Could a Union Angle Work Today?


King Of The Ring
A few years back (16 to be exact) we saw the creation of a stable dubbed "The Union." It consisted of Ken Shamrock, Test, The Big Show, and Mankind and it's basis was fighting the corruption of The Corporate Ministry. I thought this was a great idea at the time, but was pretty disappointed at the execution. For one, they really didn't distinguish themselves from any other stable in the WWE, and they didn't feel like a legitimate union in the slightest. There greatest show of unity was carrying 2x4's to the ring. I would have liked to see a more.... union aspect to it, I guess you could say. Eventually it was scrapped pretty early after they lost Mankind and Shamrock.

Fast forward to today. I think this could be a perfect time to introduce a new "unionized" stable to the WWE to take on The Authority, especially considering the society we currently live in. Also, considering WWE is one of the few major corporations that doesn't actually have a workers union, it could add some realism and legitimacy to the angle. For it to work, it would of course have to be composed of pretty well known names. Cena, Orton, Reigns, and Ambrose jump to mind but others could easily work just as well. I think Otunga could be utilized as well as the "law" aspect of the group.

This is a very rough sketch of an idea, but if thought out I believe it could work.

So is this a really shitty idea, or could you see it?
I think you have a solid idea, but I think a few things would need to happen before the stable were established.

The Authority at the moment are too small. Rollins and Big Show are their only real full time performers. Yes you can throw Kane in but looking at the Corporate Ministry they had Undertaker, Accolytes, Boss man, Mideon, HHH, Chyna, as well as Vince, Shane, Briscoe, Patterson and paul Bearer as non competing roles. Add a few more to the authority (Tag Team on a regular basis, and possibly a mid card individual)

The Authority then need to screw over pretty much everyone in order to get their guys to the top of the respective fields (Main title, mid cards, tag teams etc) so there is a reason for someone to form a 'union' against them. The Authority only really deal in the main title picture at the moment.

It's a good idea that I think could work if it's set up correctly
I agree with the poster above me. Although you have HHH, Stephanie, J & J Security, Rollins, Kane and Big Show in "The Authority", only Rollins, Big Show and Kane wrestle on a regular basis. Obviously Triple H would get into the ring again during this angle and J&J perform on occasion but I think the Authority roster would have to be strengthened to really make this feud work. Perhaps Rusev, Sheamus or King Barrett would be worthwhile additions?

As for The Union- I'd be looking at the likes of Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and John Cena with maybe a left-field addition of Neville or a debuting NXT talent claiming The Authority has been holding them back in developmental.

I think Daniel Bryan would be perfect in a non-wrestling role for The Union due to all the history he has with HHH. Also, Kane would desert the Authority, perhaps he could lead the "Union" style faction as he original Kane, masked and in the full bodysuit. I'd like to see that, as ridiculous as it sounds.

Finally, I think Chris Jericho would be a great addition to either side. His next WWE run could co-incide with this angle. If he joined the Authority, he could reform the JeriShow tag team for the duration of the angle, or in The Union he'd be just as valuable and could feud with any Authority member (e.g Sheamus or Barrett).

I do often like faction wars and we haven't seen one on a big scale in WWE for a while so I'd like to see this. I'd have it run over the summer and culminate at The Survivor Series in a War Games match.
It consisted of Ken Shamrock, Test, The Big Show, and Mankind and it's basis was fighting the corruption of The Corporate Ministry.

The climate of pro wrestling has changed since those days, as evidenced by the notion that there were apparently a lot more performers at main event level back then if the company was able to swing these four guys loose to operate as The Union. Yes, I'm sure those four also fulfilled their own aspirations as singles wrestlers, but today, it would be hard to take Orton, Reigns, Cena and Ambrose from what they've been doing and pit them directly against the Authority without cleaning out the ranks of the main event-level guys.

Maybe WWE could shake loose a couple of today's top people and mix them with some upper-midcarders like Dolph Ziggler to establish an anti-Authority faction......and I can think of no one better than Kane to lead it. He's got the stature and, they're already aiming at him breaking loose from the Authority, anyway.
It's an interesting idea, though it sounds like one that'd require a lot of effort, focus and commitment to pull off and I don't believe that Vince has the attention span to pull it off; with Triple H, going by his style in NXT, I could see it because he has a consistency, a focus and a willingness to give something time before he changes it or gives up on it whereas Vince sometimes pulls the plug or loses interest at the slightest little hiccup.

The WWE doesn't do the big power struggle/faction wars type of storylines, which can be good or bad depending on the circumstances. For instance, if you're someone that's watched TNA then, up until the last year or so, it seemed like they'd rehash this sort of angle every 12-18 months. They'd build up a heel faction, or at least a few members of said faction while using the others as mostly fodder, have it somehow gain a ton of control within the company, a ragtag group of babyfaces would ally with each other to challenge them, one side would get the advantage before the other would get it, it'd drag on month after month after month until the heels were ultimately somehow vanquished and then they'd set things in motion to start all over again. Another potential problem is that so much time, effort and energy is devoted into this angle that just about nothing else going on matters in the slightest unless it's somehow connected to the main storyline via an umbrella type of effect.

