Could Daniel Bryan Cash In This Sunday?


Getting Noticed By Management
I know he said he was going to cash in his MITB contract at wrestlemania, but didn't people say that in the past and not do it? Last year at summerslam Bryan Danielson came back after briefly leaving. I think 1 year later he should become the world champion. I say have Christian retain against Orton and then after a long hard no holds barred match Bryan takes advantage and cashes in, beats Christian and it can be the start of a new feud on Smackdown. Isn't this better than continuing the tired feud between Orton and Christian?
Well if he were to do that then he would probably be the least over World Champion in WWE history, the reaction he has been getting on the past Smackdown shows have virtually been non-excistent so the WWE has still got a lot of work to do to get this guy over between now and Wrestlemania

I can see Christian winning at Summerslam and a final match between him and Orton at Night of Champions and then the next championship feud will be between World Champion VS Henry/Sheamus
I know he said he was going to cash in his MITB contract at wrestlemania, but didn't people say that in the past and not do it? Last year at summerslam Bryan Danielson came back after briefly leaving. I think 1 year later he should become the world champion. I say have Christian retain against Orton and then after a long hard no holds barred match Bryan takes advantage and cashes in, beats Christian and it can be the start of a new feud on Smackdown.

While anything is possible in life, I'd say that there's virtually no chance of this happening. If WWE was going to go for the shock value of Daniel Bryan cashing in his MITB briefcase, they probably would have done it at the MITB ppv after Orton had laid Christian out after their match was over. Another reason is that this tactic is usually done by heel wrestlers. CM Punk is the only wrestler that's cashed in MITB in this fashion while he was a babyface. He did it against Edge and later against Jeff Hardy. Neither reign was exactly the stuff legends are made of. On top of everything else, Bryan isn't ready to be World Heavyweight Champion. He's pretty over and he has the stuff in the ring, but he needs more time to develop a character fans can really rally behind. They've made steady progress with Bryan and they're not trying to rush things. Having him wait until WrestleMania to challenge the WHC not only gives the WWE all the time they need to truly get Bryan ready, but it also gives him a high profile match on what's going to be a very high profile WrestleMania.

Isn't this better than continuing the tired feud between Orton and Christian?

In my opinion, that's an emphatic no. I don't really see how the feud can be thought of as "tired". If your idea of a "tired" feud is one that brings a lot of prestige to the WHC, finally elevates a great all around pro wrestler like Christian to a level where he should have been years ago and results in fantastic wrestling matches that are among the best in any wrestling company in 2011 & interesting promo segments, then I have no idea what you'd consider "fresh".
^so you think Bryan is really going to wait until wrestlemania to cash in the title shot there? I don't know. That's a long time away. I don't remember who, but a past winner said they would do that, but didn't.

You say Bryan is not ready to win the title? I don't think Swagger was ready when they gave him the title. I hope Danielson does win the title exactly one year after coming back, but it probably won't be a long title reign.
he might cash in but i dont think hes ready for the whw title yet and heres why...

1. hes not that over yet i mean come on last week on smackdown he faced tyson kidd (in a great match might i add) and got little to no reaction when he was introducing or when he won thats not a good sign but it shows they need to build him up more

2. his mic skills arent exactly there yet i mean dont get me wrong i think hes good on the mic but i dont think he could hang with the big boys on the mic just yet.
^so you think Bryan is really going to wait until wrestlemania to cash in the title shot there? I don't know. That's a long time away. I don't remember who, but a past winner said they would do that, but didn't.

You say Bryan is not ready to win the title? I don't think Swagger was ready when they gave him the title. I hope Danielson does win the title exactly one year after coming back, but it probably won't be a long title reign.

So you're basically saying since Swagger wasn't read for the title, that makes it okay to give someone else the title who isn't ready? I'm sorry, but that's stupid logic. Daniel Bryan is great and he's over with some crowds, but he just needs to get a bit more character and personality. Then he'll be ready. No one cared about Swagger going into his MITB match, and no one cared about him after. why? Because he was boring(which is why he got boos) and because there was no "heel" reason to boo him.
So you're basically saying since Swagger wasn't read for the title, that makes it okay to give someone else the title who isn't ready? I'm sorry, but that's stupid logic. Daniel Bryan is great and he's over with some crowds, but he just needs to get a bit more character and personality. Then he'll be ready. No one cared about Swagger going into his MITB match, and no one cared about him after. why? Because he was boring(which is why he got boos) and because there was no "heel" reason to boo him.

No what I'm saying is just because a wrestler isn't "ready" to win a big title that's not going to stop them from doing that and that's why I think it's possible that Bryan will cash in and win on sunday. He can then cut a promo on smackdown saying that he planned to wait for wrestlemania, but instead chose to try and go for the shot 1 year after coming back.

Being that I'm a big fan of Bryan Danielson(I don't want to call him by his stupid wwe name) and have been since his roh days and if I ordered the show, I'd feel good that I ordered a ppv that going in was badly hyped other than one match.
Bryan's style and the way his gimmick is, will keep his word and go to WM

He's already got a feud going with Barret, shame to toss that aside, these 2 can be gold together in midcard style matches.
He didn't wait until Wrestlemania because he got injured and lost the briefcase to Edge

That was Mr. Kennedy/Anderson. He lost the briefcase. Swagger cashed in on Jericho I believe and won the WHC. Now hes on

Now on the DB subject I doubt he will cash on Sunday but I have a hard time believing he will cash in at WM. I dont see him being in the main event of WM yet when hes never even been in a main event and like someone here said its a long wait till WM.
Maybe WWE writers are given themselvs a timeline to get Bryan in to a position where he can relaibaly main event a wrestlemania...

