Conspiracy theories


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Hello if you have ever watched king of the hill you will see a character named Dale who everything that happens he assumes is a government plot to control the world.

when i was younger i assumed he was just an exaggeration of people who believe these things. but i have actually been on websites where literally everything is just another plot. it is insane they will do literally this.

the government is sending water and supplies to a needy country obviously this is a plot to enslave the other countries with water with nanos inside them that will control them and make them do the CIAs bidding. im not joking they actually said that. now back to my point what do you think about conspiracy theory's. i think this explains it all.
The reality may be that too many of us actually prefer to believe the fantastic over the mundane. Maybe the sky is falling but isn't life also a bit more romantic with the nervous thrill that maybe the end really is at hand And even if the sky isn't falling aren't the nights more exciting with beings from other worlds buzzing around in them These are exciting times for those who believe themselves to be living in the biblical End Times shortly to be called to do Apocalyptic battle with the forces of Satan.On a whole other level a national poll reveals that some 70 percent of Americans do not believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lonegunman in the assassination of President John F.Kennedy.What the pollsters didn't ask was whether those 70 percent of Americans felt better believing that their president was killed by an elaborate conspiracy than by some isolated nut with a mail-order gun and a head filled with bad politics.The concept of conspiracy gives a chilly comfort.

So what he is trying to say is that we believe conspiracy theory's because we need them. we don't want to believe life is so random and fragile. so to end this what do you think why do we have conspiracy theory's and do you think they are dangerous or just stupid or even have a basis sometimes in fact.
In general, conspiracy theories are spread by those government hating fools who think everyone is out to get them. They annoy me in general, even moreso when it relates to a huge event, such as 9/11 or 7/7. Innocent people lost their lives on those days due to mindless terrorism. Yet people think it's okay to shit all over that by blaming the government.
Nearly all government conspiracies are fucking ridiculous in the first place, and almost all of their "information" is either completely fabricated or hastily used off incredible sources. I guess that it is a way for desperate, hateful people to try and gives themselves meaning. They want to find something that they can explain so they choose something like a government conspiracy to follow.

Some government conspiracies really don't do the government any favors, either. It's a fucked up world, and to keep things a float good people have to make really, really, tough decisions that they don't want to do. But that's life. If government figures and agents are the ones to do it, then so be it.
Personally, I love conspiracy theories. I'm not saying I believe them, I'm saying I love those mysteries in life. I'm a big fan of the stuff. The government conspiracies do get out of hand sometimes, but there are some that are just riveting. Some of my favourites are the JFK assassination, Jimmy Hoffa, DB Cooper, stuff like that.

I understand where you guys and gals come from when you say they are made by crazies and haters, but that doesn't take away the mysteriousness of it for me. Granted there are some that are just plain stupid, like the one mentioned in the first post, and those are the ones that get the negative reception from everyone.

I think the reason we have conspiracies theories is because people like a good mystery, such as myself. The unknown draws people's interests. They're also there because some people may just not like the conclusions. They have a deep hatred for something, like the government, so they spread gossip to try and discredit them. Also, I don't really think they are dangerous, just stories really. Of course, there are those people that take stuff too far, but overall I don't think they are dangerous.
In general, conspiracy theories are spread by those government hating fools who think everyone is out to get them. They annoy me in general, even moreso when it relates to a huge event, such as 9/11 or 7/7. Innocent people lost their lives on those days due to mindless terrorism. Yet people think it's okay to shit all over that by blaming the government.

Don't even get me started on 9/11 and the massive fuck-up after fuck-up after fuck-up the government committed that day Becca. The US government may not have been responsible for the attacks, but they sure as fuck didn't help things with how they handled the situation. There are far too many questions surrounding 9/11, but anytime someone dares even ask one question, they're immediately labeled as a crazy loon government hating commie. I suggest people actually use logic and reason and stop to take a look at 9/11. We are NOT being told the whole truth.

I for one am absolutely disgusted by some of what I've read in this thread, the absolute sad and pathetic conformity. "Never question the government, they're always right!" is basically what you guys are saying. If you actually believe that to be true, you're extremely naive to how the world works. Governments fuck over their citizens on a constant basis, I find it absolutely astounding that some of you are incapable of looking at a situation from a different perspective.

If any of you feel like actually using the brains that you were given and looking objectively through out history, countless "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be the truth. I could name you dozens of "conspiracy theories" that were revealed as being true, the Army using LSD to experiment with mind control in the 50s, the FBI illegally wiretapping and spying on leftist "radicals" such as Martin Luther King during the 60s, shit the Mafia was considered a "conspiracy theory" for years.

Do you people actually believe that the major governments in this world are altruistic? Jesus in the last 50 years alone the CIA has been involved in several coups, from Iran and Iraq to Guatemala and Chile and beyond, replacing democratically elected governments with brutal and militant dictatorships.

Here's a tip to everyone: don't just gladly lick up every piece of information the government spoon-feeds to your sheepish mouths, use your fucking brains and actually question things. That's what it's there for.

Howard Zinn said it best:

Howard Zinn said:
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
To expand on dissent being the highest form of Patriotism, I would like to remind you that the greatest biblical leaders in the old testament all questioned God. Moses swore at him, Abraham ran from him, etc. The message is that if there's nothing wrong with questioning God, then no man is beyond reproach.

