Could TNA Benefit From Having Two Shows?


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Wwe has raw and smackdown as two major shows and they have minor ones aswell. So could tna ?? They have a lot of talent on the roster and some who don't even get used so could they make a second major show have a major title and then do like a tna world heavyweight title and x division title on impact and have another major title and the tv title on the other with knockouts title on bothe shows same as tag titles like maybe have a tag team from 1 show face a tag team from the other at the ppv so as to create brand rivalry ?? So do you think tna would benefit ? And would it work ? How would you book it ? Thought ?? And if this is in the wrong place I'm sorry its my first thread so please move it to the correct place if necessary

Simply put ... no. TNA doesn't have enough of a following to spread it across two shows. I mean, come on, ReAction was right after IW and half the audience watched it.

It burns out the writers, it's more expenses for TNA, more work for the wrestlers and it's highly doubtful it will draw even close to what IW draws, which isn't much to begin with.


Simply put ... no. TNA doesn't have enough of a following to spread it across two shows. I mean, come on, ReAction was right after IW and half the audience watched it.

I swear, when people start expanding their global awareness, then the entire world would be better off. Not to mention Reaction wasn't a different wrestling program, it was an after show where the wrestlers broke down the matches and gave their opinions. Nothing really needed to be written for them.

This guy is talking about an actual secondary show. Thunder to WCW's Nitro. Smackdown to WWE's Raw. Not a stupid after show like Reaction.

Personally, I think TNA should set up Xplosion as a Saturday Morning event. Not because WWE does it, but more so because TNA's the closest thing to old school style of wrestling that we will ever get. I'd say try and strike a deal with MyNetworkTV or maybe even have it put on ESPN, like AWA used to do. I think that if Xplosion was able to kick off for TNA, then they could shift X-Division focus to that show, as well as other filler matches.

Although really, TNA offers the better in-ring action. Their storylines may be subpar, but the in ring work definitely makes up for it.
I swear, when people start expanding their global awareness, then the entire world would be better off. Not to mention Reaction wasn't a different wrestling program, it was an after show where the wrestlers broke down the matches and gave their opinions. Nothing really needed to be written for them.

This guy is talking about an actual secondary show. Thunder to WCW's Nitro. Smackdown to WWE's Raw. Not a stupid after show like Reaction.

Personally, I think TNA should set up Xplosion as a Saturday Morning event. Not because WWE does it, but more so because TNA's the closest thing to old school style of wrestling that we will ever get. I'd say try and strike a deal with MyNetworkTV or maybe even have it put on ESPN, like AWA used to do. I think that if Xplosion was able to kick off for TNA, then they could shift X-Division focus to that show, as well as other filler matches.

Although really, TNA offers the better in-ring action. Their storylines may be subpar, but the in ring work definitely makes up for it.

I have expanded on it, that's why I know it won't work.

TNA has a little over a million people watching iMPACT every week.

WWE on the other hand pretty much triples that. Yet SmackDown's ratings are way, way lower than RAW's - almost cut in half. Don't even get me started on their other shows which draw as much or less than iMPACT.

Also take into consideration the fact that SmackDown is sometimes promoted on RAW infront of that large audience, it is on a good channel and its been around for a long time. Yet still it draw shit ratings by WWE's standard.

Now think of a TNA secondary show. They can't split the roster - that's the first thing. Therefore the two shows would have to share a roster, otherwise the secondary show will be filled with guys like Magnus and Doug Williams who nobody gives a shit about, dooming the program from the start.

Secondly, the channel they're on is crucial and it will definitely be a worse one than SmackDown's for example. Not a good thing when you start a new show.

Third - if the viewing patterns of WWE fans are any indication of TNA's, and taking into consideration all the things that will negatively affect TNA's 2nd show, its rating will most likely be ABYSMAL, making the efforts invested for this second show obsolete, therefore TNA wasted lots of time, money and hard work into something that doesn't pay off.

There has never been a case in the last at least 10 years of the secondary and flagship show having the same ratings. Even back in the day when wrestling was fine, RAW was always ahead of SmackDown and Nitro was ahead of any other WCW programming.

And you're telling me that now will make any difference? In 2013? When wrestling's squirming in the depths of hopeless notalgia, desperate for attention? In TNA? A company dwarfed by WWE? A company that is probably in NO financial position to undertake such adventures freely? A company that cannot possibly benefit from this?

