Could the shield become a 4 man team


Pre-Show Stalwart
1st off this is not what i want, just a topic and a suggestion to spice up the shield, the shield has been going on for almost a whole year. and they been great. but should shield get a 4th member to be the int. champion. and they could dominate the mid card level. also lets take a look at all great factions normally are 4 guys. and the shield could be great as 4.
now if shield ever got a 4 member who would you choose it to be.
it can be any wwe superstar fcw wrestler nxt wrestler or even a free agent.
They are fine as they are. They have been established as a trio and that is how they should remain. The beauty of The Shield is that they are all extremely talented with great potential. Adding a fourth guy may be a negative because he may not be on his level. I suppose they could use an Intercontinental Champion so they have even more control but I'm struggling to think of a good name. Three is a good number and it isn't all that bad if they keep it as a trio before the inevitable split.
I think the Shield is one of the few things the WWE has done exceptionally well in recent months, and it would be a mistake to add (OR take away) someone at this point. Continuing to develop their characters and existence is the best bet. I would love to see their involvement with HHH be not what it seems.

This group has all the trappings to be a very, very, big deal for a long time withOUT being stale. Whether it happens or not is still TBD
The only person I would want to see join is Shane-O-Mac!!!!

he has officially stepped down from his CEO role today so it may leave him some time to return to WWE for a short period if he was interested.

I doubt it will happen but having him bank rolling The Shield from day one, doing as they choose in his Fathers company and being insiders in the "new corporation" would be amazing... Bringing it down from the inside of behalf of Shane, very cool
Watching Raw recently and I feel The Shield are on the wrong side, they should be the DX role against the injustices that Vince, Steph, Triple H and Orton do
I'd have been okay with them being a four man group earlier on, but I think they're too well established now as a trio. Ambrose, Rollins & Reigns have been US and tag champs for about 3.5 months now, they've scored victories in matches or beatdowns of almost every major star on the roster and now they're being used as "security" for Triple H and the new corporate power structure. Adding another person to the group at this particular point in time would be like adding a fifth wheel to a car. Sure, the fifth wheel is there but is there really any need for it to be there other than for the sake of it being part of the car?
A car does have a 5th wheel... the one you use to steer it :p
but aside from me being a ******** haha, the only way I could see someone else being associated with the Shield is someone pulling the strings not another active member!

As you said Jack-Hammer, it would just be for the sake of it and unless its someone HUGE it would feel totally pointless and underwhelming!!
even adding a massive name (Cena) would take away from the group.
I personally think they are awesome as a trio, storyline and direction will make or break the group not the amount of members.

Leave them as they are WWE, PLEASE!!!!!
If anything as soon as this storyline is over Id like to see the shield go separate ways, with Ambrose(heel) on his own and Rollins and Reigns(face/tweeners) remaining as a tag team (with or without titles). I think a Ambrose/Reigns fued would be fun to watch.

Edit: If they did add a fourth member right now, when they split it could be the shield divided with whoever the fourth member is going with Ambrose.
IF a 4th member was added. He or She would have to be able to speak well and work within the group dynamic. So I'm saying it would have to be someone from NXT because at this point Ambrose has been acknowledged as the spokesperson of the group. Not to take anything away from Seth Rollins because his promos have been awesome lately, but he seems to always be the first lamb fed to the Face/Faces. Roman Reigns has played his role well as the muscle of the group. I'm thinking Kaitlin would be the best Diva to stand beside the Shield considering all of the times she's been played. Can you imagine Kaitlin in Shield ring-attire? She finally cracks and helps Ambrose beat Ziggler at NOC. As far as adding another male member, the best I can come up with is Sami Zayn.
I agree that the Intercontinental Champion should be in this new McMahon – Helmsley Fac-gime. I’ve been saying that since this whole thing started. I think the World Champion should be included as well to really display the full power of this renewed Empire. Alberto Del Rio, the “Million Peso Man” and Curtis Axel, the “Perfect Ax”, would be great additions to the new Corporation, as is.

I don’t agree that the Intercontinental Champion should be in the Shield. The Shield are great the way they are now. Adding a 4th member now is a little too late in my opinion. If anything, if they started out as a 4 – man group, fine. Besides, a quadruple Power Bomb would look kind of ridiculous.
What would be the purpose or reasoning behind adding someone else? What could they do with one extra guy that they can't do now and where would he have 'come' from? How would they have 'recruited' him? They came into this to thing together talking about justice and taking over the WWE, I think just having some random guy come in out of nowhere and join them would go against a lot of who they are and what they do... I think they should make a face turn though some point soon, I think that would be a great twist... Have Vince or possibly Shane if they have other ideas for Vince call the shots behind Hunter's back and without him knowing and even taking out Randy Orton... I think theyve been a great heel group, but it would be nice to see things get changed up especially with the Wyatt family in there too now and then that could set up some kind of collision between the two 'factions' just surprise us something like the way they pulled the whole Corporate thing out of nowhere... just MY personal opinion
I think the end of the shield may be coming sooner than later anyway... after this storyline. I thought it was going to be the end last pay per view had they let them face the USO's with the momentum they've been gaining lately. I also dont like how ambrose cant get a clean win eventhough he is a heel and he was facing RVD, he used to get clean wins quite often and if axel can win cleanly there's no reason why ambrose cant since he's better in my opinion.... It just looks to ME like the end might be coming for the group as a whole, but I could be very wrong. I'd love to see seth rollins go off on his own as a face and win an IC or even US championship the way he wrestles is like daniel bryan only higher up. Reigns and Ambrose would make great heels obviously and even great faces, they have no where to go but up up and away into the WWE universe
Leave the Shield as they are, they're doing great as a 3 man team. I only see them adding another member is if someone leaves the group, but then again, who would?

I'll stay on topic though, if they were to have a 4th member, I could definitely see Kassius Ohno join the group. He seems the perfect fit.
What about Kofi Kingston? Kofi fits the build of ambrose and rollins, he could easily pull off the attire. Lots of people would like to see Kofi get a heel turn, he's never done much as a face (except put on great matches but he does need more of a character). Maybe have him turn on a tag team partner for the tag titles...R-truth or a returning evan bourne (whenever that is).

Another scenario would be a heel turn at survivor series...the sheild/HHH vs Big Show, DB, Kofi, Rhodes. Kofi gets "attacked" prior to the match, it ends up being Bryan vs Ambrose in the end, Kofi runs down and hits Bryan with trouble in paradise for the heel turn. This could set up a rumble matchup btw kofi/bryan and lead daniel bryan into WM30 and at least spring Kofi towards something...maybe Kofi vs Ambrose at WM30 for the US title.

Eventually when WWE feels they are able to push ambrose on his own, Kofi could assume the lead if he is feeding off of his push well. I like Kofi but he seems to be heading down the Shelton Benjamin road, he needs something to do.
I wouldn't add a fourth member.
As a few people have already said it's too late for that. They've already established themselves as a good three man group and they've been pretty dominant. Even if they did add a fourth member I wouldn't want them to put the Intercontinental title on him. I would say add someone who could be the World Heavyweight champ like Wade Barrett but if you did that it would overshadow the other three guys and make it look like they aren't good enough on their own.
So yeah I can't think of a scenario where it would benefit them to add a new member now.
That would be cool if they addded Ryback, would make a great addtion and give him a chance to get into some new storylines

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