Could You Buy A Chris Sabin Main Event Push When He Comes Back?

I was genuinely shocked to see Sabin again doing a promo on his injury, usually when a wrestler is injured they're gone from TV completely. I think it's really cool they did that, and also it was a great vehicle to get heat for Roode. Even I found myself shocked when Roode kicked his crutch away. I saw a thread recently about heels not being "evil" anymore well that's as evil as you can get and Roode was even stomping on Sabin's knee. My suspension of disbelief actually caused me to hate Roode, and Roode is one of my favourite guys god damn!

Another reason it was great they did this was because of the history between the two of them, MCMG and Beer Money. So when Sabin returns (I'm convinced he will and it will be in a TNA ring because of this promo) would you want him to go after Roode? Bobby will still be a maineventer though I doubt he'll have the belt at the point Sabin comes back. You could get Sabin feuding with Roode then he could get a title shot at whoever the champ is, say A-Double and then they could try and make Sabin a star.

So what do you think? How would you like to see a Sabin return and could you buy him as a main event player?
Yes. If TNA's creative I'd good enough to turn both members of Beer Money Zinc into World Chsmpions then they can with Sanin. 5 years ago he was known as Super-Sabin as apart from Hoe and Styles this guy couldn't be beaten. The IWC was up in arms when Nash refused to job to him in their feud. Sabin has the in ring ability to be up there. On his time off get him to soley work on his promos and make his real life girlfriend Velvet Sky his on screen valet and he can be up there.
IMO if Sabin had any brains he'd retire b4 he's crippled permanently.
He had a good run as XDivision and Tag Team but the last year is a sign for him to move on and get a backup plan b4 he's too old to do anything else.

If he does return in another 6-8months and they gave him a push, i certainly wouldn't find it objectionable, he's a good worker and charismatic but i don't see it happening, they didn't do anything with MCMG this time when they returned it's not gonna happen after 2 serious injuries.
I'm not sure if he comes back to TNA, if alex shelley does end up going to WWE i could see Sabin following him over there.

If he does come back he should be up there in the main event scene, how many more injuries could he get in the x-division before he is forced to actually retire. He could work with the main event guys and get there type of reaction.
Sabin will need to work a little smarter. He doesn't have to fly off the top rope to the floor to get a reaction. He gets an even bigger pop with his running big boot in the corner it his hesitation drop kick. Both very safe moves.
How would you like to see a Sabin return and could you buy him as a main event player?

Absolutely. He gets strong fan reaction, he's a TNA original, he's a solid in-ring performer, and he has a decent look. Don't really see him as a future World Champion, but he could have a short run in the main event.

For his return, Sabin will obviously get his revenge against Roode, although Roode might not have the title by then. So, I could see them working 1-2 month program, which would really help put Sabin over. However, Sabin will have to improve his mic skills and he will need to further define and deepen his character/gimmick.

Using Velvet Sky as his valet is a great idea, and could really add depth to both their gimmicks and make both more relevant and interesting again. Since, Sabin will naturally play the underdog role against Roode, and will be milking sympathy from the fans (all the hard work and rehabilitation it took for him to return, etc.), maybe Sabin can use this in other ways.

For instance, for the Roode/Sabin feud, TNA should have Velvet get involved and create a 3-way love story (similar to Punk/Bryan/AJ). But here, Sabin would play the underdog, the nice guy, who thinks Velvet is out of his league and doesn't really have a chance with her. Roode is the cocky, jock-like heel, who is constantly hitting on Velvet, tells her they are meant to be together (QB/head cheerleader thing, etc.), and is constantly putting down Sabin, calling him a little nerd, etc..

But of course, Sabin wins the payoff match at the PPV and gets the girl at the end too!!! I think, it's a storyline that has potential and could possibly help put Sabin at a main event level.

Sabin will need to work a little smarter. He doesn't have to fly off the top rope to the floor to get a reaction. He gets an even bigger pop with his running big boot in the corner it his hesitation drop kick. Both very safe moves.

Totally agree with this. This will be key if Sabin wants to extend his career. He also could use a new finisher. Do you agree that a new finisher would help Sabin? And if so, what finisher?

I like Sabin's current finisher, the Cradle Shock, but he'll have problems hitting it against heavier opponents like Roode, Bully Ray, or Abyss. A good-safe top-rope finisher would be good for him, maybe a frog-splash. Also, a submission finisher would be good, maybe a dragon sleeper. What do you think?
Most fans of TNA already know who Sabin is and what he's done in the company. I was kinda already thinking the same thing, that this is just a way for TNA to add Sabin in the main events when he returns[probably just a ploy by TNA to get Sabin to re-sign].

