Could The Rock Win The WWE Championship In 2012 (NOT A WRESTLEMANIA 28 THREAD!)

Since his return last year The Rock has been getting standing ovations everywhere he went. This reminds me a little bit of the Hulkster's return, 10 years ago.

At that time, the WWE decided to give Hogan one last reign as the WWE Champion. The reason being that he was extremely over and the fans would accept and like it. So, at Backlash, Hogan defeated Triple H with the help of the number one contenter, The Undertaker.

Do you see the WWE making such a move after Wrestlemania and giving the title to The Rock for one last run?

Do you think they should do that?

Personally speaking, I think that The Rock will be a WWE Champion again sometime in 2012. If being built correctly I wouldn't mind seeing something like that. They could even use him as the WWE Champion in order to elevate a young superstar, like CM Punk or The Miz.

People really need to get it out of their mind that Rock will still be around after Mania. After Cena beats him to increase his legacy, WWE will kick that lame actor to the curb like they should've 7 years ago.

So no, I don't see him winning the WWE Championship and he shouldn't. Like Ziggler said on Raw two episodes ago, it's not fair that some hasbeen gets to come into the WWE and take what people like Punk, Ziggler, Cena, Orton, Barrett, Sheamus, and others who bust their ass daily work for. I get it, Rock WAS a competitor... keyword there is WAS. He's nothing more than an actor using WWE to exploit his next chain of movies.

Besides, you can't win WWE championships via Satellite.
People really need to get it out of their mind that Rock will still be around after Mania. After Cena beats him to increase his legacy, WWE will kick that lame actor to the curb like they should've 7 years ago.

So no, I don't see him winning the WWE Championship and he shouldn't. Like Ziggler said on Raw two episodes ago, it's not fair that some hasbeen gets to come into the WWE and take what people like Punk, Ziggler, Cena, Orton, Barrett, Sheamus, and others who bust their ass daily work for. I get it, Rock WAS a competitor... keyword there is WAS. He's nothing more than an actor using WWE to exploit his next chain of movies.

Besides, you can't win WWE championships via Satellite.

You make good points there. However, it was reported here n Wrestlezone, that the WWE is planning to make the Cena-Rock rivalry a best out of three series. If that rumor is true, then giving The Rock the championship for at least a month would be a good marketing decision. This could maybe hurt the prestige of the championship, but that's not what the 'E is thinking of nowadays.
The Rock is not coming back for the long run. This match with Cena is strictly a one off and is just to have one more amazing Wresltemania moment.

The raw the night after 'mania will probably be the last time we see the rock in a WWE ring for a long time. He is invested in being an actor and will not come back for one last title run.
I'm going to look at this from different angles because it's quite an interesting topic;

1. From a money stand point, yes it would be a good idea putting the WWE title on The Rock. He draws big and if he's headlining PPV's then they'll have big buy rates.

2. The Rock is still in great shape and clearly still athletic enough in ring to help put people over and put on great matches.

3. Younger talent that would face The Rock will get a boost either as a heel or a face, this will help a lot of guys on the roster out.

4. The Rock can draw back older fans who have stopped or cut back heavily on watching WWE.

5. You want to keep The Rock around for as long as possible, you'll have to give him the title. If he's not main eventing then he'll see no reason to be there.

From The Rock's perspective;

1. I believe he still has a passion and loves to perform to a live crowd so he'll put his all in to every moment of air time.

2. He'll be kept as a top guy that means big pay and big amounts of publicity.

Reasons it won't happen;

1. The Rock can get the same money from films as well as publicity.

2. The Rock doesn't really need to achieve anything more from wrestling.

3. Filming may be tough at times but he won't be travelling as much.

4. The older you get the more each match takes out of you, he's bound to still make films so I don't think he would want to be sore or injured from wrestling.


