Could the first RAW of 2012 be the best of the year?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Right, we've been let in to the fact we're going to be treated quite well on next weeks Raw and it's led me to think... What if the episode of RAW we see next week is the best one we see all year? There could be so much happening, that there may not be another occasion in 2012 that could make an episode of RAW as enjoyable. Obviously, I don't know what's going to happen in the next 52 weeks of RAW, but you can always speculate. Let's take a look at what's set to come to us next week on Raw.

Brodus Clay Debuts?
You're probably all thinking it won't happen, but I can imagine some kind of 2/1/12 Promo towards the beginning and out comes Brodus Clay, interrupting it. People will think that this is who the Promo's have been for, but that will happen later on in the show. Brodus can have a match, whether it be against a jobber (Santino-style) or a more established star (Swagger/Ryder) and completely trash him. That establishes Brodus as a complete beast and finally puts him on RAW as a superstar.

R-Truth Continues To Celebrate Christmas?
Last week, R-Truth returned to RAW after a 30-Day suspension. He proceeded to attack The Miz and then talk about Christmas and how it's over so soon, when you've opened all your presents. He then told The Miz that his beatdown wasn't like Christmas and that he was going to make sure this happened every week. So what do we get to see next week? Does Miz have another match like his one against Cena, eventually leading to R-Truth coming out and attacking him, ending it with the vicious "Water Bottle Of Doom"? We can only hope.

The John Cena/Kane Saga Continues.
Last week, Kane ended RAW cutting a promo on Cena, who was standing in by the entrance listening to everything. Kane told Cena to "embrace the hate" and said that Cena's last memory of 2011 would be everyone chanting the words "Cena Sucks". Along with a rival "Let's Go Cena" chant, that is what ended RAW, with Cena looking conflicted. Will Cena come onto Raw and play up to the crowd, putting down the words of Kane? Or could Cena be more aggressive, coming out and joining Kane in a possible attack? Maybe a Cena heel turn, NOT RELATED TO THE IT BEGINS PROMOS happens? It's unlikely, but it would add to this RAW being very interesting.

WWE Title Match! Punk vs Perfection.
So, last week on RAW, CM Punk took part in a Gauntlet Match, which was announced in the promo at the start of the show by Executive Vice President...of..Raw, John Laurinaitis as he called himself. If CM Punk beat all 3 of his opponents (Swagger, Ziggler & Henry) in the match, then he earned a 4th match right there and then against Johnny Ace. If he was beaten by any of his opponents, they would win a WWE Title match the next week on RAW. Punk was looking good after beating Swagger, however, when John came out to send Vickie & Swagger to the back, he began to talk to Punk, who was then hit with the Zig-Zag, giving Ziggler the win and the WWE Title match on RAW next Monday. Will we see CM Punk successfully retain his title, or will a new WWE Champion be crowned 2 days into 2012? Again, certainly adds some excitement into the show! Finally, the biggest thing to happen next week on RAW is...

Does It Really Begin On 2/1/2012?
According to the promos, yes it does. But it's not just anything that "Begins", "The End Begins". Many have been speculating as to who it could be returning to the WWE next week, as we've seen multiple vignettes, telling us about a returning force coming back to claim what is his. Is it Chris Jericho, coming back to claim is "Best In The World" moniker from CM Punk? Is it the Undertaker, coming back to claim...something? Or could it be Vincent Kennedy McMahon, coming back to rightfully claim power? Who knows, but this is certainly gonna be what everyone's looking out for next week on RAW.

So, these 5 things are possibly enough to draw you into next weeks RAW more than any RAW that's been on in recent times, yes? Well, I for one think it is and I also think that next week's RAW is going to be pretty hard to top if everything works out perfectly. Hopefully it will, so here my questions that I pose to you;

  • Do you believe next weeks RAW could already be the best of 2012?
  • If everything runs perfectly, will it make it the most memorable RAW of recent times?
  • Is this all just me speculating too much?
  • What are your own thoughts on next weeks episode of RAW? Are you looking forward to it?
In all honestly Brodus Clay and R-truth are not draws for me, one's a fat over-rated wrestler (harsh but true I feel) and the other guy seems to be turning face which would be the worst thing to happen to him since he's always better heel (and if he fueds with Miz, why not have Miz face(?) he could get seriously over as one).

Cena vs Kane, CM Punk vs Ziggler and the 2-1-12 return is what I'm looking forward to and I guess it makes sense since those are the top story lines on RAW at the moment.

It could either be one of the best RAWs of 2012 or just be predictable and painful to watch, but I'll give WWE props it is building the show well and I do want to watch it. They built it like a PPV and what better way to start off 2012?