Also, when I hear the term "union" when applied to a wrestling faction, it conjures images of seemingly endless 20+ minute promo segments from both sides. WWE has cut back on those quite a bit since WrestleMania, there are still some every so often, but we don't have them every single show and I'm in no hurry to see them revert back to that format anytime soon. I just envision a lot of "We're The Authority, we do what's best for business and our business is to make this place better while this so called Union is nothing more than a bunch of selfish punks who just wanna be on top" and a lot of "We're The Union and we're here to end the corrupt tyranny of The Authority. They have the entire WWE locker room held hostage, they've got the entire WWE Universe frustrated and it's time for a change" promos that sound more and more repetitive as each week goes by.
Considering Vince has put a lot of effort over the years into squashing actual union movements in wrestling, it's hard to imagine him ever giving a real union angle the go ahead. The Attitude Era "union" as you mentioned, wasn't even a union. It was just a group of guys that carried 2x4s and were supposed to watch out for each other.
Seems like something that WWE would be and should be scared of. OP mentioned 'the society we live in today,' that society is deeply divided on political issues and unions is one of them. It seems they try hard to avoid getting into political and public relations issues whenever they can, and something like this might throw them into that arena unwillingy.

As with almost anything, if they did it and played the angle right it might be a successful program, but again, as mentioned, it quickly fizzled out last time and probably would again.

But there is a gaping hole in the midcard, and fans are hungry for outlaw type personas. A well done, NWO style takeover faction might be something that could succeed now.
The Authority at the moment are too small. Rollins and Big Show are their only real full time performers. Yes you can throw Kane in but looking at the Corporate Ministry they had Undertaker, Accolytes, Boss man, Mideon, HHH, Chyna, as well as Vince, Shane, Briscoe, Patterson and paul Bearer as non competing roles. Add a few more to the authority (Tag Team on a regular basis, and possibly a mid card individual)

Yeah, this was going to be another part of my post but I got lazy... It would be cool to see WWE go really big with something. Adding Sheamus, Barrett, Rusev, and say The Ascension to The Authority would be ideal. I understand that strips a good portion of big name talent from the roster, but I don't see why each side can't just pair off. Ziggler/Sheamus, Cena/Rusev, etc. it's happening right now anyway, right?

I do often like faction wars and we haven't seen one on a big scale in WWE for a while so I'd like to see this.

My thoughts as well. WWE hasn't really gone over the top in a long time. Although TNA overdoes the "faction war" aspect of wrestling, I would argue WWE doesn't do it enough., it would be hard to take Orton, Reigns, Cena and Ambrose from what they've been doing and pit them directly against the Authority without cleaning out the ranks of the main event-level guys.

I don't necessarily agree here Sally. For example, Cena could still defend the US title every week, just with The Authority now choosing his opponents. Reigns/Ambrose could continue their feud with Rollins through the Authority and Orton could be paired up with a new addition, say, Rusev? They don't have to be completely lifted from their current stories, just tweaked a bit. I think a bunch of branching programs could come out of this one massive angle.

Considering Vince has put a lot of effort over the years into squashing actual union movements in wrestling, it's hard to imagine him ever giving a real union angle the go ahead.

Really? I haven't heard much on the wrestlers union front. Just small rumors here and there but nothing to suggest that Vince is exerting that much time and effort into squashing them. That being said, an angle is always the best when laced with realism which is why I believe this could be a great program.

Jeez, I'm sick of political correctness... seems to hinder absolutely everything nowadays.
Jeez, it's been 16 years? I remember that angle, making me sooo old at the ripe age of....29....

I thought that's what they were doing with Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan, especially during their filler PPV match against Rollins, Kane, was it Big Show? I think it was Big Show. I believe that was "Fast Lane". Granted, the Union was never named and I don't see the point of giving them the same name.

I don't see the point of it right now though, as the Authority hasn't been playing a major role. Rollins is the top heel, but he's not really utilizing the Authorities resources and Kane is actually kind of working against him right now. There was a time when a Union Angle could've been a big deal, but would seem superfluous at this moment.
I thought that's what they were doing with Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan, especially during their filler PPV match against Rollins, Kane, was it Big Show? I think it was Big Show. I believe that was "Fast Lane". Granted, the Union was never named and I don't see the point of giving them the same name.

I don't see the point of it right now though, as the Authority hasn't been playing a major role. Rollins is the top heel, but he's not really utilizing the Authorities resources and Kane is actually kind of working against him right now. There was a time when a Union Angle could've been a big deal, but would seem superfluous at this moment.

I have to agree with this. If they were to put a faction together to take care of the Authority, then it should have happened before Mania. Well before Mania. Then you could have had Sting involved as well. As a matter of fact, that's where I thought they were heading when he was doing those promo's about HHH being too big for his boots. When he helped Cena's team at SS and Orton in a match on another show, I thought oh here we go, the faces have a leader. Never happened.

It would have given them a valid reason to have Sting finally come into the WWE, not the crap excuse that they used.

Now the ship has sailed. The Authority doesn't take up as much time as they used too. While they're still around, it would appear that they will implode rather than being taken down from the outside. Which makes much more sense as that was the running theme with Evolution. They always turned on each other when times got tough.

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