Countdown to Lockdown menchioned on SD...What does that mean?


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It came straight out of Micheal Cole's mouth during the 8-divas tag team match, Countdown to Lockdown and adding on to it saying there is juicy stories but nothing about TNA. Saying also Joey Styles conducted an interview with Mick Foley about the book on What does this mean for the WWE? Are they paying tribute to Foley or they declare TNA as competition now since of the low ratings? Any other thoughts?


It's on their website.
To be honest, I think they are [probably] just paying tribute to Mick Foley. I don't really think it is that big of a deal, however. So the WWE is advertising a wrestler from a competitor, it doesn't really do much when you look at it in the bigger picture. Althoug it is a bit strange that Vince is allowing such a thing. Less than a few months ago, he would've been screaming his ass off if he would have seen an image or video of a wrestler from the competition on anything or anywhere WWE-related.

I seriously doubt that WWE are finally seeing TNA as a competition because of their recent low ratings. Even with the 2. whatever it got, WWE is still pulling over more than double what TNA recieves. Hell, I doubt WWE sees TNA as a legitimate competition at all for whatever reason. WWE is just far more superior than WWE. Ratings, merchandise profit, main-stream exposure---you name it. WWE is better. The only thing TNA beats WWE right now in, is the actual 'rastlin shown. However, WWE also has some good wrestlers, so really, WWE is still better.

Yeah. I don't think it is that big of a deal. WWE is [most likely] just paying tribute to Mick Foley. However strange it may be, it's really not that big of a deal; at least, I don't see it as a big deal. Besides, the worst that can happen is Dixie saying "HAHA. You see TNA-NATION, WWE knows we're getting better everyday. Now they even acknowedge us!" -> which really doesn't mean much...
I think its really odd,that WWE is actually having someone who's in a competitor promotion actually having an Alumnus page (

This is the same company which removed profiles of Jeff Hardy,RVD,Tommy Dreamer and Victoria(among others) when they surfaced on TNA....I'd just like to know what's the whole deal. OK maybe WWE wants credit and publicity for Foley's book,but apart from that I cant get why an active TNA and ex-WWE gets his alumnus page while others have their pages removed.
Odds are that whoever published his book had enough money for some on-air plugs. It's a book written by a wrestler, what better place to plug it than on the 2 biggest wrestling programs in the country. TNA doest have the following that WWE has and A LOT of people who follow it don't follow TNA and probally don't knot Foley is there or that he wrote a book.

Then again from what I know Mick didn't burn any bridges and maybe this is an olive branch being extended in his direction. Any idea when his contract is up?

Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin it for everyone.

It would be crazy to see Foley in TNA one second WWE the next. Oh wait isn't that what was going on in the 90's between WCW-WWF?

Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin it for everyone.

It would be crazy to see Foley in TNA one second WWE the next. Oh wait isn't that what was going on in the 90's between WCW-WWF?

That is a very good possibility....But hey...this is may be him,may not be him....but i'm a big Foley mark so i'm rooting that he's the GM and he'll come out and attack edge one day.

Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin it for everyone.

It would be crazy to see Foley in TNA one second WWE the next. Oh wait isn't that what was going on in the 90's between WCW-WWF?

out of all the ridiculous theories regarding the GM of raw... this is the most intriguing!! i feel like in all of history... if there was any single superstar that 2 rival companies would allow to appear on the other's show... it would be Mick Foley. it would explain the sudden and random book plugs.... the alumni page.

not saying it's true... but REALLY interesting... especially if you think about the legend references that the GM has been making.... and his disdain for Edge.
Mentioning Foley on Smackdown is simply paying respect to Foley. They don't care about Tottaly Not Awesome (TNA) wrestling....WWE knows that TNA will never be a threat because the head of the company is a bimbo who thinks ratings comes from making guys for 20+ year ago try and wrestle today....TNA being a threat to WWE would be like The Lions winning against oh I don't know any football team anywhere...sry boys aint happenin
And let's face it Foley HAS stolen lines from other WWE talent before (The Rock really comes to mind) having Foley be the GM would be so awesome because he could drive the heels NUTS like he used to when he was the Commish.