Personally I wouldn't mind seeing it happen as it could really help WWE and the younger stars on the roster. However I don't see it coming true unless The Rock really has that passion in him to wrestle for a while and give films a back seat.
Why would they put the championship on a guy who wont be back until at least summerslam if he comes back at all? I know the Rock said hes never leaving but if he does stay after mania you honestly think hes going to appear on television more than he has been? Not likely.
Rock doesn't need the title at this point in his career. He's here only for nostalgia and to put over Cena (shudder) and that's it.
I really REALLY hope WWE isn't planning to give Rock a title run. I hope the match doesn't involve the title.

There is no need for Rock to carry the title, there is no need for him to even TOUCH the title. Its not even the same title anymore, so Rock having it would look dumb.

Personally, I hope Rock WINS at Mania. There is whole new story that could come out of that...

Cena, for everything he's overcome, for all that he's done...still couldn't beat a of the best in the ring. What happens to Cena now? This whole "embrace the hate" that Kane has him on, does it carry over? When Cena loses and hears the crowd cheer for Rock, does he get up and pull and after the bell beat down on Rock? What type of promo will be cut the next night?

I don't think Rock will just walk away again after Mania, I think he'll be a part-timer. But I don't think he needs the title. I don't think Triple H, or Taker, Kane, Show or any other "legend" needs to carry the title. Let the younger guys hold it.

Think of it like this...if Rock holds it for a few months, we wait longer for Ziggler, or Cody or even Barrett to hold it. Guys that we know are ready will get pushed back.
Firstly. Cena doesn't need to be put over. He IS over. He's BEEN over. He is as OVER as he's going to get.
Secondly anyone who believes the Rock is just some actor is lame. You're an obvious Cena lover and thats fine. You don't like him. fine. Leave it at that. But don't act like he's not contributed a great deal to the business and paved the way for Cena and others to even enter into Hollywood and have a shot. ( a shot they KEEP missing by the way.)
Lastly, if they did decide to give him another run with the title it would be one of the greatest things to ever happen to the WWE in this era. Why?
1. The Rock brings viewership. People want to see him.
2. If the Rock decided to come back for a full time schedule it would instantly make the rest of the roster step their games up. Nobody wants to consistently be outshined. People like Punk, Ziggler, Miz, Truth and Barrett who are already good with the audience, will get even better because of the bar that Rock continuously sets and others who aren't that good will have his experience to glean from and get better.
3. Whoever he feuds with gets the most ridiculous rub EVER. You tell me who on the roster wouldn't crap their pants to find out their working a program with the Rock? Who doesn't want that. You tell me, besides Cena, WHO wouldn't go NUTS with the possibility that they'd be able to work a program with one of the greatest wrestling personalities in history?

No matter how you feel about him, he is THE ROCK. Period, there has never been anyone like him and their probably never will be. Having him around is good for business whether you like it or not.
People really need to get it out of their mind that Rock will still be around after Mania. After Cena beats him to increase his legacy, WWE will kick that lame actor to the curb like they should've 7 years ago.

So no, I don't see him winning the WWE Championship and he shouldn't. Like Ziggler said on Raw two episodes ago, it's not fair that some hasbeen gets to come into the WWE and take what people like Punk, Ziggler, Cena, Orton, Barrett, Sheamus, and others who bust their ass daily work for. I get it, Rock WAS a competitor... keyword there is WAS. He's nothing more than an actor using WWE to exploit his next chain of movies.

Besides, you can't win WWE championships via Satellite.

Bitter much?

First of all, there is NO WAY Rock is going down to Cena in Miami. Rock will win at Mania and then job to Cena at Backlash.

And secondly, WWE would never "kick that lame actor to the curb." Why would they? He's the biggest name they have at their disposal, he's a huge draw, and he's still in his prime. Punk, Ziggler, Cena, Orton, Barrett, and Sheamus may bust their ass daily, but none of them have reached The Rock's level... and imo, Punk is the only one who might.

Why is it so impossible to think, that maybe he just misses wrestling? He doesn't appear weekly because he still has commitments that he has to fulfill. I don't see anyone getting pissed at Jericho for his leaves of absence... no one gets pissed at Taker for only showing up come the big Mania paycheck.

