Could Sheamus Walk out of Battleground as World Heavyweight Champion?


King Of The Ring
This is a scenario that I haven't heard anybody talking about at this point in time, and I thought it was something to throw out there. It's been rumored that WWE is seriously contemplating turning Seth Rollins face very soon and having him go up against HHH at Summerslam, which, in my opinion, would mean that he is not going to walk out of Battleground as the WWE Champion; one because we absolutely need a title match at the second (or third) biggest PPV of the year, and two, because it just doesn't make sense. BUT I also don't find it plausible that WWE would put the strap back on Lesnar and have him sit on his couch with it for months on end like we saw last year. It was an experimental run without a doubt last year, and while it wasn't a terrible run by any stretch of the imagination, it was still in the back of everybody's mind that the big belt was sitting at home during multiple PPV's.

Cue Sheamus.

I think it's highly possible that we see a hard fought match between Rollins and Lesnar, with more than a few interference's from Kane and J&J just to give Rollins a fighting chance. Both guys will take a beating but in the end, Brock will pin Seth Rollins clean in the middle to become the new WWE Champion. Perhaps he gets assaulted afterwards by The Authority to the point where he can barely stand? This of course, would be where Sheamus' music hits and he cashes in his MITB contract to the tune of two or three Brogue Kicks (after Lesnar refuses to stay down). This way Lesnar stays strong, Rollins begins his face turn the next night, and the build for Sheamus vs Brock for the WWEWHC at Summerslam begins. I've heard a lot of talk about how the main event scene isn't diverse enough right now, and Sheamus would definitely turn that notion on its head. The scenarios could be almost endless with a brand new WWE Champion.

Would you be opposed to seeing Sheamus as WWEWHC heading into Summerslam? Thoughts and opinions folks, thoughts and opinions.
I think its too soon to pull the trigger on Sheamus as a WWE champion. I'm not saying the guy isn't ready but I'm just saying he should build up anticipation for a few more months in regards to his MITB briefcase.

I think you let Brock win the title even after eating a pedigree from Seth. He can have a smaller run with the title but don't let him show up with the title. Show the Authority being disgruntled by the fact that their main champion isn't showing up for ANY Raws (his revenge for being suspended) and then they finally announce that unless Brock defends his title at Hell In A Cell, he will be stripped of the title.

They announce his opponent will be someone special and it will be announced when the match is about to start. While Brock is waiting for his opponent, out comes HHH with Kevin Owens and Kane. The three beat down Brock Lesnar to the point where he can't get up.

Cue Sheamus. He walks up to the ring, shakes all three mens hands and cashes in Money In The Bank to become the most hated heel in the company.

I added Kevin Owens to the mix because I feel the split between Rollins and HHH will leave the Authority looking for a new guy to get behind and who better than the US Champion, Kevin Owens.
It is possible. It is one way to keep the title off of Lesnar.

I think the more likely scenario is is Lesnar kicking Rollins' ass for a while, the flunkies come down and get in a cheap shot or two but ultimately get kicked out. At this point Sheamus cashes in and either fails or actually helps Rollins beat Lesnar legally thus joining The Authority as HHH's Plan B. Lesnar can take a loss like this.

Then again, that latter idea of Sheamus sacrificing his case contract seems like a bit of a stretch for his character. However, his character is pretty questionable as it is and the "Workout buddy" relationship with HHH plays right in with the smarks perceptions.

This also takes Lesnar out of the title scene for SummerSlam as it puts him in position to kick Sheamus' ass. Rollins can go to SummerSlam and defend against Cena, Reigns, have The Shield triple threat, or turn face and defend against HHH or Kane (lord help us).

One thing is for certain is that nothing is for certain when Lesnar is involved. We know Vince will put the title on his part time waist but it is still hard to believe he would put it on his waist again. So I have no idea what is going to happen. Whatever it is, it will probably be screwy.
I think its too soon to pull the trigger on Sheamus as a WWE champion. I'm not saying the guy isn't ready but I'm just saying he should build up anticipation for a few more months in regards to his MITB briefcase.

That makes sense, yet I can also see WWE having Sheamus cash in for the shock value alone. After all, it would be a radical departure from last year's MITB saga; briefcase holder Seth Rollins had no one to cash in on since champion Brock Lesnar spent most of his title reign sitting at home. So, Seth went most of the year carrying the briefcase around with no chance of using it for it's intended purpose.

