Could Punk VS Austin be in the works?


For the past couple of weeks, CM Punk has kind of been "running down" Stone Cold Steve Austin in his promos. Austin responded on Twitter last week by saying Punk was a low life piece of trash. This week, he posted a brief video in which he responds to Punk.

Austin says he's not going to let Punk's words slide and that he'll address things in further detail later on down the line.

I'm sure that this could possibly be just an online thing with nothing coming of it. However, the idea that WWE might be setting up Punk vs. Austin at some point in the near future is tantalizing.
I think it'll probably happen at some point, and that point will most likely be WrestleMania 30 in Austin's home state of Texas. Also, CM Punk's been taking "shots" at Austin for years. Back when he led the Straightedge Society he did a promo where he asked the crowd if they wanted to see Austin come out and douse him in beer and they went crazy. Then Austin's music hit and the crowd went even more nuts, but it was just Punk pulling a prank on them. Austin and Punk are really the perfect match-up much like Cena and Rock, because they are seemingly polar opposites, but at the same time they are very similar. Punk is the "straightedge superstar" whereas Austin is a beer-swilling, foul mouthed S.O.B. But at the same time they are both anti-authority characters. It just works really well and I hope we get to see it.
Cena x Rock started with Cena calling out Rocky on Twitter. To wrestle at Wrestlemania. This was WAY pre social media push, and pre Tout. Hell, Cena might have unwittingly started it with those tweets. It was a groundswell over at least two years that led to a "Once in a Lifetime" Wrestlemania bout.

If you can't see them planting seeds, you're not a very good farmer. At all.
Sexcellence is dead on. They've been teasing this for years. Hell, Punk was wearing an Austin 3:16 shirt when he gave his "worked shoot" promo last summer. Besides the stuff they've done on TV, they've gone back and forth on Twitter, and Austin is even on the record saying that if he ever wrestled another match, it would be against Punk.
If Punk is going to face Austin, it needs to happen at Wrestlemania 29. Punk is finally starting to dominate the top storylines in WWE. He's on the verge of a year long reign as WWE Champion, and Paul Heyman's presence has done wonders for Punk's heat. This is the same man, who slapped Vince McMahon in the face the other night, and all signs point to a Punk VS Rock WWE Championship match at the Rumble. Punk is riding a massive wave of momentum right now, and a 2012-2013 CM Punk would provide a more intriguing match with Stone Cold. As we all know, things can drastically change over the course of a year in pro wrestling, so it's best to strike while the iron is hot.

But if the match doesn't happen, I won't be upset. I've enjoyed the dueling verbal jabs between both men, and Austin's health is still a huge question mark.
I'll believe this when I see it. It isn't the first rumour of this kind to float about. I don't think we'll ever see Austin compete in the ring, but if we do, it'll be a nice surprise.
this has been teased for over 12 months. If and when Austin can wrestle another match it will only be against the companies number one heel. Punk vs Austin would be a great way to go, and Wrestlemania is the only stage this can be worthy of being performed on. I do not see Austin playing second fiddle to The Rock and the WWE Championship though, we could be waiting until Mania 30 for this epic encounter
Here's the problem...AUSTIN CANT WRESTLE. Heck, this guy is still having surgeries to repair years of wear and tear on his body. Younger fans forget Austin was wrestling full time in the late 80s/early 90s, he broke Arn Anderson's record for longest TV Title reign in 1991.

If Austin could go he would have come back by now, certainly Vince would have paid him millions for a heavily hyped return match (Austin vs Taker for The Streak, Austin vs Lesnar, etc).

Also, Austin has made it clear even with his occassional guest stints that he doesnt want to be filler, remember he was quoted as saying he skipped WrestleMania this year because he didnt want to play 2nd fiddle to The Rock ?

Finally, Austin has always been very protective of his character, Hogan like, and also his reputation. If Austin doesnt think he can perform at a high level he wont come back for a heaily hyped, PPV, type match. He isnt Brett Hart.

Bottom line, I sincerely doubt this match will ever see the light of day because Austin cant go anymore and he wont get in the ring as a limited, far less skilled, performer, at least not unless he's broke and desperate for a pay day. Austin was never big on putting other people over and certainly at some point by Feud's End shouldnt he put Punk over since Punk is the present and the future of the company and Austin clearly is the past ? Not saying Austin woulod walk based on being ask to lose (although he's done that before), but it is a thought.
Here's the problem...AUSTIN CANT WRESTLE. Heck, this guy is still having surgeries to repair years of wear and tear on his body. Younger fans forget Austin was wrestling full time in the late 80s/early 90s, he broke Arn Anderson's record for longest TV Title reign in 1991.

Austin has clearly stated in numerous interviews that he can wrestle again if he wanted, if it was worth it and if he needed too so this argument is invalid.

