Cover of WWE 13


HBK for life
I want to know who you think will be on the cover of the next wwe videogame, WWE 13.

In my opinion it should be either cm punk or sheamus. If they cant decide, maybe they should have both of them on there, because they should have the top face from both brands be on the cover, and orton was on it last year, so it would only make sense for sheamus to be on it this year. As for cm punk, hes had a trememdous year and is way over as a face, so that would be good. I think i would rather see sheamus though, because if they want him to be the main face of smackdown, then they need to get his face out there, and what better way to do that than have him on the videogame cover.
I think it should be CM Punk. He was absolutely huge this past year, and arguably had THE biggest year out of anyone in all of wrestling. If you were to pick "superstar of the year", I think it would have to go to CM Punk. With that in mind, combined with the fact that Punk hasn't been on the cover yet, I think he's gotta be the favorite for it. I think he deserves to get it, and I definitely see him promoting it and being proud of it. Wasn't he really proud that he got his face on a WWE ice cream sandwhich bar? This would be wayyyyy better, so you know he'd be all over it on Twitter, on Raw/Smackdown, etc. I think he'd draw a lot of attention to it, and thus the game itself would get a good amount of attention. I think he should get the cover of WWE '13.
CM Punk would probably be the best shot. He's The main star of the company at the moment.
Geez. Lots of love for CM Punk here. Obviously the guy is one of the top stars in the company, but he's still not THE top guy in the WWE. That honor still belongs to John Cena.

Regardless, the next WWE video game will reportedly feature the stars of the Attitude Era, and the storyline mode will supposedly feature an Attitude Era invasion. If that's the case, then I fully expect multiple stars on the cover, including guys like Austin and Rock. Perhaps the WWE could have Austin/Rock on one side in a stare down with Cena/Punk.

@PlaytheGame --- "If you were to pick "superstar of the year", I think it would have to go to CM Punk."

Um. The WWE does pick a superstar of the year ... and they did give it to CM Punk. So what the hell are you talking about?
i agree with the person who said cm punk and sheamus should be the cover there the 2 top faces right now and should be for awhile...also for the love of god lets hope the default champs arent cena and/or orton again that gets annoying EVERY YEAR just saying.
I'd love to see a Face edition and a Heel edition.
Face edition - Cena, Punk and Sheamus
Heel edition - Barrett, Bryan and Christian
Personally, I'd buy the heel edition. However, it will likely end up being Cena or Punk.
Word is that it will be an Attitude Era edition. I think it will be a half attitude era suerstars and half current superstars.
In respect to the attitude era tribute of the game, have stone cold, the rock, and probably HHH or shawn michaels on one half staring at cena, orton, and punk
John Cena, CM Punk, The Rock, and Steve Austin. . .

These would provide a nice cover if done right. With the attitude era plan, this could incorporate the 2 biggest stars from then, and two of the biggest star now. Plus it would incorporate a few nice feuds.
Please let it go , for gods sake the Attitude Era is gone , a thing of the past , let it stay there. Why bring Austin up when he is retired
You would think CM Punk, he is well deserving. Had in my view the match of the year at MITB. The most controversial superstar of the year, and at least half a dozen moments that are so memorable. He should be it, anyone else on the current roster shouldnt be there.
Word is that it will be an Attitude Era edition. I think it will be a half attitude era suerstars and half current superstars.

That's cool. I hadn't heard anything about that. Hopefully the storyline turns out great, but one I've always wanted is a WCW vs WWE video game, since they own the company and have had the logos and recently the Nitro arena in the games. Imagine that story line in the game. Guys like DDP, Booker T, have Nash and maybe Hall in it as the nWo and since Hogan is with TNA, bring in X-Pac under the name Syxx and he could be the third guy. That would sell me right there. :)
The cover of WWE 13 should have CM Punk and why not, he is the current WWE Champion. Actually going with that theme, have him and whoever is the World champion when they start making the roster for the game. As for the people who talk about the attitude era, a lot of the bigger names from the attitude era are already included in WWE 12 such as Austin, Rock, HBK, HHH, Kane, Undertaker. The people not included such as Kurt Angle, well how would that work out since he's in TNA.... Yeah I'm on board with the idea sure since WWE 12 had a lot of classic superstars from different eras and it was awesome to have Demolition.
That's cool. I hadn't heard anything about that. Hopefully the storyline turns out great, but one I've always wanted is a WCW vs WWE video game, since they own the company and have had the logos and recently the Nitro arena in the games. Imagine that story line in the game. Guys like DDP, Booker T, have Nash and maybe Hall in it as the nWo and since Hogan is with TNA, bring in X-Pac under the name Syxx and he could be the third guy. That would sell me right there. :)

Dont read after this if you havent finished all 3 paths in WWE 12

The WCW Invasion Angle is played in WWE 12. It has Arn and a bunch of WCW guys attack your created wrestler and leads to everything that happened in the Invasion angle.It even has WCW take over control at one point and Raw becomes Nitro ago and i think a WCW pay per view is used in the main fight(Starrcade i think). You have to beat the face and heel mode to unlock the created susperstar mode.

As far a whole game on WCW vs WWE that would be awesome too. A game as good as WWE No Mercy(considered one of if not the best wrestling game made) with 30 of the top stars from each company. Im saying 30 because there is always room to add more later via DLC characters. All the main ppv's could be in play. SS,Summerslam,Mania,RR for WWE. Starrcade,War Games, Bash at the Beach,Halloween Havok,etc for WCW.
It's already confirmed that it will feature alot of Attitude stars so it will be Austin for the special edition and CM Punk or Daniel Bryan for the regular no doubt probably
I reckon The Rock will be on it,

Him and CM Punk,

I think when CM Punk negotiated his contract he probably asked to be on the cover of it,

And when The Rock negotiated his return he wanted to be on the cover as well.
How fitting to have the Guy Trips considers his Hulk Hogan right now to be on the cover cm punk will def not be on it for sure for reasons of it does not help for him to get something he deserves it
CM Punk without a doubt, He, Cena, and Orton are the faces of the WWE right now, and Punk has had an excellent year or so and really deserves it.
I think a past present future

ex austin cena punk

it could please all types of fans and make it and it would be something we haven't seen before.
I reckon The Rock will be on it,

Him and CM Punk,

I think when CM Punk negotiated his contract he probably asked to be on the cover of it,

And when The Rock negotiated his return he wanted to be on the cover as well.

holding a CM Punk ice cream bar :)
and the Rock was on WWE 12, as was Randy Orton for some odd reason.
I personally think it would be cool if they have the three biggest draws in the Attitude Era (Stone Cold, The Rock, and Triple H) on one side and have the three biggest draws today (John Cena, CM Punk, and Randy Orton) on another side. Not necessarily facing each other but just standing there with their arms crossed or something. That would be cool to see indeed.

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