We all know though that it will probably open wrestlemania just like Edge and Del Rio did this year, so everyone should just stop etting their panties in a twist.
Yea, the character they are running with for Bryan won't have the briefcase chased in, even if he does break his trust. Probably not at Summerslam.
I can see Christian/Orton having a fued with Mark Henry or Sheamus after this (maybe both) Bryan still needs building I think, and putting him over Barrett will probably help that factor alot
Barrett still needs building too... so I can actually see them going to some kind of "trading the case" scenario... I'd be more interested to see that than Bryan just carrying it for 8 months... Barrett beats Bryan at Surivor Series, creating a scenario where Bryan has to break up every cash in attempt Barrett makes... would be a great way to make the case relevant and build both guys up for a possible Mania main event AGAINST each other...
I don't see Daniel Bryan cashing in at Summer Slam. I certainly hope not. If it were up to me, he would never cash in.

If I can try my hand at fantasy booker, I'd have Barrett and Bryan fight with the case on the line at Summer Slam, and Barrett wins the case. Sheamus beats Mark Henry, then in the ME, Mark Henry without explanation runs in on Orton and costs him the match.

Following Smackdown Mark Henry explains that he's done taking out big men, and instead is going to take out the biggest STAR in the company, hence his attack on Orton. This gets Orton out of the title seen for awhile. Sheamus, either by benefit of the win over Mark Henry or some match on Smackdown, is the #1 contender. Next month at the PPV, he challenges Christian for the belt, hard fought match, Sheamus looks to have it won, but Barrett runs in, blast hims form behind with the case, and catches in on an incapacitated Christian, becoming new champ.

Next Smackdown, Christian demands his rematch, Sheamus demands the shot because he had the match won, this leads to a triple threat match at the next PPV.

Anyway, that would intereste *me* as a fan. Certainly much more than DB as champ. Your mileage may vary.
I don't see it happening. Bryan said he'd cash in at WrestleMania, and being the face/character that he is, he'll probably keep his word. Not only that, but he's just not ready to be in the main event scene as a World Title holder yet. He's not over enough and he needs to keep progressing with his character. Sure, he has a stable fan base, but they need to let that grow and really show the fans WHY they should support Daniel Bryan. The WWE is probably planning on using this time until WrestleMania to do that, to work out all those kinks, and make him World Title material. On top of that, they have to get a few more main event caliber feuds under his belt before he makes that step, they have to let the situation play out naturally, pulling the trigger at SummerSlam would be too early.
It's not going to happen. It is clear that WWE is once again pushing Bryan the way they originally pushed him, by making him go on a quest to prove his doubters wrong. Bryan cashing in at SummerSlam accomplishes nothing. He becomes a heel and a cowardly one at that and with the build up he has had so far, he may easily fizzle out to be another Jack Swagger.

There is no need to take such a step to end the Christian/ Orton feud. Not that this feud is boring but there are plenty of challengers available for both men once they finish up with each other.
A thread like this is most probably gonna be created every time a PPV comes around.
"Will he cash it in?" "Ahhhh no... Screw you Bryan you failed me agian!"

Daniel Bryan has very little momentum going in to summerslam, does he even have a scheduled match?
Imagine how it would be percieved after Summerslam if he were to take the title, he would get slammed for exactly that and he would be the new face of Smackdown, Really? Im a fan and i dont even want to see that just now, in time definetly but not right now.

There is no need to take such a step to end the Christian/ Orton feud. Not that this feud is boring but there are plenty of challengers available for both men once they finish up with each other.

Lets say Sheamus beats Sexual Chocolate on Sunday and Christian retains against Orton, Would you like to see Sheamus go after Christians title?

I know i fuckin would, Come on the Gingers!!
A thread like this is most probably gonna be created every time a PPV comes around.
"Will he cash it in?" "Ahhhh no... Screw you Bryan you failed me agian!"

Yeah, pretty much. The problem with money in the bank is that after we have the winner, every pay per view afterwards there is a thread devoted to whether or not the winner will or should cash in (even though many cash ins have not even occurred at PPVs). Furthermore, as more and more PPVs pass and it doesn't happen, the threads start getting more and more intense and reach a feverish pitch where you have posters practically foaming at the mouth and moaning in expectation of this next one finally being the one.

Last year with the miz, it really got crazy. Reading through some of those posts last year, before every PPV, reading those threads often felt like an online equivalent of a young kid dancing around because he REALLY REALLY has to use the bathroom but he's not sure if he's going to get to yet or has to hold it in a little longer.
Most chances are they he will not cash in...or when ever he cashes most probably he will loose in some fashion either Barret challenging him for the Briefcase or by interference why because it will build his character in long term same like HBK losing in WM 11 ..he will lose the money in the bank and win the RR next year or in 2013...
Well now we all know he did not cash in. I'm glad he didn't and that would have been a bad idea because he needs to stay true to his word and wait until Wrestlemania. There has never been a Wrestlemania cash in and the anticipation will build all year. Orton has guys like Henry or Sheamus he can face for a few months in the meantime. Bryan has to keep getting built up and cashing in last night would have been rushed lazy booking.

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