Contenders for Champions


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The best thing they can do is Randy Orton-Seth Rollins for like 3-4 PPVs similar to Randy Orton-Christian (2011). Roman Reigns-Seth Rollins for a PPV or two would be fine as long as Rollins wins those matches. Who else is there to face Rollins tho? By the time he's done with these two it'll be Summerslam and Brock Lesnar will be back, but still... WWE hasn't bothered about other superstars which is kinda the reason Rollins will have a problem having contenders. As a matter of fact, every champion has the same problem...

Is there a legit team Cesaro and Kidd can feud with? No.

Bryan and Cena can just have random superstars but we all know they won't simply lose to these random contenders. If WWE had build up other superstars, this problem would not have been there.

Barrett, Ambrose, Ziggler, Luke Harper and Erik Rowan, Stardust, Damien Mizdow, The Miz, Jack Swagger w/m Zeb Colter and Ryback were all entertaining superstars... and if booked properly over the years they all could have been legit contenders.

They killed Ambrose having him lose all the matches against Rollins and Wyatt and then just having him fuck around through Wrestlemania season.

They should have capitalized on Ziggler's Survivor Series and TLC win but they didn't.

Barrett should have returned and won the championship from Ziggler after a few weeks of solid promos and stuff at the Royal Rumble, not in a meaningless match on Raw.

Harper and Rowan... ah fuck it.

Stardust should have had that big match with Goldust at Wrestlemania instead of Fastlane and he should have won it as Cody Rhodes, followed by that he could have gone after the mid-card championship.

Right now, I wanna see Sandow beat Cena for the championship. Ambrose should be build up again and with an MITB win followed by some major feuds with guys like Sheamus, Barrett and maybe even Bryan or Cena. Bryan, maybe a feud with Rhodes would be good, even Rhodes-Rollins could be great but Rhodes should be build up again.

As for the tag team division, they should bring some new legit tag teams... like Goldust and Kane maybe? Barrett and Sheamus? Swagger and Ryback?
They can even reform the Wyatt Family and have Harper and Rowan again?
The best thing they can do is Randy Orton-Seth Rollins for like 3-4 PPVs similar to Randy Orton-Christian (2011). Roman Reigns-Seth Rollins for a PPV or two would be fine as long as Rollins wins those matches. Who else is there to face Rollins tho? By the time he's done with these two it'll be Summerslam and Brock Lesnar will be back, but still... WWE hasn't bothered about other superstars which is kinda the reason Rollins will have a problem having contenders. As a matter of fact, every champion has the same problem...

I see Rollins vs. Orton lasting until maybe Payback or Money in the Bank at the latest. One of the problems with going a similar route to the Christian vs. Orton feud is that Rollins has far more momentum going for him and Christian & Orton essentially played hot potato with the World Heavyweight Championship, which is something that most definitely does not need to happen. As far as Rollins vs. Reigns, I think they should hold out for a while there IF Roman Reigns wins MITB, which is a strong possibility, as it gives them a lot of time to build Roman Reigns' credibility and keeping him as a relevant, potential challenger without him even being in the title picture.

Is there a legit team Cesaro and Kidd can feud with? No.

The Usos are a legit team, though they're sidelined right now due to one of them sustaining a shoulder injury. With a little repackaging, New Day could easily become viable contenders. Even though they've only just arrived, The Lucha Dragons are getting a strong response, so it's probably just a matter of time before they find themselves in the title scene.

Bryan and Cena can just have random superstars but we all know they won't simply lose to these random contenders. If WWE had build up other superstars, this problem would not have been there.

Barrett, Ambrose, Ziggler, Luke Harper and Erik Rowan, Stardust, Damien Mizdow, The Miz, Jack Swagger w/m Zeb Colter and Ryback were all entertaining superstars... and if booked properly over the years they all could have been legit contenders.

They killed Ambrose having him lose all the matches against Rollins and Wyatt and then just having him fuck around through Wrestlemania season.

They should have capitalized on Ziggler's Survivor Series and TLC win but they didn't.

Barrett should have returned and won the championship from Ziggler after a few weeks of solid promos and stuff at the Royal Rumble, not in a meaningless match on Raw.

Harper and Rowan... ah fuck it.

Stardust should have had that big match with Goldust at Wrestlemania instead of Fastlane and he should have won it as Cody Rhodes, followed by that he could have gone after the mid-card championship.

Right now, I wanna see Sandow beat Cena for the championship. Ambrose should be build up again and with an MITB win followed by some major feuds with guys like Sheamus, Barrett and maybe even Bryan or Cena. Bryan, maybe a feud with Rhodes would be good, even Rhodes-Rollins could be great but Rhodes should be build up again.

The idea that they've screwed up with Ambrose is laughable. I think the real complaint most have is that he hasn't been pushed far or quickly enough in their opinion as his popularity hasn't slipped. As far as WWE's mid-card title picture goes, it's packed with potentially strong challengers. We've seen Ambrose & Stardust, Stardust especially, look like a million bucks during their matches with Cena, against whom even a losing effort can be a major career boost in a great match.

As for Ziggler, Ryback, The Miz, Swagger and Harper, nothing's happened to prohibit them from being strong contenders for either the US or IC titles. People complained that The Miz was WWE Champion and felt that he should've been in the mid-card scene, well he's there now, he's still a good heel so I don't see what the problem is. Rusev is waiting in the wings for Cena while it looks like they're headed for Bryan vs. Sheamus over the IC title.

I agree that Barrett should have been booked better than what he's gotten as IC champ. Being Intercontinental Champion has been little more than a noose around the neck of Barrett's career thanks to some of the worst booking of any champion in WWE history.