If Austin could go he would have come back by now, certainly Vince would have paid him millions for a heavily hyped return match (Austin vs Taker for The Streak, Austin vs Lesnar, etc).

Also, Austin has made it clear even with his occassional guest stints that he doesnt want to be filler, remember he was quoted as saying he skipped WrestleMania this year because he didnt want to play 2nd fiddle to The Rock ?

I seriously doubt if it was Punk v Austin that he would be playing second fiddle to ANYBODY.

Finally, Austin has always been very protective of his character, Hogan like, and also his reputation. If Austin doesnt think he can perform at a high level he wont come back for a heaily hyped, PPV, type match. He isnt Brett Hart.

Bottom line, I sincerely doubt this match will ever see the light of day because Austin cant go anymore and he wont get in the ring as a limited, far less skilled, performer, at least not unless he's broke and desperate for a pay day. Austin was never big on putting other people over and certainly at some point by Feud's End shouldnt he put Punk over since Punk is the present and the future of the company and Austin clearly is the past ? Not saying Austin woulod walk based on being ask to lose (although he's done that before), but it is a thought.

Austin is NOTHING LIKE Hogan in that respect. Hogan would not put anyone over and he is still wrestling occasionally with a bad back, Austin has put people over in the past. An example would be before Austin left the WWE he requested to feud with Eddie Guerrero to get Guerrero noticed when they brought him back because he enjoyed working with him, really sounds like someone who doesn't put people over doesn't it? The only people who Austin has refused to lose to I can think of were Brock Lesnar and The Coach. The Brock Lesnar incident he explains on his DVD and I 100% agree with his reasoning for it, also The Coach match he was supposed to lose as JR wasn't ready to come back yet from surgery, so Austin refused to lose to The Coach and who could blame him? He hadn't wrestled in 2 and a half years and he was booked to lose to the Coach?
this match will happen most likely at wrestlemania 30 slim chance for 29 they will continue to build it slowly the fans will be begging for it and austin and punk will get paid big time rock cena has nothing on punk austin trust me
Picture this:punk somehow injects himself as champion at WM29 in a triple threat match agains Cena and Rock.Austin plays the guest enforcer.Punk trashes him every chance he gets.At a point Punk hits the rock with a GTS.Austin makes the count but Rock kicks out at 2.999.Punk slaps Austin.Austin loses it and hits a stunner on Punk.Cena makes the cover for the win.Punk loses the title and then challenges Austin to a match at WM30.This is similar to Rock-Cena.But if Punk-Austin happens,it needs to happen with a great build.
Everyone, out of the way! I have relevant information! Last week - or maybe this week - THQ released a video of Punk and Austin being interviewed by Jim Ross. There's also, like, twenty seconds of some PS2 game at the end for some reason. THQ mistakenly released it, asked Game Informer to pull it, which they did - but this is 2012:

The two have been jabbing at each other like bashful lovers for over a year already. Get it over with and just let them fuck. Austin wants to do it, Punk wants to do it, nearly everyone else wants to see it - discussing it is starting to feel redundant.
SCSA VS Punk will happen....just not this year. There is NO way he wants to be on a Wrestlemania card where the Rock is. SCSA is bigger than the Rock and deserves his own Wrestlemania main event. So will it happen, probably. Will it happen soon, probably not
Austin is a very smart guy, he isn't gonna come back unless he feels its a good opportunity for him and he feels he's in good enough shape to deliver a great match not to mention the obvious which is he will be able to walk out of the ring in good shape as well. With that, Austin is planting seeds just in case he does want to come back for 1 match down the road.

My guess is Austin is on the fence if he will be in a feud or not but saying such things on Twitter keeps his name out there and plants seeds for a feud if/when he decides to come back for one match. Personally I wouldn't get too excited at this moment that they'll fight, Austin only does things on his terms and frankly I'm not sold the WWE will give him everything he wants in order to come back but at the very least it gets people talking and will at least lead to some sort of confrontation between the 2. It may just be one night where Austin gives him a beat down, it may be a promo or it may be a match, nonetheless Austin's tweets undoubtedly served its purpose.
Kudos to the guy who posted the WWE Interview with JR, Punk and Austin. Hadn't seen that till now. After watching that i noticed another clip of Austin Shooting on Punk, was funny as hell and have watched it 5/6 times.

Beware if you don't like to much bad language don't click on the following link of Austin blasting Punk about Hygiene.

Watching these 2 videos alone to me is defo planting something for a Confrontation of some sort down the line.

People might say that Austin is at his best when he is swearing and showing middle fingers, and it won't work while WWE is focused on PG. However i do think Austin can still be regarded as special even within the current product.

