Could the 'hot-shotting' of new stars affect dressing room morale?


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Recently WWE has been working hard to create new stars. Sheamus and Swagger have both won World titles and Drew McIntyre has been given a great push as Mr McMahon's 'chosen one'.

This is great of course, as Wrestling survives of creating new stars on a regular basis.

I just wonder though if they have 'skipped' a generation for want of a better term. I think its possible guys like Morrison, Truth, Benjamin, Kingston, MVP, Matt Hardy, Christian, might feel a little gazumped when it comes to breaking into the main event scene.

Could the early pushes a few guys are receiving ruffle the feathers of those who have been on the cusp of main eventing for a few years?
Well most of it depends on who they hang out with in the locker room. Sheamus got a World Title because he was friends with Triple H. Now I don't know about Swagger, but a guy like him wouldn't get a title- push if you will without the help of locker room politics. It's either lazy booking or they really want to get new main-eventers quickly.
They shouldn't there is always a good way to get on the boss good side but if u are one of the few who haven't gotten that push patience is needed the system now is if u dont win the title in 6 months your a failure everyone time comes and goes if a young up and commer gets that shot before u it should just make u want to work harder and put more concentration on what u can control
I feel more and more like being champ, or being main-eventer, is less important to the guys in back than most of us seem to think it is. Do they really think like marks? I thinks it's less important than job security is. Somebody like J-Mo is just fine with life at the moment as he's being used, has been used and featured consistently, and creative seems to like him enough that they'll likely have work for him for a while (even if it's still mid carding). I mean, to a degree everyone wants to be a star, but realistically most of them are just happy to have the work. The ones who'd be getting upset would just be marking out over themselves and should know better.
I gotta agree with DirtyJose job security is definatly more important

so what if their not getting their push. these are real people worried about their lives as long as they get a paycheck at the end of the week i dont think being champion matters as much as we may think

this is my first reply ever
Yes thank you for this thread, heres the stars who i think should be in the main event picture: christian, kofi, morrison. Christian really is a main event type star, its just wwe hasnt given him that push, kofi has been in matches with main event stars and does pretty good. Morrison, wtf wwe? put him with another tag team partner? seriously? he has a lot of charisma and great in-ring ability, give him a damn world title opportunity, i hope at the money in the bank ppv, if they do a mitb match, oen of these three guys should win, or maybe even dibiase jr. just saying, wwe pushes stars just not the right ones
I don't think the politics that go on backstage has that much to do with it honestly. Yes it's always a good thing to have family that worked in the business (Harts, Ortons, Dibiases, Mavias, etc) and it is always a good idea to get on the good side of the boss, isn't it? But politics can only get you so far in ANY business.

In the end, professional wrestling will always be a job.<<Capt. Obvious I know but that's exactly what most superstars see it as; just another job. Guys like Kane aren't worried about the Main Events or the title shots, they just go with it because it feeds their families and living conditions.

There are some that are accused of power-holding, like Triple H. But The Game himself could've had a major push back in what '95? '96? I don't remember when The MSG Incident happened, but when it did, Vince blamed Hunter for it and stopped his push.

What I'm getting at is this- No matter how badly a veteran superstar wants to hold onto the spotlight, he knows that younger talent will replace him. And the talent better be wise and go along with management, or drop their trade all together. A classic example of lockerroom morale was when CM Punk and Undertaker had that clash over how a champion should dress. The Old teaches The New, that's all that is and ever will be. Great squared-circle of life.
When it comes to the guys you have mentioned..

Shelton: If i had to guess, I'm sure Vince has sat him down and let him know Shelton would be on top right now if he was half as good on the stick as he is in the ring. Shelton won't be able to touch the main event scene without a possible mouthpiece in my opinion. He's a damn good wrestler, but he needs to improve on the mic. Maybe have Teddy Long turn heel and be a mouth for him like he was for Rodney Mack/Henry/Simmons/ECT

Matt Hardy: Really have no explanation for this one, matt has always been loyal to the WWE unlike his brother and yet no huge push yet... He'll get it eventually.. hopefully.

Christian: He'll have the title before Drew, it'll be less than a year before he's main eventing.

JoMo: I dunno what direction there going in.... I hope he's heading back to a heel.... If not i can see him in this rut due to the number of major faces lately.

I really think Sheamus and Drew's pushes will slow down, i think Drew will last long as most disagree but i don't see Sheamus getting over much.. just don't
I doubt many would begrudge anyone "the shot"... in some cases, guys like Shelton have long accepted its not gonna happen for them and have made a good living out of being a mid carder.... Some like Christian, know that if called upon they will run with it, but they are doing fine without it... some like Matt realise that they burned the "he's finally done it" angle on Jeff, so for him to do it would need a red hot angle/feud...

Morrison does have a little right to be peeved, but lets face it, he's still not the finished article character wise...

A guy like Sheamus works because he is a monster... a credible one and taps into the "irish" market, which is a major one, particularly in WWe's traditional home of the northeast... Drew is being pushed with a view to the UK, as will Wade Barrett be so WWE can have more major shows here... There is method to what WWE is doing...
In the end, professional wrestling will always be a job.<<Capt. Obvious I know but that's exactly what most superstars see it as; just another job. Guys like Kane aren't worried about the Main Events or the title shots, they just go with it because it feeds their families and living conditions.

I agree with you on both counts, I'm sure they do see it as an occupation like any other and I delibertately didn't mention guys like Kane, Henry, Finley, Show, Regal and Goldust as they will be happy with their spots and a regular paycheck.

The thing is though the younger, established mid carders might perceive that they have been passed over for promotion which could cause disruption as it would in any normal workplace, which is the crux of my point.
You always here about "locker room leaders" and a "pecker order", with vets like 'Taker and Trips and such. I think the older guys keep locker room morale in check. I am sure after the Smackdown win, Swagger didn't run in the back and act like an assclown (as it came across on TV) waving the title in everyones face. So, no, I don't think guys get butthurt for not getting a push. Besides, it is just acting, and actors don't get to rewrite a script they don't like... they can act it out... or beat bricks. And, as above posters have stated, a little job security may come into play also. If you had Shelton Benjamin moaning all the time back stage, he would be "future endevored" sooner rather than later. And there you have it.
You always here about "locker room leaders" and a "pecker order",

Um.. I've heard of a pecking order, but never a pecker order.. um..

I think that it can only benefit all in the locker room. If one guy, say Kofi, sees that Swagger got a world title faster than him, then it might tell him to work harder and push himself harder to get there. Look at Miz, he goes out there every week and makes himself what the fans want from him. He makes them eat out of his hand because it is clear that this is what he has wanted his whole life. He wants to be the top bad guy and it shows to me. I actually appreciate Sheamus because even though he is kind of bland at times, I get this feeling from him that this is what he wants. He wants to be out there getting boos from the crown because he has the desire to entertain and wrestle. The wrestlers need to be there because it is what they want more than because they need a paycheck. Older wrestlers will see young guys getting a shot at the top and the older guys will work harder too. We will all benefit from it, everyone will be working harder to be one of the top guys.. Those who don't want to work harder and just enjoy getting a paycheck can go to TNA...

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