Contraception, for underage girls.


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Master of the Aussie kiss
Should it be illegal to place an under age girl on the pill or any other form of contraception?

Personally I think yes. Allowing your 14 year old daughter, to go on the pill is basically saying, Here go have sex with the next guy you see. It is encouraging them to have sex, and makes them think that it is a great thing to do. Its like putting a Smoke and Lighter into a kids hand, and walking away. Girls that age should not be encouraged into having sex. they don't need it. What is your opinion on this? make it Illegal, or not?
Firstly, people don't go on the pill simply for contraceptive reasons, and I won't freak out your guy ears by explaining it more, but there are other reasons it's used, and that's why most teenage girls are on it, compared to any contraceptive reasons.

That being said, England has the highest Teen Pregnany rating in Europe. The pill stops teenage pregnancy, it's the same as schools handing out condoms. Kids aren't going to not have sex, and what we need to do is make sure they can have sex safely. Yes, I'd rather people didn't rush into it at 14, but what people fail to understand is that they're going to do it anyway. This is the same argument as the one I have against abstinance only sex education. We need to make sure people are educated and have the means to go through with that. There's no point teaching 11-15 year olds that condoms and the pill are the way to stop being pregnant, yet not allowing them access to those things.

Furthermore, I don't know where the idea comes from that if you're on the pill you'll automatically jump into bed with anyone. I'm on the pill, and most of my friends are, but I don't ever stop and think "I can have sex with this guy because I won't get pregnant". I have some condoms in my room from when I was with my ex, that doesn't mean I'll jump into bed with the first guy I see. It's immature to think this is the case.
Not all girls have to take the pill for contraceptive reasons though. My best friend is female and she has to go on the pill because she has a condition with her ovaries and they are putting her on the pill to regulate her cycle. So saying it's just for contraceptive reasons is a bit silly.

Also I woudn't think that girls who are on the pill would just assume that since they can't get pregnant, it's an excuse to go out and fuck guys but there are some young, naive females who will do it to make their boyfriends happy even if they dont want to or are not ready to have sex themselves, unfortunately.

I think it's a bad idea to illegalise the pill for underage females. Not a good idea at all because as I said before, what happens if the female has a problem and medically, has to take the pill to regulate her cycle? Sorry, you can't have it, it's illegal, they'd be denied something to help them. In the case if the female does not medically need them then I think it is still a good idea for young females to have access to it incase they get pressured into anything. Illegalising it isn't the way to go about it. Education is the right way and let people make their own decisions.
Firstly, people don't go on the pill simply for contraceptive reasons, and I won't freak out your guy ears by explaining it more, but there are other reasons it's used, and that's why most teenage girls are on it,
But, most Girls i knew when i was that age, was on to stop them from getting pregnate.
compared to any contraceptive reasons.
I did mean these as well.