People seem to have this mindset that Rock owes them something.... that by pursuing another dream of his (one that pays more with less physical toll and an easier schedule) he's somehow turned his back on them...

I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Rock get the WWE title this year, he'd only hold it for a month or two, but he would be there every week for that time... and when he loses it, it'll be a bigger rub for the new champion then they could ever get elsewhere.
I think it's feasible. Do I see it absolutely happening though? No. It's important to note that The Rock has five movies coming up in the next couple years and if he were to make any kind of return, it would be part time at best. Like, once or twice a month at most. No house shows, obviously. I think it's safe to assume that The Rock will never be back full-time unless Vince is willing to shell out movie payday money for a former star that is almost 40 and won't be working a full-time schedule and will only increase ratings by a couple points. Could we see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson win the title? Perhaps. It would be a long shot though. I'd love to see another Rock/Jericho feud, or a Rock/Punk and Rock/Miz feud as well. I feel those would be his best options for feuds other than Cena if he were to return in some kind of part time aspect.
[cL];3679214 said:
Firstly. Cena doesn't need to be put over. He IS over. He's BEEN over. He is as OVER as he's going to get.

So is The Rock. The Rock doesn't need to be put over either. They're both as big as can possibly be. That's not the point.
The question is, will The Rock be willing to come back for one more run? We already know his competition would be extremely limited since theres no one on the roster who could hold a candle to him except for the older guys and Cena. At the end of the day it would probably be a dream come true for WWE. The press would be all over it. But as others have pointed out, Rock isnt coming back for the long run.
Sure it's possible they'll put the strap on The Rock sometime in 2012. IMO, it's unlikely though. The only point to it would be a way to turn Cena heel.
I see the WWE making such a move after WrestleMania and giving the title to The Rock for one last run!!

I think they should do that!!

I would love for The Rock to become a 10 Time WWE World Champion. The best thing that could happen here is that The Rock will definitely change the Spinner Belt. I can see him breaking out the Attitude Era Belt, or the Undisputed Belt, or a brand new Belt, or even his very own Brahma Bull Belt. If he goes with his own custom Belt, after he drops the Title, they could then introduce a new one.
Why is it so impossible to think, that maybe he just misses wrestling? He doesn't appear weekly because he still has commitments that he has to fulfill. I don't see anyone getting pissed at Jericho for his leaves of absence... no one gets pissed at Taker for only showing up come the big Mania paycheck.

All Jericho needs to do is win a title shot vs Punk at Mania and I'll be complaining. Undertaker, however, you have to give a break to. He's been here for a long damn time, put in his hours, and now he's old. As long as he's able, he'll be as intricate to Mania as highwires are to the Flying Wallendas.

Besides, you can't win WWE championships via Satellite.

He hasn't tried yet, so that's disputable :shrug:

The interesting thing is, WWE originally booked Rock/Cena at Mania as a WWE Championship match. It makes me wonder if they were planning on letting Rocky get another Title Reign or pissing off his hometown of Miami.

I've also heard ramblings of The Rock loitering for a while after Mania. I think he could go over Cena at Mania then then eventually put over Punk later in the year. I wouldn't have been surprised if the original plan was to put the title on The Rock at Mania only to drop it to Punk (rather than giving it to Punk at MITB when he became an internet God). He did the same thing with Goldberg years ago despite Goldberg already being waaaaay over.
Hogan was actually on the roster when he did the nostalgia run so it was easy to do. In the case of The Rock he has more movies lined up and a big summer movie to promote, I don't see where he'd have the time for a title run.
Rock in his current stage reminds me of Andre The Giant in his prime. Both were bigger than the industry and putting the title on them would be pointless - there are so many other wrestlers who could benefit from holding the title.

Besides, IMDB lists six movies that Dwayne will be in over the next couple of years, in various stages of development. At this point in his life, The Rock would gain very little from holding the title.
I think some of you are getting it wrong. Yeah The Rock have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to gain by holding the title, BUT that's not the point. The point is that the WWE can use The Rock's name as a champion in order to gain media attention and help elevate younger talent.

