Could Johnny Ace Laurinitis be the Mystery GM?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Probably not, right? Just wanted to throw that out there. Are we ever going to find out who this fucking guy is? By the time they do unveil it, I bet his personality won't even match up with what he's been saying(Never wanting to see Bret Hart wrestle again, be disliked by heels and faces.)

I'd think Johnny Ace could be a new face that no one knows so therefore he could be a character who can take on that type of personality of disliking Hart and being hated by heels and faces alike.
I,ve always tought JBL would be perfect for the role. He's just he type of person who would screw over everybody just because he could. He's also a great talker and can draw heat as good as any heel in the business. He could work a great feud with John Cena as the GM who will do anything to get Cena to lose the title kind of like Vince/Stone cold and would be a great rivalry up untill January when the Cena Rock angle starts to take off.
The mystery GM has gone on about 6 months too long in my opinion. It would have been good to have the unveling of the GM lead to some sort of program at wrestlemania 27 but it seems WWE are going to continue dragging it on for a long time.

Literally Jenks I made one thread about the Anon G.M and the next day there was about 5.

The G.M will be revealed soon. Just wait and see.
It is not a "Mystery GM" It's an Anonymous GM. Who's to say they reveal it at all. The gimmick isn't "We're going to have a GM who will eventually be revealed" which of course was interpreted by everyone that way.

But not, it's simply the Anonymous GM. The GM is the computer itself. To be honest, my guess either some night on Raw or at a PPV, Vince will come out, and maybe make a match or talk about something, and then the GM tunes in and changes something.

In anger Vince tells the GM he's the chairman, and he has the authority to, then the GM interrupts again. So Vince fires the Anon GM and we will never hear of him again. The next few weeks, we'll either see Vince as the GM or a guest or someone, until they actually have an official GM.

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