sure that you'll always see Rocky in the Main Event. And even there Austin, Trips and 'Taker would have some side-feuds and distractions while the other guys are Main Eventing. Two Men Power Trip, Brothers of Destruction, Biker Taker in general, feuds with DDP, feuds with some other monkey asses while they were throwing random people at Rocky like Jericho until Taker, Trips or Stone Cold were "recharged" enough to feud with Rocky or eachother.

Common practice.

Exactly what I was thinking when I saw this thread. Ideally this is how a wrestling promotion should operate. With different guys cycling in and out of the main event to keep things fresh. Yet any time someone is temporarily out of the main event in TNA people jump all over it. Nobody seems to get it.
This isn't about James Storm not maineventing its about him doing nothing at all. Yeah ofcourse he has to wait his turn to be in the title picture but how damn long does he have to wait to have a feud of sorts. Since BFG he had one brief 3 week feud with Daniels but outside of that has just been thrown in tag team matches featuring others who are feuding.

Not having room in the title picture is one thing and a good thing. But not finding any room for him at all is something completely different. There dropping the ball by not utilizing a top asset more. Hell hes still probably the 2nd biggest babyface in the company and he is being relegated week after week to tag team matches in which he has no point in.
JH, I usually enjoy your threads/posts, but if you honestly believe that James Storm has "fallen", I don't know what to tell you other than "you're dead wrong".

I don't know where this mentality came from, where a guy who makes the main event and then, for whatever reason, comes down from it has "fallen", but it has always been, and will always be a traditional aspect of booking. Fact is, unless you're talking about a very specific time frame where guys like Hogan dominated the main event because of their massive, massive fanfare, guys will repeatedly make it, and be "pulled" from it to support smaller, ancillary feuds until they're ready for another run. It's how you sustain the momentum of a guy without burying him, and retain his credibility as a future champion without making him look incredibly weak on the way down.

This is not even close to being indicative of James Storm having fallen from grace, regardless of how you feel about Jesse (who's actually a great character, for what it's worth). TNA is simply biding their time with him, and need to keep him on screen before he eventually makes another charge at the top of the card. There is nothing wrong with booking him like this in the mean time. Nothing.
I'm going to have to agree with Jack-Hammer on this one...

I realize TNA shuffles up it's Main Event Talent... and it's a horrible practice. A star needs consistency to remain a star. It would be one thing if we were talking about giving a guy a focused feud with a lower card talent to both, give the first guy a main event break and give the second guy a rub, but this is not at all what we're talking about. We're talking about a guy who had #1 Babyface momentum, and now is background for a Knockouts feud.

TNA really did drop the ball. Where would CM Punk be if three months after his original "pipe bomb" he got stuck in the "hoeski" feud instead of Zack Ryder? You have to strike while the iron is hot, and try and keep it hot as long as possible... TNA consistently let's their stars go cold. It's really not unheard of for a guy to be World Champion one week, and then not have anything booked for him for the next six months...

James Storm, Ken Anderson, RVD, and Crimson are all examples of how NOT to book a star. Defend the style of booking all you want, but all it does is pour cold water on hot stars.
I feel for James Storm, but he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time right now. Hulk Hogan and Bully Ray are Impact's biggest faces right now. Nothing is more important than their angle. Jeff Hardy is second in line, as the TNA World Champion. There are so many heels lined up to challenge them too, with Aries, Roode, and the Aces & Eights on hand.

James Storm is good, but he's not Jeff Hardy. He's over to the point where TNA doesn't have to try. They can stick him anywhere and he'll get a good pop from the crowd. People love him, but they're not paying to see him, and that's not a good place to be in. TNA has no room for him in the main program. Which is why I wanted AJ Styles to return and start a program with Storm. It'd be much better than what either of them is doing right now, which is a whole lot of nothing.

James Storm is not falling out of prominence. He's not being "burried" by managment as some sort of conspiracy. He's just Sheamus right now. A hot babyface with great crowd reactions, that has no real program or place on the roster. SOmebody the company wants to make into a big star, but without the means to do it at this exact second.
When it looked like Storm was really ready to step up into that next level, Roode talk the ball and ran away with it, then Aries came in, forced the fumble on Roode and he talk the ball and ran with it. Unfortunately for Storm, he was the one taking a back seat to the work of those two. There's only one belt to go around, there's only so much main event space to go around, other guys who have really made the most of the opportunities they were given have been monopolizing that time.

