Could an openly gay WWE Superstar become the face of the company


Occasional Pre-Show
For the last few years America has had the hot button issue of "Gay Rights." People agree with it, or don't agree with the life style. Yet the term "gay rights" generates media attention every time it is used. The agenda is brought up during elections, almost every time the news come on, and gays are in almost every TV show and movie now. WWE has taken pride in keeping up with the times with social media, and it is constantly trying to reinvent itself but around the same PG context. While it has become vividly apparent that the "John Cena song and dance" is getting very old very fast, could an openly gay WWE superstar become the savior for the WWE. John Cena the cool white rapper from the Boston area was, before Cena the redneck alcoholic Stone Cold was. Hulk Hogan was the savior before Cena and Stone Cold. If you look at the time that these superstars came to superstardom (and how the audience grew with the superstars over the course of time), would it be possible with the current generation could gravitate towards an openly gay face of the WWE. This would (A) generate controversy (that the WWE use to have), and (B) create a larger viewership towards the product.
Sure a gay guy can become the face of the company, just the same as if a white guy could, or a black guy, or a guy with green eyes, or a guy with ginger hair, or a guy with dog tags, or a guy with sleeve tattoos, or a guy with a Pepsi tattoo.

The thing is, a person's characteristic that doesn't effect performance or ability has NO effect of the person's capabilities in the slightest. So the point I'm making is, the only thing that SHOULD factor in, is the person's hard work, wrestling ability and most of all, likeness with the crowd. That is it in the basics of it.

It's not progressive to push someone because they're openly gay, in fact it's just as ignorant. It's like saying "Look how progressive we are America!" Whilst nudging their arm. The fact is, all people should be treated EXACTLY the same no matter what they are born with and what they can not choose for them self. Does that mean a gay guy can be the face of the company? Why not? It obviously doesn't effect ability by far, just look at Darren Young, he's a talented young man, both he and Titus are great workers.

The question in short I just find redundant. There will always be prejudice over the silliest things, but I trust that the WWE are logical and smart enough to not let it effect them.
Good topic, so i will give you my two cents. Background action: I support gay rights, have a gay brother, I am married, have a child, I am in law enforcement, served our country in the US Army for seven years (7th SFG, 65th MPCO, 82nd MPCO).

Now that that is out of the way, I do not think that the WWE is going to make that leap until the public is truly ready for it. We have only just begun accepting blacks and women into top political positions in our country. Could you imagine a gay US President? Not at this time. It will happen, eventually.

If the WWE were to have an openly gay face of the company, that new and larger fan base you would be attracting based on the individuals sexuality, would also cast away another portion of the viewership. Hence, the double-edged sword. In terms of revenue, the WWE would most likely lose.

There are people in this world that just cannot accept the fact that individuals of the same sex can fall in love with each other. They call it a sickness, a disease, something that can be cured with classes. Sound familiar? These same opinions were held by those that persecuted Native Americans, blacks, and the Jewish. Hell, women couldn't even vote in our society until 1920! So, until the majority of our society is ready, I don't see it happening.
the short answer is no.
it will simply turn off that 18-34 male demographic, and will give people who think wrestling is gay that much more ammunition. you can say your equal rights nonsense all you want, but remember who your audience is. thats the reason why women cant be the top dog either.
Ability SHOULD be the only thing that is considered Steve, but our society sees color, sexuality, sex and religion as jumping points. If the WWE were to use Darren Young in a major feud with the likes of Del Rio or Orton, in an attempt to elevate him to "face" status, it wouldn't work at this point in time. They will be seen by one side as attempting to profit off of his sexuality, by the other-side it will be seen as the WWE attempting to corrupt and promote homosexuality to the children of America.
One step at a time. We have just reached a point where a gay wrestler can out himself without having to fear to be immediately put in storylines where he wears tutus and buggers the other wrestlers. This is great progress from where things used to be in the WWE. Let's be proud of that.