At the same time, it's not as if Sheamus is an unproven commodity. He's already been world champion.....and we know him well; it's not as if folks would be shocked to see him wearing the belt.

That said, I don't think it will happen. If WWE doesn't want Brock Lesnar to win the title and again take it into deep freeze, I believe Seth Rollins will continue to wear the belt with the assistance of his gang.
It's possible, though I think it's too soon. Sheamus doesn't have a whole helluva lot of momentum right now, partially because it's so recently since he won it and because WWE's primary focus for Battleground has been Rollins vs. Lesnar and Cena vs. Owens and while it'd produce a good surprise moment, I think the reception would be lukewarm once the excitement of the moment wore off.
Sheamus getting the belt only makes sense if they complete the Brock Lesnar babyface turn, and they need a one off match at Summerslam to get Brock his unbeatable monster heat back, and Sheamus was transitional.

If you have Sheamus cash in at Battleground, you can have Rollins v. HHH (easy booking between BG and SS) Cena v. Owens, and then Lesnar v. Sheamus so that Lesnar can get the belt back and get his monster heat back. But, if they do that, they're just wasting the work that Rollins has put into being a really really fun heel to hate.
Yeah it's very possible. HHH betrays Rollins by having Sheamus cashinig in, thus Rollins vs HHH at SSlam. HHH also shows Lesnar who's the boss, as a means for revange for what Lesnar did and keeps doing till now, thinking that he's the man.

Rollins loses the belt when, according to the match, he could have won. This could be played into the Rollins vs HHH rivalry. Sheamus brags about being the new "beast". Enter Lesnar.

This accomplishes two things
a) keeps both Rollins & Lesnar strong.
b) no >1 day title reigns, like Lesnar winning only to be cashed in by Sheamus.

Also, if they want to turn Rollins face, then I can see the match going down in two ways:
1) Draw after an awesome match and then the cash-in.
2) No-contest because of the Authority's attack and Sheamus' cash in.
I'd personally like to see scenario #1.
I'm now picturing HHH congratulating Rollins after the match then hitting the same sequence as SS 2013 with Lesnar as Cena, Rollins as Bryan, and Sheamus as Orton.
I'm now picturing HHH congratulating Rollins after the match then hitting the same sequence as SS 2013 with Lesnar as Cena, Rollins as Bryan, and Sheamus as Orton.

Cant picture same scenario only because one reason: There is zero sense in making Rollins beat Lesnar clean like Bryan did to Cena.

Can however imagine HHH screwing Rollins over. Especially when its rumored to have HHH- Rollins at Summerslam. Perhaps in some "Orton- HHH in Evolution" level of betrayal with having Rollins celebrate title and in process HHH delivers a pedigree and Sheamus music plays and he cashes in.

Though am not too much excited of having Sheamus as a Champion. Sheamus- Lesnar could be fun match at Summerslam though. Though I am much more interested in Lesnar- Orton but think that isnt gona happen soon...
It's too soon at Battleground, let Sheamus gather more heat carrying around that briefcase, he's been winning lately which is rare for the MITB holder. I would love to ee Sheamus hold that title again but not right now. Rollins is doing great with it and there's no need to take the title off him to put it on Sheamus, Rollins will win at Battleground and continue his reign as champion.
Sure he could. The possibility is very much there that Sheamus could leave Battleground as the World Heavyweight Champion but that same possibility is there just as much at Summerslam, TLC, or any random episode of Raw. The mystery of when he will cash in is half the fun of Money In the Bank pushes. I don't see it happening at Battleground though. Why waste a cash-in on a garbage PPV brand like Battleground? I could see him doing it at Summerslam if Orton and Del Rio hadn't already done it. Night of Champions makes more sense to me. Things can change in the next 3 weeks but as of right now I see Seth retaining through some sort of complicated finish, with no cash-in by Sheamus at Battleground 2015.
I really wanted to see reigns vs lesner at SS but i can settle for sheamus vs lesner both of them can have a great physical match. It's probably a good idea to cash in early and give people some time to miss the case. Sheamus has already had some title runs however lacklusture they may be. There is no question of him not being "ready".