That being said, England has the highest Teen Pregnany rating in Europe. The pill stops teenage pregnancy, it's the same as schools handing out condoms.
whoow, they hand out Condoms over there? over here we have to pay for them.
Kids aren't going to not have sex,
I know that. but putting them onto contreception is encouraging it.
and what we need to do is make sure they can have sex safely.
again, Safely is "accidently" leaving a condom or two around the room. not giving them a reason. "its ok, I'm on the pill we can have sex and won't need a condom".
Yes, I'd rather people didn't rush into it at 14, but what people fail to understand is that they're going to do it anyway. This is the same argument as the one I have against abstinance only sex education. We need to make sure people are educated and have the means to go through with that. There's no point teaching 11-15 year olds that condoms and the pill are the way to stop being pregnant, yet not allowing them access to those things.
teach them yes, But again, it is encouraging them. I once went out with a girl that was younger then me (by a year) and we went out for three months until she had the needle. I had no plans on having sex with her and she knew it, so what was she thinking?
Furthermore, I don't know where the idea comes from that if you're on the pill you'll automatically jump into bed with anyone. I'm on the pill, and most of my friends are, but I don't ever stop and think "I can have sex with this guy because I won't get pregnant". I have some condoms in my room from when I was with my ex, that doesn't mean I'll jump into bed with the first guy I see. It's immature to think this is the case.
Because, Most girls are like this. you might not be, your friends might not be. but I reckon, a lot more then half of the girls on the Pill would be. in my highschool alone, every girl that was on the pill in my grade, ended up pregnate, Either that year or the year after. so it didn't really work now did it.
Ŧяĩpļē Ŕ;975435 said:
Not all girls have to take the pill for contraceptive reasons though. My best friend is female and she has to go on the pill because she has a condition with her ovaries and they are putting her on the pill to regulate her cycle. So saying it's just for contraceptive reasons is a bit silly.
I agree that in those cases its different. I am only using the Pill as my example, because I couldn't care less of what the other ones are called.
Also I woudn't think that girls who are on the pill would just assume that since they can't get pregnant, it's an excuse to go out and fuck guys but there are some young, naive females who will do it to make their boyfriends happy even if they dont want to or are not ready to have sex themselves, unfortunately.
some? There is alot more then Some, Richard. Girls, who are virgins get put on the Pill, from a young age. not really because they want to, but because the parents want her too. they don't remain Virgins for long. how many virgins do you know who are on the pill?
I think it's a bad idea to illegalise the pill for underage females. Not a good idea at all because as I said before, what happens if the female has a problem and medically, has to take the pill to regulate her cycle? Sorry, you can't have it, it's illegal, they'd be denied something to help them.
I was only using the Pill as an example. in the case above yes, it would be acceptable. But not for the simple reason that your parents don't want you pregnate.
In the case if the female does not medically need them then I think it is still a good idea for young females to have access to it incase they get pressured into anything. Illegalising it isn't the way to go about it. Education is the right way and let people make their own decisions.
Yeah, cos Education really works.
some? There is alot more then Some, Richard. Girls, who are virgins get put on the Pill, from a young age. not really because they want to, but because the parents want her too. they don't remain Virgins for long. how many virgins do you know who are on the pill?

I only know two females who are on the pill for sure. Neither of them are virgins. One of them waited 6 months before she fucked her bf to 'lose it' because she told me she wanted to wait, the other one was raped. So saying that females who are on the pill just go out and fuck for fun is silly. So none, but still, they aren't virgins because they didn't fuck because they knew they wouldn't get pregnant.

Yeah, cos Education really works.
It's better than flat out banning something. It is better to provide contraception to females and have them fuck guys and not get pregnant than it is to just say no you can't have any protection because I garantee, protection or not, they are still going to fuck their boyfriends if they are pressured into it either by force or a guilt trip about them supposedly not loving them if they don't fuck them.
Ŧяĩpļē Ŕ;975462 said:
I only know two females who are on the pill for sure. Neither of them are virgins. One of them waited 6 months before she fucked her bf to 'lose it' because she told me she wanted to wait,
how long was she on the pill for before she lost it?
the other one was raped.
Well thats a different story.
So saying that females who are on the pill just go out and fuck for fun is silly.
Not all of them doo, but it is encouraging them too IMO.
So none, but still, they aren't virgins because they didn't fuck because they knew they wouldn't get pregnant.
So your telling me that the first chick, (not the one that was raped, Would of had sex anyway if the risk was there that she would fall pregnate?. Remember, your 17, I'm talking about younger girls, 14 and such.

It's better than flat out banning something.
Is it though? If your constantly breaking your curfew, is it better to be "warned" about the dangers then banning them going out for a month or so?

It is better to provide contraception to females and have them fuck guys and not get pregnant than it is to just say no you can't have any protection because I garantee, protection or not, they are still going to fuck their boyfriends if they are pressured into it either by force or a guilt trip about them supposedly not loving them if they don't fuck them.
but, they are more likely to be pressured into it, if they are using contreception other then condoms, because the risk of getting pregnate is smaller.
Should it be illegal to place an under age girl on the pill or any other form of contraception?

Personally I think yes. Allowing your 14 year old daughter, to go on the pill is basically saying, Here go have sex with the next guy you see.

No, it shouldn't be made illegal. Why? Because you can't be every single place your 14 year old Daughter is going to be. (Well, I suppose you could be, but you'd then ruin your relationship with her entirely by not trusting her in the slightest.)