I don't think WWE mentioning Countdown to Lockdown is THAT big a deal. Maybe Vince wants to give Foley his just due. Perhaps its a shot at Ric Flair (remember, Foley and Flair don't really like eachother) so perhaps Vince is trying to stick it to Flair for joining TNA? Who knows. Best bet is WWE is trying to stir the pot, get us thinking, which they are doing a good job of right now.

Foley for GM? One can only hope...

Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin it for everyone.

It would be crazy to see Foley in TNA one second WWE the next. Oh wait isn't that what was going on in the 90's between WCW-WWF?

Haha it's funny because that would actually make sence, all the legend quotes, his hate for Edge and Chris Jericho, it would all fit. Nice thinking, but unfortunately this will never happen.
Here's a crazy thought - Vince has purchased TNA, is allowing WWE programming to promote the shit out of their 10/10/10 PPV, and when "They" finally reveal themselves, "They" is none other than...the WWE!!! How many times have we seen an "outside" faction try to invade and takeover the WWE (WCW,ECW, NWO, NXT)?? Wouldn't it be refreshing to see the WWE as the invaders??
It would be the most awesome thing ever to have WWE as "THEM" in TNA...just think of how everyone would react to such a surprise and not only that, try to imagine the rivalry possibilities Abyss vs kane, Orton vs Styles, not to mention the team possibilities; Styles and Christian, Kurt angle and Swagger? RVD and Mysterio not to mention old rivalries renewed; Cena/Angle, but it would be interesting to see what would happen with guys like Hardy, anderson flair and hogan/bischoff.
Im actually glad i opened this thread (i didnt know what it was about, i missed Smackdown) But Foley as Gm is a heck of an idea that i would love to see happen. And having WWE as "they" is an even more awsome idea...

I dont see the "they" being WWE happening but hey you NEVER know, i mean noone in these forums works for WWE so none of us really know...We can all say I KNOW, or id bet 100 to 1, or "you all dont know #?*! about wrestling", but in honesty NONE of us here know...

This could be part of the biggest storyline since Shane bought WCW...
It all plays out to see McMahon buying out TNA, but who knows. They take shots at them all the time and now praising Foley and the "THEY" storyline running around. Anything is possible. Hopefully in a way they do so ROH can be pushed into competition.
Vince allowed the book to be plugged on Smackdown and raw because he appreciated what Mick did for the WWE. This is something bigger than a stupid idea about a GM or a crossover or even a buyout, its about respect. That's the word from the WWE so argue if you want, it doesn't really matter.
Whats more strange
Mick in TNA and writing for WWE
or Mick writing for WWE about TNA

This obviously about leading up to lockdown or something. Maybe its him bad mouthing tna.
Mick foley wr
So I am guessing Mick didn't burn all his bridges with the wwe. But them here's another question? Why would TNA allow it?

TNA has no say so, Foley is the author not TNA. And think about how Dreamer was talking about 4tune a couple weeks ago on Impact referring to the WWE almost every 30 seconds, TNA will do anything to rise.
TheAbsolute1 has it right, I think. Mick Foley has not burned his bridges with the WWE at all. Even with Mick in TNA, he has maintained a good relationship with Vince McMahon, thus the mentions. I think Mick Foley has a strong desire to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, so he has avoided attacking the WWE outside of his character, unlike some other former WWE/current TNA wrestlers. Because of the respect Mick has continued to show the WWE, the WWE continued to show respect back. It is as simple as that. No mystery GM or takeover needed. Give respect, get respect.
TheAbsolute1 has it right, I think. Mick Foley has not burned his bridges with the WWE at all. Even with Mick in TNA, he has maintained a good relationship with Vince McMahon, thus the mentions. I think Mick Foley has a strong desire to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, so he has avoided attacking the WWE outside of his character, unlike some other former WWE/current TNA wrestlers. Because of the respect Mick has continued to show the WWE, the WWE continued to show respect back. It is as simple as that. No mystery GM or takeover needed. Give respect, get respect.

Great observation, with the WWE hyping Foley's book, do you think he will be inducted while he's still in TNA? Because I know that the WWE wants to induct Sting but they only will if he doesn't decide to sign with TNA again.
Not while he is employed...same with Sting. After Sting and Mick's time in TNA are over, it is a completely different situation. No HOF until after.

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