It won't. It's stupid and it has a long, long, LOOONG shot of working. If WWE can't pull it off, with all the resources they have, what makes you think TNA will? Because they have better wrestling? If that was a factor they wouldn't be pulling in 0.9's.
...And I quote Daniel Bryan :"Yes!"

Fans including myself complain about how they don't use some talented people properly like The Pope or Mr. Anderson; this could change the whole issue because there is more T.V time. But just make it a different show, not a brand because the roster is too mall and it could end up like WWE meaning the "A" show is the one with guys like Aj styles, Sting, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan while the other show like Smackdown has poor storylines and contains guys like Robbie E and Jesse.

What they should do is air Xplosion in the USA as well (I'm british), get rid of the crap like Spin Cycle and replace it with wrestling matches so they are actually using guys like The Pope and Anderson. Also, the PPV's will have bigger build ups because of more TV time. Another thing is that the TV champion and the X-divison champion don't get enough TV time, this will also solve the issue.

Those saying things like "TNA doesn't have enough viewers" well one reason people dislike is because of the fact they don't push the right guys and use them well, again, that could be sorted.
They need to focus on the one show they have & improve. 2 shows would spread creative & talent thinner than it already is.

Impact has been pretty good & continues to get better in some aspects, while still lacking in others. TNA has to have their main show running full steam before they even consider a second show.

It took WWE forever to pull off SD & the only reason it worked so well is that RAW was a powerhouse & they had plenty of talent to divide. Since then they have been able to produce multiple other shows over the years with varying degrees of success. If RAW wasnt running so well, they never would have pulled the trigger on any other shows.

You also have to look at what it takes financially to produce another show. Some TNA guys are paid 'per appearance' & only have so many dates that they can be used. Plus it would mean extra hours for staff & production costs would double. New commercials, merch, promo spots, etc. TNA is doing good now because they keep it in line with what they can handle. Pushing it too far without knowing for sure they have enough $ coming in to cover expenses is dangerous. They just simply dont have the $ that WWE has.
...And I quote Daniel Bryan :"Yes!"

Fans including myself complain about how they don't use some talented people properly like The Pope or Mr. Anderson; this could change the whole issue because there is more T.V time. But just make it a different show, not a brand because the roster is too mall and it could end up like WWE meaning the "A" show is the one with guys like Aj styles, Sting, Kurt Angle and Hulk Hogan while the other show like Smackdown has poor storylines and contains guys like Robbie E and Jesse.

What they should do is air Xplosion in the USA as well (I'm british), get rid of the crap like Spin Cycle and replace it with wrestling matches so they are actually using guys like The Pope and Anderson. Also, the PPV's will have bigger build ups because of more TV time. Another thing is that the TV champion and the X-divison champion don't get enough TV time, this will also solve the issue.

Those saying things like "TNA doesn't have enough viewers" well one reason people dislike is because of the fact they don't push the right guys and use them well, again, that could be sorted.

That's going to fix everything right there.

Of course, you have proof that the reason why TNA doesn't have enough viewers lies purely in the fact that they don't push the "right" guys. And who are these "right" guys. You're making it seem like TNA has a set of wrestlers who, if pushed, will automatically draw people in. As if there are millions of people just waiting for TNA to push "the right guys" so they can start watching.

Two years ago people were complaining that TNA had no fresh talent at the top. They push men like Roode, Storm, Aries, Bully, Daniels, Kazarian and even Samoa Joe. Then come out people like you who want Pope and Magnus pushed.

Well, for one thing, they did get pushed once. They flopped, it didn't work. But my point is that regardless of who TNA pushes, some fans will always want someone else pushed and shown on TV. Even if Pope and Magnus are on TV, some jerkface will come out and want Joey Ryan and Kenny King pushed.

