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could this wrestlemania be the beginning of the new generation

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looking at the four matches made:
World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. Edge
WWE Champion Batista vs. John Cena
The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels career vs streak
Money in the Bank Ladder Match

so this means for the first time since wrestlemania 17 hhh is not involved in the main event (apart from wrestlemania 23 when he had an injury) so with trips off the card and a possible hbk retirement, Batista who is in his first main event since wrestlemania 23, now i know alot of people will say what about cena edge and undertaker and hbk but trips is one of the biggest stars today and keeping him out the main event could be the beginning of the turn of the next generation of wwe stars like miz morrison kofi cody ted ect and arguable the bigest heel randy orton has been left out and will most likely be fighting ted which should help his push.

So so you think this wrestlemania could maybe be the last for the current wwe big stars and finally the time for the young stars to rise
First off, there are still plently of weeks for the WWE to figure out how they're going to inject HHH into either the WWE title match or the streak vs. Career match. As long as HHH is healthy and active, he will continue to be an important figure in the WWE. The same goes for all the other main eventers to think that all of the seasoned stars of this company are going to roll over and die away and practically hand the young talent their spots is pure madness.
looking at the four matches made:
World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. Edge
WWE Champion Batista vs. John Cena
The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels career vs streak
Money in the Bank Ladder Match

so this means for the first time since wrestlemania 17 hhh is not involved in the main event (apart from wrestlemania 23 when he had an injury) so with trips off the card and a possible hbk retirement, Batista who is in his first main event since wrestlemania 23, now i know alot of people will say what about cena edge and undertaker and hbk but trips is one of the biggest stars today and keeping him out the main event could be the beginning of the turn of the next generation of wwe stars like miz morrison kofi cody ted ect and arguable the bigest heel randy orton has been left out and will most likely be fighting ted which should help his push.

So so you think this wrestlemania could maybe be the last for the current wwe big stars and finally the time for the young stars to rise

And who, prétell, do you think, of all these young superstars are ready to be put in the main event and carry the banner for WWE in any scenario Triple H isn't in the main event? Kofi Kingston? Drew McIntyre? Ted Dibiase? There are literally no names that come to mind that scream "Ready to main event". The reason the whole uppercard has the names that it does, and the same reason why barely any new names make it there and stay there is simply this, none of these younger talents are ready to make that step yet.

If you're going to be a main event wrestler you've got to make people care about your matches. Kofi can fly around the ring, but other than feuding with Randy Orton, what has he done in the last year to make people care? Ted Dibiase's teased turn on Orton has only been effective because it's been a long drawn out story which just happens to involve one of the most vile heels that general fans HATE, and want to see put in his place. 99% of the mid card require the main eventers to give them a "rub", and could not hold their spot on their own if they tried. Until they can break into the main event scene on their own and believably hold on to it, they are no where near ready to make that move.

I may be rambling, but the point i'm trying to drive home is that the talent that people want to see start the "Next Generation" of main eventers are no where near ready to hold those spots. Sheamus, being a special variable, is a guy that literally came out of nowhere, got booked into the unbeatable destroyer gimmick, came onto RAW and won the championship. The difference with Sheamus is that he's actually made people WANT to see him lose the title. BUT, I see his WWE title run only as a mechanism to quickly get him over in the top of the mid-card, and even he is still not ready to steadily main event WWE events (even though he is one my favorite names in WWE atm).

Triple H is a fantastic wrestler, great entertainer, and regardless of what any internet smarks say, knows what is best for the WWE from his position. There is absolutely no one that can fill his spot from the mid-card.

Like Con Volt said, Triple H is healthy and completely able to be in a WM Main event, so don't count him out just yet, there's still a month to go before WM.
There's now way HHH won't be in an important role. They are doing this discreetly, but somehow HHH will cost HBK to not get pinned, essentially saving his career so HHH can end it the following year, due to all their history and HBK cost DX the tag titles and their existence this time around.
What do you mean FINALLY time for the young stars? As if Kofi (28 yrs. old), Ted (27), Cody (24), Morrison (30), and Miz (29) have waited soooo long to get to the main event. Or guys like Evan Bourne (26), Ziggler (29), McIntyre (24). Why should relatively young guys be pushed aside to let even younger ones take over the top spots?