It's a weird RAW though, it has so much potential but it depends on each fan personally. Do YOU want Jericho back? I do yes, but some other guy half way around the world might not and it might be boring to him. (That's of couse assuming it is Jericho, I kind of hope it is and hope it's not since I want to be surprised... maybe I shouldn't have followed it with the IWC I guess ¬.¬)

All in all it has potential to be one of the best for me personally but I'm just hoping there is a surprise factor, something which didn't have any build what-so-ever and just happens. The 2-1-12 promo has build and can only be surprising for me personally if it doesn't involve Jericho or Undertaker (imagine if it was Goldberg O.O I'd mark out more than I did for Rock O.O).

PS: Sorry for pitifully short opinion posted, doing it on my phone so it's kinda hard.
I agree there is a lot to look forward to on next weeks Raw, but I'm actually not sure if I believe it to be the best of 2012, during 2012 they could pull anything out the bag which could be more exciting, you never know, that's one thing I love about the WWE, but it's possible that it could be the best with everything that is happening on next weeks episode.

I think it could be a very memorable one, but at the moment my most memorable was when Lita came out and I would count that as a pretty recent episode, maybe that's because she's always been my all time favourite diva.

I am looking forward to next weeks episode, I'm dying to know who is behind all the promos, it's driving me nuts not knowing! :p
If anyone remembers CM-Punk vs Ziggler a few weeks back I thought it was one of the best matches on Raw in ages! I for sure am looking 4ward to that! I think Punk will retain but I wouldn't be suprised too see an earlier contender for match of the year!
If anyone remembers CM-Punk vs Ziggler a few weeks back I thought it was one of the best matches on Raw in ages! I for sure am looking 4ward to that! I think Punk will retain but I wouldn't be suprised too see an earlier contender for match of the year!

I remember reading after this match had taken place that Ziggler wasn't pleased with the match as he knew he could've done better. However, when I was watching the match, I thought it was great! If Ziggler thinks he can do better, then I cannot wait to see Punk vs Ziggler next week on RAW. Certainly adding to the excitement and it's gotta be a great Main Event.
It is far too early to already speculate that the first Raw will be the best of the year. The first Raw of 2011 was a solid show, and it did set the pace for the rest of the year, but it was hardly the best. This could certainly be ONE of the best, I highly doubt it will be THE best though. We still have the Wrestlemania build up for all sorts of amazing feuds to look forward to, a summer that could contain countless surprises, and who knows what the fall could bring.

Brodus might finally have his debut/return/whatever. I don't think the cryptic video is about him. A number of things could happen though. Attacking Laurinaitis out of frustration for delaying his debut could quickly turn him face. Or they could just go the generic BORING heel monster route by feeding him to a top face after he squashes every jobber on the roster. I'll be on the lookout to see what they do end up doing with Brodus. I'd like to see somethin different with him.

Then we have the Kane/Cena storyline. It's been done quite well. Masked Kane was a character who many of the Cena haters wanted to see some back, so having him address the "CENA SUCKS" issue was a smart choice. This frustration has to be building up in Cena both within kayfabe and in real life. Logic would dictate that they are slowly building up a heel turn at Wrestlemania. Kane's return within the mask with his awesome older music combined with bringing Piper's questions back up again has gotten me very interested in seeing there this feud goes.

The Ziggler VS Punk match will be one to watch. That match is surely going to set the pace strongly for the rest of the year, much like Miz VS Morrison from last year did. I hope this becomes an annual tradition, opening up the year with the WWE Champion defending his title in a PPV quality match against a popular challenger. I don't see Ziggler winning.... Although the point of this will be the show what the two of them will be capable of putting on in a lengthy feud which we will surely see later this year. Looking forward to it.

Finally, we will at last have the revelation of who is behind the cryptic videos. Could it be Chris Jericho? The Undertaker? Shane McMahon? Stephanie? Skip Sheffield as Ryback? Brodus Clay? Mike Adamle? The Shockmaster? Obviously not likely with the last two, but WWE has done such a fantastic job with these videos and generating interest within the fans who will be dying to know what the videos were for. I honestly think it's Jericho although I will not be disappointed if it's Taker instead. Both are awesome.

I think it's way too early to be saying next week's Raw could be the best of the year simply due to the fact of how long a year is. Anything can happen in the WWE and this show might not live up to the hype. With so many interesting things that can potentially happen,it might not meet their expectations which means some fans are guaranteed to come on here to whine about it after it's over. I for one am looking forward to it and think it will be a great edition of WWE Raw. I'll be posting my first edition of my new series of reviews "Dagger's approval rating" (new name coming if someone can come up with one) on my day off of work that week as well.
I seem to remember that the first Raw of 2011 was a pretty good show as well. You had Miz facing Morrison in a Falls Counts Anywhere title match which may well be Miz's best match till date. The main event triple threat cage match between Orton, Punk and Wade Barrett was pretty good too. It shows that WWE does try and get off to a good start in the new year.