So to sum up - this won't do jack shit for TNA. Yes, they will have more time for build ups, yes they can have belts defended more but believe me that will not improve their ratings. TNA's ratings issue is far more complex than simply pushing someone and giving him the belt.
There is wasted talent on impact as previously indicated mr anderson,the pope and there are a few others that are really talented and could use some exposure and with the gut check the roster is getting bigger and they hardly use the gut check winners with exeption to christian york and maybe wes brisco so we could use them on the second show eg xplosion as I'm british aswell and I'm sick of all this spin cycle and match of the week as they could use the time for matches and you could even at a push make it longer to showcase some new talent like gut check winners and the lower card and anderson and pope could get used more frequently
I don't know much about TNA as much as i know the WWE considering that i have been watching the WWE for quite a few decades and TNA for a few months since it doesn't air much in Mexico, but i think that the answer is a cointoss, because you have to gamble sometimes to see if it works or not, but there's a sayin that you never know unless you try, if they get good writters and split the roster wisely, it could work, you can have the top talent on the A show, with a few mid carders, and the B show for the upper mid card and the gut checks, and every now and then have a top dog make an apearence, maybe a match here and there for the TNA world title, but on the B show have like the X Division title become a little bigger deal than what it is now, and also use the B show to promote PPVs, and to build the future main event superstars, and also i forgot to mention that also in the B show you can have the open fight night, or at least that's how i see this situation......
I like the theory of a second show because TNA does have too big a roster and too many belts for a two hour show to properly showcase. However, Z Double is exactly right, they do not have a big enough viewing share to indicate that a secondary show would be attractive to any national network. The only possible way I could see it working is if both shows where pushed equally with the distinction possibly being the belts that belonged to each (TV Title & Womens on IW and the XDivision and Tag Belts on show 2) with the World Champ on both shows.

Again, though, I'd have to agree with Zeven - I just can't see them taking that big a risk with their current stats.

(As a side note, does TNA have any other shows in the States because we have three this side of the pond - Xplosion, Unfinished Business and Classics?)
until TNA can get their flagship[ show watchable and ratings increase and then a demand for more tv content on a different night, then just maybe.
At present TNA only have barely enough content to fill two hours a week of Impact.
Diluting the market with more TNA will be a hinderance to TNA, not an improvement.
Unless they wanted to have one show, the lesser show, with the six sided ring and feature ONLY X Division talent and only the X Division title being on the show, then this is a really bad idea. A second show could only work if iot had content you could not see on the other show.
The simple answer here is yes they could benefit. They should treat the show as an all X-division show or at the very least a more pure wrestling show. Say what you will but the X division is what brought TNA to the dance and all signs point to the company trying to revive their once most popular brand. This will in turn open up more of a crowded 2 hour impact show for their main eventers. Who hasn't watched Impact the past few weeks and thought that the show was just too crowded? They could also use the program to help revive their Knockout division. While I have never been the biggest fan of women wrestling, the fact remains that it is one of the things TNA has done much better than WWE in previous years and the Knockout division did have a very strong following. Maybe even revive the Knockout Tag Team titles and FINALLY get them off ODB and Eric Young because while I am a fan of both individually the fact that now only did they become Knockout champions but have held it for over 300 days boggles my mind.
I wouldn't want a second major show. One thing I like about TNA is the fact they do only have one show. Who knows if two more hours would help or hurt creative, but one thing I wouldn't mind is a secondary one hour show. Like what WWE is doing with Main Event. They could fit in some people who didn't make Impact and use it to progress any storylines necessary. One idea I like would be the Television title being defended every week on that one hour show. It's been said a million times, but building the pretige of the TV title is good for everyone. I think 2012 was a good year for the belt between Devon and Joe's reigns, but being defended weekly would make it feel pretty important and would give the show purpose without the pressure of a full blown show. You could then give the TV strap to anyone you wanted to elevate to main event status, and they would get loads of exposure as well as build credibility in the fans eyes as a champion depending on how long their reigns lasted. Feel I'm kinda getting off topic here, so that's bout all I'd want in a second TNA program.
You ever hear the phrase "less is more"? I'm pretty sure that was originally coined to describe wrestling shows.

One weekly TV show is plenty for a company like TNA. WWE was better when they didn't have Smackdown. WCW was better when they didn't have Thunder. Seriously, you can go back and look - there was an immediate dropoff in product quality in both companies when they introduced their secondary show. It's not a coincidence.

Look at it this way. You know how pay-per-views are better when there's less of them? Well, it's the same with TV shows. The more time the writing staff has to do their job, and the more time the wrestlers have to work on their craft, the better the company will be.
Yah let me put this nicely! No it wont work. IF there IW show cant pull in a million people or barely over WTF makes you think if there was a second show it could succeed? It makes zero sense has a chance of working about the same as all of us winning the mega millions.

TNA doesnt have enough money to split into two different shows. (Which they cant afford anyway). Completely burns the writers out the talent out. TNA problems are far worse than even thinking about a second show. Until they up their viewership and i mean up it by alot they cant even think of that.
I have expanded on it, that's why I know it won't work.

TNA has a little over a million people watching iMPACT every week.

WWE on the other hand pretty much triples that. Yet SmackDown's ratings are way, way lower than RAW's - almost cut in half. Don't even get me started on their other shows which draw as much or less than iMPACT.

