Could Vince McMahon's Days As WWE Chairman & CEO Be Numbered?


The latest edition of Power Slam Magazine features an article on Triple H's, AKA Paul LeVesque, promotion to Senior Adviser to Vince McMahon. The article states that this promotion has led to Triple H has become more interested in a role behind the scenes rather than an actual in-ring competitor.

Though not confirmed, the article makes note that Vince McMahon is expected to step down as chairman & CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment sometime this year or next year. The article notes that the reigns of the company are expected to be handed over to Triple H and that McMahon will stay on in the role of an adviser himself.

We all know that Vince will stand down someday due to the fact that he's getting older. The idea that he MIGHT, and I stress that term, step down so soon is something of a shock. I figured Vince would be the type that would stay as long as he was physically and mentally able to. Whether you like Vince or hate the air that he breathes, him stepping down as CEO of WWE could potentially set American wrestling on its ear.

What do you think? Would you like to see Vince actually step down either this year or next, as the article indicates is expected to happen? Would you like to see Triple H step in and take over? Do think think it could be a good thing or bad thing for WWE?
This could go either way. For one thing, Vince has been doing this for how long now? He knows the ins and outs of the business, and he is the main reason behind a lot of the things that got us all into wrestling. Hulkamania, Austin 3:16, If ya smell...., these things wouldn't have happened without Vinnie Mac. So losing him might hinder the business for a while.

But, HHH also knows the ins and outs, being a student of the game (no pun) for his entire career. Now I remember that he is slowly taking over for Vince backstage, calling the shots behind the curtain, and things are still moving at a pretty steady rate. HHH has a younger view to the business, and sometimes that is needed for a company to stay afloat.

So I think that it is both good and bad with Vince passing the company on to HHH, and I think it will occur within the next few years, with Vince slowly giving HHH more power and breaking him into the backstage politics. It would also give HHH time to return to the ring for one last hurrah... unless of course the Mr. McMahon character is also passed on to HHH........
I don't know that I want HHH being the one to take over, but that seems inevitible. I just hope they have it play out in a storyline for all of us to see on TV.
A changing of the guard all across the board,eh? It had to happen eventually,and you've got to believe HHH and Vince have been planning this for many years now. The best leaders always have a successor lined up at all times. I really would have like to see Shane, a personal favorite of mine, take over as the prodigal son but this is the next best thing. I also have high hopes that HHH won't be holding onto any sort of boys club mentality when it comes to backstage politics and everyone gets a fair shake when it comes to getting a piece of the action in ring wise. These next several months will be a critical time for WWE,and I'm glad I get to witness it.
The reality is that it would be the pair of Trips and Steph taking over, not Trips alone. That in itself makes quite a difference, as Steph is never going to let Trips botch the company her dad built. You can already see a difference in the shows since Trips has worked the backstage. A lot of talents who previously seemed uptight are visibly enjoying performing more. Add to that that there is some genuinely interesting stories (who ever thought Jerry Lawler could be relevant in 2011?) and the signs are positive.


Trips has to deliver a lot more than just great wrestling in the potential role... He'd have to be the guy to keep WWE strong and alive in the business world... which he has no experience at all of. You can't gain that in a year either... I think Shane will come back eventually to balance that out.
While I personally despeise hHh I will try to "keep the faith". I do not enjoy him in or out of the ring. If I were to view this objectively this would be good because it will give a different flair or spin on things. Perhaps a new logo, championships, style of in ring work. He will have a McMahon in every corner so a HUGE change immediatly may not occur. Im sure Vince will not shut the company completely out of his life. And im sure his daughter has an equally vested interest.

My pessimistic side only sees him playing sad and very skewed politics. Holding down guys he thinks dont deserve any chance at all. Even though he himself had gotten chances he "didnt deserve". <--- im not saying he didnt deserve it im saying many people said as such behind his back.

Im also worried because the man seems to have tunnel vision and a bit of an ego issue. That is never good for a company in my opinion. As messed up as vince is he would still bend over and eat it if it was good for business. HHH seems like a guys who if he doesnt like you will bury you with his shHHovel in his backyard so no one sees you again.