It should not make Rollins look weak which will just solidify him as a cowardly jobber champ. Rollins can have a great match with lesner and retain the title with some help from the goons.
Then trips comes out to congratulate him just introduce his GUY sheamus who then cashes in after some assault on rollins.
Everybody already hates sheamus for being hhh's buddy why not use this to make him a monster heel. We get rollins vs HHH and lesner doesn't really need a clause to get in the title picture they can just say it's a test for the new champ.
I hope so I think Sheamus is one of the most underrated guys on the roster, I think the first time he won it was too soon and he appears more ready now and should have a chance on top it also opens it up to a lot of great potential main event feuds like against Rollins, Reigns and Lesnar.
i wouldnt mind sheamus cashing in at battleground. i think wwe needs to get the briefcase over with early this year, since so much of rollins run up to mania revolved around his case
This is a scenario that I haven't heard anybody talking about at this point in time, and I thought it was something to throw out there. It's been rumored that WWE is seriously contemplating turning Seth Rollins face very soon and having him go up against HHH at Summerslam, which, in my opinion, would mean that he is not going to walk out of Battleground as the WWE Champion; one because we absolutely need a title match at the second (or third) biggest PPV of the year, and two, because it just doesn't make sense. BUT I also don't find it plausible that WWE would put the strap back on Lesnar and have him sit on his couch with it for months on end like we saw last year. It was an experimental run without a doubt last year, and while it wasn't a terrible run by any stretch of the imagination, it was still in the back of everybody's mind that the big belt was sitting at home during multiple PPV's.

Cue Sheamus.

I think it's highly possible that we see a hard fought match between Rollins and Lesnar, with more than a few interference's from Kane and J&J just to give Rollins a fighting chance. Both guys will take a beating but in the end, Brock will pin Seth Rollins clean in the middle to become the new WWE Champion. Perhaps he gets assaulted afterwards by The Authority to the point where he can barely stand? This of course, would be where Sheamus' music hits and he cashes in his MITB contract to the tune of two or three Brogue Kicks (after Lesnar refuses to stay down). This way Lesnar stays strong, Rollins begins his face turn the next night, and the build for Sheamus vs Brock for the WWEWHC at Summerslam begins. I've heard a lot of talk about how the main event scene isn't diverse enough right now, and Sheamus would definitely turn that notion on its head. The scenarios could be almost endless with a brand new WWE Champion.

Would you be opposed to seeing Sheamus as WWEWHC heading into Summerslam? Thoughts and opinions folks, thoughts and opinions.

I would be against it. It's too soon for Sheamus to cash in. I'd rather see him cash in at NoC, when WWE programming starts to fall off. Atleast with his cash in it would keep things interesting and an active WWE WHC.
I think a better angle would be Sheamus fearing that someone, like Reigns/Lesnar/Ambrose, are going to take his briefcase. So, he has a deal with the Authority that they'll protect him if he agrees to keep the briefcase within the Authority.
I can see Sheamus walking out of Battleground as Champion, this might be the only way for the match to end so that they can set up HHH vs. Seth at Summerslam. Seth probably can't beat Brock on his own and we do not want to see a part time Champion again, so the new Authority member picked by HHH screws Seth and in the meantime it does not make Brock look weak and keeps Brock in the Title picture without winning.
I don't think it would/should happen at Battleground. I think Seth gets himself intentionally disqualified. Sheamus cheaply defeats Randy Orton with a rollup while holding onto ring ropes or something like that.

Then at SummerSlam, Orton defeats Sheamus in their rematch. Lesnar vs. Rollins go at it again in a No DQ match. Lesnar wins the match clean, and Sheamus cashes in afterwards, winning the WWE Championship.

Is that the best case scenario? Maybe but probably not. I don't want to see Sheamus or Lesnar or Rollins as WWE Champion after SummerSlam. Who else is there? I don't know, which is why WWE has backed themselves into a corner.

I blame that on WAY too many PPVs. One a month is fine, but when you have them every two weeks, the feuds and matches can get really redundant and even boring.
I'd say Sheamus doesn't cash in at Battleground after a long-ish match with Randy Orton. Is Sheamus ready for the World Heavyweight Championship again ? I get the feeling from the response he's getting from the universe that his cash in might fail when it comes time. After all, there has been only one cash in fail ever.

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