Could Anyone Beat The NWO


Getting Noticed By Management
When it comes to factions, people are always debating who was more dominate. Fans are always wondering what it would have been like if the Four Horsemen had feuded with DX, or what it would have been like if the Dangerous Alliance had been in the WWF. The recent invasion of the WWE by Nexus has drawn a lot of comparisons to the NWO. In my opinion there was no more dominate faction in the history of wrestling than the NWO. I know they had over 30 members throughout there reign, so I'll just narrow it down to who I think there best 7 were.

NWO - Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Randy Savage, The Giant, Curt Henning,and Scott Steiner with Eric Bischoff as a manager

This was hands down the most dominate group of wrestlers in the history of the business. A true group of superstar ass kickers. I can't imagine any other faction even giving them a run for their money. I don't think these guys would have a problem taking out the Nation of Domination, The Corporate Ministry, everyone who was ever a Horseman, DX, Fourtune, EV.2, or the Nexus. Hell, storyline wise, it would be believable put this NWO in it's prime against the entire Raw and Smackdown rosters today.

So what do you think. Was this group of NWO guys the most dominate stable ever, or do you think others were better. Hell, feel free to say who you think could of taken them on in fantasy land.
I was a huuuuuge nWo fan, but the group was strong enough with Hall/Nash/Hogan. Sure having some other guys like the Giant joining served as a good shock at the time, but later on, when everyone was joining, it was just stupid and out of control.

I'd put in a vote for the original trio as one of the best trio stable in wrestling history.
I was a huuuuuge nWo fan, but the group was strong enough with Hall/Nash/Hogan. Sure having some other guys like the Giant joining served as a good shock at the time, but later on, when everyone was joining, it was just stupid and out of control.

I'd put in a vote for the original trio as one of the best trio stable in wrestling history.

Absolutely agree. Hall/Nash/Hogan was all they really needed. Adding Dibiase as their bank role was a nice touch, and Giant served a good purpose on the team. Of course Syxx Pac had to be there as well. Even having Bischoff revealed as the Mastermind behind it all was cool at first. Then when Buff Bagwell, Virgil, Savage, Luger, Sting, and everyone else started joining it just got really stupid and way to big. Then the split into Team Wolfpack and Team Hollywood was just ******ed.

The 4 Horsemen of Flair, the Andersons, Blanchard and managed by Dillon were outstanding and I would put them in their prime against the nWo any day of the week and give the odds of winning in favor of the Horsemen.
The NWo was one of the top two greatest factions in wrestling history. However they were not the best. Put hogan/Nash/Hall/Luger/Sting against the horsemen group of Flair/Ole/Arn/Blanchard/Windham with all 10 guys in their prime and the horsemen would destroy them. The NWO had the power because of the contract stipulations. The Horsemen were just that good. If you were going to make a group like TNA has in Immortal then thses guys would be the 10 they should have. To bad most of them are done wrestling.
The NWO was the strongest force in the universe brother! I think the only way to ever beat the NWO, is to put together Big ESTABLISHED Superstars like what happened with them. For example: if Orton turns and establishish a group like Orton, Jericho, Edge, HHH, The Miz. Have Cena or Taker try and challenge them, and have Austin, Rock, HBK, or some others stars challenge them. Its hard, because Wrestling when the NWO started was in its greatest period. NWO took advantage of past feuds like Hogan vs Piper, Macho Man, Bret Hart and its worked. It can be done again, but need to do it right! I dont think vince can do it!
im not sure if anything can beat it but i do have an idea that can make a really good stable. an all former indy wrester stable. although it might not be bigger then the nwo i think its still a great concept.

manager: matt striker - hes not famous in the wwe for wrestling but he is for his intelect and his talking skills. he can make a great manager in my opinion.

leader: cm punk - he has the skills to lead a group and he has before. his mic skills are top notch and his in ring ability is some of the best in the wwe. hes great as a heel or face.

daniel bryan - hes one of the best atheletes in wrestling today and hes a rising star in the wwe. putting him in a group with punk could really help him in the long run. he needs to work on his mic skills and maybe he can learn a few things from when it comes to talking.