Also take into consideration the fact that SmackDown is sometimes promoted on RAW infront of that large audience, it is on a good channel and its been around for a long time. Yet still it draw shit ratings by WWE's standard.

Now think of a TNA secondary show. They can't split the roster - that's the first thing. Therefore the two shows would have to share a roster, otherwise the secondary show will be filled with guys like Magnus and Doug Williams who nobody gives a shit about, dooming the program from the start.

Secondly, the channel they're on is crucial and it will definitely be a worse one than SmackDown's for example. Not a good thing when you start a new show.

Third - if the viewing patterns of WWE fans are any indication of TNA's, and taking into consideration all the things that will negatively affect TNA's 2nd show, its rating will most likely be ABYSMAL, making the efforts invested for this second show obsolete, therefore TNA wasted lots of time, money and hard work into something that doesn't pay off.

There has never been a case in the last at least 10 years of the secondary and flagship show having the same ratings. Even back in the day when wrestling was fine, RAW was always ahead of SmackDown and Nitro was ahead of any other WCW programming.

And you're telling me that now will make any difference? In 2013? When wrestling's squirming in the depths of hopeless notalgia, desperate for attention? In TNA? A company dwarfed by WWE? A company that is probably in NO financial position to undertake such adventures freely? A company that cannot possibly benefit from this?

It won't. It's stupid and it has a long, long, LOOONG shot of working. If WWE can't pull it off, with all the resources they have, what makes you think TNA will? Because they have better wrestling? If that was a factor they wouldn't be pulling in 0.9's.

All that is true, but by them having a second show that would be exclusively on the internet and would be shown on one or multiple of the big streaming sites like justin tv, ustream may just work great imho. I'm sure the event will get main page advertisement days before the show, especially if tna plugs the website on tv.

They can have a 'Internet Championship title' and threat this as the b show by showcasing talent that doesn't get on impact a lot due to tna not having anything for them to do right then. They also can move gut check to that show.

I Think its a really good idea to have a second show that is exclusively on the internet. Just look at the day and age we live in, that's why i think it would be a great idea. They can record the internet show before or after the live impact.
The closest I see happening is Xplosion being aired in the US.

What they should do is air Xplosion in the USA as well (I'm british), get rid of the crap like Spin Cycle and replace it with wrestling matches so they are actually using guys like The Pope and Anderson. Also, the PPV's will have bigger build ups because of more TV time. Another thing is that the TV champion and the X-divison champion don't get enough TV time, this will also solve the issue.

Hey I like the Spin Cycle :lmao: if you got rid of the Impact recap you could easily fit another match in there. So a 1 hour show that has two matches, Spin Cycle, and a from the vault match (And usually they pick PPV matches which is always awesome of them). That seems pretty good to me!
I too like Explosion. i think it's more entertaining then Impact.
and that and TNA Classic air weekly on Australian TV infact Explosion from the week b4 airs b4 Impact on a saturday night

TNA Classics airs i dunno, use to be b4 Explosion but i haven't seen it in a while.

Anyway so as probably most others have said, they need Impact to actually draw a crowd first, doesn't matter how many excess they have in the roster thats there own stupidity. Impact has more then enough time to feature a bit of everything they just chose to waste the time and for whatever reason (i dunno about the states) but here Impact only airs for 90mins out of a 120min time slot but with Explosion on b4 that makes up the extra 30mins i guess but still Impact is a 2hr show that only runs for 90mins including ads.. so there's 30mins a week that have wasted.
they actually have another show which is explosion they need to better utilize it,i hv three plans either make the show Targetteing UK based viewers by having tapings their focussing only on rising stars and mid card talents.
Plan B is to have genral B show of 2 hour which can focus more storylines and superstars aswell.
3rd is to have one hour explosion before Impact where the gut check takes place and other things like Reaction of last week Impact and open fight night rules plus champioship thursday Selection of challenger for the title. with 3 hours more superstars will get spotlight and more time for segments.

or they can hv 3 hours impact final hour known as explosion where the main event takes place and other stuff like open fight night and championship thursdsy all that.
In my humble irrelevant opinion ( that's thanks to Mr.Sandow ), I dont think TNA would benefit from having two shows.They dont have enough star power to run two shows.If they did have two shows they would prolly intersect ( anyone watch Chuck ? ) with oneanother
and burn out the major stars who are there because of a lighter work schedule.
Typical WWE marks saying no:lol: Yet it's okay when the WWE has a show on almost everyday and as a result they have completely oversaturated the market with their product...