That whole segment with Roode showcases why he is the best heel in the business right now. He's damn good at getting heat and I'd like to see where this storyline could go. The whole part about the X-Division taking all the risk and getting no reward was right on and Roode actually told the truth in it. Look at all the X guys injured/injured in the past. I'm sure he only said that to draw more heat, but, there was alot of truth in it.
If he does return in another 6-8months and they gave him a push, i certainly wouldn't find it objectionable, he's a good worker and charismatic but i don't see it happening, they didn't do anything with MCMG this time when they returned it's not gonna happen after 2 serious injuries.

Maybe the reason they didn't do anything with the MCMG's this time was because Sabin had just returned and Alex Shelley's contract was almost up.. If you were management of TNA and half of the MCMG's was yet to re-sign with just a month or so away from his contract being up it wouldn't really be a smart thing to throw them into a feud in my opinion.. TNA probably had to have had some idea if Shelley was going to re-sign or not because with most contracts people start re-negotiating a few months before it's up.

As to the OP's question. He could maybe be in the main event scene for a little while but I would find it hard to see him as a World Championship contender. Maybe after working a feud with Roode or Storm or one of the main event type guys that would change my opinion on that.
this whole topic might have zero merit and benefit as he will be sidelined at least 6 months but his contract expires in August
I think they will put him in the heavyweight division and it won't be a bad idea. He's talented and all but maybe needs to build up (size). Sure size don't matter but c'mon, we can't have a guy as the champion that small. Maybe he could build to the size of AJ Styles.

Chris could win the X-division title. Then next time this year, take on option C. He could win the title maybe a month or so before.
From now to then, he has a good opportunity and a fair amount of time to build himself.

Because of his talent and the fact that he is an original, he deserves it. I think he would improve, entertain more and his push would be very interesting. I do think that the whole option C thing could work. When he recovers, TNA could make it out as if he is still injured when he is actually training more on his character and his size.
I can see him as a main event player but not as champion. He is good he is damn good, he has the crowd behind him as a TNA original and he has amazing in ring skills. He could work with guys like Hardy, Roode, Angle, and A-double. However, I do not see him as a guy that could carry a company as their World Champion, maybe tease a run but never give it to him as I just don't see the crowd buying him as champion. He is however good enough to be in the main event picture and put on amazing matches even cut a good promo or two.
I just can't see TNA investing in him like that; he's too injury prone. However, TNA does think very highly of him and it seemed as if they were positioning him to be the next X Division champion from what I saw out of the few weeks he was back. He would absolutely have alter his wrestling style, and cut down on alot of the high flying moves. I can see him being a psuedo like Chris Jericho character in his moveset and maybe even in his promos. I actually like the ideal of him being in a main event position but it's a long shot upon his return.
Not likely, and for two very important, and very simple reasons:

1. There's been no build toward it whatsoever. Before you go and compare him to Austin Aries, understand that Aries has had the longest run with the X Division title we've seen in recent years and demolished the competition. He also had a small program with Bully Ray in which he shined during and is now fully embracing the main event push he's been getting. Build matters. Taking a guy who has no back-story and "pushing" him into the main event is an incredibly stupid thing to do, because you're forcing fans to care when the vast majority will not.

2. He can't cut a promo to save his life. Say what you will about how the main event/heavyweight scene needs to change, but the fact of the matter is that talking is a major selling point for any World Heavyweight Champion. Sabin couldn't talk his way out of a parking ticket with a set of 34DD's, let alone sell a feud worth a damn. In fact, outside of his tag team work, the last feud he had going that truly had any merit was his feud with Bob Backlund.
I kinda like the idea that someone else posted of Chris Sabin coming back and winning the X division title, and carrying it until Destination X next year and taking the shot at the World title. I think Sabin should tone the the high flying a bit and protect himself more, and this would be a perfect way to bring him into the main event. If they did it this way it would be totally believable, and he might even have the same success as Aries.
Not likely, and for two very important, and very simple reasons:

1. There's been no build toward it whatsoever. Before you go and compare him to Austin Aries, understand that Aries has had the longest run with the X Division title we've seen in recent years and demolished the competition. He also had a small program with Bully Ray in which he shined during and is now fully embracing the main event push he's been getting. Build matters. Taking a guy who has no back-story and "pushing" him into the main event is an incredibly stupid thing to do, because you're forcing fans to care when the vast majority will not.