Hoping a fued between the 2 is approaching.
Here's the problem...AUSTIN CANT WRESTLE. Heck, this guy is still having surgeries to repair years of wear and tear on his body. Younger fans forget Austin was wrestling full time in the late 80s/early 90s, he broke Arn Anderson's record for longest TV Title reign in 1991.

If Austin could go he would have come back by now, certainly Vince would have paid him millions for a heavily hyped return match (Austin vs Taker for The Streak, Austin vs Lesnar, etc).

Also, Austin has made it clear even with his occassional guest stints that he doesnt want to be filler, remember he was quoted as saying he skipped WrestleMania this year because he didnt want to play 2nd fiddle to The Rock ?

Finally, Austin has always been very protective of his character, Hogan like, and also his reputation. If Austin doesnt think he can perform at a high level he wont come back for a heaily hyped, PPV, type match. He isnt Brett Hart.

Bottom line, I sincerely doubt this match will ever see the light of day because Austin cant go anymore and he wont get in the ring as a limited, far less skilled, performer, at least not unless he's broke and desperate for a pay day. Austin was never big on putting other people over and certainly at some point by Feud's End shouldnt he put Punk over since Punk is the present and the future of the company and Austin clearly is the past ? Not saying Austin woulod walk based on being ask to lose (although he's done that before), but it is a thought.

Are you kidding me with this? This is STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN we are talking about. Do you really think the WWE universe would give two flying elbows about how Austin performs? If he can just brawl it will be a thrill to ME and THOUSANDS of other fans just to beable to hear the glass break and watch him "wrestle" one more time.

To many of us, Austins last match was a surprise. It was to me, I didnt expect him to be flat out DONE. Then again I didnt troll wrestling sites for a living back then.

My point is, the match doesnt NEED Austin to be a 5 star wrestler, it wouldnt even need him to be a 3 star wrestler. What people are looking forward to the most, is the bantering. The promos back and forth against each other would be GOLDEN.

Also, they have TEASED Austin/Punk before, but NOT to this degree. It was more playful. Alot of it actually took place when Punk was a face. Now Austin is shooting videos of himself talking mess? The seeds are planted. It will happen and it will happen WM30 as someone stated already.
Are you kidding me with this? This is STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN we are talking about. Do you really think the WWE universe would give two flying elbows about how Austin performs? If he can just brawl it will be a thrill to ME and THOUSANDS of other fans just to beable to hear the glass break and watch him "wrestle" one more time.

To many of us, Austins last match was a surprise. It was to me, I didnt expect him to be flat out DONE. Then again I didnt troll wrestling sites for a living back then.

My point is, the match doesnt NEED Austin to be a 5 star wrestler, it wouldnt even need him to be a 3 star wrestler. What people are looking forward to the most, is the bantering. The promos back and forth against each other would be GOLDEN.

Also, they have TEASED Austin/Punk before, but NOT to this degree. It was more playful. Alot of it actually took place when Punk was a face. Now Austin is shooting videos of himself talking mess? The seeds are planted. It will happen and it will happen WM30 as someone stated already.

The fans may not carev if Austin can put on a 5 star match but I guarantee you Austin does very much care. He has stated numerous times that he doesn't want to come back and put on a half assed performance because he can get away with it. If he can only put on a half decent match then he won't do it and will just let fans remember what he did.

Austin and Punk have teased a feud for years. Hell, in March of last year they did promo's about a feud between them for WWE All Stars. Austin has stated if he comes back it will be against Punk but doesn't want to do it unless he gets the attention he deserves. If Brock or Rock have big matches at any Wrestlemania Austin won't wrestle because he won't be a focal point. There's a good chance Brock will be doing Wrestlemania matches for a while with WWE constantly trying to resign him. If Brock wrestles let's say the next 3 Mania's Austin won't come back unless Brock is facing Austin himself.

I agree the fans will be happy to see him wrestle again but the man actually doing the wrestling demands a lot from himself. Certain conditions on WWE sides and Austin's side will have to be met and its not a lock by any means it will happen. It could happen but I'm not holding my breath.
It would be an awesome feud and the mic back and forths would be epic. However I think Punk needs to understand that he is stepping into the ring with the biggest superstar of all time. Taker and Rock are stellar but Austin is just an exceptional star. Austin will win. He will win brutally and make an example of both Punk and Heyman.

What I really would love to see is Lesnar versus Austin cos they hate each other with a passion. However Lesnar will wrestle Taker IMO. It will be unbelievable match with an MMA element and the brutality of it will be something we have never seen in the WWE before.
No, Austin is pretty busy. Plus he just had surgery and still pretty banged up. I'm not saying they are not going to take shots at each other. Also who know in a year or so if he is able to work? As of right now I really don’t think so.

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