Concealed Carry

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
Who wants to tell me why the fuck this could be considered a good idea? For those who don't know, concealed carry is the legal authorization for private citizens to carry a handgun or other weapons in public in a concealed manner, either on the person or in close proximity to the person. (Thanks wiki)

I live in Illinois, where it seems this issue is raised in the state legislature every year. In addition, I attend Northern Illinois University. Two years ago next week, a guy busted into a lecture hall and killed 5 people and injured many more.

I mention this because in some memorial Facebook group there was a guy preaching to anyone and everyone that if concealed carry was legal, then the tragedy would not have been as bad. I personally think he is full of shit. Even with training, in a crazy situation like that, there is no way more bullets would help solve anything. With people running and screaming, all that more guns would cause is more people getting hurt.

Even outside of these worst case scenarios, people having guns on them at anytime would do little more than cause more guns injuries. Humans are creatures or passion and emotion. If concealed carry is legal, what is to stop someone from pulling out and using a gun during a heated argument?

It is painfully obvious that something needs to be done about gun violence in this country. I just think that adding more guns to the equation is not the best way to do it.
Personally, living across the river from you in Missouri, I think it is a great idea. The point of CCW is for self protection, and over here, there is a required coarse you have to take, not to mention you have to be approved by the loca law enforcement, which do in depth backround checks. Myself being former military can understand where this gentleman was coming from. If there had been an experienced person there that was armed and knew what he was doin with his weapon then it could have stopped right there before anymore life was lost unnecessarily.

In response to your other comments about "What is to stop a gun from being drawn in a heated argument". Well I don't know about other areas but the crime rate where I am at has dropped consistantly over the last 4 to 5 years since CCW has been implemented. In all honesty the only things I have heard about anyone with a CCW being involved in a shooting was self protection and they were being robbed at gunpoint, and apparently knew how to use his gun.

Another point I would liek to make is that it is not like you can carry your weapon into any place of business. It is up to the owners, however in most cases if there is a sign posted no concealed weapons, then it is illegal to carry past the entryway into the place of business. I for 1 support the right to carry 100%. If you honestly think about it, if your a criminal and you want to rob someone, and you know there is a law saying that that areas people have the right to carry guns, unless you are severely mentally unstable or are on drugs you will think about it twice due to the possibilty of you being shot and possibly killed. I dont know about anyone else in here but I don't shoot to injure, I shoot to kill.
So, lemme get this straight. You want to tell me that in a room filled with panicking people running, diving, and screaming everywhere that more people with guns would have helped? You can have all the training in the world, but a stressful situation can send all of that out the window. Truck drivers have to get training, do they never screw up? How about doctors or pilots or police officers?

While I don't doubt that crime might have gone down since concealed carry was legalized, I cannot imagine any high-intensity situation that could be made better by introducing guns into it.
So, lemme get this straight. You want to tell me that in a room filled with panicking people running, diving, and screaming everywhere that more people with guns would have helped? You can have all the training in the world, but a stressful situation can send all of that out the window. Truck drivers have to get training, do they never screw up? How about doctors or pilots or police officers?

While I don't doubt that crime might have gone down since concealed carry was legalized, I cannot imagine any high-intensity situation that could be made better by introducing guns into it.

You asked for a good reaon for CCW, and i gave you one. As far as any type of "stressfull situation", any joe blow that has no record but has a CCW would more than likely not even have an inclination of drawing their weapon. However if there were someone who was able to do so, would more than likely have the sense to make his target and then shoot. I am not saying you are wrong by no means, I am sure there are idiots out there that would blind-fire and I would hope if something like that ever did happen they would be brought up on charges. The fact of the matter in that situation is that you will never know until you are in that situation. The only thing you can guarantee is that peoplpe will undoubtably be scared out of their mind. Another factor is what I said before, If anything like this happens in anytype of establishment, private or public, then I would highly doubt anyone would be carrying to begin with. So what that guy is stating is completely invalid as far as the CCW is concerned, if that is the case.(I dont know the details on what you are talking about)

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