Yes, they (TNA) need another show. Their roster is too large for them to feature all thier talent on a weekly basis. They should go with a 6 to 8 PM show on Saturday :)
A second show would mean more production costs, as well as a heavier schedule (one of the reasons many performers benefit from TNA). I don't know if they have the roster to enforce a brand split and they certainly don't have enough drawing power for it - that's what the ratings seem to reflect.

I don't know if TNA would benefit, but I would! I'd watch the shit out of that second show, if only to see what they have lined up for poor old Mr. Anderson... Anderson...

On the other hand, TNA needs to bring young talent through the ranks, quickly too. I don't think Zema Ion is the next AJ Styles in any way.

If they were to add an extra portion dedicated to the undercarders and the guys they aren't using, they could do with a longer show. Add to that a promo or two and (unfortunately) ten minutes of more Hogan and you've got an extra hour, with no brand-split-ADD, no boring guy being on both shows (*cough* Sheamus) and no neglected talent or division.
That's going to fix everything right there.

Of course, you have proof that the reason why TNA doesn't have enough viewers lies purely in the fact that they don't push the "right" guys. And who are these "right" guys. You're making it seem like TNA has a set of wrestlers who, if pushed, will automatically draw people in. As if there are millions of people just waiting for TNA to push "the right guys" so they can start watching.

Two years ago people were complaining that TNA had no fresh talent at the top. They push men like Roode, Storm, Aries, Bully, Daniels, Kazarian and even Samoa Joe. Then come out people like you who want Pope and Magnus pushed.

Well, for one thing, they did get pushed once. They flopped, it didn't work. But my point is that regardless of who TNA pushes, some fans will always want someone else pushed and shown on TV. Even if Pope and Magnus are on TV, some jerkface will come out and want Joey Ryan and Kenny King pushed.

So to sum up - this won't do jack shit for TNA. Yes, they will have more time for build ups, yes they can have belts defended more but believe me that will not improve their ratings. TNA's ratings issue is far more complex than simply pushing someone and giving him the belt.

Okay, let me rephrase; TNA needs to use stars like Anderson and Pope more effectively. I'm not saying they don't need to hand them over the world title immediately or even put them in the higher-card; just use them how they deserve to be used. Include them in more storylines, give them more matches and give them more TV time. It won't exactly raise there ratings but will be an improvement because they have such talented wrestlers yet they show up once in a blue moon. Also, because guys like Angle, Styles, Roode, Storm and a lot of the other top talent in IW are ageing. To prevent any affect on the future of TNA, not only bring in more talent but use what you have and use them well.

Yes maybe some idiot will come out saying they want Joey Ryan as the new face of the company; well like I said, just use the talent properly for instance Ryan and the better (misused) guys like Anderson so they can then boost them up into the heavyweight division. These misused guys that can actually become stars in the future include Crimson, Matt Morgan, Christian York, Pope, Anderson, Hernandez, Magnus etc.

So if we go back to the main topic, 2 shows will do fine for the company because it means more TV time which again, means talent can be use better, build ups will be better and the TV/X-division champions get a lot more time to actually do something as champions. It wont exactly improve ratings (forgive my last remark, as you said, they have other problems that are the main affect on the ratings) but it will solve some issues that the fans have with the show and that of course COULDeventually lead to a better TNA.
WWE should probably make Smackdown a single hour sometime soon. Possibly cancel it. TNA doesn't need a 2nd show, it could have used one in the past when it had a larger roster with lots of 90's stars.
I believe Total Non-stop Action Impact Wrestling could definitely benefit from having two major shows. There are so many ways to go about this and I’m pretty sure I’ve mention some variation of this before. Instead of doubling all of the Titles similar to what WWE did after SummerSlam 2002, TNA should just go with what they have and work with it. Here’s my idea. I propose putting the “Major” Titles on their Flagship show and putting the Mid-Card Titles on their new show.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
TNA World Tag Team Championship
TNA Knockouts Championship

TNA Television Championship
TNA X-Division Championship
TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship

This will keep the Main Eventers live on Impact and give the lower card more camera time on the sister show. Then after a few months of this format, I could see TNA doing an Impact vs. Xplosion Lethal Lockdown match. If that match were to take place today, it would look like this.

Jeff Hardy, Chavo Guerrero, Hernandez and Tara vs. Devon, Rob Van Dam, Eric Young and ODB.

It might not look that appealing, but it works as long as EY is ½ of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions. HAHA!!

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