The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels are old (especially in mileage). Their careers are close to over, but they should CHOOSE when they are done. It's not like they are milking it Ric Flair style, they are in their mid 40's. And it's not like Shawn Michaels is hogging the title spotlight, and if he wanted to, I wouldn't mind seeing he can still wrestle (at least for another year or two). Undertaker will retire sooner rather than later, and even though his tv time is limited, he is still putting on some of the best matches out there.

Triple H is only 40, and is in AMAZING shape. He isn't going anywhere, anytime soon, nor should he. He is doing great things in the ring and on the mic, and looks, while wrestling, like he is 30. Batista is 41. I hope he retires soon because I don't care for him. And actually, he probably will (within three years).

Edge and Christian are both only 36 years old, they have another solid 5-8 years of main event level competition in front of them. Jericho is 39, but is he slowing down? Physically he looks a little out of sorts, but he is still a main event player, and should be. He is still golden on the mic, and due to the fact he is in the main event at Mania this year, they must think he can still go in the ring.

John Cena is 32. Am I a Cena fan? No. But is he even close to stepping aside? Not even close. He is the biggest name in the company, and will be for another 5-10 years, whether some of us like it or not. CM Punk (31) and Randy Orton (29) still have another ten years of being two of the biggest names in wrestling. I mean, these two guys are JUST starting to hit their stride, making HUGE names for themselves. There is no reason either one of them should pass any kind of torch at their age (I know you mentioned Orton in your post, I just added him because I like him a lot).

The point I am trying to make here is that the guys you want pushed aside so the youngest guys can "finally" get their push are still the faces of the company. Each veteran I named can still work, and should still work. Not only should guys like HHH, Jericho, Edge, Christian, Orton, Cena (unfortunately), and Punk be the faces of the organization, they ARE the faces of the organization.

Guys like Ted, Cody, Morrison, and Miz should wait at least another five years before consistently main eventing. Same goes for other guys who might not even have what it takes to carry a company, like Ziggler, McIntyre, Bourne, and Kofi. These guys DO NOT need to be pushed to the F*****G moon yet. It just doesn't need to happen. I swear to Christ, it is like some of you want to take every wrestler over the age of 30 (unless they come from some Indy promotion) and put them out to pasture. It is stupid, just plain stupid.

So no, I do not think this Wrestlemania should be the start of the "new generation." I don't think it will be the end of one either. I mean if wrestling put guys out to pasture at the rate some you want, we would have a "new generation" of wrestlers every 3-5 years. Some of you are so impatient, it is borderline disgusting. Just WAIT a little while. Those young guys WILL have their chance...it just shouldn't be for another couple of years. How about you guys worry about putting pressure on the WWE to make titles like the US belt, the IC belt, and the Tag belts ACTUALLY mean something. If they meant something, people wouldn't be in a fit about changing out main eventers every five minutes.
Im quietly hopeful. Hopefully these guys will be getting something good on the PPV. I know they are technically not 'young' but they are new which is important.
They dont have to set the world alight, but if they dont fuck up then WWE might put them on next year and push them more so. Kofi's appearance last year probaby helped him for the rest of 2009.
I don't feel that taking Trips out of the main event really means it's going to be the turn of the next generation. Cena, Batista, Jericho, and Edge are all in the main event, and they've all been around for quite some time. Cena's the youngest out of all of them, but they ALL have loads of experience. Plus, some of your biggest stars aren't even MITB or real matches. Miz, Morrison, and Truth are all in a tag match. Christian is probably going to win MITB or Shelton (doubt it) and they've all been around for ages as well. In fact, if you look at the MITB match, Hardy and Kane have been around forever as well.

However, I see WWE definitely realizing that their main guys are getting older. Big Show, Batista, Triple H, HBK, Undertaker, and Kane have all been saying their getting close to leaving. Maybe not this year or the next, but they'll all be gone in 5 years I bet. Cena will then be the new Triple H most likely, and Morrison will be the new Cena hopefully. So to answer you question, yes and no. I feel that the next generation is getting closer to being the head of WWE, but it's not going to happen at Mania.
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