If Storm continues to work well, he'll get back in the picture eventually, but for now he'll likely have to wait until Jeff's run is finished and the belt is back on one of the heels again.
Yes. I can abide the concept of rotation. It HAS been a mainstay of professional wrestling. Some take some time off while others thrive. But, in this case... The question is: Should Storm be doing what he is doing right now? A mixed tag team match, really? They had absolutely nothing better to give him?? Is this only backstage politics bullshit or company incompetence? Yes, fine. Storm is not Austin, as much as he tries to be. But he's still an asset to this company that is greatly unappreciated.
Last night in Impact Wrestling, Cowboy James Storm was featured in a mixed tag team match. He teamed with Velvet Sky to take on Tara & Jesse. During this match, the only thing that kept running through my head was that this was lousy use of a talent like James Storm.

Not very long ago, James Storm was probably the hottest babyface on the TNA roster. His blue collar, redneck character is one that's been over with TNA fans for years. He cuts great, passionate promos and is strong inside the ring as well. He & Bobby Roode were generally the center of a once prominent tag team division in TNA with multiple strong runs as TNA World Tag Team Champions. Through much of last year, Storm feuded with Bobby Roode in a singles feud for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and seemed poised to be the first strong, babyface champion the company has had in a long while.

But here we are now and Storm seems to have be in the same position as much of the TNA roster. Since he doesn't seem to be connected with the primary storyline, namely Aces & Eights, he's just kind of floating around the mid-card scene finding himself in random feuds that last a few weeks before he moves onto someone else. He's gone from tag team god to top babyface to #1 contender to being a bit player in the Velvet Sky vs. Tara feud.

I don't understand why TNA hasn't pulled the trigger with Storm. He seemed primed to be that strong "homegrown" babyface that a lot of fans were ready to rally behind. I understand that Jeff Hardy is the top guy in TNA now. I don't personally agree with it but I do understand it.

I'm hoping that Storm is just going through a lull period in his career. If TNA had a viable mid-card title scene, it wouldn't be so bad. At least Storm would have some sort of purpose.

I think TNA gave him the ball and they wanted to see what he can do as their top guy. In the short amount of time, I could be wrong but I think They were looking for something from him and they didn't get that. Maybe management thought he could bring more fans to watch the product and more exposure to the product. They even put him in a music video and probably hope he would bring new fans to watch the product. I would say that the major story-lines are crowded but there is no reason not to include him at all. I think it has something to do with management.
If you really look at it James Storm was in the most likely the highest rated segment on Impact due to the fact of Velvet Sky being in it, since the women there draw more than the men on t.v. :banghead:
If you really look at it James Storm was in the most likely the highest rated segment on Impact due to the fact of Velvet Sky being in it, since the women there draw more than the men on t.v. :banghead:

You sure about that as being a fact?

Anyway, James Storm is still one of TNA's top faces, probably right behind Sting and Hardy. I would think for him to have fallen he would have to be on someone's shitlist, much like Triple H was back in '96. Storm will get a taste of the title once again, but you have to get through the A&8's first I believe.
I think the primary reason is Jeff Hardy. There ain't enough room for Storm in the main event with Hardy there, the huge babyface that Jeff is. It was only recently that Storm was helping Hardy out with Aries and Roode.

A Hardy-Storm feud wouldn't interest many. On commentary I liked how Todd was talking about Storm as if he was some wandering Cowboy helping whoever he finds on the card with their problems haha. I wonder who he will get involved with next?

Once Hardy drops the belt I think Storm will shoot right back up the card to contend with whatever heel has the strap. I think there is still untapped potential in Daniels-Storm and also Aries-Storm.
Yes. I can abide the concept of rotation. It HAS been a mainstay of professional wrestling. Some take some time off while others thrive. But, in this case... The question is: Should Storm be doing what he is doing right now? A mixed tag team match, really? They had absolutely nothing better to give him?? Is this only backstage politics bullshit or company incompetence? Yes, fine. Storm is not Austin, as much as he tries to be. But he's still an asset to this company that is greatly unappreciated.