With triple whoppers knowledge on years and years of in ring backstage and personal knowledge of wrestling i can see a lot of good change after mcmahon has involvement for a few years. Once he fully controls such company. If it happens. No vince in his radar i can see a lot going downhill. Ugh. Have a good day folks!
and ofcourse because it's on a spoiler site it must be gospel ;P
anyway it has to happen eventually.

and if the current content is anything to go by, i love where things are heading. In the last 6 months WWE has improved 100 fold, there's still glimpses of horrible shit that should never be aired and the worst commentry team WWE has ever had i still behind the mic. But in ring and character wise things are picking up

If thats because Vince is not having full control and the people who were just sucking his ass are gone, it's for the better.

as for the above comment that Trips has no experience, um pretty sure as everyone was complaining about that he has had say backstage for along time. Just now he actually gets to do what he wants more often and not have someone else shoot down any good ideas because they are pig headed :)

For all the naysayers as they use to say - If you don't like it, Get The F' Out :) Have A Nice Day

I'd say that about 80% (or more) of wrestling fans no nothing but Vince McMahon's wrestling product. Think about that; everything they have ever witnessed has come from Vince. The reality of that changing is definantly something to think about.

With that said , I don't think it will be to sudden a shock or anything like that. Remember,Vince doesn't do absolutly everything for WWE anyways. Creative teams are still going to be the same, road agents are still going to help performers put their matches together, and Vince will still be around to help out. However, I do think that the direction of the programing will change abit. Whether it's the guys they choose to push or just the overall way they run things in general I'm not sure.

Strange to think of though, this is the first time in like thirty years that someone other than Vince McMahon will be calling the shots.
Doesn't anyone think Shane might be a little pissed that Vince is passing his legacy to the son-in-law and not the actual son?
Doesn't anyone think Shane might be a little pissed that Vince is passing his legacy to the son-in-law and not the actual son?

well shane himself was the one that left the company and did it on his own accord so really, he has nothing to say, nor can he really say much about it
You know, I'd be happy for the man if he decided to "hang up the boots" as the WWE Chairmen. He's getting older, and is at the point of normal retirement, so why not? If I was in my 60s, a millionaire, and had accomplished more than 99% of the world will ever accomplish combined, I would probably retire too! It will be a sad day for all of us, as the name McMahon is pretty much synonymous with the word "wrestling". But I don't blame the man for wanting to finally calm down and take it easy. I'm sure being in total control of World Wrestling Entertainment isn't an easy job!

As for Triple H taking's an interesting proposition, and I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. At least the company is staying in the family, so to speak. Stephanie will probably continue to have a huge influence on things, and that's not bad at all. I'm not sure if I can actually state this as a fact, but I think Triple H may understand the current generation of fans better than Vince. Mr. McMahon reportedly wants to break up the Usos because he doesn't understand their gimmick. There's several accounts of McMahon being out of touch with the way the fans work today, and I think Triple H has been around us long enough to know what we like, maybe better than McMahon at this point. Like I said, I can't say that as a fact, but it's a possibility. I can't say whether or not the takeover would be good or bad for wrestling, but stock will definitely drop, and wrestling loses a lot of street cred with the big boys in New York, I'm sure. For all we know, the product will stay exactly the same.
I'm sure that HHH won't be going in this alone. He will have Stephanie right there with him and Vince will still be only a phone-call away if he ever needs advice. Shane will probably come back and help the business in one way or another. The name "McMahon" will still be a major part of wrestling even after Vince is gone.

Do I want Vince to leave? Of course I don't. He's repsonsible for almost everything that's happened to the WWE. He's been involved in major storylines himself and put wrestling on the map. Without Vince, there is no Hogan or Austin or Cena. McMahon chose those guys to be pushed to the top.

WWE will still have the same creative team etc... to help them, too. It will be a sad, sad day in the WWE when Vince steps away from the business, but he's getting up there in age and it's probably hard for him to have all this responsiblity this late in the game. It will be interesting to see what happens.

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