All in all, things are most definitely looking up for the mid-card titles as a whole, especially the IC title as there's not much lower it can go. I'm not really worried about who ultimately take the titles from Bryan & Cena, I think it's MUCH too soon for anyone to take it from them right now anyway, because they're the two best chances to elevate the titles in WWE right now, which means one important factor needed is the time in which to elevate them.
For the WWE World Heavyweight Title, I think you do as follows. Have Rollins hold the title for a while. Six months at LEAST, and it shouldn't be taken off him once.

Extreme Rules is already Orton, and Payback should be Orton as well I believe because these guys can have great matches.

Money in the Bank, you have Bray Wyatt win the briefcase in the ladder match. In the same PPV, you have the main event as a triple threat with Rollins defeating Orton and Roman Reigns via some dastardly way that he did at Wrestlemania.

Then Battleground, I think you make a conscious decision NOT to have the WWE Title defended at the PPV, following which it leads up to Seth vs Lesnar at Summerslam and Seth should still retain. After this, he should re-open his program with Ambrose and Reigns and do the Shield three-way build-ups we've all been waiting for.

US Title/Intercontinental Title

If Daniel Bryan's Injury is as bad as some are believing it to be this may not be particularly correct, but I think Cena and Bryan will retain until Summerslam and then unify the belt. It just seems like a good course of action to make the titles "mean" something as everyone is consistently asking for. Until that time, you have Rusev involved with Cena, as well as the guys like Stardust, or maybe even throw Luke Harper a match. And continue those US Open weekly things, I enjoy them personally.

As for Bryan, it looks pretty easy for now. Barrett and Sheamus are the next challengers, and I think at some point we'll get the fatal four-way between Barrett/sheamus/bryan/ziggler. The IC Title isn't a problem.

This I think leads up to Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania for the title next year I believe, although I still have yet to figure out how in my theory Reigns gets back on top. They've put his character in a bit of a tight spot. Maybe, he'll be the defending champ at WM next year? Still don't know, I'll have to think on it more.
Why should Orton/Rollins continue for so long? End it at Extreme Rules, the PPV that's name insinuates it should end feuds. No reason to extend it out for months longer. Give Orton an out the next night and give someone else a chance. We have quite a few guys waiting for their chance to get Rollins: Cena, Ambrose, Lesnar, Reigns and any face they want to stick him with because of his connection with the Authority.
Say they give Cena a match against Rollins for Payback
Maybe a face Kane at Money In The Bank?
Battleground he can fight Reigns who will hopefully be getting a better face pop by then.
Then SummerSlam give us Lesnar/Rollins.
Maybe set up a triple threat at Night Of Champions.
Money in the bank cash in on the way to Hell In A Cell.

Maybe it's just me but I like the idea of a new opponent every month especially for the next 6 months. Have Seth Rollins established as the next big heel, maybe even turn him face during his reign if they have a good heel to replace him
The best thing they can do is Randy Orton-Seth Rollins for like 3-4 PPVs similar to Randy Orton-Christian (2011). Roman Reigns-Seth Rollins for a PPV or two would be fine as long as Rollins wins those matches. Who else is there to face Rollins tho? By the time he's done with these two it'll be Summerslam and Brock Lesnar will be back, but still... WWE hasn't bothered about other superstars which is kinda the reason Rollins will have a problem having contenders. As a matter of fact, every champion has the same problem...

Is there a legit team Cesaro and Kidd can feud with? No.

Bryan and Cena can just have random superstars but we all know they won't simply lose to these random contenders. If WWE had build up other superstars, this problem would not have been there.

Barrett, Ambrose, Ziggler, Luke Harper and Erik Rowan, Stardust, Damien Mizdow, The Miz, Jack Swagger w/m Zeb Colter and Ryback were all entertaining superstars... and if booked properly over the years they all could have been legit contenders.

They killed Ambrose having him lose all the matches against Rollins and Wyatt and then just having him fuck around through Wrestlemania season.

They should have capitalized on Ziggler's Survivor Series and TLC win but they didn't.

Barrett should have returned and won the championship from Ziggler after a few weeks of solid promos and stuff at the Royal Rumble, not in a meaningless match on Raw.

Harper and Rowan... ah fuck it.

Stardust should have had that big match with Goldust at Wrestlemania instead of Fastlane and he should have won it as Cody Rhodes, followed by that he could have gone after the mid-card championship.

Right now, I wanna see Sandow beat Cena for the championship. Ambrose should be build up again and with an MITB win followed by some major feuds with guys like Sheamus, Barrett and maybe even Bryan or Cena. Bryan, maybe a feud with Rhodes would be good, even Rhodes-Rollins could be great but Rhodes should be build up again.

As for the tag team division, they should bring some new legit tag teams... like Goldust and Kane maybe? Barrett and Sheamus? Swagger and Ryback?
They can even reform the Wyatt Family and have Harper and Rowan again?

Good topic. It looks like they're building up contenders for the IC and WWE WHC titles.

Sheamus is feuding Ziggler, a former IC Champion who never got his rematch against Barrett.

Ambrose, the most recent #1 contender is feuding with Harper, a former IC Champion.

Reigns, the most recent #1 contender is feuding with Big Show. Long term feud. Show is also a member of The Authority. A win over Show would put Reigns back in the title hunt.

Kane - He's a wild card. He isn't on the same page as Rollins but he's also a member of The Authority. This could easily be a situation like Rollins/Orton now, where Kane turns face and feuds with Rollins over the title.

US - That's a big question mark. It's pretty much Cena and Rusev now with these random open challenge matches. I have a feeling a younger talent like Neville will upset Cena for the title, making him a bigger star though. Or if Rusev was to win the title back, somebody like Reigns could feud with him if the main event picture is full.

Tag Team - The Sin Cara tag team had potential but they won't pull the trigger on them. I wish they'd push Prime Time Players. They're entertaining!

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