Could WWE repeat WrestleMania 2 on a grander scale?

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Every year, WrestleMania has been put in one venue at one time. The venue has usually been something like a Football stadium or a baseball diamond, and it's usually done to fit more people in. But out of all the standard Wrestlemanias, WrestleMania 2 was different. Wrestlemania 2 was held in three different venues.

My question is could WWE sale out possibly TWO arenas in one night in today's world. I'm not talking arenas the size of WreslteMania 2's arenas... I'm talking possibly two football stadiums full. Think about it, say WWE has WrestleMania 28 scheduled for Miami, but come summer they announce that Toronto is also hosting Mania. Would WWE be able to run the two Manias on the same night and be equally successful?

I think that if WWE did enough advertising, and really worked out everything, then they would be very successful and could easily get a million buys off of ticket sales alone, plus the extra revenue they would get from home buyers. But at the same time, the cost of setting up two big stages and the cost of renting out two arenas could be a pocket breaker, but surely WWE would make more than they pay and that's always a good thing.
I think it could easily be done, the only challenge would be how to watch it at home, would you have to keep going back and forth between channels? or would only one be on tv and have the results of the second mania told by cole or someone
I say no.

If you look at the card for Wrestlemania 2, it had a bunch of pointless matches.

It's also incredibly hard to produce.

They also wouldn't be anywhere near a million buys in ticket sales, so I think you meant PPV buys.
Even though if they had one really good card, they could break a million buys. Last one to do that was Mania 24.
Idk about two football stadiums but I think it would be realistic to have it in two basketball arenas where you have one event start at 7pm and end at 9pm and then have the other start at 9 and go to 11. They have enough talent if it was built up right. Like for example this year one could be headlined by Taker/HHH with Edge/Del Rio also on the card and the other could have Cena/Miz with Orton/CM Punk.
It's probably possible, but the cards would be pretty weak for the live crowds.

There's three main event caliber matches you could split up

Edge vs Alberto
HHH vs Undetaker
Cena vs Miz

then there's the special attraction matches you could split up

Lawler vs Cole
Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus
Orton vs Punk
Rhodes vs Mysterio

So I guess you got 2 or 3 big matches for each show, but the under card will be pretty weak. Not much better than a really good episode of RAW.

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Sorry, just noticed you said only TWO arenas. That was definitely go a long way towards filling out the cards, but still not sure it'd be enough.
They could do it with two but they would just need to fill the cards for both shows and make it a full 4-hour show.

They would cut in-between them like they did with WrestleMania 2 and the opposing arena's show would show on the jumbo-tron in each arena.

Seeing as how much attention is being put on the host-city for Mania though, I don't see them doing that.
You also have to think back at Wrestlemania II there was alot more wrestlers back then that were used on a regular basis. Today's wrestling it wouldn't draw to see someone like Zack Ryder vs Yoshi on Wrestlemania. WWE needs to come up up with something for all these wrestlers to be involved in storylines for such a two arena Wrestlemania. I think there is a reason why WWE has only done this once because it didn't work then.
This would not work for a few reasons. in 1986 the WWF was red hot. There were three main events that people could not wait to see. Before the monday night wars, pay per views were special. Today it's so hard to put together a pay per view, let alone a wrestlemania card, that people haven't already seen several times. It would be very hard to get people to sell out big arenas to watch three or four matches and have to watch the rest of the card on glorified pay per view. It was said earlier that mania 2 was filled with pointless matches. This is probably true by today's standards but at the time they were matches people wanted to see. I think the only possible match left that would "put butts in the seats" is Undertaker vs John Cena. Times have changed and the WWE will probably never again be what it was in the 80's. This idea might have worked during the attitude era but the product isn't nearly popular enough to get people to pay high ticket prices to watch a half or a third or a mania card live.
I think it could be done, but I don't see them ever doing it. One I think it would be harder to promote. Would they promote which matches would be happening at each arena? Or just surprise people with what matches they will be seeing live? I think people would be confused by it. Then you have to think in about ticket prices. I wouldn't pay $100 for a ticket if I knew I would only see half the card live. Their travel packages run $1,500 a person. No one would pay that if they thought there might be a chance their favorite wrestler wouldn't be there live. Plus do you think people might feel cheated if they only saw 4 or 5 live matches? They would almost need to have 3 or 4 dark matches. People may get bored with those and not care.

I think it may be a fun idea for a 3 hour Raw/Smackdown super show. If they build the day almost like a PPV then cut back and forth between shows. Maybe have a 3 hour Raw/Smackdown super show for both that weeks Raw and Smackdown. Tickets cost less and people expect to only see a few matches live anyway. They could still charge normal price for tickets. WWE would double their ticket revenue for a week.
I think if the WWE were to run WrestleMania in multiple venues like WM2, I would have it in:

Staples Center with the World Title match as the Main Event (along with the United States Title match)

Madison Square Garden with the WWE Title match as the Main Event (along with the Intercontinental Title match)

Cowboys Stadium with the Undertaker Streak as the Main event (along with the Money In The Bank match and / or the WWE Tag Team Title match)

The undercards can fill themselves out.

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