kaval - team him up with evan bourne. i think hes a great athelete and tagging him with bourne could make a great tag team in the wwe.

evan bourne - like i said before tag him with kaval and put some gold on them.

seth rollins - formerly known as tyler black and former roh world champion, he is amazing in the ring but not so much on the mic. he can really benefit from being in a group with these guys. he can learn alot. i would make him like a student. have punk win the wwe championship sometime down the line. then have rollins turn heel. have him turn because he wants a title shot and have him think hes better then everyone else. then his departure from the group will lead to a great singles career.

diva - sarina. i really liked her. i would rehire her and put her in this group. i think she would fit right in this group.
If Shawn Michaels and Triple H left WWE and came back to reveal Stone Cold Steve Austin or the Rock as the third member of their new faction, then and only possibly then could there be a potential faction who could have beaten the NWO. Austin, Rock, Triple H, Michaels, Angle, and lets say Kane would be like Hogan, Nash, Hall, Savage, Henning and Giant. The NWO got too big when they had to have two different groups but the NWO had too much power. The only faction that could beat them would possibly only be the rest of the wrestlers left over in a company.

The reason these older guys were able to do what they did was because they weren't completely past their prime when WWE tried to phase them out. Stone Cold, Rock, Angle, Michaels, Triple H are not too old to come back and do what the NWO guys did 14 years ago. The only way you could recreate the NWO would be to bring back all the established stars of the late 90s and nothing less. I'd love to see the old guys come back to WWE and wipe out NXT. I'm so sick of no name nothings and never wills wasting space in what could have been a potentially awesome angle..that would have worked better with older guys. WWE is full of young guys fighting for big spots and lacks old guys. It makes more sense for a group of old guys getting together to retaliate against the youth movement. Not the other way around, WWE has never had so much room for youth advancement so really, what are the NXT really fighting against?? Dumb storyline.

And, as much as i loved the Four Horsemen, they had nothing on the NWO. They could take over a whole company with the best of them, but Hogan, Savage, Nash, Hall, Henning, Giant, etc etc had the manpower. Any group led by Hogan is far superior.
The NWO's four best were all as big as Ric Flair, they could easily wipe out Blanchard and the Andersons. And Flair's no Warrior or Undertaker. NWO will always be the best stable of all time, the best angle of all time, and the best TV of all time. Period.
If Shawn Michaels and Triple H left WWE and came back to reveal Stone Cold Steve Austin or the Rock as the third member of their new faction, then and only possibly then could there be a potential faction who could have beaten the NWO. Austin, Rock, Triple H, Michaels, Angle, and lets say Kane would be like Hogan, Nash, Hall, Savage, Henning and Giant. The NWO got too big when they had to have two different groups but the NWO had too much power. The only faction that could beat them would possibly only be the rest of the wrestlers left over in a company.

The reason these older guys were able to do what they did was because they weren't completely past their prime when WWE tried to phase them out. Stone Cold, Rock, Angle, Michaels, Triple H are not too old to come back and do what the NWO guys did 14 years ago. The only way you could recreate the NWO would be to bring back all the established stars of the late 90s and nothing less. I'd love to see the old guys come back to WWE and wipe out NXT. I'm so sick of no name nothings and never wills wasting space in what could have been a potentially awesome angle..that would have worked better with older guys. WWE is full of young guys fighting for big spots and lacks old guys. It makes more sense for a group of old guys getting together to retaliate against the youth movement. Not the other way around, WWE has never had so much room for youth advancement so really, what are the NXT really fighting against?? Dumb storyline.

And, as much as i loved the Four Horsemen, they had nothing on the NWO. They could take over a whole company with the best of them, but Hogan, Savage, Nash, Hall, Henning, Giant, etc etc had the manpower. Any group led by Hogan is far superior.
The NWO's four best were all as big as Ric Flair, they could easily wipe out Blanchard and the Andersons. And Flair's no Warrior or Undertaker. NWO will always be the best stable of all time, the best angle of all time, and the best TV of all time. Period.

