Could You Watch a Deathmatch?

Rhonda Rousey's Sports Bra

Kinda Sorta Old School
I was watching The Condemned today (man it's an aweful movie) but it got me thinking about if I could watch a real deathmatch or even a person get murdered. The Faces of Death movies always were popular with a few of my friends when I was younger but I never watched them back then and I have no desire to watch them now. Also the views on all things death related on Youtube are always some of the highest viewed videos on the web, yet they are always fakes to my knowledge. If you have, please share your feelings on it and if you haven't I ask you, do you think you could you watch someone die? How do you think you would you feel about it afterwards? If you say yes, they why would you?

Me, well I don't think I could watch someone lose their life if I had the choice, especially if they are being murdered. I don't think I could feel morally right with myself If I sat through something like that.
Like Condemned which i thought was a great movie if it was all murders i would have no probem watching them get killed because they killed some many people. But if it was just a regular person i would not be able to watch that it would really effect me and i would most likely have nightmares about what i saw for a really long time.
Watching Tekken the other day got me thinking about this exact same topic.

I can't make it through True Blood without covering my eyes, I covered my face a few times during that hardcore match with between RVD and Abyss yesterday, I have trouble watching animals eat each other on the discovery channel, I personally don't eat meat simply because my brain links meat with a loss of life. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if I wasn't morally objected to the idea of knowingly going into a situation where a life was going to be purposely taken, I'm far too squeamish to actually view such a thing anyway.

Then there's the whole moral side of the coin. Is the death match being done for sport or to settle a score? What score is so extreme that it would be worth taking the life of one of the individuals involved?

It'll be interesting to see where this thread goes because I've always wondered if there are people actually capable of watching a deathmatch.
It really all depends.

For example, if there were sick weapons involved like knives and shit like that, where that would give someone the opportunity to rip their opponent's eyes out... I don't want to see that happen to ANYONE. However, in straight hand-to-hand combat fight... I'm pretty sure I would be able to stomach it. Though, I'm not sure if I would watch it if they were people I never heard of. Like, they would have to be either be famous or notorious people.. otherwise I most likely wouldn't give a shit.

But no... I have no "moral" issues about watching two people beat each other to death, as long as they both agreed to it. Hell, there's a possibility of that happening anyway every time I watch an MMA or Boxing fight, but I choose to watch it regardless.
I'm right along with JMT's train of thought.

I've got no problem with people going up against each other with the intent to beat each other until one is dead as I don't have any moral objections to it in theory.

Would I want to watch it? That would depend entirely on the people that are fighting. If they consented to it, I wouldn't have any issues watching them murderize themselves. But if they were forced into it, I'm fairly sure my empathy for other living things would kick in and I'd feel bad watching two other people forced into killing each other.

But if weapons were involved, I'd have to say no, no matter the conditions. I could barely take thinking about RVD taking a shot from Janice on a scripted show, no way I want to watch some poor guy get his arm cut off by a katana.
Granted, Condemned was a helluva good movie, but it was Hollywood, so it was hyped up for Entertainment. Now I've seen the Faces of Death movies, and I kept hearing how "Sick and gross" they were, but they seemed a bit more watered down than what I originally thought they were going to be and it was MEANT to be shocking for a reason. I'm not saying that I'm not insensitive to human suffereing. I think that there'd be a whole set of circumstances surrounding "What are these people fighting for? Liberty, fun, revenge...etc?" I believe you can see just as equally suffering from accidents, traumas, I think its a matter of asking within yourself, "Would you be able to live with yourself viewing the following, with whatever the circumstances are?"
I wouldn't watch.
Not cause I'm some bleeding heart for the human race or anything but because regardless of what they did, there still people and I remember the married couple on there.
They killed people and whatnot but when he had to watch his wife get beat like a dog I'm sure no one deserves that, even if they did it to someone els.
I don't think this issue is one of those eye for an eye deals

I think all murderers should get what's coming to them, I wouldn't shed a tear if they got shanked in prison, I'm just saying I wouldn't watch the movie that's all
I used to say yes, I would have no problems watching people kill each other...until I actually did. Some people may not buy my story, but its true. In 2003, I was 20 years old and stationed at Misawa Air Base in Japan. In March, we got the call to go to Iraq. Once we got there, everything had just started, and take it from me, war isnt just bombs killing people miles away, its in your face, deafening, confusing, and you barely have any idea whats going on or even what direction you should focus. I watched someone 6 feet away from me get shot twice in the face, I've seen kids get caught in explosions, and tons more that I'm not gonna share.

Anyways, now I can say that I have no interest in watching people die.
I used to say yes, I would have no problems watching people kill each other...until I actually did. Some people may not buy my story, but its true. In 2003, I was 20 years old and stationed at Misawa Air Base in Japan. In March, we got the call to go to Iraq. Once we got there, everything had just started, and take it from me, war isnt just bombs killing people miles away, its in your face, deafening, confusing, and you barely have any idea whats going on or even what direction you should focus. I watched someone 6 feet away from me get shot twice in the face, I've seen kids get caught in explosions, and tons more that I'm not gonna share.

Anyways, now I can say that I have no interest in watching people die.

Gotta respect a man who is willing to give his life for his country. I could never get the courage to do that. Now on to the post I dont think i can watch unless its just fist because I also got freaked imaging Abyss hitting RVD with Janice. I can watch UFC so if it was like murderers that are gonna die in jail anyway why not let give us a good fight while they die
I rather liked The Condemned, I found it to be a good Action Based Movie. Not so much storyline wise but for all Action purposes, it was a 3 1/2-4 star movie in my opinion. But now to the actual point.