The point I'm trying to make is, if you make it illegal, that is NOT going to stop the underage teenager to still consider sex as something to do, or try.

It is encouraging them to have sex, and makes them think that it is a great thing to do.

Under this theory, you could also say Chemo is an encouraging way to tell Cancer patients that radiation is their friend and they should go get in/or around as much as possible.

Putting your child on birth control (ie. The Pill) is NOT encouraging them. It's taking proper steps and measures in knowing you can not stop the event (ie. sex) from happening, short of once again being every single place your Daughter is.

Putting your child on the Pill, regardless what age, is if anything explaining to them about how much more responsible you need to be, before thinking about sex. Because of all the consequences that could come of it. STDs, HIV, Children.

You want to think simply put.. The Pill means I can have as much carefree sex as I want. But that isn't the case, and you're selfishly and foolishly ignoring that fact. All because you want to believe putting a 14 yr. old on the pill is only good, or rather bad, for trying to encourage them to go have sex. It's not. It's merely protecting them for the inevitable.

Its like putting a Smoke and Lighter into a kids hand, and walking away.

I did not know second-hand sex could give me a form of cancer. :headscratch: Fuck.. when I was always told I'd go blind from *********ing, I didn't think they meant it'd be due to cancer.

(no offense meant to cancer patients - if any was taken, I do apologize.)

But, most Girls i knew when i was that age, was on to stop them from getting pregnate.

Sounds like you knew a lot of ****es. :p

As it's been mentioned, birth control and "The Pill" aren't always used to cover a girl from getting pregnant.

whoow, they hand out Condoms over there? over here we have to pay for them. I know that. but putting them onto contreception is encouraging it.again, Safely is "accidently" leaving a condom or two around the room. not giving them a reason. "its ok, I'm on the pill we can have sex and won't need a condom".teach them yes, But again, it is encouraging them.

Putting a 14 yr. old on birth control is not telling them it's okay to go out and fuck. Only a moron would think like that. :glare: It's merely taking precautions for a stage in life, that is inevitable. As I've said.

And condoms should always be used with new partners, unless you're 99.9% sure your partner is safe and clean. But once again, giving out free condoms aren't openly inviting your children to go have tons of sex. It's merely teaching them what they'll learn about one way or another before they're "of proper age" to have sex, anyways.

I once went out with a girl that was younger then me (by a year) and we went out for three months until she had the needle. I had no plans on having sex with her and she knew it, so what was she thinking?

My guess is about the guy she was cheating on you with. :lmao:

Because, Most girls are like this. you might not be, your friends might not be.

If you just said "most", then categorized a group in saying "but you and your friends might not be" wouldn't that be an oxymoron?

in my highschool alone, every girl that was on the pill in my grade, ended up pregnate, Either that year or the year after. so it didn't really work now did it.

Sounds to me like they weren't properly on the pill then.

Sparky, birth control protects against unwanted pregnancies, but it doesn't make morons smarter. It's not a "smart pill". And there is a good chance, most of those girls were likely ****e-ish to begin with. There are several out there, ya know.
But, most Girls i knew when i was that age, was on to stop them from getting pregnate. I did mean these as well.

But you making it illegal would mean those girls who are on the pill for other reasons wouldn't be allowed to, thus causing them other problems.

whoow, they hand out Condoms over there? over here we have to pay for them.

Indeed, pretty easy to get them free, my High School handed them out if you got a 'C-card' and there are plenty of places int he city to get them free, from the age of 13 I think.

I know that. but putting them onto contreception is encouraging it.

No, it's not. It's accepting that some teenagers will have sex, for the right or wrong reasons isn't for me to judge, but what we should do is attemot making it as safe as possible.

again, Safely is "accidently" leaving a condom or two around the room. not giving them a reason. "its ok, I'm on the pill we can have sex and won't need a condom".