There is plenty to look forward to for the 2nd Jan. show even though Brodus' debut seems circumspect at best. Punk and Ziggler have already had a great match on Raw and so there are bound to be expectations out of that match. Then there is the "It Begins" video which has set tongues wagging. It could be Jericho, Undertaker or even a completely remote possibility. Anyhow it is going to be something big looking at the way WWE has set it up. Cena/ Kane too has lots of unanswered questions and that is what makes feuds interesting. It should be a strong feud heading into the Royal Rumble. Which brings us to the Royal Rumble itself. The buildup will possibly begin next week and so you can see some new feuds springing up from the qualifying matches.

As for the best Raw of 2012? Nope. Not by a long shot. I can see some episode preceding WrestleMania being much more anticipated than this one. I mean come on, Cena/ Rock will interact at some point, maybe even Taker/ HHH and Punk/ Jericho. How do you beat that? Also you never know what is going to be in store for you later in the year. Nevertheless, it is going to be a strong show.
Although its entirely possible, unfortunately matches/promos/things that happen early in the year (not including things that happen at Wrestlemania) aren't usually regarded by the end of said year as "best of" if only because it's been long forgotten. What would you say was the better moment? The rock returning live on Raw, or CM Punks shoot promo? Now, the moment itself, I'd say would go to the Rock, but i believe most people would say CM Punks "shoot" because it's the more recent "shocking" thing. Now, in terms of quality, it has every chance to be the best Raw of the year, but I certainly hope not. Last year we were anticipating Sting and/or 'Taker on one of the early episodes of Raw, but that return, which ended up being 'Taker AND HHH, didn't give that Raw the nod for "best of 2011" in my opinion. I hope WWE keeps up the quality next week could possibly produce all year long.
if it's just another CHRIS JERICHO return, it won't amount to shit. It's not like he's been gone 10 years and just returned, it's only been a couple of years which is the usual for CHRIS JERICHO. Honestly him being there like his last run just to put over younger talents sucks. JERICHO should be carrying the world title, not having younger talent's beating him in every match. So if it is JERICHO I really could care less of his return as a whole because it's just another return for him.

Now if it would be the return of BATISTA, or a debut of a new talent that is a great wrestler, and a monster dude similar to BATISTA, or GOLDBERG, that will make people want to watch destroy people week after week like wrestling used to be, I think that would be a better debut than another CHRIS JERICHO return. Don't get me wrong I love watching JERICHO, but it's still JERICHO, and unless he comes in and takes the title from CM PUNK he shouldn't return (again)
i think this raw could be one of the best in ages,it just has that old raw feeling to it with the WWE championship match between two great wrestlers and i think the 1-2-12 promo could shape out to be more than just a boy and a girl. idk about everyone else but im starting to get really excited for raw
I am interested to see who will get fed to Brodus....will he get the Del Rio debut and get a top star or will he get fed a low card guy?

R-Truth, is he actually going babyface or will the crowd get confused and turn Miz face? Seemed to be that kind of confusion from the live crowd the other day

Cena vs Kane......who wins? Will there be a handshake or a beatdown?

Punk vs Ziggler.......who wins....REAL QUESTION? Maybe, just maybe, Punk loses. I can see the match being atleast built to make people believe Ziggler will win.

1.2.12.....who is it? I believe that it will be a certain level of drawing power coming from this. I am going to do this combining Casual Fans and IWC fans views. Guys like Jericho, Batista, Vince, Shane, and Stephanie fall under the came category in terms of how well they will draw. Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, and Stone Cold fall under the top draw category.

AGAIN, for the IWC, Undertaker may not be that big of a deal, but to casuals he most definitely is.
Do you believe next weeks RAW could already be the best of 2012?
If they continue the trend from last year and the year before, it might as well be. A lot has been hyped for this RAW already. For the first time since around Summer, I'm actually very excited for this one.

If everything runs perfectly, will it make it the most memorable RAW of recent times?
Maybe, the way they structured this week's RAW was great. It stayed interesting. If they do the same, with the way it's going, I'd say yes.

Is this all just me speculating too much?
You're excited just like everyone is. It's no biggie.

What are your own thoughts on next weeks episode of RAW? Are you looking forward to it?
Absolutely. R-Truth coming back, a Cena heel turn tease, and just one more week until we know the end of the world? It goes without saying.
I feel like with every big raw even like this now it's either going to be really good or really bad. Like Raw get's Rocked or whatever anticipated special that has been a letdown. I do look forward to the punk/ziggler match however. I hope the truth/miz feud turns into a heel one upsmanship type deal or else im not interested in either of them turning face. I also think it's pretty obvious that 1-2-12 person is showing up during punj\k/ziggler so don't expect to have a full match.Overall I think this is a make it break show for raw,im looking forward to it and I just hope im not dissapointed.
Do you believe next week's RAW could already be the best of 2012?
I agree with the others. It's too early to tell and with the WWE, things often go wrong, or we're often disappointed, because we get our hopes up too high. If everything is done right, IMO it will be the earliest contender for the best show of the year.