I'm sure when he found out that Velvet had stopped trying to dress like Catwoman and had gone back to her skimpy skirt and he'd be working a match with her for the night that he was really disappointed.
I have to admit, I'm happy James Storm has fallen off. Since the split of Beer Money, he struck me more as a Title Contender, not a Title Holder. He had a hell of a lot of momentum, sure.. but even TNA recognized it was only because of Bobby Roode's momentum. Before the heel turn, Roode was the one with all the momentum. He was the one who won the BFG Series, and main evented Bound for Glory in a surprisingly loss to Kurt Angle. Being a transitional champion to help turn Bobby Roode into TNA's most hated heel since probably Jeff Jarrett was all his role as "main eventer" was meant to accomplish. And they did it perfectly.

Am I the only one who thinks Aries rising up the ranks outside of the Roode/Storm feud, then eventually winning the title was more surprising and much bigger for TNA than Storm finally winning the title and the feud like everyone expected? It turned out being one of the biggest and most successful nights in TNA's history, while Storm ending the rign would have been anti-climactic in my opinion.

Storm's a popular upper-mid card/lower main event level babyface, and that's probably where he'll stay.
It was all over for James Storm at Lockdown.

Before Lockdown, Storm went from the guy who got the title but wasn't ready for it (and thusly lost it quickly), to the guy who was kicking ass and making his way towards taking the title. It was all there and he was easily the most popular babyface at the time but for whatever reason, he lost. At that point, James Storm became a loser. He lost the title in the first place and he lost trying to get it back. It's like Ryback in a way in that either you pull the trigger or the guy looks like a loser. Storm looked like a loser and his reactions have dimmed since. Yes he won at BFG but after losing a ton to the same guy, winning one match doesn't mean you win a feud. It's too little, too late and by then, they weren't going to capitalize on him winning that match. The only way that match would have been worthwhile is if it was for the title, though I still think he should have gotten the title at Lockdown.

You talk about the cyclical nature of the main event but Storm never got his turn. He got the one match which he lost while looking like an idiot. Since then, he hasn't gotten "cycled back in" and I'm not sure he will any time soon. It's a shame, but Storm has indeed fallen. He was in a match with freakin Jesse, and despite IDR's claim, the guy isn't good. When you're been on reality TV which is home to cocky douchebag idiots and you can't play a convincing cocky douchebag idiot, you're a piss poor actor and that's Jesse. This is what James Storm, a talented guy with the best theme son in TNA has to deal with? At the very least, he should have been at the forefront against Aces and Eights or something. OR be in limbo since people thought he was IN Aces and Eights. Sort of fall into that Sting territory where you don't trust anyone because they didn't trust you. At least then he'd be relevant. Now he is not and it's a shame.
james storm could b TNA's stone cold.. if they used him better

just like aces and eights is TNA's NWO

one diffrence, u can make so many storylines up with james. i dont understand y he is an undercard performer right now. i think wen aces and eights is over james storm could finally emerge and become great
OK, to be honest I like this guy. He portrays a character that connects with the fans, but he is inconsistent, rather I should say Creative made him inconsistent. I could say he gave the best mic work in 5 years in the segment with Kurt Angle back in January 2012. But since then he has fallen. He was quite cool in Russo's hand; but lost his edge in Prichard's hand. Storm was a hot property till LockDown 2012, (Russo's wrote the shows till LOCKDOWN 2012, although he left the company before that, but shows were already written). But Prichard and Lagana had no clue what to do with him. They made him loose his tempo.
TNA's rotational policy is what makes them better than "the promotion that shall not be named".

It's how you build more main-eventers and how you don't get sick of the same damn guy in the main event.

By the looks of things, many posters are fans of James Storm, with good reason too. He'll be back, tough. Much rather this way than a company sticking to one guy and if you don't care for him, tough titties, because we're pushing him (once again, looking at YOU, Sheamus).

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