I'm going to respectfully disagree with your little idea. The attitude era is extremely overrated, and there's absolutely no reason to revisit it, or it's "superstars". Besides, longing for the return of The Rock or Stone Cold is beyond redundant at this point. Neither of those guys are interested in being wrestlers, and I don't even know if Austin is in "working" condition at this point. The guy was stiff as a board 10 years ago.

It has taken quite some time for the WWE to establish a new crop of wrestlers. They're finally getting somewhere with it, so it'd be best to stay the course. There are some young guys in the fed right now that'll be huge in a few short years. Miz and Sheamus are already far enough up the totem pole to carry the WHC, and guys like Morrison, McIntyre and Barrett are waiting in the wings. Orton and Cena are still young, CM Punk has enormous potential and the three guys I mentioned earlier are shaping up to be stars too. If anything, WWE is going to have too much talent in the coming years.

We're seeing the beginning stages of a new era in wrestling. For the first time, in a long time, the average "star" is young. That's a good thing...
I'm going to respectfully disagree with your little idea. The attitude era is extremely overrated, and there's absolutely no reason to revisit it, or it's "superstars". Besides, longing for the return of The Rock or Stone Cold is beyond redundant at this point. Neither of those guys are interested in being wrestlers, and I don't even know if Austin is in "working" condition at this point. The guy was stiff as a board 10 years ago.

It has taken quite some time for the WWE to establish a new crop of wrestlers. They're finally getting somewhere with it, so it'd be best to stay the course. There are some young guys in the fed right now that'll be huge in a few short years. Miz and Sheamus are already far enough up the totem pole to carry the WHC, and guys like Morrison, McIntyre and Barrett are waiting in the wings. Orton and Cena are still young, CM Punk has enormous potential and the three guys I mentioned earlier are shaping up to be stars too. If anything, WWE is going to have too much talent in the coming years.

We're seeing the beginning stages of a new era in wrestling. For the first time, in a long time, the average "star" is young. That's a good thing...

The last thing I want to see is another HHH/HBK reunion. That wouldn't do anything for me, let alone have Austin join them. The reason why nWo worked was because things at the time were a huge shock. We didn't have all the info today to spoil things like they did back then.

Hall/Nash were WWF stars, and them going to WCW to destroy them was such an amazing thing to watch. And then have an icon like Hogan at the time turn his back on WCW and remind us of his glory days as a WWF star by joining with 2 other former stars... you cannot replicate that- ever, not with how we know everything nowadays before it happens.

I've only seen the Horsemen on DVD's and it seems to me that even in their prime, they looked like old men. Flair has looked old since the very start.

Another thing is, back during the MNW, wrestling was mainly a once/week thing, with a minor show on Saturdays for WCW and WWF showcasing other stars and recapping Monday's events, so you were left in suspense for a whole week. Nowadays, you have Raw and SD! as well as tons of PPVs. I'm sure if UFC had their main event guys showing up on tv 2-3 times a week, ppl would get sick of them too.
the nWo even at the height of its population had its pros and cons as an stable. a Pro is that with so many members of the nWo you could push the nWo angle and its importance on any show, Nitro, Thunder, Saturday night, even if its just Vincent coming out with Scott Norton on the minor shows, it reminds you of the same organization as Hogan Hall and Nash, who usually just lounge around on Nitro.

Another Pro would "Have" been the potential exposure in the nWo members that would be unfamilar to the Causal Wrestling fan which would help them get over with the crowd....however that potential leads to the Con of those many members of the nWo simply got lost in the noise. I mean was there a purpose in "Vicious and Delicious?" Norton and Bagwell being a secondary nWo Tag team that would never get the titles while the Outsiders was the lead tag team.

Another Con was the years and years the nWo dominated the WCW Landscape that no one who wasn't feuding with the nWo members can ever get any serious angle to be paid attention too (especially when Schivone and company would spend most of the time ignoring the matches in front of them to talk about the nWo or Ric Flair)

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