If they're going to be having underage sex I don't really think contraception will be a huge turn-off to them. If two horny 14 year olds are without a condom I don't think it'd stop many of them from having sex. Giving them contraception allows them to have sex safely if they're going to do it.

teach them yes, But again, it is encouraging them. I once went out with a girl that was younger then me (by a year) and we went out for three months until she had the needle. I had no plans on having sex with her and she knew it, so what was she thinking?

I'm not her, so no idea.

Because, Most girls are like this. you might not be, your friends might not be. but I reckon, a lot more then half of the girls on the Pill would be. in my highschool alone, every girl that was on the pill in my grade, ended up pregnate, Either that year or the year after. so it didn't really work now did it.

I very much disagree with your statement that all girls are like this - just because you know a few girls who were, doesn't mean all of us are. And My God how many stupid girls did you know?
The pill doesn't entirely prevent you from getting pregnant(I know that one cause I was a result of it). The point is is that no it should not be illegal to give a 14 year old girl the pill. Not all girls use it to prevent them from getting pregnant(again it's still possible to get pregnant while your on the pill). Like what Triple R saisd, some girls use it cause they have a problem with their ovaries & the pill helps regulate their cycle. Basically i'm saying that if the 14 year old understands what the pill is for & what it actually does then it's all good from there.
I might sound a little conservative here, but it is not the role of the Government to tell us what to do with our bodies. The Government can't even regulate its budget. The hell I am going to trust it to regulate my or my [future] daughter's sex life.

It appears to be a 'fact of life' that teenagers will have sex, and the possibility of them trying it at a younger age is growing. By those 'facts of life,' I think it would be reprehensible to make contraception illegal because that would add to the problem of teenage and underage pregnancy. I would much rather have have a fourteen year old on birth control than have a pregnant fourteen year old.I think many parents and potential parents would agree.

I think that educating the youth about making right choices and not being ashamed of talking about these "taboo" subjects with children is the 'correct' way to go about things. If kids are of the risks, benefits, side effects... and really, while the girl is fourteen the parents are making decisions for her since she is a minor. So I guess it all depends on the type of parent one is: "liberal," or "conservative," and how one sees the world and responds to the possibility of the daughter having responsibility and trust.

It's silly to say that the only reason fourteen year olds go on "The Pill" is so that they can fuck anything in pants. Other factors come into play that influence the decision to go on birth control, and while sex is among them, I do not think it is the reason. It might be for some, but not for all. And again, what's worse: a fourteen year old taking preemptive measures or a fourteen year old telling her parents "I'm pregnant"?
I have a friend who thinks that girls who get pregnant before they are 16 should be forced to have an abortion as they have broken the law. That is an extreme viewpoint, and not one I share, but the fact of the matter is this: almost all kids under 16 would have sex in some situation. Whether it be in a long rterm relationship or a quicky behind a skip, everyone has a moral standard, and for most people that standard could be reached aged 14.

Ignoring the medical reasons for prescribing the pill, there is still a huge case for using it. In an ideal world, everyone would use a condom unless they didn't want to have a child, that way we would have a shite sight fewer diseases in the world. However, unfortunately people don't use them or don't use them properly, and we have teenage pregnancies all of the time.

If a 14 year old girl wants to have sex, she will. If the boy in question refuses to wear a condom, then she is quite likely to get pregnant. Remember, from an evolutionary point of view, the human body is designed to have babies before the age of 20, so young girls are especially fertile. Now presented with this situation, we have two choices. We can either not let these girls have the pill and have an endemic of teenage pregnancies, which are often unwanted leading to all kinds of social problems in the future, or we can let them use the pill and try and avert the problem.

Teaching abstinence doesn't work. And standard sex education doesn't work either, because it is so detatched from actual human interaction. I was taught sex education by the chaplain at my school, and I paid no attention whatsoever because there is nothing a man who grew up in the 1950s and 60s has in common with the youth of today. Sex education should be taught by medical students in their early 20s, who are young enough for the kids to relate to and wise enough to be trusted.

As it stands, that isn't the case. Sex education doesn't work. Abstinence doesn't work, and 14 year old boys think they're hardmen if they say no to condoms, so you can choose to let girls have the contraceptive pill, or you can have a generation of unwanted, and often uncared for babies.

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