It sort of could happen in the sense that Sabin could cut some promos when he's injured about how he never won the big one etc, this could get fans behind him for a possible main event push. However this leads to the other point

2. He can't cut a promo to save his life. Say what you will about how the main event/heavyweight scene needs to change, but the fact of the matter is that talking is a major selling point for any World Heavyweight Champion. Sabin couldn't talk his way out of a parking ticket with a set of 34DD's, let alone sell a feud worth a damn. In fact, outside of his tag team work, the last feud he had going that truly had any merit was his feud with Bob Backlund.

Sabin's not bad per se, but he's certainly not great. Alex Shelley was always the better promo worker in the Machine Guns. I would like to see Sabin be relevant in TNA, but a main event push straight back from injury is probably not it. Maybe go for the X-Division title or TV title and let him keep it for a while with some good fueds before testing the waters with a main event push would be the way to do it.
It sort of could happen in the sense that Sabin could cut some promos when he's injured about how he never won the big one etc, this could get fans behind him for a possible main event push. However this leads to the other point

Sabin's not bad per se, but he's certainly not great. Alex Shelley was always the better promo worker in the Machine Guns. I would like to see Sabin be relevant in TNA, but a main event push straight back from injury is probably not it. Maybe go for the X-Division title or TV title and let him keep it for a while with some good fueds before testing the waters with a main event push would be the way to do it.

No, Sabin is bad. He's unconvincing and forced, which is bad. Think of all the past Champions in TNA — how many looked or felt as uncomfortable as champion as Sabin would? Cage? Foley? Sting? Angle? The list goes on and on, and while each of those men is certainly quite different from the other, they all share one thing in common: an excellence to connect with the crowd both verbally as well as in the ring. Sabin is a cruiserweight who's had an unfortunate series of injuries plague him, and while that truly sucks for him and fans of his, it's also no reason to see something in him that doesn't exist.
Unfortunately I think Chris Sabin's chances of getting a main event push, if he ever had a chance, are over. From what I'm reading on newsboards Sabin will be out for many months again so he'll have what might feel like 2 years away from wrestling.

Can you imagine a wrestling company putting faith in a wrestler to generate PPV buys or fill a venue if he's possibly going to do a match and blow out a knee at any point? That's the issue TNA must now face with Sabin. From a business point of view it's a bad idea, similar to putting the TNA heavyweight title back on Jeff Hardy.

What amazes me is that Sabin hasn't now been released by TNA. I speculate part of that may be to do with his relationship with Velvet Sky and the desire of TNA to keep her.

I think Sabin, when he does return, will need to change his wrestling style significantly to protect his knees from further injury. I regret to say that I think he'll be another Marc Mero, once an exciting high flyer who gets grounded and is never agin able to create the buzz he once had. It will be a shame if that does happen, but that's a horrible possibility, and it will push him even further away from any chance of being a legitimate main event wrestler.
I don't think Sabin will return as a high flyer. His stuff in Japan shows he is more than technically sound, he could be a great mat worker specialist.

Most fans of TNA already know who Sabin is and what he's done in the company. I was kinda already thinking the same thing, that this is just a way for TNA to add Sabin in the main events when he returns[probably just a ploy by TNA to get Sabin to re-sign].

Yeah I thought about the ploy thing "Stay and we'll give you a main event push" haha but I know a lot of people consider Sabin the "Jannetty" of MCMG, this push were it to happen, would go some way into making Sabin the greater of the two. I mean it's not like Shelley is gonna be main eventing in WWE, if he's even going there.

Not likely, and for two very important, and very simple reasons:

1. There's been no build toward it whatsoever

2. He can't cut a promo to save his life

They have plenty of time to build up to it. And I think his promos are fine. I don't see how they're any worse than say, Daniel Bryan.
They have plenty of time to build up to it. And I think his promos are fine. I don't see how they're any worse than say, Daniel Bryan.

You're talking to the wrong guy about that. I know jack shit about the WWE. You may as well be speaking Japanese to me, but what I do know of Danielson is that from what I've seen of him in ROH, he's a superb mat wrestler with the personality of a fuckin' bathtub fart. Either way, I don't see how comparing one shit personality to another justifies the first. It's like saying, "Yeah, I robbed a bank, but that guy did too and he got away with more money, so I'm not breaking the law".

Sabin's promos are awful. There's a reason Shelley handled all the talking for MCMG. He's actually capable of public speaking. Sabin isn't.

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