But yes, in theory it's possible for a gay wrestler to become the face of the WWE. Simple reason: A wrestler's sexuality is absolutely irrelevant. Some people have not quite yet accepted that, even if they claim otherwise, but we're getting there. That's why they're handling Darren Young's outing well: They're not making a big deal out of it. They don't even acknowledge it. Sure, he's getting a little more TV time and the PTP are suddenly winning a couple of matches, but that's what happens whenever someone manages to gain some outside media attention (with something other than a DUI or a spousal abuse charge). That's the way it should be and by that maxim it's absolutely possible for a gay man to become THE man in WWE. If he gets over with the fans and draws money, that's what's gonna happen. Just don't hold your breath because currently there is only one (known) gay wrestler and he is nowhere near the top of the card anytime soon.
Are you asking about the wrestler being gay in his personal life and it isn't really mentioned or if he is openly gay and his character is openly gay on screen?

Personally, if a wrestler is gay in his personal life, it really should have no effect, considering they are basically hired actors. Now if it's on screen, I think would open too big a can of worms. While this country is getting more accepting of it, I don't think Vince wants to alienate any fans, which right or wrong, this would most likely do.
I don't necessarily see why not. If the guy has the talent in order to rally fans around him and pay lots of money to WWE to see him wrestle, then there's no real reason why an openly gay man couldn't be the face.

Just as with every other wrestler, it can depend on what sort of character or persona he has, his charisma and his ability to connect with fans. If he's not able to make the fans care about him and invest in him on a major level, then nothing else matters. For instance, if WWE tried to make the wrestler into some sort of gay stereotype, then it wouldn't happen. Why? Because the usual stereotypes surrounding gay men are that they're extremely effeminate, weak, flakey, sexually provocative and are generally not taken seriously.

What WWE has done with Darren Young thus far is, in my opinion, the right thing. They haven't made Young's sexual orientation the centerpiece of his life, nor are they trying to ram it down people's throats. With Young as the first openly gay member of the WWE roster that's still active as a wrestler, they're in sort of uncharted territory. Generally speaking, society is far more tolerant now of homosexuality than it was 15 years ago, but there are so many different ways to offend people with using a gay man, or woman for that matter, and his/her sexual orientation as a major part of a storyline.

Maybe they can be a bit more provocative with it later on down the road, as society seems to be slowly accepting homosexuality overall. But as of right now, it's best to not make a big case out of it.
While it has become vividly apparent that the "John Cena song and dance" is getting very old very fast, could an openly gay WWE superstar become the savior for the WWE.

How about combining the two thoughts and asking: If John Cena were gay, could he be the face of WWE?

My guess is: yes. If a performer has the charisma and all-around drive and influence of Cena, he could do it, gender preferences be damned. Of course, not everyone is John Cena, so it's hard to determine which gay person would be accepted as the big guy, and which wouldn't.....not because he's gay, but because he's not big enough to be the #1 guy.

Darren Young is the pioneer right now but his recent success seems to come only from the fact he's come out. Before that, he and Titus were total jobbers. You can argue that WWE was just about to give them a push and let them start winning matches, but it's too much of a coincidence to believe the push just happened to start right after Darren's announcement.That is, unless the announcement was pre-arranged to occur in anticipation of a push.....a dicey proposition, at best. "Tell everyone you're gay, Darren....even if you aren't.....and we'll push you to the moon!"

But yes, if the performer were someone as compelling as John Cena, he could become the face of the company, gay or not.
No, and ill tell you why because all the gay wrestlers really suck!
however if there ever is a good wrestler who is gay he may can become face of the company, but you gotta realize one thing who's to say we hadnt already had a face of the company that was gay... and also its gonna have to be years from now cuz supercena is the only face.
the short answer is no.
it will simply turn off that 18-34 male demographic, and will give people who think wrestling is gay that much more ammunition.

1. UFC is catching a lot more flack than WWE for being homoerotic. No jab at any UFC fans since I am one, but you know when they get to the mat there is always somebody pointing it out and saying something homophobic. That's just the way it is.

And in all honesty, who gives a shit if someone calls what you enjoy gay?

2. WWE will not always cater to a particular demographic. That's just business. They will go where the money is at, and if the money-maker happens to be openly gay, boom. Face of the company. Enough said.

you can say your equal rights nonsense all you want,

You're a fun one.

but remember who your audience is.

Children and their parents? I don't get this quote. The target audience changes up frequently because, like I said, business.

Money talks, and when the everyday man can look past his prejudices, then nothing is impossible. Same thing was once said about black men being faces of the company.

thats the reason why women cant be the top dog either.