I think if was something like The Condemned, a bunch of murderers going at it in some sort of Live Feed or a Bare Knuckle fight or something of the sort, then yes I think I could stomach watching such a thing, at the end of the day they were murderers, in my view, if you kill someone, you don't deserve a life. If you had the up most intention to kill someone, took your time to devise a plan to kill another, then you too deserve to die. But that's for another thread, anyway, if it was in that context then yes, I could watch it.

If it was just two people stabbing and ripping each other apart gruesomely then no, I don't I could, but who knows.

End of the day, I've never watched someone actually die, not in my family, not in the street, nothing. I've seen replays and such but that's different, I don't know how I'd react to such a thing but I guess some day I'll find out.
Well that's a tough one I probably could not watch a death-match if they were ripping each other guts out and chopping each other up when they are still alive or if they had been forced into it and had done nothing wrong or if the person's family was they because all these reasons are sick and degrading to the dead person.

But I might be able to watch it if they were killers or rapes or child molesters or were in prison for life and terrorist because all these people have death coming otherwise there in prison wasteing people's money on what could be spent on better things but that is a different thread.

So my answer is yes as long as its bare knuckle and respect is show to the murder in death.
I actually liked The Condemned. It might not have been the greatest movie ever but I have a soft spot for it.

I can watch the content in question and have. I have seen people die in real life. Not to say it's no big deal. It is. It sucks when someone dies. But I can watch it. Espcially if it is a fight. I feel like a fight out in the streets could be for your life everyday.

I would rather kill the mutha fucker trying to kill me, than be the one to die.

I'm sure I have been numbed a bit to all types of violence and what not. Like I said, it sucks and doesn't bother me as far as watching goes. But I do feel bad for people and don't wish for them to die.
Nah there's no way I could watch a deathmatch. Too bloody for me. I can't watch anything to do with gore or anything like that, and I don't get how people can watch it if it isn't the person's choice to be in agony. I don't really get why someone would choose that, but I guess there would be some cases. It's basically just watching another human being in extreme agony, and people who watch that for enjoyment are just sick fucks. I don't see how they could get any pleasure from seeing someone die in reality.
It's not the fact that I can't watch a Death-match because I couldn't stomach it... I've seen a lot of shit in my time, so having blood and weird noises happen to the human body wouldn't really affect him... it's the fact that I'd have to live my conscience where I allowed myself to watch one human being kill another for entertainment purposes. That's a sick thought that is usually associated with psychopathic killers and I don't really want to view myself in that light.

However, if the reasons weren't for entertainment and it was done for justice, sure... I wouldn't have a second thought. By justice, something like the Condemned where the two people fighting are criminals that both deserve to die for their actions and have admitted that they love doing it. I wouldn't care who dies and who lives because they were scum and neither deserve a life. Simple... hell, I'd even put bets on who'd win.
No I couldn't watch a deathmatch. Aside from the fact that I couldn't handle watching another human get killed I wouldn't feel right morally either. My thoughts would be, "I gotta do something about this..." , "This could be an innocent person.", "This is someone's father, brother, child." I wouldn't be able to handle it at all. Even if the people were killers and they enjoyed doing it, I couldn't watch it. It is still a life, even if he has committed such a heinous act. Some people say, "Killers deserve to die." but I just can't handle that. I guess I just hate to see anybody die, regardless of who they are or what they have done.
I watched when ivan drago killed apollo creed in their boxing match and it didn't bother me jk. Serious though I watched when they hung saddam hussein and that was ok with me. I think if it was an innocent person I wouldn't be able to but an execution for someone desreving than yes.
I watched when ivan drago killed apollo creed in their boxing match and it didn't bother me jk. Serious though I watched when they hung saddam hussein and that was ok with me. I think if it was an innocent person I wouldn't be able to but an execution for someone desreving than yes.

Saddam's hanging bothered me so much. To see a man's legs just go limp like that... not something I wanted to see... but I couldn't look away. It's just one of those things. Sure, he was a bad person, but is it really ok to kill a man like that? Does anybody deserve to die that way. It's more of a moral dilemma than anything else. Sure it's hard to watch, but like I said in my last post... somebody cared about him. It doesn't just effect the person who gets injured/killed.
I'm with jmt, I could probably watch two men who agree to have a fist fight to the death, but they'd have to be people I care about, and the MMA and boxing fights I watch always have the possibilty of someone dying. Fuck watching people fight eachother with weapons, that would be far too bloody and gruesome for my taste, watching someone shoot/mutilate (I've seen mutilation) someone in real life, fuck that.

Saddam's hanging bothered me so much. To see a man's legs just go limp like that... not something I wanted to see... but I couldn't look away. It's just one of those things. Sure, he was a bad person, but is it really ok to kill a man like that? Does anybody deserve to die that way. It's more of a moral dilemma than anything else. Sure it's hard to watch, but like I said in my last post... somebody cared about him. It doesn't just effect the person who gets injured/killed.

I dunno dude, the people that cared about him were all fucktarded extremist muslims who would like to see nothing more than all of us getting blown the fuck up. I was in 6th grade when I saw that, and I clapped and cheered when I saw that piece of shit die.
It's the moral dilemma: An eye for an eye? Y'know, be above scum like Saddam. But honestly, I was happy with what he got but at the same time that question lingered. I'm not a fan of the death penalty, never have been. Plus now that I'm studying law in college I hav much more proof at hand that the death penalty isn't right. If I ever have to prosecute somebody, I won't request the death penalty. That's blood on my hands. I'd rather have idiots get life in prison, but that's just me.

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