Corporate Finishers

George Steele's Barber

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After watching Raw last week I had a thought. Tensai spit the green mist or what I like to call Scope. What if as part of his role as GM, Lauranitis orders the wrestlers to start giving their finishing moves product names in order to increase ad revenue? Would this help further Ace as a heel? Would companies pay for this type of product placement? Is this an effective way to beat the DVR fans? Would this alienate the fans too much? Could we build a story with Punk being defiant by him choosing to refer to the Pepsi Plunge even though storyline wise Pepsi is not a sponsor of the show? What names would you give some finishers? Could they incorporate the heels thanking their sponsors in their promos?

You may now commence shitting on the idea IWC.
You're feeding stereotypes, Samuel.

It's a slippery slope, the second you start giving corporate names to moves. Pretty soon instead of just finishers, you'll have this:

-John Cena hits a Subway BLT Shoulder tackle
-And another Subway BLT Shoulder tackle
-Cena ducks a McRib punch, and hits the Meatball Marinara spinning back suplex!
-Cena hits the Subway Club 5 Knuckle Shuffle
-And he hits the Bacon Egg and Cheese Attitude Adjustment!

It's the 5 Dollar Footlong Moves of Doom!

It's a good idea, but if they really wanted to sneak sponsors onto the programming, the best way to do it is to put advertising on the ring itself. put logos on the canvas, logos on the ring apron, on the ramp to the ring, etc.
I like this idea, I think it could get Ace some real insane heat, and this could be especially helpful for getting the crowds to turn on Lesnar. Everybody loves the F-5, but what if Lesnar comes out and says, "It's not the F-5 anymore! Now it's the F-5 Dollar Footlong!"(sorry Stormy, it's just better than 5DFLMOD). Or maybe the Southwestern Bags Fly Free Finisher.

Only the cheesiest Laurinitis sympathizers should be given this special treatment, and maybe they get an extra cut of the bonuses Ace is reeling in. Dolph Ziggler can rename the Zig Zag "The Gillette Razor's Patented Sharp Edge", Swagger's Ankle Lock could be, "Gold Bond Foot Powder Rub," and Ortunga's move could be called, "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup." It would also be great if Vickie started wearing t-shirts with brand names on them. That's just begging for Lawler to make a billboard joke about her.
I like this idea, I think it could get Ace some real insane heat, and this could be especially helpful for getting the crowds to turn on Lesnar. Everybody loves the F-5, but what if Lesnar comes out and says, "It's not the F-5 anymore! Now it's the F-5 Dollar Footlong!"(sorry Stormy, it's just better than 5DFLMOD). Or maybe the Southwestern Bags Fly Free Finisher.
Yes, F-5 Dollar Footlong is awesome, and better then 5-Dollar Footlong Moves of doom. I was just using that because I had each of the 5 moves named after Subway too.

Only the cheesiest Laurinitis sympathizers should be given this special treatment, and maybe they get an extra cut of the bonuses Ace is reeling in. Dolph Ziggler can rename the Zig Zag "The Gillette Razor's Patented Sharp Edge", Swagger's Ankle Lock could be, "Gold Bond Foot Powder Rub," and Ortunga's move could be called, "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup." It would also be great if Vickie started wearing t-shirts with brand names on them. That's just begging for Lawler to make a billboard joke about her.

These are hysterical. The one problem is that WWE would either have to censor their commentators on the PPV DVDs or pay advertisers DVD royalties. That, and advertisers come and go, so moves would be renamed too often (and old names will be on DVDs and stuff).
It's a good idea, but if they really wanted to sneak sponsors onto the programming, the best way to do it is to put advertising on the ring itself. put logos on the canvas, logos on the ring apron, on the ramp to the ring, etc.

Indeed, that's a whole lotta prime advertisin' space goin' to waste there. And them barricades around the ring could get virtual ads like they do on the walls at baseball games. You can change them with every match to get maximum ad revenue.
Indeed, that's a whole lotta prime advertisin' space goin' to waste there. And them barricades around the ring could get virtual ads like they do on the walls at baseball games. You can change them with every match to get maximum ad revenue.

I'm actually surprised they haven't thought of that to be honest. It makes business sense although I wouldn't like to see it.

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