:disappointed: Yeah, it's not like any of 'em have their own titles or anything.

but you gotta realize one thing who's to say we hadnt already had a face of the company that was gay...

Please pay more attention to the subject matter. The question presented is not if a gay man can be the face of the WWE. The question is if an OPENLY gay man can be the face of the WWE. So far, no we haven't had one.
I don't see any reason they can't. If a someone who was gay was talented then they could become the face of the company. As long as they were talented then they can be at the very top. If a wrestler was deliberately held back because they were homosexual then it would become a serious issue.
Ok Jstrike if that were true the Pat Paterson should've never won the ic title and became the inaugural champion. To be honest I think gay wrestlers could witha great gimmick and a great set of skills i mean it takes a lot of guts to become a wrestler knowing the tough roads your going to face being gay i mean if cena can get over being one of the most boring face characters and be the top guy why can't Darren young or anyone else that is gay in any promotion its not the 90's anymore and with like i said a great character and set of skills gay guy could become a top guy we can't all be close minded to that thought.
Sure a gay guy can become the face of the company, just the same as if a white guy could, or a black guy, or a guy with green eyes, or a guy with ginger hair, or a guy with dog tags, or a guy with sleeve tattoos, or a guy with a Pepsi tattoo.

The thing is, a person's characteristic that doesn't effect performance or ability has NO effect of the person's capabilities in the slightest. So the point I'm making is, the only thing that SHOULD factor in, is the person's hard work, wrestling ability and most of all, likeness with the crowd. That is it in the basics of it.

It's not progressive to push someone because they're openly gay, in fact it's just as ignorant. It's like saying "Look how progressive we are America!" Whilst nudging their arm. The fact is, all people should be treated EXACTLY the same no matter what they are born with and what they can not choose for them self. Does that mean a gay guy can be the face of the company? Why not? It obviously doesn't effect ability by far, just look at Darren Young, he's a talented young man, both he and Titus are great workers.

The question in short I just find redundant. There will always be prejudice over the silliest things, but I trust that the WWE are logical and smart enough to not let it effect them.

I agree with everything that is said here. It shouldn't be someone's personal beliefs, or the manner in which they are created that get them to the top of a given scenario it should be their work ethic and talent which both have NOTHING to do with sexuality. In a world that demands equality people should be just that equal with how they treat their workers and positions. I think any company wants the BEST workers working the biggest jobs. If this means that a gay guy is in that role who should care? Nobody..
I think the problem WWE has is that they cater for kids and women. Now, rightly or wrongly, there will be parents not wanting to expose their children to an openly gay character.

I would work more if they were a top face of the company, who just happened to be gay, rather than making him be gay central to his character (and almost bordering on being a stereotype).

Also, Vince McMahon has not always shown himself to be the most sensitive and mature person (just look at how he treats J.R.), so would Vince turn this person into a joke, just for his own amusement.
I think it all depends on what you mean by openly gay. Do you mean that its just publicly known that the individual is gay or do you mean that it's part of their gimmick? Either way I would say yes, it is possible. However I'm not totally confident that the WWE would be able to handle it properly if being gay was part of the superstar's gimmick.

Billy and Chuck pulled in a lot of ratings but it was a big joke at the gay community's expense IMO. I don't see how you could portray someone as being gay on a wrestling oriented show without it turning into a farce. The most you could say about Darren without being too offensive it that he takes care of his looks more than your typical straight man.

That being said, you can really turn anyone into the face of the company. John Cena has the personality of drywall and he's been the face of the company for the past decade.
How about combining the two thoughts and asking: If John Cena were gay, could he be the face of WWE?

My guess is: yes. If a performer has the charisma and all-around drive and influence of Cena, he could do it, gender preferences be damned. Of course, not everyone is John Cena, so it's hard to determine which gay person would be accepted as the big guy, and which wouldn't.....not because he's gay, but because he's not big enough to be the #1 guy.

Darren Young is the pioneer right now but his recent success seems to come only from the fact he's come out. Before that, he and Titus were total jobbers. You can argue that WWE was just about to give them a push and let them start winning matches, but it's too much of a coincidence to believe the push just happened to start right after Darren's announcement.That is, unless the announcement was pre-arranged to occur in anticipation of a push.....a dicey proposition, at best. "Tell everyone you're gay, Darren....even if you aren't.....and we'll push you to the moon!"