As much as I get labeled as a right wing hardliner, I have no problem believing some conspiracy theories. I don't think Oswald shot Kennedy. I am sure that FDR allowed Pearl Harbor to happen because the New Deal was a massive failure, and sending boys off to fight would mean employing many of the poorest citizens in factories to get them off the government dole and save the country from bankruptcy.

Government corruption has been uncovered time and time again, all around the world. I can't name one country that hasn't propagandized an event or caused a distraction to hide their true motives. It is important that you listen to all the facts. Read the actual Warren Report, listen to Alex Jones. Find the leaps in logic, and if you can't, you're either a sucker or onto something, but either way, informing yourself is the best thing you can do.

One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that the government made marijuana illegal, not for public safety, but to stop interracial dating in the 20's. Too many white girls were falling in love with black jazz musicians. Harry J. Anslinger, the first drug czar, was appointed to train American parents that pot led to rape, debauchery, and illegitimate pregnancies. All it really leads to is Taco Bell.

Don't ever be afraid to tell the emperor he wears no clothes, because you could wind up to be the next one naked.
Conspiracy Theories are set in place, in my opinion, for people who're not entirely wanting to face whole facts. The short of it is a lot of people will come up with a slightly logical point of view of a situation, then spread that slightly logical point of view all over the place in making wild accusations.

Someone mentioned 9/11. I can't help but love all the conspiracy theories regarding 9/11, it's almost like prophecies. For example, I don't know if its a One dollar bill, or a Five, or what, but you can actually shape it (fold it up, curve it, turn it, bend it, etc) and it'll show you a picture of the "Twin Towers" in flames. Its actually kinda eerie.

Now, does this mean the government was behind it? Fuck no. But I'm siding with X on the fact that just because the Government may not have been behind 9/11, its not like they aren't to be blamed for a lot of major facts within it.

Anyways, spiralling off topic. As far as mass conspiracy theories go, its really too hard to tell whether any are real or just stories you're told to give you goosebumps. People invest way too much time and effort into making these stories, most fake I'm sure, when they should use that time and more importantly, that thought process, into helping make the planet actually worth something again.

You know, before that other "theory" on the earth coming to an end.. actually happens, because we were too stupid trying to make up fake stories, to not realize we were fucking ourselves in the end.
I for one am absolutely disgusted by some of what I've read in this thread, the absolute sad and pathetic conformity.

Sad and pathetic? Our decision to disbelieve government conspiracy theories is sad and pathetic? Never did I say I never considered the theories. My friend, one who is very big on government conspiracies, has pitched me many of them and directed me towards several sites. I read them through. I remained a non-believer. Just because I share a belief with the majority population makes me sad and pathetic?

It seems you hold a strong opinion on the subject, that is fine. You also seem to be well educated on the subject and naturally intelligent. The people who talk about conspiracy theories to me outside of this forum are angry teenagers who would believe any of the theories. But when I see this:

"Never question the government, they're always right!" is basically what you guys are saying.

I must say that that statement is wrong, plain and simple. I believe the government does many things that they don't announce to the public. Hell, they have to. It's very debatable but I believe that many of their operations should continue in secret. But don't think I live in blissful ignorance of the world. Granted, I am only 17, and have yet to see much of the world and have yet to experience a lot in life, but I hold every right to disbelieve conspiracy theories.
I think some of them have some fact based upon them. I still think something was fucked about 9/11. I don't get how Bush sat there in a school, for 7 minutes or something while the country was under attack. I'm NOT saying they were behind it, but I still think there are a lot of unanswered questions. Still, some do have logic behind him. Don't dismiss them. You're telling me the government wouldn't tap our phones or anything like that? Pfft. Get real. They'll do anything if they think it's going to help their work.
I still keep hearing the line "there are a lot of unanswered questions about 9/11" which will always be one of the larger conspiracy theories in American history. However, I think it's time that people who speak this line start giving us a sample of what some of those "unanswered questions" are.

What are some of the questions people have about 9/11, and let's see if we can find the answers to some of those questions.

Here's an answer to all of the science questions. Let me see f I can answer some of the other ones.


I think some of them have some fact based upon them. I still think something was fucked about 9/11. I don't get how Bush sat there in a school, for 7 minutes or something while the country was under attack.

I don't know, but he was in a room full of children and there were cameras on him. Maybe he thought about how if he reacted like the world was ending it would inspire panic. Or maybe, because he sat there after the first plane hit, he was waiting for confirmation that terrorism was involved, and it wasn't pilot error, a malfunction, or a radar problem.

I'm NOT saying they were behind it, but I still think there are a lot of unanswered questions.

Yes there are.

Still, some do have logic behind him. Don't dismiss them.

Some do. Most have goant holes in the logic, so make sure you read both sides kids. That's a Public Service Announcement from Uncle Southy.

You're telling me the government wouldn't tap our phones or anything like that? Pfft. Get real. They'll do anything if they think it's going to help their work.

What are you trying to hide? :suspic:
Conspiracy theories exist, especially with regard to the government, because the government is notorious for not telling the people the truth. Even if the subject matter that the conspiracy addresses has been disclosed 100%, there will be conspiracy talk because the government as lied so many times before.

Look no further than America's invasion of Iraq. That entire illegal war (and yes, it was technically illegal) was initiated under lie after lie. It's for reasons like this that conspiracy theories exist.

On a side note, the fact that 70% of Americans think that Oswald didn't kill Kennedy alone, means that 30% of them do. And that just seems absurd to me. At this point, with all the research done, I just don't see how anyone can believe that Oswald was the lone assassin is amazing to me.

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