If everything runs perfectly, will it make it the most memorable RAW of recent times?
Definitely. I haven't watched the second hour of a single RAW since the episode where everyone walked out. But this show has so much potential. Unlike some others, I do see the talent in Brodus Clay and I think R-Truth will do just fine beating on the Miz. Cena/Kane is being booked carefully, but there is potential that it could go wrong, as always. Ziggler vs. Punk II will be great like the first one. If Ziggler really thinks he can do better than he did, it's going to certainly be the best match in recent memories (including Pay-Per-View matches). Then there's 1.2.12. This can be one of three things, but I'm not going to dip into that, because it's already in another forum. If it's Jericho, then I cheer. If it's The Undertaker, then I still cheer. Whatever we get, as long as it's not something that's disappointing, I'll be just fine.

Is this all just me speculating too much?
Not in the slightest, my friend. There is so much potential for this weeks RAW, it would be stupid to think it was going to be average. We're already guaranteed a WWE Championship match, R-Truth and The Miz doing something, The End Beginning, and we can all pretty much assume we're going to see Cena and Kan and Brodus Clay if we're lucky.

What are your own thoughts on next week's RAW? Are you looking forward to it?
Well, all my thoughts are pretty much listed above, as well as why I am obviously looking forward to it. I'm going to try to sit through both hours, even if the show does flop, because my New Years Resolution is to watch every bit of WWE I can, because I feel I've missed to much.

Oh, before I finish posting, I'd like to add that there is a high chance of Skip Sheffield returning next week as well, as he worked the dark match of RAW last week. I hope he's not 1.2.12. -crosses fingers-
Personally I think it will have a moment that makes us say OMG!!! I think the 1/2/12 it begins person will be Jericho and he will interfere in CM Punk's match and make Ziggler win... Which will lead into at least Chamber or what I think Wrestlemania 28 in a triple threat match for the WWE Championship. It will not be the best though... But is make or break for WWE.
But I hope it is Undertaker :undertaker2: Deadman Forever!!!!
Of course this vould potentially be the best Raw of the new year, but will they keep up with that pattern? they're hungry for ratings and everything's falling into place
Horrible time to debut Brodus Clay. He is going to be overshadowed by the 1/2 promos, the title match and the Cena/Kane stuff. The guy is going to be an afterthought on Raw.

But yes this should be a great Raw. This is time of year where everything picks up because of WM.
1/2/12 doesn't HAVE to be Jericho for me...but if it IS just for the Undertaker, I'm going to be wildly disappointed and virtually nothing short of a major Cena heel turn would make me forgive the show, and you know that's just not happening.

Sorry, too much buildup, and when they reveal the Undertaker you'd think they'd have to reveal his opponent and I don't see HHH coming back right now anyhow.

Just Vince, for me, would also be a disappointment. Jericho or Shane/Stephanie would be the only people right now that would live up to they hype of those promos.
Horrible time to debut Brodus Clay. He is going to be overshadowed by the 1/2 promos, the title match and the Cena/Kane stuff. The guy is going to be an afterthought on Raw.

But yes this should be a great Raw. This is time of year where everything picks up because of WM.

I initially agreed with this, but it could be a good debut all the same...people are also hungering for a show that lives up to the hype for the entire 2 hours, or at least most of it, and not just the first and last 15 minutes. Keeping the momentum going and keeping the viewers the entire time with great stuff like Cena/Kane, the title match AND Brodus Clay debuting are key to success in 2012...for every show, not just Monday.

Remember when you cared about more than 1 or 2 storylines on RAW in years' past? It'd be great to see that happen again.
have absolutely zero interest in Clay. WWE has too many heels, the monster gimmick is played out, and I'm not a fan of his in-ring work. Very excited for Punk/Ziggler. It is very possible that Punk loses the title, and for the short term might be best for the WWE. If Jericho does cost the title (and by the way, I love the idea of how pissed Jericho must be that no one is buying his denial and that his name will be chanted) then that sets up a potentially great feud building to WM. I am a big Punk fan but maybe an even bigger Ziggler fan. I'm not sure Ziggler is ready to go on an extensive title run now, but a short one culminating in a loss at the Rumble to Punk doesn't bother me because it provides intrigue to Raw, and there really isn't any other WWE title scenarios that make any more sense then that does.

This will be a big Raw, but the biggest will probably be the 1000th show.
Considering the best SmackDown of 2011 was the first one, it's entirely possible for that to happen with RAW in 2012.

I sure hope not, though.

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