Could the WWE be unifying the tag team titles/division?


Championship Contender
The main page is reporting that the Usos called out Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins:-

Now this could mean one of two things: Either an interpromotional match at Survivor Series between the Usos and Ambrose-Rollins, with no titles on the line, Or the unification of the tag team division/titles.

If it's the former, they could play it out in a number of ways, involving or not involving the entire rosters in a complex brand-vs-brand narrative, especially Roman Reigns and John Cena.

However, do you think they have reason enough to unify the titles at this stage?

The tag team landscape on Raw seems fairly intriguing at this stage, as it includes Sheamus and Cesaro, Hardys and Ambrose-Rollins.

But if or when they want to separate the singles stars, they're only left with the Hardys and a returning Revival.

All the suggestions made by some of you as to them bringing back Lucha Dragons, Prime Time Players, or Wyatt Family don't seem likely to happen.

Secondly, on Raw, the roster doesn't seem deep enough for them to have enough competition for the IC title, in that besides the Miz, only Jason Jordan seems to be a credible contender, and he has barely just debuted as a singles competitor. And that means, if you have a Universal title and four people involved in it, and Wyatt and Balor in a feud, and Cesaro, Sheamus, Ambrose and Rollins all involved in the tag team division, there's nobody to contend for the IC title.

Smackdown Live however doesn't even have that intriguing aspect because the New Day seem to have done it all, The Usos are champions, and Breezango and Ascension are all but an afterthought at this point.

There's also Hype Bros and Zayn/Dillinger but it seems unlikely they're going to make the tag division on SDL vital or that Creative will do something about them or the division as a whole.

So, after considering the aforementioned factors, do you think this is just a sign of an upcoming interpromotional brand-vs-brand match, or do you see them unifying the tag team division? (having accepted they can't keep things interesting)
I really doubt that they will unify them, considering the 2nd set of tag team and women's titles were just created a year ago. However, I'd be all for it if they decided to do it because I thought it was a mistake to begin with and said in the beginning of the brand extension that all of the women's division should be on one show and the tag team division should be on the other.

I think if anything, this is probably just setting up a Survivor Series match. If it were up to me, I would make this year's Survivor Series all interpromotional matches. Universal Champion vs WWE Champion, IC Champ vs US Champ, Raw and SDL tag champs square off, and the women's champs from each brand meet. Then just like they did last year, I'd also hold a traditional elimination match between the 5 best singles talents from each show, a showdown of the tag teams, and a women's division contest. Could be cool except for the fact that Lesnar vs Mahal wouldn't be much of a match and would make SDL look weak.
It is way too soon to unify anything. The Smackdown Tag Team Championships have only existed for 11 months. It isn't only for that reason. It would be bad for business. People can suggest putting all the women on Raw and all the tag teams contenders on Smackdown, but it's not a good idea. Having two divisions stretched across two brands is better for the WWE to make money than having one clogged up division. There's rumors of another Superstar Shakeup coming. One of the teams over on Raw could get moved to Smackdown to even things out. There's also another option. NXT promotions to the main roster. The Authors Of Pain could get called up to go to Smackdown. Have them feud with The Usos. Or, heck, give Breezango another title shot while The Authors go after The New Day for a bit before getting a title shot so quickly. WWE should NOT unify the titles. There's far better options than that.

Now, if they aren't unifying the titles (which they should not do) then what's more likely to be on the horizon? As others have suggested it may be to build tension early on for a Survivor Series feud. That show should be what Bragging Rights wished it was. A Raw Tag Team Champions VS Smackdown Tag Team Champions feud would play a big part in that whether it's a traditional eliminations match or just the four champions in a standard tag team match for brand supremacy. I highly doubt it's unification. Survivor Series is almost 3 months away. Imagine how big of a deal the dual-branded feuds would be if they spend that much time building up to it.
i highly doubt it as it is too soon to take away either RAW or Smackdown's Tag Team, i think other tag teams will feud with both Usos and Rollins/Ambrose. my guess is this will likely set up a potential Survivor Series match or this is just a thing they'll do on the internet to make us talk. The Hardys (when they held the RAW Tag Team titles) called out other teams online too when they held the belts, but nothing came of it.

my hope is that they do set up an all champions vs. champions survivor series style show and make this like a bragging rights ppv....have all the RAW Champions face each other, have two survivor series style matches with one being the Women and the other being the Men and have a Crusierweight survivor series match and a Crusierweight title match and there's a decent survivor series idea and have the winner of the brand win a trophy and have a heel wrestler on RAW or Smackdown claim the trophy and hold the trophy for themselves like it's belongs to just him......but again, i dont think this calling out will lead to a unification because it's just far too soon to unify the titles.
Agree with Dagger. Way too soon to unify anything and the fact of the matter is having women on one brand and tag teams on the other is a good way to ruin a show. I actually like how both tag divisions have rolled out, I can think of at least 4 teams that have split this year and still see depth in both divisions. Raw excels with the Shield, Hardys, Shemaro, revival, club and now even the Miztourage. SD, while not as deep still has some good tag teams. New Day and Uso's are the two most traditional tag teams you could say and are probably the two best teams in WWE now. Hype Bros are another legit team and in any other era probably would've multiple time champions. Breezeango is quickly becoming everyone's favorite team and you can now add in American Alpha 2.0. That is with not naming a couple teams. That's a stacked as fuck division and would be so frustrating to have those 9 teams, who all could be at the top of the division at one point even this year, to be constantly not booked or jobbed out to the flavor of the month.

I love how the divisions are right now and I know that isn't the most popular opinion. Sure SD has mainly focused on the two teams with Zango getting their skits but they have two teams right in the wings ready to come up and face the Uso's or New Day. Im one of the few that would rather do with what we got rather than overflow something and that's probably the reason why I am digging the tag team scene.

We have been begging for more of a tag division (man look even two years ago, Lucha Dragons, New Day, Usos, hype bros and who? (Edit: oh and Kidd and Cesaro, Prime time players)) so to me if they just scrap it and throw all teams together, giving 4 teams proper time and just swap teams in and out then WWE has gone back to where they were in 07/08- whenever shield and the Wyatt family came in.
As crappy as the brand extension 2.0 has been, not that the first one was good, but the first go around is proof of how stubborn WWE can be with this silly idea. It's gonna take more than a dry roster to end it. I mean last time, London & Kendrick literally went a year with Smackdown scrapping OVW to get challengers. The divisions will get far worse before they decide to end them.

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