And these are two things that the WWE are in desperate need of.

Lastly, this mustn't be a long run. I believe that it would be easy for him to be in a 3-month programm and a Summerslam.
The rock always has been and always will be one of my favorites. I dont hate him for pursuing his hollywood dream. I could see one more run for the rock he could bring back viewers and put over a few guys who need it. Either way I can't see rock losing to cena in his home town as cena is so over hes made a full circle.
Could they? Sure. Would it be right? Absolutely not, when you have up-and-coming guys like Barrett, Ziggler and Rhodes busting their ass every night. I just don't see the point in putting the strap on someone who's heart isn't in it 100% or can't wrestle full-time for any other reasons like Triple H or Taker.

Who wants to watch a wrestling program where the champion won't be there the majority of the time? Not me.
So is The Rock. The Rock doesn't need to be put over either. They're both as big as can possibly be. That's not the point.

Maybe you didn't read one of the earlier comments made by another poster who said,
Rock doesn't need the title at this point in his career. He's here only for nostalgia and to put over Cena (shudder) and that's it.

The point I was making was respectfully in reply to this comment.
So.......Lets just pretend this didn't happen.
I don't see a problem with The Rock having a short reign with the WWE Championship, I mean after all the way the belt is passed around these days it already loses value when it changes every other month. But I don't see the big deal to be perfectly honest, some talent doesn't even defend it a whole month before the next PPV, hell some talent in some storylines barely even wrestle more than once as the WWE Champion before the next PPV.

If they want to give The Rock the strap, then so be it because it's not like he is going to stick around for a long time anyway? Perfect oppurtunity for him to put someone over. Beating a 8 time WWE Champion (If he won it) in The Rock would do great things for one up and coming Main Eventers career.
Could they? Sure. Would it be right? Absolutely not, when you have up-and-coming guys like Barrett, Ziggler and Rhodes busting their ass every night. I just don't see the point in putting the strap on someone who's heart isn't in it 100% or can't wrestle full-time for any other reasons like Triple H or Taker.

Who wants to watch a wrestling program where the champion won't be there the majority of the time? Not me.

Yet there are two World Titles, nothing preventing any of them winning the other one during Rock's reign. It's not like there is only one title and holding it would keep everyone else down.

Putting the title on The Rock would serve one purpose, attention. The media outside the WWE would be running it, thats for sure. Almost like the comebacks of all comebacks, we see it in other sports the successful retired sportsperson comes out of 'retirement' to win the big one, one last time.

However, if they announce The Rock for the HOF then consider Wrestlemania to be his last match.
People really need to get it out of their mind that Rock will still be around after Mania. After Cena beats him to increase his legacy, WWE will kick that lame actor to the curb like they should've 7 years ago.

So no, I don't see him winning the WWE Championship and he shouldn't. Like Ziggler said on Raw two episodes ago, it's not fair that some hasbeen gets to come into the WWE and take what people like Punk, Ziggler, Cena, Orton, Barrett, Sheamus, and others who bust their ass daily work for. I get it, Rock WAS a competitor... keyword there is WAS. He's nothing more than an actor using WWE to exploit his next chain of movies.

Besides, you can't win WWE championships via Satellite.

LOL, you must not know much here!! The Rock isn't a has been, the guy puts asses in the seats. To say they should have kicked him to the curb 7 years ago?? really?? he left on his OWN, WWE was still trying to sign him when he left. he made the right choice in his life. he achieved everything he wanted in wrestling, and he wanted to be an actor, well he has done a hell of a job in that as well. Now, he was in some questionable movies, but uhh, so was Cena. Right?? Right!! I don't see The Rock winning the championship as, once again, why?? he doesn't need it!! Right now, WWE needs him as ratings are heading into the toilet. Cena, well the fans are hating him, but that is the fact of life. Ziggler, is nothing but a midcarder and that is all he will be. You think for one second, he will draw??? No way!! Barrett,=maybe, Sheamus, yes. Orton, well people are complaining about him as well.

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