But yes, if the performer were someone as compelling as John Cena, he could become the face of the company, gay or not.

This post is spot on. Essentially, the face of the WWE has to do one thing: outwork the current face of the WWE. Simply put, if Darren Young wants to be the top dude, he needs to work harder than Cena. John Cena is a work-horse simple and plain. (arguably the hardest working wrestler..ever) He made the WWE his life. Though his gimmick sucks, you cannot criticize his will to be the best. Creed, race, religion or sexuality should have no impact on being the top face. CM Punk's an atheist and he held the championship for 434 days. The Rock had the company on his shoulders for quite some time during the Attitude Era.

I see no problem with Darren Young being the face of the company, on the grounds that he busts his ass and commits himself like Cena. Revealing you sexuality doesn't grant you that option, he's gotta work for it. (and this has been proven, or else WWE would've talked about Darren coming out on live TV)
The thing about it is, who cares in my opinion. He can be gay and thats ok.
But after he came out they are pushing him. He is getting over but its one of these things that feels forced. It doesnt feel real and its just a build for good PR. What sucks is that he will be the token wrestler who cannot be harmed.
But I will say this, I like him, he is a good wrestler and has a nice future. I see him as the Christian of the Future. Dont rush him, and let him build himself up in a tag team.
It definitely could happen. Here's the thing...sexuality shouldn't matter when it comes to the face of the company. Ability and charisma should. It someone can do that then it shouldn't matter if they're gay or not.

Unfortunately, if something like that happened, you can bet your ass that WWE would throw it in our faces every five minutes.
No, and ill tell you why because all the gay wrestlers really suck!

this is either really stupid or a poor attempt at making a terrible but subtle joke. Either way, it's just awful that you posted this lame statement. Did they issue you your sense of humor with the prize in a cereal box, or was it won at a county fair rigged game booth?

As for my thoughts on the matter:
Sure, I suppose a gay man could be the face of the company if he has the talent and personality to support that role. As many have stated, his outside life should have no impact on his in ring role and position in the company, but to be that high up, he must 1st have the talent and attitude to fill the role. Is that man going to be Darren Young? Personally, I don't think so because I doubt he has the talent to be successful in that position. That doesn't mean he might not go far in the business, but I don't think he's really the 'top' guy material. But then again I could be wrong, after all I didn't think Cena would be anything when he had his debut.
Well I think there is really two questions being asked here.

1.) Could an openly gay WWE Superstar be the face of the company? Ofcourse. I think this covers it best...
Sure a gay guy can become the face of the company, just the same as if a white guy could, or a black guy, or a guy with green eyes, or a guy with ginger hair, or a guy with dog tags, or a guy with sleeve tattoos, or a guy with a Pepsi tattoo.

The thing is, a person's characteristic that doesn't effect performance or ability has NO effect of the person's capabilities in the slightest. So the point I'm making is, the only thing that SHOULD factor in, is the person's hard work, wrestling ability and most of all, likeness with the crowd. That is it in the basics of it.
WWE is a business. While PR is a huge factor for them, factor #1 is if you can make them money. If you are valuable enough to them, it doesn't what or who you are.

I really like the theory of if John Cena came out openly as being gay. Would WWE erase him like they did Benoit? Ofcourse not, they would embrace it. Cena makes WWE money & they like having him around for several reason like Make-A-Wish, talk shows, etc. If anything he would probably become a symbol to the gay/lesbian/bi-sexual/transgender communities.

But the other question that came to mind was...

2.) Could a WWE Superstar ever be the face of the company while portraying a character that is openly gay? or Could a WWE Superstar that is openly gay get over as the face of the company by portraying them being gay as their gimmick/character? & I think the answer to that question is a resounding no! I think this has been the fear with WWE giving Darren Young an immediate push. It's not a bad thing necessarily if they play off of his recent boost in popularity but if they are going to make it all about his sexual preferences or make being gay his whole gimmick, it wouldn't work, especially as the face of the company. Even if the performer isn't gay but the character is centered around the idea of him or her being gay, I don't think it could ever get over as being the face of the company. Just look at Goldust & Rico. Whether it was in a good or bad way, the character just became more or less a joke. Or in the case of Goldust, basically dropped the fact that sexuality or sexual orientation had anything to do with the character all together.

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